Weekly Weather October 31, 2005 to November 6, 2005
Let’s talk mutual receptions! A mutual reception is when two planets are in each other’s ruling or exalted signs. Mutual receptions amplify the energy as each planet vibrates with its’ own energy as well as the other planet’s energy. It also implies a friendship, cooperation and kinship between the two planets. In some astrological traditions, you can swap planets and ask the planet to ACT AS IF it is actually in its ruler or exaltation. On the other hand, you can simply view the planets as extra potent, powerful and working, conspiring and having a grand old time together. Best buddies! Last week, Jupiter entered Scorpio for a year’s journey in the natural ruling sign of Pluto. Pluto is in Jupiter’s sign of Sagittarius. We now have a mutual reception of Jupiter and Pluto in Scorpio and Sagittarius. Think of it as a Jupiter/Pluto union, conjunction, or marriage simultaneously taking place in Scorpio and Sagittarius, amplifying both the positive and negative energies of each sign. Jupiter is big, passionate, expansive, over the top, grandiose and robust while Pluto is transformation, nuclear energy, explosions, change, death and evolution. Jupiter/Pluto conjunctions say you are rich beyond measure! Look at the houses of Scorpio and Sagittarius in your natal chart to see where you can become rich beyond measure over the next year PROVIDED you work with the positive forms of Jupiter and Pluto. Get busy!
Monday is Halloween, November 1 is All Saints, Samhain, the Day of the Dead, the year’s end and a new beginning cycle as the harvest is gathered and the fields lie fallow. What is remembered lives. Take time today or Tuesday to honor the recent endings and changes in your life, to remember your Beloved Dead family and friends. The veil between the worlds is at its thinnest tonight making it an excellent time to let things go and celebrate endings. Out of each ending is a beginning. Venus gifts Uranus and the South Node advising us that the changes were good, even if we are not exactly sure why or how. Time to go on your unique journey to the next place.
Tuesday features a new moon at 9 Scorpio at 8:25 pm EST. Earlier in the day, Moon joined with Jupiter and trined Uranus. If you do nothing else all year, sit tonight and shout your intentions to the heavens to take advantage of Mercury‘s quintile with Neptune and Juno‘s station opposite Pluto! Say “This or better” for each statement you make. Revision that partnership that seems to be falling apart. Do you know the reason is that you have changed and it doesn‘t fit any more? It might be able to be tailored but you are not going to know until March. Therefore, Revision Your Life starting with the form it is in right now! Let tomorrow take care of tomorrow.
Wednesday the moon is void all day long in it‘s fall in Scorpio. Mars has a cranky aspect to Pluto. Moon has irritable aspects to Neptune and Mars. It is one of those stay at home locked in your bedroom, under the covers, talking to no one and crying your eyes out kind of days. The world is irritable and in the mood to pick a big old fight with whomever over whatever. It probably is not about you but it may feel VERY personal, a cosmic case of PMS.
Thursday Moon is in Sagittarius. There is a meteor shower suggesting an energetic release. Sun squares Saturn saying the energy shifts. The blood arrives. The tension breaks. Moon also squares Uranus suggesting a lets get on with it kind of movement.
Friday, retrograde Juno comes to oppose Pluto. The partnership has to change or be finished. Scorpio Sun joins with Pluto in Sagittarius by parallel, charging up, revving the motor and energizing our mutual reception of Pluto and Jupiter in Sagittarius and Scorpio. Here is your FIRST of the year’s opportunities to make great wealth out of the Scorpio and Sagittarius houses in your natal chart. Work the positive versions of Jupiter and Pluto. Get busy! Put a stake in the ground and declare your intentions before Venus leaves Sagittarius!
Saturday Venus enters Capricorn as Mars argues with Ceres’ mothering and Sun squabbles with your karmic direction. Venus shouts at Mars as Mercury squares Uranus and says very castrating and cutting words. The universe says it is time for a tough, direct talk. Listen up! Get over it and move along. YYou cannot make anyone be anything other than what he or she are or what he or she want to be. You can only change yourself. You cannot change them. If they are going to change their mind, their behavior, their life and come back into your life, either you will know it now, today, or you will have to wait until March 2006. If they came back over the last week or so, you are going to keep negotiating until March. If they are gone, they will not be back until March. Make sure to leave your phone and email accounts active until March so they can get in touch if they change their mind. In the meantime, you are free to go do your own thing. Get ready to stretch your wings! Try new stuff. Explore. Dip your toe in freedom to see what you like.
