Weekly Weather September 22, 2014

Weekly Weather September 22, 2014


The eclipses are coming! The eclipses are coming! 















But BEFORE the fall eclipses start up in earnest, we have a bunch of other stuff happening this three-pages-of-aspects week.  Pluto stations to go direct. A new season begins with the Libra ingress as the Sun crosses the equator, heading south for the winter! There is a New Moon on the World Axis. And a once every 14 year GOOD aspect happens….Jupiter trines Uranus in Fire! Finally we are getting GOOD stuff up over our heads! It is about time!


While contemplating how you want to proceed with all this delicious heavenly activity, enjoy the video… what would YOUR reaction be if this happened to you while hailing a cab? What is your joy?




Last week’s large Solar Flares, three Fingers of God and Pluto’s upcoming station brought us quite a busy week with oodles of energy making us crystal clear about what we want in our life.  Quite a few folks ended relationships. Some folks are still struggling with what to do about their relationship problems but gaining increasing clarity about the need for change.  Others had interesting first dates. One of my favorite clients had a coffee-date-check-it-out with a new man that sent her running away from him, quite literally, into her current boyfriend’s apartment building and arms… deciding that the boyfriend (who can drive her COMPLETELY crazy on a bad day) was THE one for her.  On the other hand, it might be time to be set free!



Pluto’s station and the New Season of Fall begin a few hours apart. The Pluto transit has a Star of David in Earth and Water in the chart cast for Washington, DC encouraging creative enterprises that accomplish things. Both the Libra Ingress and the Pluto station charts enjoy an action packed Cardinal Cross that gets things done.

Pluto stations bring up deep things from our psyche as well as from under the earth ~ currently we have active volcanoes erupting and spewing lava, steam, ash and heat up from the earth’s core in Indonesia’s Mount Slamet, Vatnajokull, Iceland’s Bardarbunga, Mayon in the Philliphines and Ricon in Costa Rica.  You and the people around you are having a volcano someplace in your life!  Watch for eruptions in the house holding Pluto at 11 Capricorn!

As we move through the last degrees of Saturn in Scorpio, we now enter Eclipse season. Mercury’s upcoming retrograde station is on the New Moon eclipse.  We are going to be hearing mighty important information this week as Mercury moves forward into Scorpio on Saturday night.

Remember Saturn is still a teenager.  He’s 18 right now. He’s having you look at your OLD you and your relationship desires/dreams/ideals from that early time in your life between ages 16 and 24.  He’s taking you on a trip down memory lane. Often while young, we have a passionate relationship that breaks our heart.  Thereafter we choose safe and secure. Is it time to reconsider that decision? Are you ready to work with Saturn to bring a new passion ~ either for the old familiar partner or a new partner ~ into your life?

Last week, I went to a Janis Ian concert at the wonderful Rubin Museum. She sang “Seventeen” which was one of my favorite songs as an angst filled, emotional, rebellious and argumentative teenager (Jupiter and Uranus in Cancer in my High School House). Watching members of the audience, it was clear it was a favorite anthem for MANY ugly duckling girls like me whose names were never called.



And Now, as she sings, it IS long ago and far away… don’t let the memories of WHO you were or WHAT you did (or didn’t do) continue to block your full expression of who you are supposed to be and become.  Here’s Janis in two versions….Look at how much things changed from when you were 17!  Go dance with your life!




I learned the truth at seventeen
That love was meant for beauty queens
And high school girls with clear skinned smiles
Who married young and then retired
The valentines I never knew
The Friday night charades of youth
Were spent on one more beautiful
At seventeen I learned the truth…

And those of us with ravaged faces
Lacking in the social graces
Desperately remained at home
Inventing lovers on the phone
Who called to say “come dance with me”
And murmured vague obscenities
It isn’t all it seems at seventeen…

A brown eyed girl in hand me downs
Whose name I never could pronounce
Said: “Pity please the ones who serve
They only get what they deserve”
The rich relationed hometown queen
Marries into what she needs
With a guarantee of company
And haven for the elderly…

So remember those who win the game
Lose the love they sought to gain
In debitures of quality and dubious integrity
Their small-town eyes will gape at you
In dull surprise when payment due
Exceeds accounts received at seventeen…

