Weekly Weather September 10, 2012

Weekly Weather September 10, 2012












Labor Day and the week that follows always have an energy that is kind of sad yet happy to me. I spend time reviewing my past year and planning goals for my next year as my birthday approaches. Out on Fire Island for my last week of summer vacation, the contrast of ending and new beginning is driven home even more. Last week, the town was packed, packed, packed full of families with kids getting in the last bits of summer. You can’t get into a bayside restaurant until after 9 pm. This week, after Labor Day, the town is desolate, stores closed, the beach empty, and the clouds seeming more windswept and in a hurry to get where ever they are going. The kids are back in school and the families gone back to live their lives. I got a table on the edge of sunset for a last lobster dinner in a virtually empty restaurant on the bay. The locals call the Tuesday after Labor Day “Tumbleweed Tuesday” as the town so empties out that tumbleweeds can roll right through it without running into a single person. It is time to pack up our dalliances, frivolities and the fun of summer for the next season of our lives. Earlier while sitting on the dock reading, eight swans swam by me, fully grown and beautiful in their elegance. Do they know about the fall and winter that awaits them? Do we?











It seems we are packing up and changing quite a bit in our lives lately. All around me, folks are reporting endings or new beginnings in their relationships. When I was in my 20s and running a group house on Fire Island, after Labor Day was a marker for whether the summer fun, laughter and play filled relationships would continue ALD ~ after Labor Day ~ when we all left the beach and returned to our busy city lives.

One of the women in my house, Mary Louise, pulled in men like flies go to honey. She was a sweetheart who broke men’s hearts on a very consistent basis. When Mary Louise was about to break up with someone, she got them a dog. Even if she only dated them for a month or two, when she was fixing to break up with them, she got them a dog. The guys were always thrilled with the dog. They had wanted a dog and viewed it a form of commitment on her part. Then, boom, the axe would fall and they would be history ~ left with a dog and without her. As house members, we all knew the dog gift was the kiss of death from Mary Louise so to speak. One year, Neil’s relationship with Mary Louise survived after Labor Day. He made it through the winter. Neil signed up and joined our house with Mary Louise the following summer. Neil was a great guy. Everything seemed great. Then Neil and Mary Louise arrived for Labor Day with a new puppy. As Neil talked about signing up again for next summer’s house, we kept looking at the puppy Mary Louise had given him. We smiled at him, nodded our assent and said “yes, sure, sounds great”. We looked sideways at each other, shaking our heads in sadness. Sure enough, Neil was gone right After Labor Day. Of course, the story continued. It always does. Neil met his future wife while walking that dog. Mary Louise eventually married a therapist who had three dogs. And before that marriage happened, quite a few other dogs found homes with nice guys. It always is perfect even if we can’t see the perfection at the time.

So no worries if things seem to be falling apart right now. It is the season a changing from Summer into Fall. It is After Labor Day. It is TIME for the leaves to change, the winds to blow colder, and the clouds to hustle in the heavens above your head. Right now, the music in your life is playing a vamp and inviting you to find a new song. Or, of course, you can keep singing your old song for a bit more. Truth be told, you have until Saturn gets past the degree of his January/ February station at 29:30 Libra, which will happen on October 1, to find out what is going to happen in any “pending stories” in your life. Once Saturn gets into Scorpio, he’s going to make you get up and start the next chapter. Until October 5th, the Saturn in Libra party is winding down with the band playing the last songs. So you can dance with Saturn in Libra until the music stops IF you want to. Or you can go get your wrap and head out towards the next chapter now. If you leave now, the other person may want to bring you back to wrap up their Saturn in Libra story between now and October 5th. If that happens, Saturn wants you to learn one more thing…. So make sure to pay attention and take the call.

When I look at the stories coming up among my clients and friends, there seem to be three themes that are repeating themselves over and over. The first theme is waiting for a pending story or person to decide what they are going to do. After all Saturn is in Libra ~ so it IS a relationship story ~ and you have to wait for them to figure this out. They will decide, one way or the other by October 5th. The second theme is you know you are outta here after a difficult yet amazingly clarifying journey with Saturn. There might be a bit of wrap up activity required. The final theme is decisions are made, you are ready to commit to the next chapter and hit the road to your future.

