Weekly Weather October 29, 2012

Weekly Weather October 29, 2012

“While stewing in the smelly swamps, at least you can stop and appreciate the sweetness…” Anonymous


That was the unsigned note on the lovely roses that someone sent to me last week. Thank you! They look simply wonderful on my dining room table! They smell beautiful too… completely removing the swamp smell from my apartment!











Prediction Techniques Astrology Weekend in Beautiful Vermont with Anne Ortelee






Bodhi Events presents astrologer Anne Ortelee. Join Anne for a Prediction Techniques workshop at the Inn at Willow Pond in Manchester, Vermont.

When: November 2-4, 2012

Weekend is offered with or without hotel accommodations. Included is:

• 2 nights of accommodation at the beautiful Inn at Willow Pond
• Five meals
• Course tuition
• Individual instruction From Anne ~ see the bottom of the column for more information.


Contact for more Information:
Beth Shaw
Phone: (802)379-5775
E-mail: info@bodhiconsult.com




Weekly Weather October 29, 2012


“Whenever you find the whole world against you, just turn around and lead the world.”



It’s official!!! We’ve begun Saturn’s journey through Scorpio. If you had ANY doubt just take a look at all the events last week that exposed secrets and revealed plots, twists and turns as well as some of the darker sides of human nature. From the BBC/ Jimmy Savile pedophile scandal expanding to include Gary Glitter’s arrest, to the NYPD officer who planned to kidnap, cook and eat 100 women and the Upper West side nanny who stabbed her two young charges and herself, it is a swirl and whirl of lower form Scorpio. Quite a few clients learned secrets or heard difficult truths (but NOT necessarily the true motivation) that made strange or unexplained behaviors make sense. Others people, like Justin Timberlake and Jessica Biel, made firm commitments and got married.


We are making PERMANENT CHOICES THAT WILL AFFECT US FOR THE NEXT THIRTY YEARS between now and November 14, 2012 as Saturn in Scorpio will only pass through these degrees 0 to 4:49 Scorpio once.


April wrote last week: “I am a bit perplexed with the permanent choice mode…. I am “Not cooked yet” as you suggested Anne, but somehow not ready for decision making time. What I am ready for is clarity. Yesterday, I saw a dead body on the sidewalk (she threw herself from a building), old flame from 30 years ago popped up, and in the midst of swirling chaos I wonder is the choice based on events or can it just be a commitment to a higher purpose?”


All of the choices count, April. In some cases, like the woman on the sidewalk, it IS a permanent choice. She’s out of here ~ gone in a crash to earth out of despair or deep heart pain. In the places where you KNOW you want to commit to a higher purpose, MAKE that commitment! Quit smoking. Start an exercise program. Give up coffee to help your kidneys which is one of my to-dos ~ November 6th! Take it. Do it. Go for what you know you want.


IF you are NOT sure what you want, or not “cooked” in an area, postpone the decision. However, if you postpone the decision, recognize that you ARE making a decision to postpone that COULD have fated, permanent consequences. And if you KNOW you are NOT where you want to be, ask yourself WHY you are staying there? Why are you postponing a decision you know you have to make? What are you staying in a place you hate for? What ARE you doing it for? Why are you not living the life you want? What master do you actually serve? What is the purpose ~ the deeper meaning of why behind postponing a choice? By all means, seek the clarity. Make the choices based on the events that appear before you with the clearest heart space possible. Stand in a kind and loving space for yourself and choose. Commit. Seek clarity. Go for the vision when you know what it is. If you don’t know what it is, have a chat with Saturn and ask for clarity. He gives clarity ~ that is his job… crystal clear clarity.


We had a discussion in my Thursday night Intermediate Class about a woman who was in a relationship she KNEW was NOT RIGHT for her. Not happy. Not great. Just in it. Sex mediocre. Not particularly compatible. No shared interests. Not going anywhere. Scorpio is NOT about SETTLING for ANY THING. Libras can settle. Libras can stay in a relationship and say “Even a bad relationship is better than NO relationship at all.” Saturn is NO longer in Libra. Saturn in Scorpio will tell you the truth even if you don’t want to hear it or know it. Scorpios correct for the in-decisions or back and forth of Libra … they will kill you or cure you or transform you or transform themselves or leave. SOMETHING has to happen. Scorpios must transform or it is completely meaningless, pointless and purpose free. Scorpios are clear ~ in a murky, swampy kind of way~ they KNOW what they want. They KNOW how to get it. Scorpios go for what they want.