To those of us who knew the pain
Of valentines that never came
And those whose names were never called
When choosing sides for basketball
It was long ago and far away
the world was younger than today
when dreams were all they gave for free
to ugly duckling girls like me…

We all play the game, and when we dare
We cheat ourselves at solitaire
Inventing lovers on the phone
Repenting other lives unknown
That call and say: “Come on, dance with me”
And murmur vague obscenities
At ugly girls like me, at seventeen…


Planetary Highlights

Sun goes from 29:24 degrees Virgo to 6:16 degrees Libra.  Sun enters Libra on Monday night and starts a new season of balance and creativity in relationships and throughout your life. Venus is still in Virgo so she’s counting to make sure everything is actually even. Sun’s semi-square to Ceres invites you to go DEEPER into an intense relationship energy as there is an opportunity to heal your or their wounds. Sun’s inconjunct to Neptune on Sunday makes you run into a bit of sniffle or sadness.

Mercury goes from 25:40 Libra to 0:53 degrees Scorpio.  Mercury continues to slow down, as he moves deeper into his shadow, preparing for his retrograde. This is a BIG Mercury retrograde as he is stationing on the degree of the upcoming Eclipse on October 23.  LOTS OF GHOSTS!  He harmonizes with Jupiter and Pluto. He encourages you NOT to be too harsh with the situations that are ending in your life. Wounding word happen on Saturday and then he enters Scorpio and becomes VERY intense! Nurture yourself with good conversations, connections and ideas!

Venus goes from 20:49 degrees Virgo to 29:32 degrees Virgo.  Venus ended relationships last week. This week she stews a bit.  Worry. Worry. Worry. Just make a list and keep on keeping on. Anxiety is a side effect of all the changes lately. Lots of jealousy on Tuesday and Wednesday. New partnership offers on Thursday. Otherwise, she is busy, busy, busy.

Mars goes from 5:48 degrees Sagittarius to 10:38 degrees Sagittarius  Mars is on fire and off on an adventure. He fights with his sister Eris on Thursday ~ watch for a bit of discord and envy too!  He leaves home on Saturday Morning or finishes up a major project.

Jupiter goes from 14:24 degrees Leo to 15:40 degrees Leo. Jupiter perfects the  Finger of God with Chiron on  Tuesday. Jupiter in Leo does what he wants. Do what you love. Whatever are you waiting for?  Do you need permission to live your best life?  Go and do what you love!  The rest falls in place. On Thursday Jupiter trines Uranus, shooting a giant bolt of fire energy into the heavens that illuminates EVERYTHING! This is the first of THREE trines. Mark your calendar for March 3, 2015 and June 22, 2015 for parts two and three! This is an abundant goodie!  I love this transit!  It happens again in 2028.

Saturn goes from 19:43 degrees Scorpio to 20:22 degrees Scorpio.  Saturn’s a bit blindsided this week by how RAPIDLY everything seems to resolve. Let the patterns change!

Uranus goes from 15:08 degrees Aries to 14:51 degrees Aries (retrograde).  Uranus starts to release the energy as the apex of a fast-moving Finger of God between Venus in Virgo and Ceres and Saturn in Scorpio moves off of him. They are getting OFF HIS BUTT!  Whew! Still a bit of Crazy as he gets a trine from Jupiter on Thursday. But that is GOOD energy.

Neptune goes from 5:34 degrees Pisces to 5:24 degrees Pisces (retrograde).  Part of you is still arguing for the other guy to change THEIR patterns.  Ain’t going to happen. You are the agent of change here!  Change!  And NO WHINING!

Pluto stations at 11:00 degrees Capricorn all week.  Pluto is stopped this week and slowly moving off of his station degree, going forward again. The station of Pluto takes place Monday so we feel it for 5 days after ~ until Saturday, September 27. Tension releases!  Health matters can surface! Take them seriously!

Chiron moves out of last week’s Finger of God. You made the tough choices last week. On Saturday, the Universe pats you on the head! And you know it.  Change. That is the only way out….

Vesta kicks subservient OUT OF HER LIFE!  NO MORE!

Pallas Athena joins with the Nodes of Fate and makes important lifestyle changes to move toward her new dreams.  She’s doing what she wants to do!

