Weekly Weather September 17, 2007

Weekly Weather September 17, 2007

The key word for the week is “grow up”. Time to become a bit more grown up. Time to move toward becoming an adult. Did you know Adult is from the Latin word, adultus? Adultus is the past participle of adolescere. Adolescere means to grow up. Virgo is the sign of the adolescent. Virgo is the time when we begin to move into competency as a mini-adult kind of being. We hit puberty. We start to express our being. We are more aware of our peers (Mercury rules Virgo ~ so what people say about us becomes MUCH more important to us). Virgo is the phase and sign between childhood Leo and adulthood Libra. Virgo represents when the child puts away his or her toys and becomes more “grown up”. The beloved stuffed animals move off the shelves and into the closet, replaced by more grown up things. My friend Dylan is 13. He decided his room was too juvenile, blue walls with red trim. He’s repainting, with mom’s permission, to blue walls with a darker blue trim. A color change in his room marks his growing up and moving into his teens. Dylan hasn’t quite decided what to do with all his stuffed animals and transformers. I imagine the toys from his childhood will be moving on too.

So it is in your life. There is a place that needs to start growing up. That place is the house where Saturn is moving through. You are feeling the need to be more grown up. It is time. While the play part of Leo was fun, it is over now. You know it too. Besides you look like a grown up now! People expect you to be grown up! You come across as a grown up. You are getting kind of big for your age so they expect more adult behavior from you!

However, right now, that Virgo part in your chart is kicking up. The hormones of adolescence are arriving. Time for a growth spurt of sorts. Saturn is starting to get some steam up, the eclipses took place in middle Virgo last week to mark the space you are heading towards. The world is moving forward and responding to almost every planet in the heavens who are also moving forward, full steam ahead. The only planets still dawdling and going backwards, in a creative dream world, are retrograde Neptune and Uranus. Because Uranus and Neptune aren’t moving forward, the actual FORM of what growing up is going to look like isn’t completely clear right now. But growing up is what you want to do. Remember how your body changed at adolescence? You grew body hair in new parts. You grew taller. Your voice changed. Your body morphed. That is what your soul is about to do. Growing up is the call to your soul that Saturn in Virgo makes. Your soul is about to grow hair in strange places and have its voice change. You are about to watch your soul mature from its current child like form into a competency signified by Virgo’s skill set.

On the other hand, perhaps that is what you want to say to someone in your world, such as in ’Will you PLEASE GROW UP?’ You aren’t yet to the point of a shouting “GROW UP!” at them but you can feel you are moving slowly and inexplicably toward it. You ARE going to shout especially if they don’t start to change their behavior. There is an impatience of sorts with Saturn in Virgo. Can’t they see what they are doing? Don’t they get it? Don’t they see the problems inherent in the way they set it up or are doing it? Why can’t they grow up and behave already? The answer to those questions is NO, it is not quite time yet. They probably aren’t there yet. But they ARE feeling the pull toward growing up. We’ll have to see what they decide to do. Saturn in Virgo will help them either evolve into a functional grown up or fall forever into the child like space they seem to want to stay in right now. You can‘t do much about it. They have to decide to change themselves. And don’t criticize them. Criticism makes them dig in their heels and get stupid or stubborn. Go do your own thing. You have tons of stuff on your to-do list don’t you?

Besides, it is not time to shout at them. Astrology is all about time. The planets don’t rush us. The planets, through their cosmic dance, give us time to ripen, mature and grow up like the plants and animals around us do. Venus is still partying hearty in Leo. They aren’t ready to grow up at this moment. Go work on your to-do list and leave them playing with their stuffed animals or transformers.

That being said, YOU CAN MOVE ALONG. You know what you want. You‘ve gotten clear while Saturn was heading through Leo. Crystal Clear, thanks to the Lord of the Rings, about what you love and want in your life. So go look for it. Start to work towards it. Create it a little bit every single day in your life. If you are involved with a person who doesn’t want to grow up, you don’t have to support or sanction any child like behavior any more IF you don’t want to. You don’t have to play the game with or by their rules. You can play with and by YOUR rules. Or suggest new rules for the two of you. First, however, you have to figure out what YOUR rules are. That is what the time RIGHT NOW is for. Time to figure out YOUR rules for YOUR life. Time to establish your new routines, rituals, habits and all those other sixth house or Virgo kind of skills and processes. Or maybe it is time to choose the paint colors for your room like my friend Dylan did. You can decide what to do with the stuffed animals and transformers at a later date. It is a process, this past participle of changing and morphing into Adultus. We are adolescere. It is time to grow up. Changeable, mutable adolescents of Saturn in Virgo. By the way, you can change your mind too!

The week ahead features many Sun and Mercury aspects suggesting illumination and moving towards our future. The Sun enters a new sign, Libra. At that point, the Sun and Mercury will both be ruled by Venus in Leo so that makes for an optimistic energy to the ingress chart, or beginning of Fall on September 23. Before that happens, we have a few quite difficult and cranky aspects culminating on Friday.