So the choice before us must be made or postponed with the knowledge that it will affect the next 30 years of your life. At the least the choices presented between now and November 14, 2012.


Last week, I attended a lecture on psychopaths (I try to work productively with the heavenly Scorpio energy!) at the Rubin Museum. The lead character in “Dexter”, Michael C. Hall and the Cambridge psychologist Dr. Dutton who wrote “The Wisdom of Psychopaths: What Saints, Spies and Serial Killers Can Teach us About Success” were the speakers. I learned I WASN’T a psychopath. Psychopaths never get depressed. Psychopaths lack empathy. Both of those things happen to me quite often!


Mitt Romney says he never gets depressed. Hmmmm. Anyone who can tie his dog to the roof of his car for a 12 hour journey and think nothing of it… Hmmmm. That is not empathic behavior on Mittens’ part! Notice the Scorpio planets in Mitt’s 6th house ~ he probably cherry bombed birds and tortured other animals too with that Moon, Chiron and Jupiter in Scorpio in Virgo’s house. Notice his Venus in Aquarius ruling his 6th house and opposed by Pluto and Saturn in Leo from the 4th house. I kept seeing the mean bully boy pop out in his eyes during the debates. Notice the complete  LACK of EARTH ~ that makes him compensate by taking other people’s stuff.   Frankly, the man scares me. Everyone who is NOT a rich white man should be afraid of him. Mitt Romney March 12, 1947, 9:51 am Detroit, MI.













The next leader of the country will do to us what he did before ~ Bush Junior bankrupted the three companies he ran; he ran those three wars off the books and bankrupted the USA. Clinton moved Arkansas from 49 to 23; he floated the rest of the country higher economically during his term (and played with women both times too ~ cigar any one?) Bush Senior ran the CIA; his administration had oodles of covert ops with the CIA, NSA and others causing trouble and toppling governments around the world. Reagan busted unions ~ negotiating bad deals while President of SAG, Governor of California and President of USA ~ permitting the top stars to prosper while the bottom folks got the trickles that managed to trickle down. Carter was a peace making Christian who got the Israel and Egypt to actually make peace at Camp David in 1979. Think about the companies you’ve worked for, the churches you’ve attended or the groups you’ve been a member of. Notice how the leader’s personality becomes a major part and parcel of the organization’s identity, belief and operating methods.


With those ideas in mind, ask yourself what you want for your future. The choice before you must be made or postponed with the knowledge that it will affect the next 30 years of your life. The election presents a choice of what we want. And don’t think that this election is NOT important OR that all politicians are alike OR that your vote doesn’t matter or count. There are huge differences. We are facing an epic and profound choice about the direction of our country, especially in social policies and how we take care of each other as a community of citizens.


Do you want a brilliantly smart, compassionate Aquarian rising, servant based Virgo Pluto/ Mars community organizer, trying to herd a bunch of snarling cats in the same direction which is, admittedly, a soggy process, messy and slow moving work? He eventually gets there after working to gain the consensus of the various groups’ desires and needs ~making sure to include all of us under the tent. His Leo Sun works for the greater good of all ~ for the love, the compassion, the creativity, and the heart.  Notice Barack’s Sun in the 6th house of shining on the public or people.  Barack Obama August 4, 1961, 7:24 pm Honolulu, HI.













OR do you want a psychopathic bully who buys companies, steals pension funds, strips and sells the assets for himself and his buddies, fires the existing employees and sends their jobs overseas? The sixth house rules pets ~ dogs and birds. The sixth house rules employees. The sixth house rules the public, the people, the citizens of the country. We know what Mittens did to his dog and to his ex-employees in his non- empathic, lustful chase for money, control and power. What Mitt’s done before he IS GOING TO DO AGAIN. Mitt’s a psychopath. No depression. No empathy. Mitt can’t help himself. Regardless of how Mitt’s Ascendant and North Node in Gemini with Mercury fallen in Pisces retrograde lies to you and says he will make jobs, his PREVIOUS RECORD is that of an outsourcing vulture psychopathic capitalist who slaughters companies that other men and women have labored long and hard to build. He harvests and feeds on the work and wealth of others. Maybe vampire is a better choice of words?


