Weekly Weather April 8, 2013

Weekly Weather April 8, 2012













Expect major accelerations around each space, every thing and all areas of your life!  No nook or cranny or hidden place in your life will escape the illumination of Fire and the passion of Aries lighting it up. Your entire chart as well as the charts of everyone you know will seem to be on fire this week.  Lots of passion, I AM, fire, drive, ambition and on a bad day, selfishness, aggression, fights and war.








We have a powerful super, duper stellium of planets in Aries ~ Uranus, Sun, Moon, Mars, Venus, and Eris with Mercury entering Aries on Saturday.  All the Aries planets report into super charged Mars in Aries.  Saturn and the North Node of Fate in Scorpio answers to Mars in Aries. The South Node of Fate in Taurus reports to Venus in Aries and then to Mars in Aries. Pluto in Capricorn feels the pulse of Mars in Aries as his boss. As of the weekend, even Jupiter in Gemini carries himself and the Pisces planets over to the Altar of Aries.




The Week’s Planetary Highlights


New Moon at 20:41 Aries on Wednesday Apr 10 at 5:35 am EDT.  We enter Eclipse Season.  The eclipses are coming! The eclipses are coming!


Saturn is inconjunct/quincunx Uranus on Friday Apr 12 2013 at 11:29:01 pm EDT

Pluto stations to go retrograde in Capricorn on Friday Apr 12 2013 at 03:34:55 pm EDT at 11:35.  We feel it from Sunday Apr 7 to Wednesday Apr 17.

Mercury enters Aries on Saturday Apr 13 2013 at 10:36:56 pm EDT


Void Moons in the Week Ahead: When the Moon is Void, it is wise to avoid making important decisions as they tend to be unrealistic, and subject to false starts, errors or unexpected hassles. Avoid being concerned with things beyond your spiritual center.  It is time for subjective, spiritual and non-materialistic concerns. Kick back, let life flow and center yourself. Connect into your essential oneness with the Universal Forces.

Moon goes void joining Mercury on Monday, Apr 8 2013 at 00:10:52 am EDT and enters Aries on  Apr 8 2013 at 03:03:22 pm EDT

Moon is Void most of Monday


Moon goes void joining Venus on Wednesday Apr 10 2013 at 12:25:53 pm EDT and enters Taurus on Apr 10 2013 at 11:22:55 pm EDT

Moon is Void most of Wednesday


Moon goes void sextile to Mercury on Saturday Apr 13 2013 at 08:31:14 am EDT and enters Gemini on Apr 13 2013 at 10:13:43 am EDT


In addition to all the fire in the sky, Venus, Mars, Sun and Moon all meet on THE SAME POINT right around 20 Aries, just three days apart.  On Sunday April 7, the Venus Mars conjunction at 19:57 Aries started a new TWO year cycle which ends in February 2015.  There was a typo in last week’s column where I said ONE year~ the new Venus Mars cycle actually ends in February 2015.  On Wednesday, the Sun and Moon meet at 20:41 Aries, further igniting the point.  Venus as our desire and love nature connecting with Mars our go and get it energy combined with our Sun’s Ego, need and purpose and further fueled by our emotional and nurturing needs of the Moon.  Let’s all shout I AM at the top of our lungs!  The Sun and Moon start a new two and a half year phase relationship of I AM.  Such an enormous amount of fire energy will be pulsing through our very being seeking to have us step forward into our essential life.


According to Jung, the main purpose of our existence is to individuate.  Nothing like all that Aries energy to HELP us figure it out and state what our individuation goal IS and IS NOT.  I AM!!!  Every cell in our being will be on fire and seeking to shout I AM!!!  Aries is warrior energy. Aries is pioneer, and brave Scout energy.  Aries is race car driving.  Aries is jumping off the cliff without a parachute ~ taking the risk just because. Aries throws caution to the wind.










Aries without a clear and focused purpose is fighting and arguing.  Road rage. Emotional Outbursts. Wars. You will be mighty tempted to argue this week.  Aries makes Venus lustful.  Aries makes the Sun exalted ~ our egos will be feeling mighty healthy.  Aries makes the Moon ruler of our emotions very argumentative and war like. And Aries makes Mars kick butt.  When Mercury moves into Aries at the end of the week, Aries will make Mercury sharp tongued, bitchy and a bit mean spirited.