Ceres is quiet.  

Juno sextiles Sedna refusing to be subservient any more in relationships.

Hygeia is quiet.



Void Moons in the Week Ahead:  When the Moon is Void, it is wise to avoid making important decisions as they tend to be unrealistic, and subject to false starts, errors or unexpected hassles.  Avoid being concerned with things beyond your spiritual center.  It is time for subjective, spiritual and non-materialistic concerns.  Kick back, let life flow, and center yourself.  Connect into your essential oneness with the Universal Forces.

Moon is in Virgo on Monday with good closing aspects of a conjunction to Venus.

Moon goes void joined to Venus on Tuesday September 23, 2014 at 08:15:55 am
EDT. Moon enters Libra on Tuesday September 23, 2014 at 11:59 pm EDT.  Moon is void all day Tuesday.

There is a New Moon on Wednesday September 24, 2014 at 2:14 am EDT. The degree of the New Moon is 1:08 Libra. The eclipses are coming! The eclipses are coming! The eclipse season begins with this New Moon.

Moon goes void joined to Mercury on Friday September 26, 2014 at 08:39:39 am EDT. Moon enters Scorpio on Friday September 26, 2014 at 10:30:13 am EDT. Moon is void for about two hours Friday morning.

Moon goes void sextile to Venus on Sunday September 28, 2014 at 04:31:37 pm EDT.  Moon enters Sagittarius on Sunday September 28, 2014 at 06:51:19 pm.  Moon is void for a bit over two hours on Sunday afternoon.

new moon sept 2014














The New Moon is quite powerful.  It takes place shortly after the Libra Ingress, on the world axis so things begun under this New Moon will last for many years in our lives and the world.  There’s a big Finger of God involving the Mid-heaven and the South Node in Aries receiving input from the legs of Venus in Virgo and Ceres, Saturn and Vesta in Scorpio.  This is a major new Moon for letting go of things that don’t work for you anymore. The Part of Fortune on the Ascendant invites you to go towards what you love. Jupiter, loud and proud in the first house, invites you to dance with what you love ~ and make sure to do it too!


Lynda Hill’s interpretation of the Image is:  Commentary: The ‘Light of the Sixth Race’ is seen ‘Transmuted to the Seventh’. This may be a time of new beginnings-the implementation of a whole new order. A feeling of ascension is present here, with people approaching an entirely new level of living and operating. There’s a need to be with or communicate with people who have shared visions and hopes for the future. The fruits of past experience can bring either light or dark to the present.

Oracle: This Symbol can show a leap ahead in consciousness, so much so that the old ways of functioning and living are no longer satisfying, or even possible. Sometimes the old codes for living are actually somewhat unbearable. It’s best to respect the value of what is waning and leaving your life, and take the best qualities of your past with you. Many of the things that were important before have lost their imperative. The objectives that one wants to aim for are, or have, changed radically in the realization of this new age. The aspects of modern society are often left behind for a higher, more “evolved” state. This Symbol often shows someone who is within reach of their ultimate potential. A “new order” needs to be implemented and the time has come for it to happen. There are likely to be many who share the same aspirations as you, people who are on the same road and see the same signs. Join with those who are working at something truly worthwhile, as this will see you moving further and further towards a chosen future, rather than one that is just foisted on you by society. Regardless of this progression and ascension, there is a need to remain rooted in the reality of practicality. Otherwise, you, or someone else, may lose their way in the glamour or “fog” that these new, sometimes deeply spiritual, realities can bring.

Keywords: Younger or more vital elements taking over from the elders. The fruits of the new age. Theosophy-Blavatsky’s theories. Finding kindred spirits. Sharing visions. Ascension and evolution. Inheritances that move one forward. Growing older and wiser. UFO’s and aliens. Music that lifts one’s spirits. Gurus and avatars. Demarcations of evolution. Transmutations.

The Caution: Losing touch with practical survival. Can be racial (or other) discrimination. Feeling that one is from a “higher” order, or more evolved, than other people. Leaving others behind.