Think long and hard before you vote. We are making choices that will impact the next 30 years of our life. You could be tied to the roof of Mitts’ car, with your privatized social security funds spent by him and his buddies, while pregnant and barefoot as birth control and abortion is no longer an option. You don’t think Mitt will actually INVITE you to JOIN him and his buddies at Bain Capital do you? Then Mitt would have to SHARE the WEALTH with you… he’s never done that before. He isn’t about to start sharing anything now…. Particularly when that Venus opposite Pluto/Saturn of his gets the power he so, so craves. He can finally beat and best his much despised daddy.



Mercury stations on the USA Election day, November 6, at 6:04 pm EST. The few days before and after Mercury’s station are typically chaotic, crazy and a bit bizarre. I did a brief video piece about the impact of Mercury’s station on the upcoming election. You can even see my bright red desk when I sit typing on the computer and in the background by the window.



Mercury Stations on Election Day ~ Anne Ortelee Video





I know, I know. That WAS a kind of diabolical laugh at the end there. And I didn’t like my prediction either. Not at all. Not one bit. I hope I am completely, completely wrong. However, after thinking a bit more about the implications of Mercury stationing in Sagittarius, it might be the Electoral College as well as police governed riots in the streets and chaos. Sagittarius rules colleges ~ and the Electoral College falls under that category. So it might be Obama wins the popular vote and Romney wins the Electoral College. Millions of Americans get a Civics Lesson when Romney becomes the next President. If your state permits early voting, get your butt out to vote early as the day of the station, with Mercury stopped in a sign he completely hates, will be chaotic, broken voting machines, long lines, screwed up paperwork, conflicting news reports and quite crazy.


Going to be crazy and wild as both Mercury and Mars OUT of BOUNDS ~ meaning they are rogue planets. Mercury is doing whatever he darn well pleases… saying what he thinks regardless of consequences and traveling past what the rules or the boundaries are. Mars OUT OF BOUNDS offers a wild action, highly expressive election day.




Our week ahead has much ado with Venus… she enters Libra and rolls through the gauntlet of Saturn, Ceres, Chiron, Uranus and Pluto, making hard aspects to all of them. In gentle Libra, she has to get a bit firm with the others… Think velvet glove on a steel hand. Venus in Libra is no slouch. She’s cardinal Air and can express who she likes, what her preference is and what she thinks you need to do to make her happy. She’ll partner with you but only if you are going to give her what she wants. Otherwise, she’ll replace you with someone who WILL do what she wants. Listen to what you say you desire this week as you get pressed by the other planets to clarify and be clear.


Mars is OUT of BOUNDS in Sagittarius so the action principle is out of control, rogue and not following the rules either. Mars in Sagittarius is normally an honorable, heroic and action oriented Mars. Right now, as Jupiter in Gemini is retrograde and answering to an OUT of BOUNDS, stationing to stop and reverse directions, Mercury in Sagittarius, Mars is not in his best form. Frankly, Mars is a bit confused about what exactly he is supposed to be doing. He argues with Saturn, who he also is supposed to be guiding… after all he does rule Scorpio. Mars is living in a stressful energy that can very easily shift into a bad back, sciatica, legs, liver or thigh issues. It can manifest as stress in the body.


The Grand Trine in Water between Sun, Saturn, Neptune, Chiron and Ceres is amplified by Ceres stationing in Cancer on Halloween ~ making water be the theme of the week ~ especially fresh water ~ rain, rivers and lakes. The Ceres station affects the three days before and after her station mid-week. On the east coast, we have Sandy the Storm arriving with expectation of oodles of rain, storm surge of between 6 and 11 feet. Fire Island’s been evacuated and the mass transportation system in New York City is shut down in anticipation of Sandy’s arrival. On a personal front, people are going to feel MIGHTY emotional. Emotions will center around home and house related issues as well as food and nurturing. The store shelves are bare as shoppers brought Ceres’ bread (and milk) home to prepare for the next few days of rain. The energy in the heavens encourages hoarding so watch that fear doesn’t drive your purchases.