Mars opposite Pluto is never pleasant. The planet of action and violence fighting with the planet of destruction and transformation causes a very large, uncontrolled and difficult energy. It doesn’t help that both signs are in mutable places and found in Fire and Air. Essentially, Mars opposite Pluto is a war aspect. Plus, we know that Mars is loaded up with all sorts of ca-ca from the recent eclipse energy. Mars is looking to discharge all that garbage some place. His opposition to Pluto is his first significant aspect after the recent eclipses. People are going to be in the mood to argue and fight under the aspect. The other tough aspect is Venus opposite retrograde Neptune. Normally, this is opposition is a garden variety kind of disillusionment where the clouds of illusion fall from our eyes as our beloved gets drunk and makes a fool of himself when he meets our best friend. Venus opposite Neptune becomes much tougher when she does it on the same day that Mars is opposite to Pluto. We are going to be disillusioned AND in a mood to declare war over it.

Finally, Ceres stations at 23 Taurus, the degree of Jupiter/ Saturn union from May 28, 2000 at 11:05 am, EDT. Back in May of 2000, you started on a journey to create the next part of your life. Saturn dancing through Leo for the past two years squared that decision and asked you how serious you were. You faced a crisis of consciousness as you realized what it would or might take to make your dream come true. Now, lovely mother Ceres turns and pivots on that 23 Taurus zodiac point, asking do you understand how the period of time from July 2005 through now clarified the choices you made back then in your life. Do you see how it relates to May 2000? If so great! Forward we go. Time to refine and build your skills while Saturn is in Virgo. Saturn in Virgo will come to
trine that point and say &ld
quo;yep, you got it!” If you don’t see how it relates, well, Saturn in Virgo, will help you get clear on how actions cause consequences. You’ll come to see how your actions contribute to the situation you find yourself in today. You are exactly where you are supposed to be. Forward we go. Time to get what you want.

Monday, Mercury chats with Venus in Leo. Back to Venus getting ready to leave the party with Saturn in Virgo. Venus noticed Saturn in Virgo is getting impatient. He is SO ready to go and leave the silly party. Venus needs a bit more time in Leo before she leaves so she picks up her pace of saying so long to her pals, laughing and playing as the last few songs of the band play. She asks someone else to go talk to Saturn to keep him occupied until she’s finished. Sun has a square to Mars lighting up a situation you are not particularly happy with but need to look at. Watch Saturn tap his foot impatiently and say, “Time to go!” with his body language. Moon in Sagittarius and Sun square to Mars light up situation. They are looking for action to take place. But what to do? Stay a bit longer or start to go home?

Tuesday, Mercury joins with the Node by declination as he trines Neptune. Go listen to Neptune. Hear the music. Neptune has a great idea. Any ideas presented to you today, take them up on it. Try it out. Might not work in the manner it is presented to you but it IS a terrific idea. You need to do it. Also pay attention to your dreams and make sure to act on their message. Neptune is subtle. If you hear the same thing mentioned like a book, website, show or music by a few people in your world, follow up on it. Neptune whispers in our ear gently through words and dreams floating by. Moon in Sagittarius, inspired by what she’s heard from Neptune, start to move forward.

Wednesday features a seven hour void moon and a difficult emotional situation involving drama, power and triangles as the Sun and Moon both connect with Pluto in the sky. Expect emotionally volatile news that moves us rapidly forward a few giant umbrella steps without a mother may I to be heard. Mercury has an aspect with Ceres suggesting communications from either nurturing or earth energies will combine with the clarity of the Sun as he lights up your soul wound via his aspect to Chiron. You know those lightening bolt events where you go “ah”, reach a critical point and can’t go back to the old way of seeing your world or a particular situation ever again? It is that kind of energy. Be kind to yourself. It had to happen for you to see it. It had to happen for you to grow. I know, it probably wasn’t fun.

Thursday, our build up of the Mars to Pluto opposition and the Venus to Neptune opposition really begins to cook our feelings and emotions. Mars and Venus are very personal planets for each of us. When Venus and Mars approach harsh aspects with outer planets, we notice, big time. Additionally, today, Ceres stops and stations on that sensitive point of the Jupiter/Saturn conjunction back in May of 2000, 23 Taurus. I tend to think of Ceres as being a “nice” asteroid ~ babies, nurturing, mother hood and all that good stuff. But Ceres has a darker side. She has a very dark side in fact. Her symbolic body is where we live and dance and create our lives. Ceres, in her form of mother earth, is where we return when we die. Ceres starved humanity when she lost her daughter to the underworld. Ceres is implicated in all sorts of eating or nurturing disorders when she’s found afflicted in a natal chart. When Ceres stops in the sky, she asks us to look at what we have created to see if it can continue in its current form. Do we want what we have created to live? Ceres can, and does, eat her young. Or Ceres refuses to feed the runt of litter so it dies. Nature is harsh. Additionally, Mars and Mercury have a number of aspects. You aren’t going to be able to process all the stuff that goes on today in the space of a short 24 hour period. Too much. Note it. Record it. And take the time while Ceres is traveling retrograde to figure out what you want to do with what you learned today.

