Note: This post was originally sent out as a newsletter on Friday, June 5. Subscribe here for early access to my astro-updates.
Dear friends,
Today we met our very first Eclipse of the spring season, when the Moon and Sun faced off across the sky at 15 degrees of Sagittarius and Gemini respectively, at 3:12 PM Eastern US time. Full Moon Eclipses like this one are meant to bring light and emotions to the surface. They help us see familiar objects with fresh eyes. They give us a sense of urgency. They demand action. This Eclipse belongs to the same Cycles as the Spring Eclipses of 2001, 1982, and 1963, moments of exceptional social upheaval that can help us understand the present crises more clearly.
Venus passed the Sun in Gemini just two days ago, on Wednesday, June 3. Venus and the Sun are still in orb of their conjunction. They are starting a new cycle. Think back to earlier Gemini Venus Sun conjunctions in June 2016, 2012, 2008, 2004, 2000 ~ you get the idea. This conjunction is the inferior (Interior) version. We go inward to begin to articulate a new dream that we see emerge in June 2024,
Mars, meanwhile, is currently allied and approaching Neptune in Pisces, both of whom are squaring both the Gemini Sun-Venus and the lovely Moon in Sadge. This great big mutable T-square operates like an old steam engine, pushing all its might into the middle decanate of Virgo.
Take a look at your natal chart. Which house do the degrees between 10 and 20 Virgo land in there? That’s where you’re probably feeling the pinch, the inexorable pressure towards change, or the transformation in your life. For example, my beloved Aunt Kay passed away earlier this evening as my Virgo 18 degree Sun and her 4 Virgo planets felt the eclipse which caused the release of her soul from this mortal coil. Eclipses are times of enormous change.
Squares are action-oriented energies. People often think of them as harsh, but I like to reframe that imagery. When you sit on your couch, your upper and lower legs are at 90 degree angles to one another — just as the Pisces planets in the sky right now are at 90 degrees to the Gemini and Sagittarius planets. In order to get up off the couch, you must apply effort.
The sign of Virgo can be a critical and neurotic sign; in its higher form, it embodies the archetype of the helper, the solution-finder, the mender and the harvest energy. Higher-form Virgo says, “How can we make this better?” and then gets to work with their detailed to-do list. Get off the couch and take action. This eclipse invites that transformation for you.
When the Full Moon Eclipse chart is cast for Washington, DC (and this chart rules the whole of the US, since our nation’s capital is there) — we find Mercury high up in the Ninth House of Justice, and leaving a sextile to Uranus in Taurus. The cosmos is crying out for freedom and to be released from captivity as Mars approaches Neptune pushing for changes in the dream. There is a Mystic Rectangle ~ a calling out by the heavens to taking action to heal between the Ascendant, Moon, Sun Venus and Chiron in Aries. Black lives absolutely MATTER.
Will we listen? I’m feeling pretty hopeful right now. The South Node of Fate is on the Galactic Center ~ we are channeling some larger energy as it is conjunct the fixed star Acumen in the Third House of Communications. People all around the world are waking up to realities that they may not have faced or even seen before. It’s a time of rapid-fire enlightenment. An ah-ha moment. From the Feminist movement in the 60’s a “click” ~ the sudden shift where the light gets turned on! You GET IT!!
It’s a time to set to work on behalf of your dream, even if it seems impossible. As Michael Bernard Beckwith of the Agape International Spiritual Center recently pointed out “impossible” and “I’m possible” are spelled with the very same letters and in the same order. You are possible if you go for your dream.
And helpers are all around you.
You are sitting here on the edge of history, You know what to do.
Big hugs,
P.S. If you sign up for my mailing list, you’ll receive updates like this on the day that they’re written.
P.P.S. Here’s the link to my most recent AstrologyHub video chat with Amanda Pua Walsh. The Eclipses are here! xo
P.P.S. The photo above is by Drew Angerer for Getty.