Weekly Weather November 5, 2012

Weekly Weather November 5, 2012

“If you are to be, you must begin by assuming responsibility. You alone are responsible for every moment of your life, for every one of your acts.” –Antoine De Saint-Exuery




The eclipses are coming! The eclipses are coming!









Fire Island Lighthouse during Sandy the Storm


We are in the approach period to the eclipses. Twice a year, the Sun and Moon meet up for drinks and dinner in the heavens, at the Dragon’s Café. This month we have a Total Solar Eclipse on November 13 where the Sun and Moon join forces and decide to take a ride on the Dragon’s Head. The eclipse will last 4:03 minutes which means the effect will translate to an effect of 4 years and about a month. The eclipse is in the Southern Hemisphere, visible in Australia, New Zealand and over a wide patch of the Pacific Ocean. Eclipses bring hidden things to light. The eclipse at 21:56 Scorpio has the Sun and Moon’s ruler, Mars, out of bounds in Sagittarius and smack on the Galactic Center of the Milky Way. Expect your ESP and psychic gifts to be very activated by the energy flying around in the heavens. Expect to hear, see or find out hidden news. Your Solar purpose is activated, expanding and growing the information received under the eclipse.


Over the next week, the Moon is Waning and ebbing in force and energy, heading towards the monthly release of energy following the Full Moon. The South Node in Taurus calls us to let go of what we no longer value or desire. Send it off with confidence that you are doing what is right for your soul. Moon’s square to the Nodes Monday and Tuesday offer us a choice of what we want to receive going forward.









Last weekend, I taught a Predictive Technique Workshop in Vermont. Over lunch, Beth mentioned someone suggested to her that she could change the contract if she didn’t like it. Read the contract (we aren’t supposed to sign them without reading them). Or re-read the contract. Beth found that idea a life altering vision. A conversation ensued about HOW to change the contract. “Changing the contract” sums up the energy of the week ahead of us. We each have contracts with the people and organizations in our lives. They are not always WRITTEN contracts. Sometimes they ARE written. We have business contracts, karmic contracts, marriage, employer/employee, and all sorts of relationships that have implicit, operating agreements contained within the structure of the transactions. We have contracts for how we react. We have contracts for what we allow. We have contracts for how we reinforce or challenge the people in our lives. We have contracts for how we play out the story or fold our hands and comply. Take time this week, under Mercury’s retrograde station and Neptune’s station direct to read or review the various contracts in your life. If it is not a written contract, review the implicit understandings of how it is supposed to work. Look at your various contracts with the other person or situation. Figure out what you would like to change about the contract if you don’t like it. Over the course of the next few weeks, as Mercury goes retrograde, renegotiate the various written and unwritten contracts in your life.


The world is more malleable than you think. It is not all set in concrete. And where it is, at least stick your fingers in it before it dries.   – Bono


So HOW do you renegotiate the written and unwritten contracts?  First, get clear on the changes you want to make to the contracts.  You have to stand in a place of clarity about the changes that need to be made.  Next, state the changes you would like to make clearly to the other people involved in the contract.  Third, start to make the changes in the areas that YOU are responsible for…. Don’t wait for the other guy or gal to make the changes. Start to make them yourself. There is magic in taking action.  As as if. Be the change.


“It’s not until you have a burning yes inside you about what is truly important that you can pleasantly, smilingly, cheerfully, say no to all of that which is urgent, but not truly important. Our deepest guilt comes from doing the opposite, implicitly saying no to the truly important and yes, yes, yes to the urgent that is not important. The more we are free from non-necessities, the more we are free to do the more meaningful actions of our lives.”

–Stephen R. Covey (Everyday Greatness)



On the verge of change, things seem to get worse because we finally see our errors clearly. When we feel stuck, going nowhere – even starting to slip backward – we may actually be backing up to get a running start.” – unknown











Mercury stations at 4 Sagittarius and turns retrograde on Tuesday, November 6, Election Day. He’ll be retrograde for 21 or so days. He is out of bounds so he’s not following rules or doing what is expected of him. Communications are quite intense this week as Mercury squares Neptune, who is also stationing. The three days are either side of the station, November 3 to 9 are when the stationing energy is MOST intense as Mercury literally sits on the degree of his station. Consider these days to be all about Chaos and Craziness with communications, transportation and other items ruled by Mercury.












Neptune stations this week on Sunday November 11 at 0:21 Pisces. Neptune is summoning up the story from last February 12 when he was last at this degree of 0:21. If something dissolved last February, you might find it reforming or reappearing this week. Similar to the way the ocean moves the sand from the beach and then brings it back with the waves that form the dunes, Neptune’s pause will carry you back to earlier memories and times as he shifts the sands and images of your life. Allow 5 to 6 days on either side of the Neptune station to process the pause, tides, feelings and shifting to direct motion of the big, unformed, methane gas blue planet named for the ruler of the oceans. Neptune’s station will be intense between Monday November 5 to November 17 bringing us days of Chaos and Craziness of creativity, dreams, emotions, drugs, dissipation, disillusionment and redemption. Notice that both Mercury and Neptune’s station days overlap… making our week ahead profoundly emotional and intense as those planetary stations combine to amplify each other.