Aries is a hot, dry, masculine, positive, inflammatory, choleric, sterile, violent, bestial, intemperate and combative sign. Aries is represented by the cock ~ both the bird and the male member.  Roosters are boastful with fighting qualities as well as the Ram ~ rash, hardy, springy, lascivious and belligerent. On a good day, Aries is enterprising, action oriented, ambitious, courageous, arduous, industrious, generous, pioneering, practical, constructive and a leader. On a bad day, Aries is headstrong, excitable, audacious, impatient, imprudent, insubordinate, quarrelsome, fool hardy, disregards others, selfish and jealous.


So imagine what ALL THOSE PLANETS rolling around in Aries are going to be acting like. Additionally, Venus, Mars, Moon and Sun all link up with Eris the Goddess of Discord this week.  Eris excites us by stimulating our “chip on the shoulder” energy and jealousy. She’s a trouble maker, sister to Mars and loves to be provocative and start people fighting.


Your job under all this energy is to take that Aries energy and DIRECT IT TOWARD some worthy goal or project. Don’t waste it on a fight.  Turn the passion, direct it and go for your best life. Use the energy to supercharge the projects you’ve decided to do or devote yourself toward as the Finger of God starts to break up in the sky above us. Dash off into the energy and passionately deploy it so you get a fast and good start on everything on your list.  In a couple of weeks, the planets will shift into Taurus and slooooow way down ~ especially Mars.  Take passionate action the next few weeks to get things launched and underway while all the fire is in the sky.  Don’t waste it on silly arguments with people over who did or didn’t do what.  Direct it out into the world.  The best result is living your best life.  And the best revenge if you feel you need to send energy that way.  Aries shoot out into the world, leaving behind what ever doesn’t work for them.  For the next few weeks, we are all honorary Aries so enjoy the fire and passion!


On Friday, Pluto stations to go retrograde as Saturn and Uranus inconjunct each other.  A few years ago Saturn and Uranus were squaring each other as the collective watched the fight between Jay Leno and Conan O’Brian. Leno, Saturn, won that fight and reclaimed the Tonight Show as his domain from Conan, Uranus.  Now the collective is watching the fight between Jay Leno, who seems pretty pissed off, and Jimmy Fallon, his purported replacement. Pluto’s station as the inconjunct between Saturn and Uranus takes place means we can expect announcements about the Old powers adjusting to the changes and demands of the New powers.  Watch for various “OLD POWERS” to fall from grace, step aside or be forced to leave, go over and out.  There will be some mighty big surprises.  Pluto stations are power struggles. Pluto is opposite 9-11’s Jupiter degree so that will be in the news.


Pluto stations always bring earth changes like earth quakes, volcanoes, tsunamis, wars and lots of earthly departures as the energy shakes, deeply shakes, in a very profound way, the actual stability of the life force.  If you know of people who are tenuously hanging on, the next 10 days are departure times.


We are entering a ten week eclipse period following the New Moon on Wednesday.  There are THREE eclipses this spring.  They are lunar eclipse at the Full Moon at 5:46 Scorpio/Taurus, Solar Eclipse as the New Moon at 19:31 Taurus, and a second lunar eclipse, finishing up the Gemini/Sagittarius nodal cycle at 4:08. The Gemini-Sagittarius eclipse will cap out our Gemini Sagittarius nodal stories ~ Demi Moore/Ashton Kutcher, Heidi Klum/Seal, Maria Shriver/ Arnold Schwarzenegger, Rosie O’Donnell/her wife, and Ann Curry/Matt Lauer.


The New Moon on Wednesday this week is at 20:41 Aries, stimulating all that Aries energy as well as Venus and Mars who met at the same degree three days earlier. Shortly after the New Moon, Moon joins with Mars and Venus adding an emotional burst to the energy.  Take advantage of all the fabulous energy for getting things done this week….You can get amazing things done.  The heavens are further cooperating by have positive closing aspects for each of the moons this week… so the answer will be YES or GO FOR IT for just about every project or situation addressed and undertaken.  Expect GREEN LIGHTS all the way to Chicago!  Direct all that drive energy out the door and into the world.


It Couldn’t Be Done

By Edgar Albert Guest

Somebody said that it couldn’t be done

But he with a chuckle replied

That “maybe it couldn’t,” but he would be one

Who wouldn’t say so till he’d tried.

So he buckled right in with the trace of a grin

On his face. If he worried he hid it.

He started to sing as he tackled the thing

That couldn’t be done, and he did it!


Somebody scoffed: “Oh, you’ll never do that;

At least no one ever has done it;”

But he took off his coat and he took off his hat

And the first thing we knew he’d begun it.

With a lift of his chin and a bit of a grin,

Without any doubting or quiddit,

He started to sing as he tackled the thing

That couldn’t be done, and he did it.