There is a Full Moon in Taurus on Monday. The Full Moon culminates the New Moon begun in April 2011 and tested in February 2012. Now we ripen the story and move into the next chapter ~ harvest or departure. The Sabian Image for the Scorpio Sun is DEEP-SEA DIVERS WITH SPECIAL MACHINERY. Lynda Hill’s interpretation of the Sabian image is:











Commentary: ‘Deep-Sea Divers’ are shown. They have ‘Special Machinery’ which enables them to plumb and explore the depths, to see what they need to see, and to accomplish what they’ve set out to achieve. One certainly has to be brave and courageous to be a ‘Deep-Sea Diver’, with the skills to be able to survive in unknown, unfamiliar and often risky territory. With their ‘Machinery’ they have the ability to scan, look at and investigate what’s usually not seen by anybody. There has to be a strong level of trust in their own physical and emotional abilities and that their ‘Special Machinery’ will not fail them.


Oracle: ‘Deep-Sea Divers’ go where others fear to tread, and to places that others wouldn’t even dream of going. Some people may think the risks taken are foolish or that the journey into “the depths” is a mere fantasy or a waste of time. In the situation facing you, you may need to get deep below the surface to find out what’s really going on. It is down within your subconscious and intuitive wisdom that you must search for solutions. Letting go of the intellect and allowing yourself to take a deep plunge into your sub-consciousness can reveal talents and wonders that you may have only imagined were there. If you feel out of your depth, there may be a sense of having no light to see what’s going on or no oxygen for drawing a breath. You may feel a huge pressure from the world you have dived into. If you are feeling overwhelmed in some way, as if there’s the possibility of drowning at any moment, imagine yourself being able to pierce through the darkness to see, and take a deep breath. You can handle the pressure as long as you are not pushing against it, or by changing your perceptions of that pressure. A feeling of awe and wonder can sweep over you as you realize you’re in new territory, with a new awareness and so much promise. Remember, you have ‘Special Machinery’ which can help you in this other world.


Keywords: Studying unconscious energies. Uncovering wonders. Breath meditations and techniques. Plunging in. Seeing things that others don’t. Having the special insights, talents or technology to affect healings on deep levels. New levels of experience seen and felt. Atlantis and Lemuria. Breathing apparatus. Getting “the bends” and cramping up. Inner space. The


Caution: Pretending to plumb the depths, but only for show. Escapism. Going over the top emotionally. Being unreachable by shutting off to the outside world. Feeling gloomy. No light, no oxygen. Losing touch with reality or the real world. Feeling like you’re in a bubble. Isolation and dark thoughts. Not seeing the full picture.


Don’t you believe that there is in man a deep so profound as to be hidden even to him in whom it is? St. Augustine


Which is strongest – the reality out of which the illusion is created, the celluloid illusion itself, or the need for illusion? Do we hold the mirror up and dive in? And if we do, what are the consequences? Marjorie Rosen


Throw a lucky man into the sea, and he will come up with a fish in his mouth. Arabian Proverb


Sponges grow in the ocean. This bothers me. How deep would it be if they didn’t? Steven Wright;



The Sabian Image for the Taurus Moon is THE WOMAN OF SAMARIA COMES TO DRAW WATER FROM JACOB’S WELL. Lynda Hill’s interpretation of the Sabian image is:









Commentary: ‘The Woman of Samaria Comes to Draw Water from Jacob’s Well’ is a Symbol that comes from the Biblical story of Jesus meeting ‘The Woman’ at ‘Jacob’s well’. She, along with others, was taken by surprise that Jesus would actually speak to her, for she was a Samaritan and he was a Jew. These people, the Jews and the Samaritans, normally did not get along. She was also on the fringe of her own society as she was not married. As he spoke to ‘The Woman’, he revealed to her that he was the Messiah. This was a great blessing to her. The Buddhist tradition tells a very similar story of being accepted regardless of caste.


Oracle: This Symbol calls for universal love to be available to everyone. It speaks of the need to dispel prejudice, either given or received. With this Symbol, there can be the urge to seek and to find acceptance, love and redemption. If one’s elders have passed down prejudices, be aware that they lived in a different time; living in the present may require the updating of ideas and opinions. If your heart is clogged up with old emotions or spent feelings, it is time to clear these. In doing so, address situations that hold people apart. Take any actions to restore any lost self-respect. Own up, express them to that stranger within yourself, your shadow, and then let them go. It may be that someone else needs your help. If so, draw on your inner resources and take time out to assist them. No matter your situation, you will be blessed by “higher powers” if you give others respect and reverence. It is about discovering what you share with others, not what separates you. Similarities lie deep within us all. Imagine yourself drawing ‘Water’ up from that special ‘Well’, then find yourself refreshed and ready for a more rewarding, compassionate and confident life.