Adding to the mix of energy, Mercury and Neptune are both stationing while square to each other in the heavens. It is a psychological, closing square asking you to work consciously with your communications, dreams, illusions and manner or method of seeing things. You have to take responsibility and do the work. You can have profound psychological realizations about things you never realized before. Mercury traveling out of bounds has the potential to flare up and be angry ~ perhaps even shout about things. Mercury’s square to Neptune stimulates you to ask what you really want. I often find Neptune and Mercury’s square an interesting time when you can easily burst into tears or have a profound emotional reaction to situations that normally wouldn’t cause a reaction. Often deceptions are revealed or exposed. Combining these energies with the upcoming eclipses, we can anticipate a powerful and very emotionally challenging week. The challenges are designed to clear thing out and up.

















Neptune is part of the Grand Trine in Water formed above our heads swirling the energy around in a giant cosmic riptide of energy. Last week, Ceres stationed on Wednesday, October 31. Sandy the Storm came ashore during Ceres’ four days of Chaos and Craziness between October 27 to November 4. The water slowly receded and electricity was restored in many of the darkened homes by Sunday, November 4. Ceres in Cancer rules homes and families so we saw many homes washed out to sea and swamped in water. And on a personal level, if we weren’t impacted by the storm, we spent emotional time figuring out things about our homes, families, childhoods and what was nurturing or not nurturing us. Saturn comes to trine Ceres this week, acting a bit like a speeding boat throwing a wake of water on an already rather soggy situation.


Mercury and Venus are fighting this week creating a deep dissatisfaction with what you’ve received or are promised. Mercury is also squabbling with Saturn ~ he doesn’t want to be responsible for whatever Saturn is telling him to do. Both Venus and Mars aspect the Nodes of Fate in a stressful manner so you’ll be offered choices that neither meet your needs nor are appealing. Take a bad choice, if you must, with the idea that you can change it down the road apiece.


After the game, the King and Pawn go back in the same box ~ Chinese Proverb










Void Moons This Week
Sunday Nov 4 2012 at 3:37 am EST to Monday Nov 5 2012 at 2:39 pm EST

Wednesday Nov 7 2012 at 10:28:02 am EST to Wednesday Nov 7 2012 at 11:35:54 pm EST
Most of Wednesday the Moon is Void.

Friday Nov 9 2012 at 07:28:10 pm EST to Saturday Nov 10 2012 at 04:36:06 am EST


Moon Day Monday November 5 finds the Moon in Leo with passionate and flowing closing aspects. Mercury is stopped in the heavens, preparing to screw up communications, contracts and conversations for the next 21 days.  Today he stirs up all sorts of chaos in terms of mixed messages and connections. He is square to Neptune all week offering delusions, illusions, dreams, redemption, deception and transformation of beliefs.  Saturn’s trine to Ceres who is just starting to move again, jostles the energy of the grand trine in water…. It feels like you (or the world) is adrift and floating… flowing freely to unknown destinations.  Cast yourself freely into the floating and flowing energy. Trust that you are right where you are supposed to be. Pallas sextile to Sedna encourages you to see the moment in time or place where you are as exactly where you are supposed to be. Jupiter links up with Ceres by declination pushing the relationship principle into the nurturing principle… make sure to do something that is nurturing for your soul today.  Tis a hard world out there… how can you take better care of yourself? Health matters can flare with the active participation of the nodes and Astraea.  On some level or perhaps on MANY levels, you can’t go home again.














Mars day, Tuesday November 6 finds Moon in Leo encouraging passions. Election day in the USA, it dawns on Moon’s day, in Mars’ hour… encouraging the public to get out and vote. State your interest by getting to the polling place. Mars trine to Eris the goddess of discord encourages a fiery discord between all of us.  Sun is inconjunct to Jupiter, bringing health matters to the forefront.  You need to make adjustments to move forward in the way you want to. Venus had difficult aspects to the Nodes of Fate.  She’s in Libra and arguing her point vociferously to all who will listen.  Listen to what you hear. It is true.  Mercury stations today for the second time in USA history on Election day. The last time was in 2000, during Gore vs Bush.  One president was elected by the popular vote, the other was sworn in when the Supreme Court stopped the counting in Florida. We can have similar things happen today. Sagittarius, the sign of Mercury’s ruler today, is in charge of fiery passions and colleges. There is a distinct chance Obama will win the popular election but Romney will win via the swing states and become president for the next four years. It is VERY important that we each vote and express our hopes and vision for the future based on the candidate we support. Watch for all sorts of Mercurial tricks.  As Mercury is the ruler of thieves as well as commerce, communication and trade, we are in for a wild ride. Square to Neptune, Mercury stopped offers us potential to be deluded, deceived or carried into the rapture.