It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change. Charles Darwin

All that is human must retrograde if it does not advance. Edward Gibbon

Postmodernism represents a moment of suspension before the batteries are recharged for the new millennium, an acknowledgment that preceding the future is a strange and hybrid interregnum that might be called the last gasp of the past. Gilbert Adair

A culture is not an abstract thing. It is a living, evolving process. The aim is to push beyond standard-setting and asserting human rights to make those standards a living reality for people everywhere.Mary Robinson

There is nothing more innately human than the tendency to transmute what has become customary into what has been divinely ordained. Suzanne LaFollette

Imagine all the people living life in peace. You may say I’m a dreamer, but I’m not the only one. I hope someday you’ll join us, and the world will be as one. John Lennon


Moon day Monday September 22, 2014  Moon is in Virgo on Monday with good closing aspects of a conjunction to Venus. Pluto stations tonight at 8:35 pm  ~ forward we go!  Time for our evolution!  We are at the moment of profound change. Like caterpillars emerging from the chrysalis, we have somehow turned into butterflies when we weren’t looking!  Expect a very, very busy day with lots of activity, things to do and accomplish. In the morning, you realize you have wings and can fly as you hatch from the cocoon! All that work over the past few years HAS been for something. Later tonight, at 10:29 pm, Sun enters Libra and crosses the equator, heading into the southern hemisphere.  A new season begins. We will work our butt off until next week until Venus enters Libra NEXT Monday. Venus in Virgo is still making the to-do lists like a wild episode of Lucy and Ethel!  Can you keep up?

Mars day Tuesday September 23, 2014 Moon is in Virgo and goes void joined to Venus at 08:15:55 am EDT. Moon enters Libra on at 11:59 pm EDT.  Moon is void all day Tuesday. Today is a kick back and process day ~ but because the Moon is in Virgo with good closing aspects, you can get great things accomplished and kick that to-do list into to-done!  Lots of activity in the morning as Jupiter and Mercury cooperate.  Venus’ square to Cupido encourages you to take action around your desired tribe. Jupiter’ inconjunct to Chiron finishes up the last leg of the Finger of God from last week… It is all about doing what you love. Jupiter in the sign of creative Leo looks past Chiron’s sadness and encourages him to try again for the dream. Watch for a bit of envy this evening as Venus and Eris have a round the table argument. Envy serves a purpose. Look at the higher vision of what this envy and jealousy is for… it always serves you in some manner.

Wednesday Mercury’s day September 24, 2014 Moon is in Libra and goes void joined to Mercury making the next few days great for learning, partnering, new deals, fresh ideas and forward movement in the direction you want to head. On with your LIFE!  An eclipse brings in sneezes and colds so you can be a bit snuffing today. Nip it in the bud with extra vitamins and early to bed. Pallas joins with the North Node of Destiny tonight so watch who you meet!  Partner? Romance? Creative response? Go for it! It will change your life! Say yes! Mid-day you get a burst of energy and flow as Moon and Mars connect to power through problems, challenges or issues. There can be stress or a possible energy around food poisoning. Digestion is challenged. You don’t have to do it all at once. Triangles tonight can cause problems. You can’t do EVERYTHING!

Jupiter’s Day Thursday September 25, 2014  Moon is in Libra and goes void joined to Mercury. Pay attention to your dreams as they are talking to you. A stress energy of envy happens in the morning upon awakening. Venus makes her home a beautiful place! Another powerful day for getting things done, deals signed and energetically accomplishing things. Rosh Hashanah begins. Jupiter’s once every 14 year trine to Uranus takes place today. This is an incredibly active and fun aspect. There will be two more trines next year. THREE trines about fiery expansion and profound creativity.  Start that book! Begin the business! Do an initiating event ~ write the title page of your book, Write  your Academy Award Acceptance speech. Begin that business. Use this terrific energy. Mark your calendar for March 3, 2015 and June 22, 2015 for parts two and three! This is an abundant goodie energy. The next time it happens is 2028.

Friday Venus’s Day September 26, 2014  Moon is in Libra and goes void joined to Mercury at 08:39:39 am EDT. Moon enters Scorpio at 10:30:13 am EDT. Moon is void for about two hours Friday morning. You get news of an ending this morning. It’s surprising but not unexpected. Mercury’s quintile to Pluto invites you to creatively partner with power, triangles and others. Divide and conquer. Sun’s parallel to Chiron encourages a deep healing. Vesta’s biquintile to the South Node make arranging the changes in your accommodations easily accomplished. There is an explosion of love and good feelings tonight. Deep feelings can be revealed.

