Weekly Weather April 15, 2013

Weekly Weather April 15, 2013


True adults are those who have learned to continually develop and exercise their capacity for transformation. The more we grow, the greater becomes our capacity to empty ourselves of the old so that the new may enter and we may thereby be transformed.”—M. Scott Peck









The eclipses are coming!  The eclipses are coming! 


It will be a hectic, pile on, wild and crazy kind of week.  Venus, Sun and Mars change signs and enter Taurus going from Cardinal action taking Fire into Stable, slow moving, fixed Earth.  Imagine the sports car you are driving at 120 mph screeching to a halt so you can leap out to lounge on plump, fluffy cushions to be fed by someone peeling grapes and another rubbing your stiff neck.  Expect frenzy at the beginning of the week, followed by couch potato on the weekend.





Mercury in Aries will provide lots of volatility, acceleration, sharp, pugnacious, biting, sarcastic and intense communications. Mercury joined the powerful, super, duper stellium of planets in Aries ~ Uranus, Sun, Mars, and Eris as Venus exits Aries and enters Taurus.






We are leaving Pluto’s powerful station last Friday and starting to move through THREE, count them, THREE eclipses over the next nine weeks. Combining the Pluto station with the eclipses on the karmic nodes of life and death, we can expect life altering changes in our world, including the departure of folks who are not supposed to be in our lives any more. Lots of breakups and endings. Deaths. As my friend Pattie says, “They exit, stage left, leaving you to move forward to the next chapter without them.”  It’s in the script of the heavens above so to speak.  They are done. You are done. It’s time for a shift, a change, especially with changes that results in an ending.


Wrapped in the ending is a brand, new shiny beginning.  Make sure to look for it… Look for the new beginning. The egg and the sperm die to be transformed and make the baby, the new life.  The tomato and lettuce are chopped up and transformed to become a salad.  They can’t go BACK to the way it used to be.  We can only go forward, transformed.















The Week’s Planetary Highlights


Venus enters Taurus on Monday Apr 15 2013 at 03:24:46 am  EDT.

Sun joins Mars on Wednesday Apr 17 2013 at 08:19:50 pm  EDT.

Venus sextile to Neptune on Thursday Apr 18 2013 at 11:15:22 pm  EDT.

Sun enters Taurus on Friday Apr 19 2013 at 06:03:17 pm  EDT.

Mercury joins Uranus on Saturday Apr 20 2013 at 05:20:21 am  EDT.

Mars enters Taurus on Saturday Apr 20 2013 at 07:48:16 am  EDT.

Mercury squares Pluto on Sunday Apr 21 2013 at 07:46:24 am  EDT.


Void Moons in the Week Ahead: When the Moon is Void, it is wise to avoid making important decisions as they tend to be unrealistic, and subject to false starts, errors or unexpected hassles. Avoid being concerned with things beyond your spiritual center.  It is time for subjective, spiritual and non-materialistic concerns. Kick back, let life flow and center yourself. Connect into your essential oneness with the Universal Forces.


Moon goes void Sextile to  Mars on Monday Apr 15 2013 at 03:42:24 pm  EDT and enters Cancer on Monday Apr 15 2013 at 10:50:24 pm  EDT.  Mail your taxes when the Moon is Void today … nothing will come of them.


Moon goes void square to Sun on Thursday Apr 18 2013 at 08:31:59 am EDT and enters Leo on Thursday Apr 18 2013 at 11:14:32 am EDT.


Moon goes void sextile to Jupiter on Friday Apr 19 2013 at 05:06 pm EDT  and enters Virgo on Saturday Apr 20 2013 at 09:09:33 pm  EDT.

Moon is void Friday night and most of Saturday









The powerful super, duper stellium of planets in Aries starts to shift this week, into Taurus.  We’ll move from over the top action taking, fire breathing Aries into slower, passionate, attached, stubborn and kind Taurus. Over the week ahead, three planets, Venus, Sun and Mars, shift into Taurus.  This shift turns the bulk of the heavens, on Saturday, from answering to Mars in Aries into answering to gracious, kind and steady as she goes Venus in Taurus for 25 days.


The sign of Taurus is a cold, moist, feminine, negative polarity, semi-fruitful, bestial and melancholy.  Taurus suggests energy, reserve, force, endurance, stability with firm foundations and enduring structures. Taurus is symbolized by the Bull ready to charge with fierce energy that is both tenacious and stubborn.

