Dear friends,
The season is upon us! Winter is here as of Friday evening, December 21, 2018, when the Sun entered Capricorn at 5:23 PM Eastern US Time.
Whenever the Sun changes signs, he initiates a new month-long cycle here on earth. In this case, the Capricorn Ingress also marks the beginning of the three-month winter seasonal cycle, and according to some astrologers the start of a brand new twelve-month year. The Sun was at his lowest point on Friday; from here on out, he’ll start gathering strength for the climb to high summer. (Of course, reverse these statements if you live in the Southern Hemisphere!)
When looking at the Capricorn Ingress chart cast for the Washington, DC (and this is the chart that rules the whole of the US, since our nation’s capital is there), we see a very extroverted, other-oriented energy, indicating that our focus under its influence (that is, for the upcoming one-month, three-month, and twelve-month cycles) will be our interaction with others. Saturn, the South Node, the Part of Fortune, and Pluto all fall in the Seventh House of partners and open enemies, reminding us (and warning us) that our fates are inextricably bound together. “Whatever you did for the least of these brothers and sisters,” said Jesus in the book of Matthew, “you did for me.”
Mars in Pisces is the highest planet in the chart, just past his conjunction with spiritual Neptune and conjunct Chiron, the Soul Wound. The God of Action wants us to work consciously and forcefully on recovery, despite the fact that we are feeling extra sensitive and fussy. Keep the past and present separate. Is the hurt you’re feeling a product of this situation, or is it the residue of an old trigger?
The asteroid Chiron stationed direct on December 9. He’s in the last degrees of Pisces and moving forward, full steam ahead, towards volatile Aries. It’s important that we keep asking ourselves what we’re feeling and why. Grief (Pisces) and anger (Aries) are particularly liable to mix-ups. Are you lashing out because you feel abandoned? Or conversely, are you depressed because you need to stand up for yourself? There’s very little air in the sky, so it may be harder than usual to think rationally or articulate clearly. Try anyway.
Jupiter, in his beloved sign of Sadge, is conjunct Mercury in the Sixth House in this chart, suggesting that our other major focus for these upcoming cycles (one month, three months, and/or twelve months) will be on Sixth-House matters like work and routines — reminding us that passion is no substitute for consistency, and that real success comes from taking joy in the process, rather than from any particular achievement. “If people knew how hard I worked,” as the apocryphal quote of Michelangelo goes, “they wouldn’t call me a genius.”
The Cancer Full Moon came swiftly on the heels of the Capricorn Ingress, with the Sun still on the World Axis degree of 0 Cap. The Moon in Cancer opposed him there last weekend, Saturday, December 22, at 12:48 PM Eastern US time, summoning up the story from June 23, 2017. Whatever seeds you planted then are flourishing now.
In Fixed Star terms, both charts have the Sun on The Sun is on the Acumen so you’re seeing thing clearly. Mercury and Jupiter on Antares, sharp-tongued tail of the Scorpion.
To a great degree, the chart for the Full Moon reiterates the Ingress (both charts are pictured below). In Fixed-Star terms, both charts have the Sun on Acumen, with Mercury and Jupiter on Antares. Acumen means, yes, you’re seeing the situation correctly — but the two exuberant gods on Antares, the sharp-tongued tail of the Scorpion, mean that you can get in trouble for talking about it ANYWAY.
Because Aries is the rising sign of the Full Moon chart, with its ruler Mars trapped in the Twelfth House between Neptune and Chiron, for the next few days we find that we’re tempted to undermine ourselves, to take actions not in our best interest, because we feel stuck in a predetermined script. Especially if we’re visiting family for the holidays!
The truth is that you are the captain of your ship, “the master of your fate,” an active participant in a constantly-unfolding story. Try not to worry about things that are outside your control. Stick to your course, and check in on loved ones who are struggling. Everything will start feeling better by December 31st.
I’m headed down to Florida to be with my dad and stepmom, but I’ll be back to work on December 30th, when I’m teaching a webinar on the year ahead. Registration details below! We also made the Setting Your Intentions for 2018 Webinar (recorded on January 7, 2018) available to download for free. Click here to access the MP3 audio, MP4 video, and PDF slides at no cost, and review the aspects of the past twelve months with 20/20 hindsight.
Wishing you love, strength, and a sense of adventure as you prepare to climb every mountain in 2019.
Big hugs,
P.S. Take it from The Cut at New York Magazine, an astrology reading makes a great last-minute Christmas present! Gift certificates are available for purchase through the scheduling page on my website.
The Capricorn Ingress
Friday, December 21, 2018 at 5:23 PM Eastern US Time
Chart Cast for Washington, DC
The Full Moon in Cancer
Saturday, December 22, 2018 at 12:48 PM Eastern US Time
Chart Cast for Washington, DC