Sunday, pack up stuff and put it in storage. Cry a tear or two if you must. Times a wasting. You are looking for someone with baggage that goes with yours. I know, you don’t want baggage without lifetime guarantees. That is not the way life works. To quote one of my favorite poets, Jonathan Larson,
Trusting desire,
Starting to Learn,
Walking through Fire with out a burn,
A shoulder,
A leap begins,
Stinging and older,
Asleep on pins.
So here we go….
Mundane: Unfortunately, that Jupiter Pluto mutual reception is what I’ve been waiting for regarding the H5N1 bird flu exploding into the world. When Pluto was in early Scorpio, AIDS entered our consciousness and expanded virtually unchecked into our world as it infected the “4 H’s“: Haitians, Heroin addicts, Hemophiliacs, and Homosexuals. The rampant, rarely seen tuberculosis in AIDS patients was Avian, or bird TB, instead of bovine or cow TB, which easily infects people. The four HIV groups were “fringe elements” of society. In the 1980s, not much attention was paid to HIV by governments. However, scientists and physicians were alarmed, from the outset, as HIV was clearly a blood borne pathogen even if the origin was still unknown. Now, as migrating, infected birds carry the H5N1 virus down to Africa for the winter months, the birds travel to a continent infected with the HIV virus at rates between 20% and 36% of the local populations. Many rural people live closely with their domestic animals. Domestic birds that mix with migrating ill birds easily catch the disease. In Fall 1982 and early 1983, battle lines started to be drawn as growing AIDS deaths began to attract worldwide attention by the medical community. Our Yod eclipse last month echoed the Yod configuration of Fall 1982. Now Mars in Taurus has replaced Chiron in Taurus as the Yod’s apex suggesting movement of the wounds from 1982. The 1918 influenza epidemic, H1N1, was characterized by voluminous deaths among young, healthy people. Apparently, young, exceptionally vigorous, strong immune systems “over reacted” to the viral attack. The over reaction caused an equally rapid expansion and explosion of the virus in a vicious cycle to create a quick spiral towards death by drowning. After we’ve allowed the continent of Africa, and her people, to quietly languish and die from HIV for the past few decades, it would be quite the cosmic joke if Africans, with their compromised, debilitated immune systems, poverty and poor nutrition, got sick but survived while we, fat, healthy and wealthy get sick and die because our immune systems overreact. I swear the universe has Mercury in Capricorn! God did not send this plague! We have done it to ourselves ~ by not recognizing that whatever we do (or do not do) to the least of our brothers we do to ourselves. Take your bee propolis!
We have indictments! Scooter Libby (August 22, 1950) has Mars and Venus aspected by the recent eclipse angles and triggered again by the new moon in Scorpio this week. Mars in Scorpio, in a grand water trine, does NOT like to be betrayed. Loyalty is enormously important to Scooter’s Leo Sun. However, he is dealing with a bunch of Cancer crabs who will scoot for cover, every crab for himself, when the going gets tough! Scooter stands alone. Last week’s Neptune station trined Scooter’s Neptune in Libra and soon will oppose his Pluto in Leo so he‘ll be experiencing Neptune’s harsher side. Scooter’s foot in a cast says Uranus, working inside Scooter’s grand trine in Water, is starting to break the energy up and pull group apart. Patrick Fitzgerald (December 22, 1960) and Karl Rove (Dec 25, 1950) will keep dancing their dance until at least mid-March 2006. Watch for updates and newsbreaks at both the Uranus and Saturn stations in November, on December 21, 2005 and January 10, 2006. Sorry, political sports fans, it looks like we will have to wait until September 2006 when Mr. Fitzgerald finishes having Jupiter in Scorpio square to and Saturn opposite his Progressed Sun at 16 Aquarius to see what the final outcome will be. Don’t you just hate those retrograde motions? Retrogrades do make for interesting cliffhangers!
Copyright © 2005 Anne C. Ortelee