Planets found in the sign of Taurus are trustworthy, steadfast, persevering, persistence, composed, self-reliant, constructive, practical, humorous, kind, sympathetic, caring and fearless.  Patient, conservative, domestic, sensual, thorough, stable, dependable, practical, artistic, loyal, material, comfortable, down to earth, acquisitive, endurance, sustaining, tenacious, deliberate, persistent, restrained, circumspect, consistent, plodding, security conscious. Fixity, habit prone, uncompromising, rigid, pension related jobs, loves food & comfort, provision, reluctant to take risks


Planets in Taurus, on a bad day, can be domineering, exacting, obstructive, stubborn, brusque, dogmatic, conceited, stolid, covetous and lazy. They don’t forget an injury. Other characteristics include self-indulgent, slow-moving, argumentative, short-tempered, possessive, greedy, cheap, materialistic, uncompromising, possessive, inflexible, prejudiced, intolerant, stodgy, obsessed with routine, hesitant, procrastinating, and resent contradiction.





Venus rules the sign of Taurus.  As she, the Sun and Mars enter Taurus this week, the heavens will start to slow down and become solid and forceful. Mars doesn’t much like Taurus ~ he’s tied down and held back, forced to plow the fields rather than running off to conquer the neighboring village.  However, once Mars enters Taurus on Saturday, he takes the rest of the heavens with him and asks them to look to Venus in Taurus for guidance.


Whenever Mars changes signs, he takes the Aries planets  ~ Uranus, Eris and Mercury ~ with him into reporting to Taurus. He also takes the Scorpio planets with him.   He changes the nature of how Saturn behaves as well as the North Node of Fate in Scorpio. Both Saturn and the Node of Fate answers to Mars in Taurus. Pluto in Capricorn feels the pulse of Mars in Taurus as his boss. As of the weekend, Jupiter in Gemini and the Pisces planets also move to ultimately get instructions from Venus in Taurus.


The beginning of the week is all about fast moving Aries while the back end, after Mars changes signs, is much more deliberate, steady, and kind…even as the world feels like it slows down to a snail’s pace.  Or a deliberate bull’s pace.



On Wednesday Mars and the Sun link up to start a new two year cycle that ends on June 14, 2015.  The Sun Mars conjunction is at 28:07 Aries. Mars our go and get it energy combines with our Sun’s Ego, to make purpose and action fueled by our ability to make it happen for ourselves. Such an enormous amount of fire energy will be pulsing through our very being seeking to have us step forward into our essential life.


We are entering a ten week eclipse period following the New Moon on Wednesday.  There are THREE eclipses this spring.  They are lunar eclipse at the Full Moon at 5:46 Scorpio/Taurus, Solar Eclipse as the New Moon at 19:31 Taurus, and a second lunar eclipse, finishing up the Gemini/Sagittarius nodal cycle at 4:08. The Gemini-Sagittarius eclipse will cap out our Gemini Sagittarius nodal stories ~ Demi Moore/Ashton Kutcher, Heidi Klum/Seal, Maria Shriver/ Arnold Schwarzenegger, Rosie O’Donnell/her wife, and Ann Curry/Matt Lauer.



Your job under all this very fast and then slow moving energy is to take that energy and DIRECT IT TOWARD some worthy goal or project. Don’t waste it on a fight.  Turn the passion, direct it and go for your best life. Use the energy to supercharge the projects.  Work to get things in order so you are ready when the heavens say “GO!”


Before all the planets will shift into Taurus and slooooow way down ~ take passionate action the next few days to get things launched and underway while all the fire is in the sky.  No silly arguments with people. Turn your Mars energy with the support of the rest of the sky out into the world.  For the rest of  this week, we are all honorary Aries and then we turn into Taurus.



Often times during weeks like this, it makes sense to just notice what all is going on when it is something you can’t do anything about. Take a very detached observer position.  And notice what you see.  Profound eh?




Moon day Monday April 15, 2013 finds Moon in Gemini going void late afternoon with a closing aspect of a sextile to Mars… very creative and fiery conversations can be expected which are congenial and quite fun. Venus enters Taurus in the wee small hours of the night for 25 days.  By the end of the week, all the planets will be turning to the Goddess of Love for guidance. Until then, there still is a rocking amount of energy in Fire Aries. Mercury has a crabby aspect to the Nodes of Fate so you awake to a bad dream or difficult news.  Mercury is in argumentative Aries so try to take the high road. Take your anger and direct it toward something that you can actually accomplish with direct, piercing communications. In the middle of the day, Moon has pleasant aspects to Sun and Mars making you exceptionally productive. In the evening, Venus sextiles Hades so she knows she had to end something, gently, kindly but it has to end. The pattern is just tooooo clear.  She’s not going down that road again. Been there, done that.