Keywords: Dipping into family ancestry. Past lives. New ideas being revealed about one’s social and spiritual integrity. Going below the surface. Assimilation of divergent ideals. Feeling blessed. Life-altering experiences. The blessing of water. Freedom and respect for all.


The Caution: Allowing social prejudice to rule decisions about oneself and others. Unacceptable behavior based on social conditioning. Feeling that one is from the “wrong tribe” and can never assimilate or contribute. Issues of some being acceptable, worthy or a “local” whilst others are not.


“Is this one tribe or a stranger?” is the calculation of the narrow-minded; but to those of a noble disposition the world itself is but one family. Hitopadesa Proverb


We never know the worth of water till the well is dry. English Proverb


Your vision will become clear only when you can look into your own heart . . .. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside awakes. Carl Gustav Jung


It was . . . enough to suffer as a woman, an individual, on one’s own account, without having to suffer for the race as well. It was brutality, and undeserved. Nella Larsen


We need to feel the cheer and inspiration of meeting each other; we need to gain the courage and fresh life that comes from the mingling of congenial souls, of those working for the same ends. Josephine St. Pierre Ruffin


What I am is a humanist before anything… before I’m a Jew, before I’m black, before I’m a woman. And my beliefs are for the human race-they don’t exclude anyone. Whoopi Goldberg.


The truth is a condiment Michael Colberg



Moon Day Monday October 29 finds millions of us on the east coast of America nestled snug in our homes (unless your job is to protect and keep us safe) waiting for Sandy the Storm to pass through the Atlantic Ocean. The Full Moon in Taurus in the late afternoon will cause high flooding and exits with a working earth based trine to Pluto ~ the ocean will reclaim quite a bit of her earth in the form of sand swept out to sea … these are earth moving aspects!  The Grand Trine in Water with Mars Out of Bounds means we are not able to pursue our normal activities but are bathed in profound emotions. Sitting at home with no outside stimulation, detached from your usual activities Saturn will be asking you how you like your life.  Are you happy with your choices?  Anything need to be changed?  Nothing like a few days of enforced silence (especially if your power goes out!) to make you connect with your innards and your feeling state.  Mercury enters Sagittarius so friends from far and wide are connecting to help Mercury’s upcoming retrograde station.  Ghosts from your past can reappear to remind you of what you used to value. Connect, connect but by voice or email…  no in-person stuff for two or three days at least here on the East Coast. Uranus joins with Black Moon Lilith so folks will be a bit shocked by what goes on today. Mercury’s square to Neptune offers interesting if shocking information which might be a bit over the top… but hey, it needed to be said. And now that you or they said it, at least THINK about it.  Mercury is so interested in getting you to explore other ideas about who, what, where or when in your life. Sagittarius takes an outside, outsized approach… kind of like Sandy the Storm.  Mercury’s square to Neptune is making communication not so clear. You can feel quite depressed or anxious. So much Neptune is around.  Keep your eye on the ball and try to listen.  Turn your heart inwards or outwards to connect to whatever gives you sustenance. The Full Moon makes it a great time to let go of things.  It has SOOOO much Neptune connecting us to the deeper wisdom.  Complete and release things around your house and life ~ The Moon is in Taurus ~ with Venus is in Libra so for today at least, enjoy abundance. And with that Full Moon, we can officially begin our chant “The eclipses are coming!  The eclipses are coming!”. The next New Moon is a Solar eclipse at 21 Scorpio. Get ready by releasing! Get ready by connecting to whatever gives your heart support. Whitney Houston’s song says it in a way that always touches my heart.




