Weekly Weather June 3, 2013 The eclipses are leaving! The eclipses are leaving! FINALLY!!!! What a LOOOONNNNNNGGGGG eclipse season this was! One more week and we are done! The New Moon at 18 Gemini Saturday wraps up eclipse season!! Woo-hoo! Focus, dedicate and stay connected to your inner dreams of what you
Weekly Weather May 27, 2013
Weekly Weather May 27, 2013 The eclipses are leaving! The eclipses are leaving! Leah writes: Any insight into why these recent eclipses have been so hard on kids? Or am I just reading into it? –Sandy Hook –Boston Marathon –Oklahoma tornado –Today in MN: a 4th grade field trip ended up with four
Weekly Weather May 20, 2013
Weekly Weather May 20, 2013 Life comes with many challenges. The ones that should not scare us are the ones we can take on and take control of. Angelina Jolie The eclipses are STILL HERE! The eclipses are STILL HERE! Our week ahead is full of choices, new ways of looking at
Weekly Weather May 13, 2013
Weekly Weather May 13, 2013 Eclipses are here! Eclipses are here! Photo by Jane Gill. Last week’s eclipse released us from captivity and permitted us to see things we hadn’t seen before. A chapter in our lives came to a close and
Weekly Weather May 6, 2013
Weekly Weather May 6, 2013 The eclipses are here!! The eclipses are here!! Sometimes eclipses are fun! Here’s a recent email exchange between Nancy and me based on last week’s column about choosing to be a cow chewing your cud
Weekly Weather April 29, 2013
Weekly Weather April 29, 2013 The eclipses are here!! The eclipses are here!! We are officially in eclipse season! We will be rocking and rolling until June 8 when eclipse season is officially finished. My email and voice mail has been full of messages from people having epiphanies, breakthroughs, breakdowns, breakups, transformations, making
Weekly Weather April 22, 2013
Weekly Weather April 23, 2013 The eclipses are coming! The eclipses are coming! I always feel a bit like Paul Revere when I write that phrase ~ The Eclipses are coming! The Eclipses are coming! He rode to warn the Boston citizens scattered through the countryside that the
Weekly Weather April 15, 2013
Weekly Weather April 15, 2013 True adults are those who have learned to continually develop and exercise their capacity for transformation. The more we grow, the greater becomes our capacity to empty ourselves of the old so that the new may enter and we may thereby be transformed.”—M. Scott Peck