Weekly Weather Sept 26, 2006 to Oct 2, 2005
Philip Roth’s quote: “In the name of reason, you search for some higher motive, you look for some deeper meaning ~ it was still my wont in those days to be reasonable about the unreasonable and to look for complexity in simple things.” We’ve each had a couple of hurricanes, our very own Katrina and Rita, blowing through our charts and lives at 100 plus miles per hour. Every thing that wasn’t nailed down and quite a few things that WERE nailed down blew away. What blew away in your life? What simple things are left? Focus on the simple things to ground yourself and begin again. The apex of our lovely, transformative Finger of God or Yod, Mars in Taurus, is a very simple, direct, straightforward, and solid as earth Mars. Mars stops in the sky this week at 23 Taurus! The Mars bull in each of us pauses to figure out our strategy for the bullfight. Focus on the simple things in your life.
In class, one of my students asked about the impact of transiting midpoints. We discovered the transiting Saturn/Uranus midpoint was at 23 Taurus, right there on the apex of the Mars, Pluto, Jupiter Finger of God! Smack dab on the Mars station degree! No wonder these last few weeks were so destructive while illuminating, transformative while difficult! Our lives changed! We experienced two hurricanes rolling through our charts. Midpoint books describe Saturn/Uranus on Mars as: “Tremendous upheaval possible in rebellion, through calamity, overexertion or anxiety about how things will get on; challenges leading to a fight. Sudden separation. Death. Endings. Quarrels.” Now is the time for your Scarlet O’Hara moment as you survey the shambles left by the past few weeks. Remember how she said, “I will never be poor again.” while looking at the shambles left by the Civil War. Reframe Scarlet’s statement into your own words “I will now xxx! “, in a positive statement of your conscious intentions. Put your stake in the ground, assert your life, being, energy, hope and start anew.
On our week ahead: The eclipses are coming! The eclipses are coming! There is a new moon eclipse October 3, 2005 at 10 Libra in orb of the Uranus/ Saturn inconjunct which forms yet another transiting Finger of God with the Sun, Moon and karmic South Node in Libra. We are not alone in our journey but the people we normally look towards will probably not be available. However, the universe will send us partners, guides or help via the Neptune, Sun, Moon, South Node, Mercury and Juno grand trine in air. Watch for an intellectual understanding promised by that grand trine in Air. Once you understand a problem you are on your way to solving it. We will start to feel the eclipse energy this week as it moves into position and creates yet another Finger of God. Remember hidden information surfaces as things come to light on Solar Eclipses! You knew or suspected it on some deep level already, didn‘t you? Be honest now. That little voice is what the Universe wants you to start paying attention to! No blame! No picking on yourself for being foolish, stupid or silly. It is ALL a part of your journey. The purpose of the little voice arriving now is to help you learn to trust the natural instincts you buried so long ago. You are learning how to trust that helpful, quiet, little voice of wisdom again ~ the whisper in your ear about how to take care of yourself. Mars stations on October 1 at 6:04 pm EDT in a completely amazing chart designed for consciousness and profound transformation. Focus on the simple truths in your life. Listen to the little, quiet voice echoing through your mind, heart, body and spirit. Change is always possible! You just have to agree to change. Freedom is the opposite of depression. Mercury is exceptionally busy all week so LISTEN!
Monday, glorious moon day, Venus argues with Juno and Saturn. She’s quite cranky in Scorpio. Did I mention Venus is going to be exactly opposite Mars when he stations at the apex of the Finger of God at the end of the week? Venus is right there, catching the considerable energy from three legs of the Yod. She is deeply involved a mutual reception with Mars in Taurus. Remember mutual receptions are like wild cards or magical get out of jail passes! Swap the energy of Venus and Mars to help move yourself along to where you want to go. Mercury gets a gift of brilliance from Pluto ~ watch for the gift to appear in your Libra house.
Tuesday the moon moves into proud Leo. Okay, Scarlet, NOW is the time to take those drapes down and create a fabulous dress out of them! You are about to have a gentleman caller and move on with your life. Summon up proud Leo energy. Flip your mane of hair and roar. Let your inner diva appear. Even in the most devastating, debilitating circumstances, you have your pride, your sense of creativity, fun, illumination and your own light. Bask in the sunshine.
Wednesday, Leo moon greets the gentleman caller as Moon aspects Saturn and the grand air trine. Mercury joins the south node and biquintiles Uranus suggesting he notices the missing drapes but offers an outstretched hand to you via Venus aspecting the North node. Take the offer from the outstretched hand in your life.
Thursday, there is a long void moon, 11:12 am to 10:44 pm EDT, so regroup, repair and ready yourself for the Mars station. Mercury aspects quite a few planets today asking you to focus on your future and where you want to go. The past is over, done, finished. History! Let it go. On to your next chapter in your ever evolving life! Ready?
Friday, Mercury continues to offer you guidance. This whole mess is tied to your mother, your childhood lessons and keeping you safe! Is it her rule or your rule? The sesquiquadrate between Mercury and Ceres suggests you reexamine the rules about right and wrong and the moral precepts you use to structure your life. Are they working for you? Remember every mom’s job was to pass her anxiety, rules and fears into her child’s little body. The purpose of passing anxiety, rules and fear is to keep you alive so you would grow up! You are grown up! What are YOUR anxieties, rules and fears? What were your family anxieties, rules and fears? Put all the anxieties, rules and fears you don’t like any more into a pile. Donate that pile to charity.
Saturday Mars stations smack dab in that Finger of God! Consciousness! Our bull pauses, stops and turns reverses his steps. Our bull watched movies of what happened to previous bulls in the bullring. He notices his blood from the sharp objects imbedded his solid flesh. He bellows, snorts, and paws the ground, preparing to charge again. Those weird guys in their nasty, sparkling tights, flags, red capes and sharp swords are dancing over there in front of the cheering crowds. Now, be a smart bull! You can take these guys out if you don‘t follow your old behaviors. Do something they don‘t expect. Then, when it is all over you can get back into your sunshine filled field, have a chew or two of clover and snuggle with your favorite cow. What are you going to do? Mars contraparallel Neptune and Mercury contraparallel Juno suggest the idea is inspired, unusual and quite brilliant and not at all what you‘d usually do. Change leads to freedom!
Sunday, IT WORKED! Or it will work! Three fifth harmonic aspects support us today: Uranus to the South Node, Neptune to Ceres, and Mercury to Saturn. Each suggests profound changes. Fives are the number of the change which occurs after consciousness awakens. Fives are brilliant, pentacle shaped, divine energies of movement ~ creativity, karma and gifts. Fives blend the four energies of the universe ~ air, water, fire and earth with each of our souls to cause consciousness. Go for it. Can‘t you taste the clover and feel sunshine on your solid back already?
Mundane: Now all we need is an epidemic outbreak of the Asian bird flu! Or perhaps that new third hurricane forming off the coast of Africa? The eclipses are coming! The eclipses are coming! What IS your vision for your life? Time’s a wasting….
Copyright © 2005 Anne C. Ortelee