Mars Day Tuesday October 30 finds Moon Void in Taurus offering a day off with lovely and powerful closing aspects of a trine to Pluto. Again great for letting go, permanently, of things you want to release. It is also good for moving closer toward something you want to bring into your life as the trine to Pluto helps clarify what the heart and emotions desire.  Sun sextiles Pluto bright and early offering a profound understanding of the nature of power.  You are feeling in the flow!  Venus square to Hades removes that which is no longer needed and takes it off to the underworld. Sun’s trine to Kronos takes out the old and worn out. You might THINK you still need it but Venus and the Sun are both saying, “No, you really DON’T need it.”  Uranus sextile to the Black Moon Lillith offers you a new perspective on what is important in mildly shocking manner. You realize what actually works for you. Healing comes from the Sea as Astraea opposes Sedna the Inuit Ocean Goddess.  Stuck home for the second day, solitary or confined with your family members you are seeing things you never saw before. It is all good. Venus is stressed but there really is nothing you can do but let go and trust the process. Focus on seeing the pattern before you even if it seems tough to discern.  The eclipses are coming! The eclipses are coming!  Let go of whatever needs to leave!


Mercury’s Day Tuesday October 31 Moon continues to be void until mid-afternoon when she enters Gemini.  People are in talky moods ~ even a bit argumentative as the closing aspect of an opposition of Moon to Mars on Friday morning offers an opportunity to separate after a difficult time.  Sun joins with the Nodes of Fate offering each of us a set of options about how we want to proceed. Sit in your heart space in the swamp and smell the flowers…. There is a purpose to all this change and turmoil.  Venus’ square from the sign of love to stationing Ceres in the sign of nurturing reminds us what is important and what is NOT important. How can we take action to increase the IMPORTANT?  Ceres stations today, turning retrograde, at 3 Cancer pushing us to focus our intention on what we want to nurture.  We need to make sure it is watered, tended, structured and encouraged.  We are each in charge of our own gardens of life. Nurture your garden!  The sesquiquadrate from Sun at 8 Scorpio to Pallas retrograde reminds us of the energy of what was going on September 5 and 6 when the Venus was at late Cancer talking to the Nodes of Fate. At the same time Saturn is where he was on August 29, blending and resolving the story from then. Clear or resolve the energy of that time last fall if you can.  Health matters can flare ~ particularly around feet, reproductive or bowel areas. We feel deeply and need to acknowledge that energy in our lives.  Jupiter’s trine to Zeus offers a sense of expansion and choice as we move out into the world again. Sun’s biquintile to Jupiter encourages a joyous shout of energy at having arrived through a difficult passage into the light.  Gloria Estefan’s song, “Coming out of the Dark” inspires… in both languages.






Jupiter’s Day Thursday November 1Moon In Gemini works with Uranus productively to shift things and move them into a different way of seeing.  The sextile between them helps clarify matters.  We are still working with a kind of stressful energy but on the other side of it. We’ve emerged into the light!  Mars links up with stationary, retrograde Ceres by declination making you in the mood to argue with the principle of nurturing. On waking, you can receive bad news that requires you to make some adjustment. Mars has an aspect of brilliance and deep inspiration with Neptune… clarity, clarity. Venus, still crabby, argues with Chiron. Be careful of foot injuries… no kicking something out of frustration!  Wounding is possible.  Venus is opposite Uranus, setting off that t-square again. While Venus wants to make nice, Uranus is NOT in the mood to cooperate, so let it go and try again in a while. Poseidon stations to go retrograde making the waters literally recede and bringing profound emotions to the surface. Things burble up with Poseidon shifts. Sun stimulates Vesta offering great opportunities for connecting with what is WRONG in the workplace or home front. No you probably can’t change it but you CAN take a different approach.  Remember Scorpio wants us to take action to change things.  Moon and Jupiter occult each other making connections profound, funny and intense at the end of the day. You just might find yourself bursting out laughing. There is something intrinsically funny about the whole situation. So laugh already!



Venus’ Day Friday November 2 Moon in Gemini is void all day making it a light and happy kind of energy that is focused on separating, re-connecting, relationships and getting through things. The closing aspect is an opposition from Moon to Mars suggesting you could have harsh words if you are not careful. Mars is out of bounds so he’s a bit snappy. Not many aspects today so it will be slower moving than the past week of activity and craziness.  Connect and communicate but not about important things ~ just follow up stuff. .  You can waken a bit stressed as Ceres joins Hades by declination… there is a ending energy involved too ~ a shift or understanding that on some level you’ve moved up or can’t go home again.  Venus has a bi-quintile to Neptune so financial matters that seemed troubling seem to resolve themselves fairly effortlessly. There is a bigger dream taking place that is important to recognize.