If you are waiting on a pending story to find out what is going to happen while the other person wrestles with Saturn, here is a song to help you wait, I Won’t Give Up, written by Jason Mraz.

If you know you are outta there, going to the new place, on your way, after a bad time with old Saturn, here is a song to help you Stand Back Up, by Sugarland.


If you are just completely ready for that next new journey with Saturn creating a lovely new chapter in Scorpio, Willie Nelson helps us get on the road again.

Next up we want to start watching out for the shadow. One of the gifts of Saturn going through Scorpio will be to point out our “buttons” to us. Of course, Mars going through Scorpio has been doing that ~pushing your buttons. Actually, our planets are our buttons. So watch what Mars does and see how Saturn is going to come through and teach you, over the next three years, how to use your energy in a conscious and profound way.

“Any person capable of angering you becomes your master; he can anger you only when you permit yourself to be disturbed by him.” Epictetus (55 to 135 AD) Greek Philosopher

At the end of my friend Jackie’s memorial service, after her 11 year old niece gave a lovely tribute, a man, a new and unexpected, unplanned for speaker, got up and managed to introduce the shadow into her service. Everyone had been talking about how wonderful Jackie was (and she was). He told some not so wonderful stories about her and pissed off quite a number of people in the room. He introduced a shadow into the service. Of course, Jackie had a shadow… we all do. Outside, afterwards, a red haired woman furiously said to me “He was an asshole when we worked together and he is STILL an asshole!” As the Woo-woos ate together afterwards, we talked about him. Llorraine pointed out he was the 13th fairy. The 13th fairy is the one who was NOT invited to the party because she always causes trouble and no one likes her. She knows about the party so she crashes it any way. The 13th fairy causes trouble. She introduces the shadow into the story.

With the South Node in Taurus and Mars, with Saturn soon to follow, in Scorpio, we can run full speed ahead and crash, 100 miles per hour, into the Shadow. It is our Shadow. It is their Shadow. The Shadow is a force or entity we have to acknowledge. More importantly, we have to learn to deal with the Shadow. We have to integrate the Shadow. Jackie was a fabulous woman and a dear friend but she also had a shadow side, a dark side. WE ALL HAVE A SHADOW! We all have a dark side. If we fail to integrate or own our dark side, the shadow will be up dancing around the room causing all sorts of trouble and making us very angry.

So our goal with the Nodes, Mars and soon Saturn in Scorpio is to LOOK at that dark side of the situation, anticipate and welcome it. Invite it to join in the party instead of excluding it. As President Clinton said at the convention last week: “What works in the Real World is constructive cooperation. Nobody is right all the time and a broken clock is right twice a day. We spend our lives between those two extremes.” The interplay of the light and dark, masculine and feminine, yin and yang all recognize and require the other energy. We throw in a bit of forgiveness to help resolve the issues and create constructive cooperation.

This week is quiet but full of emotional releases and realizations. Pluto is at the degree of his upcoming station, building to his reversal next Tuesday. He is also at the degree of the upcoming Uranus /Pluto square, number two of seven, at 6:57 of the cardinal axis next Wednesday. Tension will build all week as these two move toward each other. There is a New Moon next Saturday at 23:37 Virgo, starting a new cycle of creation in your Virgo house. And Sunday, Mercury enters Libra for a 20 day sojourn of kind, heart centered and connected conversation as he answers to Venus in Leo.

Continue to track your Mars and Node activity with the spread sheets from the past two weeks. Mars moves from 11:20 to 15:22 Scorpio this week.

Void Moons This Week
5:58 pm EDT Tuesday September 11 to 11:01 pm EDT
1:14 am EDT Friday September 14 to 5:31 am EDT
7:26 am EDT Sunday September 16 to 8:55 am EDT

Moon Day Monday, September 10 finds Moon in Cancer and very sensitive. Tough closing aspects of a square to Saturn offer releases and letting go. Moon goes through the gauntlet of Pluto and Uranus at night so dreams are deep and possibly disturbing. Sun joins with Mercury so people think their opinion is correct. So do you. Combust Mercury always encourages us to look at what our ego wants. Because the Sun is in Virgo, we might be a bit more fear based or critical of the details. Relax into Love with Venus in Leo… what is the CREATIVE CALL of this energy? Mars is at 11:20 Scorpio.


