Weekly Weather October 25, 2010

Weekly Weather October 25, 2010
Scorpio Sun reminds us the growing season is finished in the Northern Hemisphere. The vines are withering, the leaves are falling, the trees changing colors, the crisp apples crowd the farmers’ market. The squashes are in. The corn and tomatoes are finished for this growing season.

We continue with our own personal descent into the underworld as we accompany Venus into the darkness. As she heads deeper into her retrograde journey, and deeper into the dark spaces in our being, we’ll find our hearts begin to shift a bit with Mars’ entry into Sagittarian fire on Thursday. We’ll start to see a glimmer of hope. It definitely still IS dark down in here, where we are, but it IS going to start to shift.

The first flare of light will take place ~ a match struck, a flash light turned on, a porch light beckoning, a candle glowing, or a fire catching the tinder. We still have a BUNCH more days of Scorpio’s passion~ our 100 days are not nearly over yet. However, we’ll also have some light to guide us forward.

Have you ever been in a really physically dark space? A cave, the ocean, a secluded cove ~ even a dark basement or photographer’s dark room? Darkness has a physical presence, an essence, an energy, a wildness to it. In our interconnected, always lit, electrified world, we forget how “dark” a dark space can be.

This week try to recreate the dark energy for yourself. Find yourself a dark space that has no ambient light from electricity. Sit in the darkness for 10 minutes or more. Set a timer. At the end of the time, light a match or flick a lighter to illuminate the space and add fire to the darkness. Recreate the energy in your life that the heavens are giving and guiding us with above. Go INTO the darkness, with your matches in your hands. Sit in it, connect with it, commune with the dark. Then, finally dispel it with light that you create.

Venus is walking through the Via Combusta ~ the Path of Fire ~ in the heavens. Falling between 15 Libra and 15 Scorpio, the Path of Fire is travels through a particularly dark patch of difficult fixed stars. The ancient astrologers forbade reading horary charts when the Ascendant fell in the Path of Fire and felt a natal Moon placed there was as afflicted as if it was in an eclipse position.

Venus wanders back and forth through the Path of Fire THREE times. She’s wandering in one of the darkest sections of the heavens to help us get clear, crystal, crystal clear, on what is deep inside and profoundly emotionally important to us. We need to be emotionally clear AND TO RELEASE the emotions that no longer serve us. To release them, we have to retrieve them, look at them and re-feel them. THEN we can let them go.

So this week, NO FIRE ~ all dark, dark, swampy, chilly, fetid DEEPLY EMOTIONAL decay filled water until Mars moves into Sagittarius on Thursday. Then we start to really feel the emotional shifts that have been stirring within us as they come to the surface.

Vulcanus, a Uranian point, stations on Tuesday in late Cancer, offering a relief and break through in the deep emotional matters stirring around inside of us. Vulcanus stirs the Jupiter /Uranus point in an easy manner, stimulating creativity as it asks Neptune and Chiron to live in the moment and deal with a health issue that arises suddenly out of nowhere. Vulcanus stopped asks us each to focus on the earthquake of emotional energy in our lives.

The image above is a Night Fire Swim a temporary interactive sculpture in Skowhegan Maine. A 10′ wall of white bubbles under water erupts into 2’3′ flames above the lake surface. The viewer/participants swam out to the arcing flame pattern in the dark water. Under the surface, when they passed (swam) through the white wall of bubbles, the sound was like breaking icicles as they looked up to see the fire burning over their heads. The viewer/ participants then, being wet, could approach the flame without fear of being burnt. They could pass their arms through the bubbles allowing the flame to crawl over the arm without being burnt. Then they learned to control the fire patterns by manipulating the bubbles’ direction under the surface of the water. This is from an installation/sculpture by Dan Corson.

Mars is in the last degrees of Scorpio. He’s in a very dark space as he prepares to launch out of the swamp to sit by the flickering fire at the end of the week. You only have a few more days of the deep, extreme darkness to go but these are perhaps the most important days of all. So watch what you see, hear and feel this week as Mars leaves his trine Jupiter and Uranus and his square to Neptune and Chiron. He’s got the information he needs. He may not be ready to share it just yet but he does know what he needs to do. On Thursday, Mars leaps out of the dark water of Scorpio into the fire and passion of Sagittarius.

And, no, emotionally, you are probably not going to feel up to doing what you need to do. Assume the fetal position. Breathe deeply. Breathe deeply again. Close your eyes. Sit in darkness. Then go light a match and gaze at the flame. Sit looking at the flame. Let it enter your eyes. Let it light up your brain. Let the rods and cones in your eyes twinkle and dance with the flame. Look in a hand mirror and see how the flame is reflected in your pupil. Light is coming soon. You’ll see soon.

Some days you only have enough energy to “stand”. Or “sit”. You don’t have to move. It is enough to be. Just be. Once Mars moves into Sagittarius at the end of the week, you will feel SO MUCH BETTER!

Once Mars shifts, he takes the Scorpio, Aquarian, Capricorn and Libran planets and passes their final dispositor from him, Mars in Scorpio, over to exalted Jupiter in Pisces (joined to Uranus). Suddenly the expansiveness, possibilities and abundance of the ocean comes into play as you exit the swamp into open water. You‘ll be able to see the changes that need to be made and will start working on the changes once Jupiter goes direct next month.