Saturn’s Day Saturday November 3dawns bright and clear with the Moon in sensitive and emotional Cancer with a lovely closing aspect of a trine to the Sun.  You are in a good mood and the rest of the world is too! The Grand Water Trine is stimulated again, this time by the Moon dancing through it. Brilliant and inspirational dreams had you processing and dancing all night long.  Take the energy and write it down into a format that works for your memory and future. Health matters, particularly around lungs or allergies can flare up.  Venus has a square to Pluto in Capricorn mid-day. While she WANTS to be nice, she may find she more deeply wants to dive into darker matters for clarity.  As Moon approaches her mid-day union with Ceres, there is a push to be a bit more creative. Trust the process that you are undertaking.  On some level, the group you are with tonight is your new family or tribe. Notice who they are and connect with them in a different manner than you might under ordinary circumstances. There’s a major evolutionary process going on here. Venus is square to Kronos offering a deeper understanding of how things work. Delve into the story.  Mercury is inconjunct to Ceres so communication about how you are being nurtured is NOT working right. Re position and pursue plan B. Mercury is slowing to a station. Is it better to do too much or too little?  Just make sure it is all clear.


Sun’s Day Sunday November 4 finds the Moon void in Cancer but with lovely closing aspects, it will feel very profound emotionally.  Not too many aspects today so it is a relaxing and comfortable approach to things. Venus has a deep connection to what she loves today so allow her to express herself in a dancing and related manner. Venus also connects with Sedna, the Inuit Ocean Goddess, permitting deep connections and changes in understanding. Jupiter joins Black Moon Lilith by declination so folks are not going to be feeling submissive or subservient. They want what they want. You want what you want. Do your best to give it to them.  Today we start to feel the station of Mercury approaching on Tuesday as he literally crawls to a stop.  Venus and Mars want to dance and sing so allow your inner frisky parts to be frisky.  Mars is out of bounds so he has some new steps that Venus will simply love. Accept all gifts of love. Tell people you appreciate and adore them too. Love is the theme for the day.




Prediction Techniques with Astrology Weekend In Beautiful Vermont with Anne Ortelee














Where: Bodhi Events presents astrologer Anne Ortelee in the beautiful Green Mountains of Vermont!

Topic: Anne Ortelee is a certified astrologer who lectures, teaches and writes to a worldwide audience. Join Anne for a Prediction Techniques weekend workshop at the Inn at Willow Pond in Manchester, Vermont.

When: November 2-4, 2012

Weekend is offered with or without hotel accommodations. Included is:
• 2 nights of accommodation at the beautiful Inn at Willow Pond
• Five meals
• Course tuition
• Individual instruction From Anne

Why: Because who wouldn’t want to spend a lovely weekend at a gorgeous inn learning astrology?

To register or for more information contact: info@bodhiconsult.com or call Beth Shaw at 802 379 5775.

The Inn at Willow Pond
Manchester Village, VT

Weekend Schedule

6:00 pm to 7:00 pm Welcome Reception with light dinner

7:00 – 9:00pm Introduction
An introduction to predictive techniques and a review of natal chart interpretation to see the potential of the person including basics pieces of the language of the stars- Planets, Signs, Houses and Aspects.


Workshop with Anne 10:00 am to 5:00 pm
Anne will cover in today’s workshop transits, and solar arcs. We’ll explore what each technique does and how to analyze horoscope charts to see what happens. We will work with famous people’s charts and put the techniques together. There will be time to practice these skills on your chart with direct guidance from Anne. Breakfast is included for those staying at the Inn. Lunch and two coffee breaks are included for all workshop guests. Participants are on their own for dinner tonight in the quaint and historic town of Manchester.


Workshop with Anne 10:00 am to 3:30 pm
Anne will cover secondary progressions and lunations/eclipses. We’ll add these techniques and how to apply them to horoscope charts. We will work with famous people’s charts and put the techniques together. There will be time to practice these skills on your chart with direct guidance from Anne. Breakfast is included for those staying at the Inn. Lunch and one coffee break are included for all.


Contact for more Information:
Beth Shaw
Phone: (802)379-5775
E-mail: info@bodhiconsult.com

Lynda Hill’s work appears with her permission. Check out her site at sabiansymbols.com.

Copyright © 2012. A. C. Ortelee.