Mars day Tuesday April 16, 2013 has Moon in Cancer with a stressful closing aspect of a square to Mars. The nurturing principle will ultimately be at war with the action principle… gotta make some wise choices here!  You get news that is difficult from a nurturing or maternal person in your life.  Mars has a stressed aspect with Admetos indicating an ending you are not sure you want to go through. Sun’s aspect with Neptune offers a clarity that you didn’t have before… as Sun stands looking at Neptune across the equator, they both realize the fantasy or dream isn’t working like it had before. Moon in Cancer is super busy today running from planet to planet trying to get emotionally clear on a matter.  Moon sets off the separating Finger of God planets in a way that feels deeply emotional but at the same time she is trying to close up the energy ports.  When we have these deep feelings, it can be hard to realize which are OUR feelings and which ones come from where we hook into other people.  Disillusionment, alone, abandoned, where is the redemption?  Sometimes, like today, you can feel you are all alone, feeling a bit wounded or like a motherless child.  The usual people you talk with are not available either.  Sun’s got a productive and get a great deal accomplished aspect around the home and hearth ~ either your off ice home or your own home.  Make changes in your spaces that bring it more into alignment with you. Find ways that are HEALTHY to take care of yourself. Lots of decisions or discussions around what to take, pack, throw away or give to others.  Do you REALLY still need it?  We each have soul wounds that can feel kind of tired at the end of days like this.  It is a deep soul tired.  Go to bed early. Preserve your strength.



Mercury’s day Wednesday April 17 Moon in Cancer continues to feel deeply as she moves towards the departure taking place. Mercury’s aspect to Neptune makes for tossing and turning tonight. Mars gazing at Neptune across the equator offers you an option of how to proceed. On one level, you don’t want to engage. On another level, there is an extreme disillusionment going on right now. Take the higher path. Use the higher approach.  Do you REALLY have to tell them what you think of them?  Just pack up and say goodbye pleasantly.  There is a part of you that simply HAS to take action because you can’t stand it a moment more.  Take HEALTHY action. Don’t do anything destructive to yourself or others.  This is the kind of day where people say they see “RED” ~ literally their eyes become awash in blood so everything is seen through a red haze.  Mars and the Sun meet up, exciting and stimulating both of them in the early evening.  Very exciting indeed!  This union of Mars and Sun starts a two year cycle that ends on June 14, 2015 when Mars and the Sun next meet up.  Take advantage of the rocket powered boost of energy to get things up and running.  Get them ready to go out the door TOMORROW or Friday. But clear the decks of things today as you have so much energy you can’t help but get enormous things accomplished.


Jupiter’s day, Thursday April 18 has Moon void in the morning and entering Leo just before noon.  Leo moon rules creativity for the next few days with lovely closing aspects of a sextile to bountiful Jupiter.  It’s another sleepless or tossing and turning nights. Your dreams really want to talk to you.  If you find yourself having a dream conversation with an authority make sure to ASK QUESTIONS.  They want you to understand the patterns so you can change. Venus is forming a minor grand trine with Ceres and Neptune today making relationships, connections and love all feel intertwined. Allow Venus to suggest a new approach.  She’s pretty smart about these things.  And she has a few great ideas about how to proceed to get your dreams to come true…It is a great day to start things and get them out the door.


Venus’s Day Friday April 19, 2013 Moon continues in Leo and pushes the breaking apart Finger of God /Goddess. After yet ANOTHER difficult night of sleep, we have a busy day. Passion rules the day. Feel it. Work with it. Allow the creative to speak and make sure to listen to it. Moon in Leo works productively with Uranus firing up the creative, mystical electrical energy.  Then Moon works with Jupiter encouraging expansion and accelerating his many ideas into form.  Start things under this moon as the passion is delightful and the heavens are smiling.  Neptune’s trine to Ceres takes yesterday’s minor grand trine and kicks it into high gear!  It really is an inspired idea. You just need to take some time and spend some attention on that great idea to have it really bloom this summer.  Mercury has a crabby, cranky aspect with Saturn ~ possibly even a health aspect. Make the needed adjustments and continue to create!  Sun enters Taurus for 30 days of solid connections.


