Weekly Weather September 23, 2013 Think of the mornings when you are still half asleep. You get up and open your underpants drawer. The pants with going-bad- elastic is on the top of the pile. You grab those underpants, put them on and go out the door to your life. And all day long,
Weekly Weather September 16, 2013
Weekly Weather September16, 2013 As I sat broadcasting my radio show on a sunshine filled porch in a rocking chair overlooking Casco Bay from Peak’s Island in Maine this morning, seven, count them, SEVEN dragon flies landed on the sun warmed porch rail before me. Lined up
Weekly Weather September 9, 2013
Weekly Weather September 9, 2013 Perfecting and culminating on Monday September 9, 2013, Mars finishes his square to Saturn, releasing the blocked energy that seems to be swirling around our heads preventing us from moving. All last week, we were a bit like Wiley Coyote chasing the Road Runner
Weekly Weather September 2, 2013
Weekly Weather September 2, 2013 Keep on working that Star of David! We have until September 17, when Jupiter pulls away from it and breaks it up. The next option for these three powerful water planets creating emotionally in our lives is 132 years from now, in September of 2145. We have a VERY unique
Weekly Weather August 26, 2013
Weekly Weather August 26, 2013 Not right or wrong ~ it just IS… Last week, the Sun and Mercury went into Virgo and a stressed out Cardinal Cross formed with Venus ~ the planet of love, desire and happiness was right in the cross fire of Pluto, Jupiter and Uranus. She took quite a
Weekly Weather August 19, 2013
Weekly Weather August 19, 2013 It is a wild week ahead of us. Forming, in the heavens above our heads, is a Cardinal Cross created by Venus, Jupiter, Uranus and Pluto. It gets set off twice this week ~ on Wednesday and Saturday. The Cardinal Cross will
Weekly Weather August 12, 2013
Weekly Weather August 12, 2013 “You’ve got to just follow your heart and do your best work … There is no doubt in my mind or heart that everything I’ve done is exactly what I intended to do.” ~ Dan Fogelberg 8/15/51 to 12/16/2007 Early Perseid by Black
Weekly Weather August 5, 2013
Clearly I am in the birthing process. Transiting Saturn is sitting on my natal Saturn. My second Saturn return calls. I am going to bail on finishing this week’s column. However, I did finish parts so they are below: There seems to be a kind of order in the universe, in the movement of