Tuesday Mars day September 11 has Moon in Cancer most of the Day and in Leo at the end of the night in a creative closing sextile. Happy birthday to me! It is my 28th anniversary of my 30th birthday ~woo hoo! Thoughts and prayers for those who hold only sad memories of 9-11. Mars has a gift of brilliance with Pallas today inspiring action taking around great ideas. Mercury creates productively with time keeper Kronos. Messages of beauty arrive to make your home or office lovely. Juno meets up with her destiny and a fateful partner as she links with the North Nodes of Fate ~ move toward that call. Release the past. Watch who you meet today, they can be important for your future. Venus trines Pallas Athena making tonight a night of love and intellectual understanding. Uranus has a degree of stress with the Black Moon Lilith, sometimes you have to break free of what ails you. Mars is at 12 Scorpio



Mercury’s day, Wednesday September 12 Moon in Leo is creative and fun filled as she packs and plans. Moon links up creatively with Venus, Uranus and argues with Mars (but who doesn’t argue with Mars? Black Moon Lilith is active so weigh the choice between subservience and connection. Is constructive cooperation possible? Maybe. Maybe not. We will have to see. It is all part of our developmental journey. Look at your patterns and see which ones need to be changed. Maybe it is time to let one of your patterns go into the ethers with Uranus and be blown to smithereens? In a nice way of course. We can all change at any moment in time. We just have to do it. Venus has an argument about pride and being right with Chiron wounded in Pisces. Even a broken clock is right twice a day. Where are you between the extremes of forgiveness and righteousness? Look around for an olive branch if you decide to approach and connect. Saturn in Libra hates to waste a perfectly good relationship over silly stuff. Sure they might blast you but maybe they figured out something on their side of the relationship too. Venus has an adjusting aspect to Pluto ~ and a trine to Uranus. How can you bend without breaking? How can you transform and change? It is all about evolution. Consciousness brings evolution. We see things differently than we used to. Mars is 12:40 Scorpio



Jupiter’s day Thursday Sept 13 find Moon in happy go lucky Leo with lovely aspects to Jupiter. Can you agree to disagree? Venus trine to Uranus offers a breakthrough in your own mind and understanding. Not much else happens today but it is productive with good closing aspects so say yes to whatever shows up. Mars is at 13:20 Scorpio.


Venus’ day Friday September 14 Moon is in Virgo, moving towards the New Moon tomorrow with productive aspects of a conjunction to Mercury.  Moon clears itself of the dream with her opposition to Neptune.  Venus connects with Hades bringing troubling dreams.  News upon awakening is interesting if stressful, make sure to express whatever you need to say even if it is difficult. There is power in expression.  Sun has an argument with Eris the Goddess of Discord later in the day.  You have to learn to express yourself without it dissolving into conflict.  Part of what the energy is asking of you today is to note the power behind words. Mars is at 14:01 Scorpio


Saturn’s day Saturday September 15 Moon continues in Virgo, moving toward a New Moon at 10:11 pm at 23:37 Virgo. The Sabian Image for the Moon is Mary and Her White Lamb.  Lynda Hill’s interpretation of the image is

Commentary: ‘Mary and Her White Lamb’ is a Symbol reflecting innocence and purity. It is derived from an old nursery rhyme; ‘Mary’s White Lamb’ followed her wherever she might go. There is probably a need to be watchful for dependent or codependent behavior with others, as this story shows a strong sense of attachment and dependence.


Oracle: Is someone following someone else around, or acting like a doe-eyed lamb? Maybe they are constantly checking on the other, wanting to know their every move. Are they trying to monopolize someone, whilst excluding others? If someone were to leave the scene, how would the other react? Sometimes, what seems to be “codependent” behavior is someone merely looking out for your best interests, so don’t assume the worst right away. Look at their motives, or your own, for that matter, for this clingy behavior and assess why they are behaving the way they are. Having a belief in the integrity of people and the purity of their motives can bring joy and a sense of belonging. There is usually a strong feeling of kindness and softness with this Symbol. Keeping a sense of innocence, purity and honesty in the situation will lift you up and out of any problems. There’s a need for imagination mixed with simplicity. However, there can be a feeling of being “lost” in the wilderness when there’s no support or reassurance from others. In terms of relationships, there can be an imbalance where one person looks up to the other. Be watchful, to see if anyone is giving away their power in this situation.