Saturn’s Day Saturday September 27, 2014  Moon is in Scorpio and goes void sextile to Venus. Another productive day of energy as Moon and Venus are cooperating with each other….even though they are in signs they don’t much like. You can get great things accomplished today!  Dreams last night were full of difficult or challenging images that are part of how you have to shift things to get where you want to go. You have to take action to change the old established dramas. Sun’s square to Hades invites you to go deeper and explore places you might not normally want to see. This afternoon there is an inspired idea about how to proceed with a situation that has been troubling you. You can also spend some serious money with Moon’s square to Jupiter… go for it ~ it IS beautiful and you deserve it! Mercury enters Scorpio for 13 days including his retrograde station coming next Saturday, Yom Kippur.  People get more retiring or secretive in their communications.  Chiron’s biquintile to Pallas suggests a MAJOR healing opportunity is offered to you (and you should accept it!).

Sun’s day Sunday September 28, 2014 Moon is in Scorpio. Moon goes void sextile to Venus at 04:31:37 pm EDT.  Moon enters Sagittarius at 06:51:19 pm EDT.  Moon is void for a bit over two hours on Sunday afternoon. After another night of juicy dreams, you move forward with changes to your home and hearth. Lots of energy about how to create a foundation and/or structure that supports your forward motion.  Sun’s sesquiquadrate to Saturn encourages you to structure your ego and direction is a way that allows you to accomplish your vision. Some people add things in and then figure out what to eliminate. Other people delete things to create space so they can see clearly where they are going. Whichever way YOU work, shift that space that sustains you.  Sun’s inconjunct to Neptune invites you to adjust your dream ~ particularly in a PHYSICAL way.  More exercise. More sleep. More structure. Time set aside to creatively play with ideas and where you want to go.  It is all do-able but maybe not all do-able at the same time so prioritize as you go. Venus’ trine to Admetos brings a situation to an end tonight.  It is time for it to be over. Next week, we have lots to do so early to bed!


Anne’s Four Radio Shows and Two Recommended Shows Recap:  Listen in to the podcasts via iTunes or by the website links.

Anne’s Weekly Weather: Pluto stations.  A new season begins. A New Moon about evolution.  Jupiter trines Uranus!  Fire explosions. Mercury enters Scorpio. Passions! Go for it! Eruptions!!!

Scorpios Talking:  We were back and talking deep…..shifts and changes in place.

The Mary Anne Show: Our last Mary Anne show.  Mary and I are moving on to new chapters in our respective lives! It’s been a very fun ride with 263 episodes of laughter!

Access Astrology: We all showed up!  We all talked!

Venus Unplugged: Llorraine Neithardt with Venus lessons for all!! For Jungians, dreamers, poets and visionaries this podcast helps with your individuation.

CG Jung Speaks! There are great readings from Jung! Tune in!  Kendrick Norris, Ph.D. reads excerpts from Jung.  Working on individuating? Listen in!


In-Person Readings:  I am attending the SOTA Conference in Niagara Falls, NY on October 23–26, 2014 and staying at Sheraton at the Falls.  I will have a limited number of In Person readings available. Write if you are interested in an appointment as the on-line booking system won’t show these appointments.    



Getting Straight to the Heart of Your Life

with Venus and The Gang

Friday, October 10, 7PM – Monday, October 13, Noon

Sag Harbor, NY

Join four Venus Star Point practitioners in an extended weekend of casual learning through a blend of lecture-style, experiential, and personally-centered material that will enrich your life.

Understanding your Venus Star will empower you to be in rhythm and flow with the energies bestowed upon you by your VSP.

Enhance how you interact with the Venus Star and how it interacts with others.

This event includes a Friday night welcome dinner and will be hosted in a beautiful setting in Sag Harbor, just a short walk to the beach.

Space is limited so register ASAP!

Early bird registration price by September 10th is $200; After September 10th, $250

Click Here

for more information about this special, unique, one-of-a-kind program!



Lynda Hill’s work appears with her permission.  Check her out at sabiansymbols.com



Copyright© 2014 A.C. Ortelee