There are thousands to tell you it cannot be done,

There are thousands to prophesy failure,

There are thousands to point out to you one by one,

The dangers that wait to assail you.

But just buckle in with a bit of a grin,

Just take off your coat and go to it;

Just start in to sing as you tackle the thing

That “cannot be done,” and you’ll do it.









The Sabian Image for the New Moon is A BOXER IS ENTERING THE RING.  Lynda Hill’s interpretation of the Sabian Image is


Commentary: ‘A Boxer’ shows someone with the ability to fight or take on an issue. This person is seen ‘Entering the Ring’ – they are in a place where they need to stand up for something, tackle an issue or a person; to prove themselves strong in some measure. Fighting can take many forms and can be done obviously or subversively. One can throw punches on every level of consciousness: physically, spiritually, mentally and emotionally.


Oracle: It may be time to fight about some issue, but it should be done within the bounds of the ‘Ring’ – heeding the rules and regulations of decency. Make sure you have the skills and have earned the right to defend what you believe. Be aware that you may need to back off if you are losing ground. Are “rules” being broken? Is there someone keen to battle, are they causing problems? At times it may be appropriate or necessary to physically “fight” but merely signaling your readiness to fight may cause the other to back down. If you really need to go into the ‘Ring’ be fully prepared for any consequences. Standing up to something or someone can lead to a new level of self-confidence, but are you ready for the punches that might be thrown your way? Use your instincts and watch every movement carefully. Knowing where the next punch is coming from can help. Who is the likely victor? Emotionally there are no real winners when lovers or friends fight – both lose in one way or another. It’s often others who judge the real outcome or who’s the “winner” in the end. Are you prepared to lose? It could be a situation of “may the best man win”. ‘Boxing’ is a sport that owes its pleasures to people’s glory, bravery, pain and sometimes humiliation; however, standing up for yourself and your rights can lead to others taking you more seriously.



Keywords: Physical or psychological self-assertion and determination. Attack or defense? Fighting for emotional, psychological or physical space. Being seen as a person of strength. Throwing punches. Fighting each other on any level. Being prepared to take a swing at someone or something. Stepping up to the plate. Throwing down the gauntlet. Going after the title.



The Caution: Using force or power to dominate people or those who challenge you. Acting in a combative manner when one should be displaying sportsmanship. Wanting to knock people out. Looking for combat. Throwing punches at anything. Belting, smacking, invading. Being punch-drunk.



Like a boxer in a title fight, you have to walk in that ring all alone. Billy Joel


Power is not revealed by striking hard or often, but by striking true. Honore de Balzac


In fighting and in everyday life you should be determined though calm. Meet the situation without tenseness yet not recklessly, your spirit settled yet unbiased. An elevated spirit is weak and a low spirit is weak. Do not let the enemy see your spirit. Miyamoto Musashi


He that wrestles with us strengthens our nerves, and sharpens our skill. Our antagonist is our helper. Burke


Come up with a smiling face, It’s nothing against you to fall down flat, But to lie there–that’s disgrace. Edward Vance Cooke


He who fights and runs away may live to fight another day. Proverb


If you cannot bite, never show your teeth. Proverb



Sure there have been injuries and deaths in boxing–but none of them serious. Alan Minter–Boxer


The process of Life demands that we individuate and grow.  AT the same time, our deepest needs are for profound connections, community and relatedness.  How do we balance those  two?  How do we keep true to the path of our heart while maintaining the relationships that are so important to us?  And with all this fire energy in the heaven, we DO have to focus on our own path for the next two or three weeks.  THEN we can turn back towards those we love and want to connect with.  Give yourself permission to say I AM.  I WANT.  I HAVE.  Use the I words this week.


We know that if it is in our heart, it is in our chart.  We trust our heart.  Not THEIR heart.  OUR OWN HEART…. Our own heart song.  Turn on your heart light.  Let it shine. Know that connections of the heart travel across time and space….keeping us connected.  The fire in the sky is very clarifying this week.  You’ll go for it or NOT for it. But you WILL be clear!


Moon day, Monday April 8 2013 finds Moon Void in the Morning in paranoid Pisces and entering Aries later in the afternoon with a lovely closing aspect of a conjunction to Venus. Dreams come true.  Still all the fire in the sky can make you extra irritated, stimulated, active or angry.  Direct any irritation towards something you can accomplish rather than fighting.  USE THE ENERGY WISELY!  Mercury and Venus both link up with Eris the Discord baby so expect difficult words or desires as they can get inflamed with all the fire.  It comes from a place of fear OR anxiety as the Finger of God/Goddess is still in the the heavens and breaking up.  Mars opposition to Juno suggests partnerships are stressed but you don’t know exactly what to do to make it better.  So let it be. Don’t go there.  Not all things need to be discussed all the time. Neptune’s sextile to Pallas suggests you see the pattern in the process before you.  Deep emotions surface tonight, offering clearance. Dreams are profound.