Saturn’s day Saturday April 20, 2013 finds Moon in Leo but void all day. This is a very fine day to play and have a great time!  Leo moons are just happy days.  Another night of wild and crazy dreams start you awake bright and early.  You might even get up and listen to the bird today rather than sleeping in. Mercury joins up with Uranus so write down the various ideas flowing through your brain.  There are so many it can be difficult to keep track of them so record them. Mars enters Taurus and the entire heavens shifts its focus.  Now Venus rules the sky, making everything much easier, kinder and gentler. You might have to take charge or take over from an older person who is not quite up to the task. It’s part of the process of putting down roots for the new life. Suggest, gently, how things could be improved. No need to be a bull in a china shop.  They are a bit weary and tired. So help them. There can be a weariness but a happy kind of weariness.  You see how old you are becoming by looking at those around you.  Moon enters Virgo late in the day.  Moon in Virgo has fast moving and exceptionally action oriented, productive energy with both Mars and the Sun as she trines them so you can get a great deal accomplished as well as have a good time doing it.  It is a great night for going out with people and laughing.


Sun’s day Sunday April 21, 2013 has a Virgo Moon with an overdoing closing aspect of a square to Jupiter ~ we can be overdoing communications, worries or connections.  Mercury’s square to Pluto early in the day brings news or information that you don’t much want to hear about triangles, siblings, power dynamics or struggles.  Mercury is gazing at Chiron and refusing to let some silly words bring him down.  He’s not up for it right now. He might just find himself shouting to leave him alone with a door slam or two.  Dreams last night kind of prepared you for the stress or worry that today seems to have.  Consider making partnership offers to people or accepting proposals for projects. Lots of Mars and Mercury aspects today have you bouncing between action and communications. You might find a relationship end s or wants to end around sundown. At the very least, hurtful words need to be reframed and reflected. It’s a great day for projection  and people saying you are doing what they themselves are doing. Early to bed as next week is very busy….



Anne’s Four Radio Shows Recap:  Listen in to the podcasts via ITunes or by the website links.

Anne’s Weekly Weather:  A preview of the eclipses and the shifting, changing week ahead as Venus, Sun and Mars all move into Taurus. The eclipse season begins.  Pluto starts to move backwards.  What a week, what a week!  Watch out for all the fire….

Scorpios Talking:  Michael and Anne talked connecting deeply in relationship and sitting in silent curiousity.

The Mary Anne Show: Mary and Anne took another week off!

Access Astrology: All three of us were rocking!  We got a few callers in!

Venus Unplugged:  Llorraine Neithardt got her fans speaking with her explanation of Venus as the sacred prostitute….Venus lessons for all!! For Jungians, dreamers, poets and visionaries this podcast helps individuation.






Learn Palmistry with Anne Ortelee

Weekend Workshop April 26-28, 2013

Manchester, Vermont


Palmistry is both an art and a science. It is based on scientific principles that can be learned by anyone. The hand is called ‘God’s Road Map’.  The hand is one of the most valuable tools we have for guidance. Knowing Palmistry will enrich the lives of all you meet as they understand the knowledge and wisdom in their hands.

Palmistry’s use as a means of psychological insight and divination dates back thousands of years. Because the hand changes as you change, it is an up to the minute report from your own Higher Self. The hand reports on many areas of your life, including health, financial security, talents, strengths and weaknesses. It shows the best choices for creating a fulfilling life. It reflects YOU, the unique individual. Your hand is a mirror of your soul.

The weekend workshop in Palmistry will cover every aspect of the hand, the shapes, the lines, fingers, and the seven planetary archetypes. We will practice reading hands, as well as learn how to synthesize and communicate the information we find.

Anne Ortelee was trained as a Palmist by The School of Oracles. The School of Oracles is dedicated to preserving and perpetuating Palmistry, a sacred art, in a manner that does honor to the wisdom, healing and illumination it brings to humanity.

Weekend will include:

  • 5 meals ~ dinner Friday night, breakfast and lunch Saturday & Sunday
  • Two nights’ accommodations
  • Workshop and Course materials
  • Individual Time with your Own Hand!

Please contact Bodhi Consult for more information.  Register by visiting www.bodhiconsult.com or call Beth at 802 379 5775



Copyright © 2013. A.C. Ortelee