Keywords: Simple childlike innocence or pure escapism. Naivety. The Mary and Jesus story. Dependence. Kindness. Friendship. Bonds between pets and owners. Believing in the essential goodness of others. Hanging out with people. Looking out for someone. Cuteness. The urge to prove something. Dislike of dirt or grime. Being ‘addicted’ to someone or something.


The Caution: Naiveté. Avoiding real issues. Stalking. Overprotection. Doubting motives. Paranoia that someone is following you. Feeling lost without the other. Doe-eyed attraction. Clinging to people. Arousing jealousy through favoritism. Not leaving people alone. Checking people’s whereabouts. Not growing up.

Manifest plainness, Embrace simplicity, Reduce selfishness, Have few desires. Lao-Tzu


There are perhaps no days of our childhood we lived so fully as those we spent with a favorite book. Marcel Proust


A man’s action is only a picture book of his creed. Ralph Waldo Emerson


The only gift is a portion of thyself. . . the poet brings his poem; the shepherd his lamb. Ralph Waldo Emerson


So much perfection argues rottenness somewhere. Beatrice Webb


Mary had a little lamb. The doctor was surprised. Urban joke


Emotions are expressive and expansive today, and very productive for getting things accomplished. Midday you can have some stress with the creative principle and how it is expressed.  Part of the issue is related to a lack of clarity and part is about relaxing into how it is supposed to play out. Virgo stresses over the details and forgets to let Pisces just merge with the energy.  Release into the Pisces ocean of connection, merging and union.  Connect to source, your divine sense of who you are.  Don’t stress the details, as today they will carry you into difficult places ~ let go, release and let the troubles drift away. It is all perfect even if you are not sure how.  If you get word of an ending today, let it go graciously. Saturn works cooperatively with Ceres ~ the creative principle wants to let go and release into the heavens, the earth, the world. Understand the partnerships you form with others actually reflect your own internal reality of what is possible for yourself.  Venus connects with the South Node and offers to take the burdens from  your heart. Turn them over to her.  Mercury’s productive aspects with the Nodes of Destiny offer you a choice of how to proceed.  Pay attention to the commitments, people or ideas that arrive into your life under these nodal aspects. They are important for you and your future.  Mars is at 14:41 Scorpio



Sun’s day, Sunday September 16 finds Moon in Libra with solid ending aspects of a conjunction to Saturn. Dreams can be stressful last night. Venus links up with Jupiter so spending, desire and abundance can be extravagant today. Mars on the world axis has an adjusting aspect to Jupiter inviting each of us to try again, one more time, as the double nature of Jupiter in Gemini allows for misunderstandings to be worked out or shifted.  Mercury at the last degree of Virgo is helping the negotiation to proceed.  Saturn offers a different option than one of ending things.  Juno enters Sagittarius so the partnership principle focuses on the road trip nature of life rather than the drama of Scorpio. Juno’s journey through Scorpio brought hidden emotional issues to the surface. Now that the partnership asteroid moves into Sagittarius, relationships will be much lighter, easier and fun spirited. Mercury enters Libra for 20 days of balanced back and forth communications. Mercury’s sextile to Juno offers the opportunity for a truce or a renewed partnership.  Full speed ahead on the creativity needs to adjust a bit as the Nodes of Fate suggest that perhaps you don’t have all the information you need to proceed just yet.  There can be some health matters which surface and need addressing ~ nothing too major but definitely part of the evolving story. Next week is going to be mighty powerful, stressful and difficult so go to bed early and support yourself emotionally, spiritually, and physically.   Mars is at 15:22 Scorpio

Copyright © 2012  A. C. Ortelee

Lynda Hill’s Work on Sabian Images appears with her consent.  Check her out at Sabiansymbols.com