Mars day, Tuesday April 9, 2013 Moon continues in Aries, setting off the Finger of God/ Goddess.  Moon joins Uranus, squares Pluto mid-day and sextiles Jupiter at the end of the day, encouraging our emotions to flare up but in a clarifying way.  It is a balsamic release energy running today.  Let things go that you don’t want in your life any more.  Release the energy into the dark of the moon.  Partnerships and relationships want to end or separate today.  You are seeing things in a different manner.  You don’t actually have to END the relationship but you DO have to adjust how you approach it or how you react to THEIR approach to it. The time for change has arrived.  There is a fussy energy in the heavens around HOW things are done ~ again it comes from the general irritating energy flying around.  You want to clear house but might be a bit blocked in that so it de-evolves into irritation with silverware left in the sink, the last milk drunk and the container put back in the fridge, or missing things.  Good time to reorganize or straighten things out… especially because you are NOT in the mood to sleep.



Mercury day, Wednesday April 10, 2013 is a wicked crabby day.  Mars joins up with Eris so tempers are flaring and fiery.  There is a New Moon in Aries at dawn on the east coast that is all about me…. ME, ME, ME!  Venus and Mars are connecting by declination.  It is all about what…I WANT… defined from a singular place of MOI!  Folks are not getting out of their own desire state right now.  Nor should they.  Cooperation is not happening UNLESS they see what is in it for them. So go your own way. Do your own thing. Start working on what YOU want and stop looking to the past.  I always look at the collective for guidance as it reflects the energy we are working with.  Beyonce’s new ad for Pepsi has the tag line “Embrace your Past but Live for Now.”  Move toward your Future, integrating all that has happened in your life and combining it to launch forward in the direction and to supply the energy you need.  Moon joins with Sun, Eris, Mars and Venus today, emotionally amplifying whatever is already running at a fire pace in your life.  Be careful around fire today.  Tonight nurturing is not happy as the Nodes are aspected by Ceres in a stressful manner.  You are going to be told you are supposed to do something even if you don’t much want to. You DO get to decide you know.  Your life. Your choice. Don’t do it out of guilt or you will feel very bad down the road.







Jupiter’s day, Thursday April 11, 2013 finds the Moon in Taurus, with lovely closing aspects of a sextile to Mercury.  You actually are able to put words to feelings over the next few days. These are great days to launch projects, put things out into the work, kickstart projects or begin new routines and rituals that you want to stay with like health programs, diets, exercise regimens etc.  Vulcanus stations to go direct today so you can feel rocket fueled to begin things. The changes you’ve made around your home start to show and feel good.  Sun connect with Eris so you understand irritation’s GOOD points!  Things are irritating for a reason and the reason usually helps us get clear on stuff. Irritations help us move on. Mercury’s trine to stationing Vulcanus helps you get clear on a world of things.  Say good night or good bye to a situation that drains you needlessly today. It will be okay ~ something or someone else will step in to fill the gap.


Friday, Venus’ Day April 12, 2013 finds Moon in Taurus with lovely closing aspects. Another fine day to send things out into the world.   A difficult dream can awaken you or scare you. It is part of the clearing out, cleaning out that is taking place. Pluto stations today but we’ve felt his effects, particularly in power dramas for the last five days and for the next five days.  Pluto will go backwards until September 20, 2013.  He’s reversing, revising, delving back into and bringing up the situation(s) from February 20, 2012, May 30, 2012, and December 22, 2012 that involved power struggles, difficulties or triangles.  Pluto always challenges the thing we are MOST proud of or confident and sure of OR he goes after the very deep and vulnerable part of us that needs to be pushed to evolve.  This particular Pluto station takes place as the Finger of God/Goddess starts to break up and asks us to transform as the situation from those earlier dates.  After a Pluto transit, you NEVER are the same.  You see the world with a different lens.  The rose colored glasses are shattered and perhaps even a bit blood splattered.   A few weeks ago, Yoko Ono posted a photo of John Lennon’s blood splattered glasses in support of gun regulation.  That is the energy of today.  Different but the same yet changed forever. Mercury’s opposition to Uranus by declination offers an awakening of energy. Don’t be afraid of being wounded. Life is meant to be lived. Take the bold and definitive action to move yourself forward.  Saturn’s second of three inconjuncts to Uranus takes place today.  Permanent adjustments….the first was November 15, 2012 and the final will be on October 5, 2013. When the square between these two was taking place, five times, we watched the Conan O’Brian and Jay Leno story unfold.  It that case, Saturn won. Jay Leno reclaimed the Tonight show.  Now, Jimmy Fallon is rumored to be replacing Jay Leno in the fall.. They personify the inconjunct between these planets beautifully in the clip below.  Jay is Saturn, Jimmy is Uranus.