Mercury’s day, Wednesday November 7 finds Moon in Leo in the morning and moving into Virgo in early afternoon.  The Virgo Moon has a fighting aspect to Mars as she square him.  People are feeling stressed, sensitive to criticism and emotional beyond normal words. Uranus joins with Ceres so there can be emotional upsets around the feminine, nurturing or mothering.  Partnerships are strained so allow folks a bit extra wiggle room or a way to save face rather than via direct confrontation.  Venus argues with Admetos on Algol one of the meaner stars in the heavens.  People can quite lose their heads over not getting what they want. Algol is violent so watch for violence to pop out of the ethers with little to no warning. Mars argues with Pallas so make sure to notice and document patterns that are not working for you or other people.  Mars is overwhelmed by the power of deep emotions.  If you find yourself bursting into tears ~ for good or bad reasons ~ have no worries. You can thank Neptune or Mercury stopping square to each other as the trigger. Heightened feedback, a reverb, a deep profound energy wants to escape and be seen.


Jupiter’s day Thursday November 8 has Moon with hard aspect to Mercury promising an argument or fight as the outcome of today’s events. Mercury’s contraparallel to Saturn delivers News or information you are NOT particularly  happy with. Remember, your SOUL knows what it is supposed to be doing even if YOU, as the person driving the body, are completely CLUELESS.  Health matters or an illness comes a complete end. Try to understand the soul’s perspective. In the driving approach to the eclipses, lots of folks actually leave earth.  It is a big departure time as the Nodes of Fate meet up with Lights and eclipse (remove) one of them. As above, so below.  A light above leaves, a leader leaves.  Mercury’s stationary square to stationary Neptune is also in Saturn’s blind spot. Communications are exceptionally annoying to the authorities.



Venus’ day Friday November 9 finds the Moon still struggling with perfection, process and procedures while in Virgo. Venus supports Jupiter’s vision of duality and options.  Allow yourself to renegotiate the deals that no longer work for you. Sun goes all crazy about having to stay in Hell with Hades one more day. He’s put up with a great deal over the past few weeks… he’s kind of had it. If an authority figure (or if YOU as an authority figure) goes off on you, let them rant and rave. It isn’t necessarily personal. The person needs to express themselves and just reached a critical breaking point. So stand back and let them express. They can’t or don’t have words for what they are feeling. But feeling they are!  So listen for the embedded message in the story.  Mars wants to tear through the home or office and destroy or remove whatever is not working for you anymore. Neptune’s station is also parallel to Ceres… again amping up the deep water emotions and swelling everything into a major swirl or water spout of energy.  Neptune WANTS to capture you in his swirling hurricane of energy.  He LIKES to make a mess. Desire seems to shoot out of every pore in your being so leave your credit cards at home.  Venus and Neptune are also having a heated, profound conversation (argument?) in the corner. Today, relationship can evolve very quickly into deeper commitment or dissolve completely.  If they dissolve, remember Saturn is asking you to make permanent decisions around what you desire and want in your life. Saturn in Scorpio wants YOU TO COMMIT.  Saturn in Scorpio is all about committing to something, purpose, person or goal that is greater than we are.  It IS bigger than you. It is the work your soul came to earth to do.  Now that you are CLEAR what your work is (or have become disillusioned with what you are currently doing and want to leave for greener pastures), it is time to make a plan. Time to commit to the new vision you  have for your life.


Saturn’s day Saturday November 10 offers the Libra moon the opportunity to move through the gauntlet of the opposition to Uranus and the square to Pluto. Libra Moon is not a woosie. She is VERY clear what has to happen to make her happy.  Mercury is arguing with his mother again. Nurturing people can drive you crazy right now.  You need to speak your truth and not worry if their feelings are hurt. You have to stand in YOUR heart’s center and be in your truth… nothing else works or feels right. Sun’s aspect to Ceres suggests you think about what your Mother or Father WOULD have told you to do and do the opposite OR do your own version of it. Neptune’s station is building and building. Mid-February 2012 is back and dancing around the room. There is an opportunity to heal old or wounded relationships that didn’t work out the way you had planned. Today is a day for approaching that dream. Mercury and Venus are fighting really loudly over in the corner.  You asked for what you wanted and got a NO.  So  now what?  Well go find someone else to ask? Do it any way and beg forgiveness. Pluto is looking to let a deep secret or two out.  Remember Pluto is a trouble maker… so don’t take what handed to you if you don’t love it. No more settling for seconds, thirds or seventh place. You are a unique and irreplaceable section of the heavens incarnated into a human form to create, do and be. What is your gift for the world?  How can you roll it out into the universe? Time to partner with creating your desires here on earth. If it is in your heart, it is in your chart. Mars takes action to improve his and your health.


Sun’s day Sunday November 11 finds Moon in Libra with a positive closing aspect.  Neptune stations today to move direct at 0:21 Pisces.  Here we go!  Saturn is trine to Neptune encouraging you to create the next dream in your life. You can do it. No disillusionment. Own your dream. State it loud and proud. Mars has a stressful aspect to the Nodes of Fate so allow yourself to take action as you need to. You might want to skip the whole mess and that is certainly an option. Recognize it as a valid decision… to decide to ignore it and maybe it will go away.  You can’t ignore it forever but for the short term, that is certainly a viable option. Sun stimulate Uranus offering a breakthrough in consciousness. Pay attention to what you figure out today.  It is important for your evolution.


Copyright © 2012 A.C. Ortelee