Friday, the Mars Pluto and Venus Neptune oppositions perfect as the harsh Capricorn Moon is ruled by Saturn in Virgo. This is a very big ouch kind of day. No band aids help. Boils lanced. Tears shed. Pain felt. Balloons burst. Punches thrown. Wars launched. Markets Crash. Tides ebb. Doors slam. Relationships end. Mercury’s aspect to Chiron adds a sense of profound sadness to the energy. Why do we do these kinds of things to ourselves? I know ~ I’d like it to be different but sometimes it is not going to be a good day on earth.

Saturn’s day, Mercury has an adjusting aspect to Ceres as she starts to move retrograde, bringing to a conclusion the Saturn through Leo chapter of the story A few days ago, Ceres stationed on the sensitive point of 23 Taurus from May 2000. When you look back on May 2000 from the vantage point of today, what have you learned? What do you want to tell yourself about where you are on your journey? What do you need to do for the next part of your life’s journey ahead? It IS a 20 year journey going on until December of 2020 when the aspect unfolds completely in your life. For me, May 2000 was when I looked at my corporate job and knew it was time for me to leave the security and paycheck to become a full time astrologer. With a giant gulp, I proceeded down a relatively rocky and none too clear path to where I am now. You’ve been doing something similar in your life! Look at where you were in May 2000. Look at where you are now. Give yourself a pat on your back. And give yourself a hug too. It can be a harsh world. You’ve learned a lot over the past seven years. Take a moment as the Sun rides through the last degrees of Virgo to appreciate all the talent, time, blood, sweat and tears it took to get where you are today.

Sunday, Sun enters Libra at 5:52 am, giving us a 16 degree Virgo Ascendant for Washington, D.C. and setting off another trigger for the eclipse as Uranus sits on the Descendant for the Ingress Chart. I’ve never seen the Ingress chart angles for a season so closely match the new moon eclipse chart‘s energy. I am guessing it means the energy of the eclipse will continue to unroll and unfold through out the SEASON of fall instead of through the six week eclipse period. And it was a fun eclipse period wasn’t it? Sun aspects Pallas as a both a contraparallel and parralel ~ two very diverse aspects – opposition and conjunction forming quickly over the equator in a single day! Expect illumination! Additionally Pallas is sitting right near the North Node so she’s bringing a brilliant concept or idea to bear via her two unusual and fast aspects with the Sun. Pallas is the pattern seeking and finding asteroid as well as the brilliant strategist within each of us. So your Pallas idea might be as simple as finding a profound sense of contentment and partnership within your soul or a brilliant beyond words concept from your daydreams or maybe a conversation with a good friend that causes the light bulb to light. The idea is, regardless of the source, the next thing you should move towards to help create your life. The cosmos speaks to you today. Make sure to listen.

Mundane: It is time to be grown ups, people! We keep arguing over stupid and silly things ~ we are mired in the ridiculous details, the body counts, whether the surge is working or not, how to statistically count a dead body ~ if you are shot in the front of the head versus the back of the head, it puts you in a different pile for reporting to Congress and the American people. Can we PLEASE define the argument in a different way? Can we change the rules of the game? Why the hell did we invade a country that did nothing to us? When are we leaving? By the way, what IS the definition of WIN? In every game we ever play, there are clear rules to define who wins ~ time, outs, innings, quarters, periods, runs, touchd

owns or baskets. Has anybody heard what exactly defines “win” in the war we are in? Saturn in Virgo wants rules! Saturn wants RULES!!

On September 21st, Venus opposes Neptune as Mars opposes Pluto and makes me think the financial markets will rock and roll all week as we build to the aspect. It’s a planetary trigger baby! Over the past few weeks, the “R” word ~ recession ~ was used several times in the media. The “D” word was still too big to be mentioned. So, off I went to my dictionary for two definitions:

Depression: a period of drastic decline in the national economy, characterized by decreasing business activity, falling prices, and unemployment.

Recession: a moderate and temporary decline in economic activity that occurs during a period of otherwise increasing prosperity, often in a recovery period following a depression.

Guess we will have to wait and see what the aspects this week will bring ~ drastic decline or moderate and temporary decline ~ recession or depression? Hmm. We are having playground arguments over so many silly things. Isn’t it time to take our ball, guns, soldiers, tanks, rockets and go home to clean our room and wash up before dinner? And maybe get health insurance for our wonderful children with the 10 billion we spend every month on rockets, armor and military contractors? Health instead of death? Hey, let’s make that a rule!

Copyright © 2007 Anne Ortelee