Saturn’s day Saturday April 13, 2013 Moon enters Gemini at 10:13 am for a few days of frisky, frisky energy.  Moon will sextile all the Fire planets encouraging them to flare up and burn strongly.  Air feeds fire.  Make sure to look at the various choices before you too.  Partnerships are definitively ending with Saturn’s square to Juno and Pluto’s square to Hygeia ~ be sure to preserve the integrity of your body and soul. Part of why things have to change is to support your evolution. Another part is to send you off into the world with a clear vision of what you want and what you don’t want. Today is a day to first FEEL (Mercury in Pisces) and then to SPEAK (Mercury in Aries) your truth, even if people don’t much want to hear it. You have to say it FOR YOU!!! You are speaking it FOR YOU, not them. Uranus’ sextile to Juno suggests you have a good, creative and unusual approach to partnership.  Mercury enters Aries at the end of the day, starting 18 days of direct, sharp and focused communications. Take steps to partner better with your health.



Sun’s day, Sunday April 14, 2013 Moon in Gemini continues to chat and connect.  Mercury’s square to Hades suggests you see or hear difficult news about endings or dark energy. Today is a happy kind of day after all the action and fire of the week. Venus sees her dreams more clearly as she and Neptune sit down and face each other for a chat.  Do you want to start again?  Now is the time to speak up if you want another chance at it!  Or a new version of it.  Bette Midler’s lyrics to My One True Friend come to mind…All the people and relationships in our lives are designed to help us get to know OURSELVES.  They are our mirror.  They are our soul’s method of getting conscious. So if you are ending things around a relationship make sure to say thank you to them!




Lynda Hill’s work appears with her permission.


Anne’s Four Radio Shows Recap:  Listen in to the podcasts via ITunes or by the website links.

Anne’s Weekly Weather:  The Fingers of God/Goddess energies in the Heavens start to break up as Jupiter pulls rapidly away from them.  Mercury finally leaves Pisces.  A New Moon at 20 Aries same as Venus and Mars union~  The eclipse season begins.  Pluto stations.  What a week, what a week!  Watch out for all the fire….

Scorpios Talking:  Michael and Anne talked about approaching things with curiosity and with a willingness to learn. Change how you approach your life!

The Mary Anne Show: Mary and Anne had a great time talking about current events.

Access Astrology: All three of us were rocking!  Heather had great vacation and Mark was feeling better!

Venus Unplugged:  Llorraine Neithardt got her fans speaking with her explanation of Venus as the sacred prostitute….Venus lessons for all!! For Jungians, dreamers, poets and visionaries this podcast helps individuation.






Learn Palmistry with Anne Ortelee

Weekend Workshop April 26-28, 2013

Manchester, Vermont







Palmistry is both an art and a science. It is based on scientific principles that can be learned by anyone. The hand is called ‘God’s Road Map’.  The hand is one of the most valuable tools we have for guidance. Knowing Palmistry will enrich the lives of all you meet as they understand the knowledge and wisdom in their hands.

Palmistry’s use as a means of psychological insight and divination dates back thousands of years. Because the hand changes as you change, it is an up to the minute report from your own Higher Self. The hand reports on many areas of your life, including health, financial security, talents, strengths and weaknesses. It shows the best choices for creating a fulfilling life. It reflects YOU, the unique individual. Your hand is a mirror of your soul.

The weekend workshop in Palmistry will cover every aspect of the hand, the shapes, the lines, fingers, and the seven planetary archetypes. We will practice reading hands, as well as learn how to synthesize and communicate the information we find.

Anne Ortelee was trained as a Palmist by The School of Oracles. The School of Oracles is dedicated to preserving and perpetuating Palmistry, a sacred art, in a manner that does honor to the wisdom, healing and illumination it brings to humanity.

Weekend will include:

  • 5 meals ~ dinner Friday night, breakfast and lunch Saturday & Sunday
  • Two nights’ accommodations
  • Workshop and Course materials
  • Individual Time with your Own Hand!

Please contact Bodhi Consult for more information.  Register by visiting www.bodhiconsult.com or call Beth at 802 379 5775










Copyright © 2013. A.C. Ortelee