Moon’s day, October 25 Moon in Gemini awakens our sibling, sister, brother, close friend and communication energies. It closes with a square to Uranus so things Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday morning are all about taking action towards endings and separating. We’ll find we want to talk or connect with people in a chatty manner. And it is time to release profound emotions. Mercury joins with Venus so we want to relate but have trouble finding the words as both are in Scorpio. Secrets are revealed today. Listen for them. What is your chose tribe? Who are the people you want to spend your life with? Who is your sister or brother? Where is your community? Housing or relationship responsibilities can feel overwhelming. You might find your temper flares today over something rather silly or irresponsible.

Mars’ day, Tuesday October 26 Moon in Gemini continues to offer us connection and relation desires. Sun sextiles Pluto today so we feel the power or are aware of the permanence of time, change and endings. Sun is in a closing approach, asking us to take care of the people who are long standing parts of our lives. They need us. It is the final harvest time. Expect very strong emotions to appear, seemingly out of nowhere. Emotional outbursts have been brewing for awhile and now erupt like the night fire swim photo above. Clear out infections and dark spaces in your life. Vulcanus stations, affecting our life force and ability to move. It is enough to just stand. There is a gift of brilliance in all this if you look for it. Mercury works in partnership with you to help you get on a wordless, emotional level what you need to understand. Listen to him. It can be a change you need. It can be an idea whose time has come.

Mercury’s day, Wednesday October 27 finds a long void moon between 10:19 am EDT and 3:14 pm with a closing aspect of a square to Uranus. The void is a great time to that releases things so nothing comes of it. The past three days have been all about releasing. After an emotional night of poor sleep, you waken to news of a loss or shift. Saturn is sesquiquadrate Neptune saying a partnership that has been very valuable to you is shifting and changing. It is time. Venus in Scorpio makes us realize that the passage of time moves us into a new space and approach. We’ve realized something very important about ourselves and our lives. We’ve seen the darkness, embraced it, understood it and come to own it. Watch who you meet or connect with today as Sun sextiles the North Node of Destiny. The person or situation will be important to you. Moon moves into Cancer at 3:14 pm EDT with lovely closing aspects so the back half of the day is TERRIFIC for launching new projects, approaches, or programs ~ particularly around diet, home, health or things that nurture and sustain you.

Jupiter’s Day, Thursday October 28 Moon in Cancer continues with lovely closing aspects supporting the next steps in our lives. Mars enters Fire Sagittarius inspiring us to leap forward and work with our emotions. All the planets in Libra and Scorpio report into Mars. Once he enters Sagittarius, we find a burst of illuminating, if scattered, energy. Again, the shift in energy due to Mars moving into Sagittarius , gives Mercury in Scorpio suddenly a very sharp mouth that is cutting ~ watch your tongue today as words cut as effortlessly as a razor blade does fresh skin. Today you feel a sea change of better, easier, more upbeat energy flowing through your veins. Give yourself permission to nurture and create something. Saturn argues one more time with your wound. Why do we feel we need to be perfect and control everything? Today is a day to allow yourself to be less than perfect. Just be. Be in the abundance of who you are. No beating yourself up. You are fine just the way you are. Again a day of high emotions but they can also inspire your actions and your being toward the space that is waiting for you. There is a sense that there is nothing new under the sun. At the same time, there is a belief ~ valid ~ that all things are possible. Sun joins with Venus encouraging us unite with the dream Venus has been clarifying on her voyage through the underworld. Tomorrow, she becomes a morning star. Today she stopped being an evening star. Today, Venus is perfectly balanced between the day and night, seeking to help the Sun know what it needs to reach and become the soul’s purpose.

Venus’ Day, Friday October 29 A world of difference greets us as Cancer Moon feels the shift of Mars out of water into fire. A long void moon, between 3:48 pm and 8:38 pm EDT offers us time to process the shift. Moon moves into Leo and creates added light to the force of Mars in early Sagittarius. Difficult dreams stress sleeping but the creative function of Sun working with Ceres grounds us in the here and now after we awaken. It is a GREAT day for getting stuff done. Words can be pungent and stinging ~ but they are TRUE. Be careful with your mouth. Smile and adjust rather than speaking. There is a profound need to connect on a deep level with someone very dear to you. Bask in that relationship energy.

Saturn’s Day, October 30, 2010 finds Moon in proud Leo, wanting to play and take time to take the day off. People who thought they were too old to do something suddenly find themselves DOING it! You are never too old until you are dead. A situation does end today. But it was time for it to end. NO regrets. Love the lesson. Love the person. Love the situation. Venus connects with the North Node of Destiny so you can meet people or a person or a situation that will be particularly important to you down the road a bit. Work with the situation. Follow your heart’s desire. Listen to your insides. Sudden outbursts of emotions can surface. Let them erupt. Clear out your clutter and space. Get rid of what you no longer love or need. Let your garbage become someone else’s treasured find.

Sun Day, October 31, 2010 Moon in Leo has a separating aspect as it opposes Neptune and Chiron. Today is the day when the veil between the worlds ~ living and dead ~ is the thinnest. Souls who lingered and died this year, cross over tonight in a giant, crowded procession. It is Hallow-Eve(n). We hale and honor our ancestors, we are at a cross-quarter day ~ half way between the beginning of fall and winter ~ the middle point. Mercury wants to form new relationships with people he considers family. Juno, in Virgo, is a bit fussy, but even she is feeling the need to connect and relate in a different way. Talk to your favorite dead relatives tonight as the connections are clear and wide open!

Copyright © 2010 A. C. Ortelee