Weekly Weather October 15, 2007

Weekly Weather October 15, 2007

Finally! We have before us a decent, cooperative and a quite productive week of cosmic activity and planetary aspects! The week arrives after all the turbulence, bumps, bounces and changes of the past few months. The purpose of the week is to help us make sense of the events we‘ve been experiencing since the end of August. We get it now. We can rest a bit. We know in our heart what we know to be true for us. We can start to structure our lives in our very own manner or way to build our life. And, we will actually settle down and start to get to work on the tasks for our upcoming two year Saturn in Virgo journey. Well, not to be too Virgo fussy picky about that last part, we’ll actually, kind-of-sort-of-teeny-tiny start to settle down and work with Saturn. But at least we WILL be making a start! Do remind yourself that Saturn in Virgo likes to organize his projects before he starts things! So organize we shall! For the next three weeks while Mercury is going retrograde, we shall organize and get things in place for our two year journey. Virgo does like to have a plan before it gets to work!

Mercury, the ruler of Saturn in Virgo is going retrograde for three weeks. Mercury is in Scorpio. Right now, Mercury is focusing on exactly what needs to be done with a crystal clear eagle eye that can see a critter move while soaring in the sky on an invisible updraft wind current. From your vantage point of 10,000 feet, what do you and Mercury see? Mercury has been acting as a scout of sorts for the rest of your personal planets, checking out the road ahead and gathering data, secrets and scoops. Mercury’s now starting to double back to revisit and communicate with all the personal planets. He’s going to join up with Venus, the nodes of destiny and the Sun. Right now, Mercury is talking to Mars over there in Cancer take action cardinal water. Mercury is telling Mars what all your planets will need for the journey ahead of you. Listen to Mercury in Scorpio as he focuses on the various tasks before you and clicks them off on his fingers ~ first, second, third, fourth, etc. A giant cosmic to do list! Listen to Mercury in Scorpio as he tells you what to pack for your journey ahead. Remember to pack duct tape and your Swiss army knife as those will always come in handy! Mercury in Scorpio knows the processes and procedures that need to be followed to get you where you are going. It is time to research. Time to revise that list your soul made when you arrived on planet earth those many years ago. Re-organize your piles. Re-determine your projects and their priorities. Set up the tentative schedule of events. Pack your luggage. Take out half the stuff ~ especially that sweater that you NEVER wear. What do you actually NEED? Make sure to include in your luggage what you learned that you loved over the past two years while Saturn was in Leo. Now, of course, the schedule you make will be revised down the road as Mercury is retrograde. But do give that vision and schedule a first pass. Get it down in some form or other so you have it before you, organized, to make Saturn in Virgo happy.

The other big thing that happens this week is Chiron in Aquarius stations to go direct at 10 Aquarius. Chiron started his journey in Aquarius in earnest in December 2005. Long time readers of this column know that was when our Medusa battle or Bull fight traffic jam was taking place in the fixed signs. Saturn was arguing with all the other planets in the fixed cross. One of the purposes of Chiron in Aquarius is to help you find your proper tribe. The tribe you were born or raised in might not be the best place for you to bloom to your full potential. We are a community based species, we humans. We need a tribe we can call our own. So in December of 2005, did you start to find a different tribe that you fit in with a bit better? Or did your old tribe start to not feel quite so comfy and cozy? In May of this year, Chiron stationed at the mid-point of his journey through Aquarius to stop moving forward. You played or stayed within your existing tribe for the balance of the summer as Saturn finished up his journey through Leo.

Now it is time to go find YOUR tribe as Chiron starts to move forward again. Time to seek your path and take all that you’ve learned over the past few years and the course of your life with you. It is time to integrate what you’ve learned into your life. Time to embrace your tribe as well as what you love to make them part of your daily life.

Next, remember that the planets are still not in signs they much like or care about or understand. The planets are in signs that are a bit of a struggle for them to express their essence and purpose in. That means both you and everyone you meet will be struggling to find an adequate expression for what you or they need. So be gentle with each other. Be kind. Be quiet. Keep your mouth closed and keep any nasty thoughts you have to yourself. If they say they want more space to find themselves AND then they call you to get together, KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT about the apparent conflict between their words and their actions. They are trying to figure it out too. What is the proper proportions to get their life in balance?

If you made tentative plans to do something, and you didn’t hear from them, go by yourself if you want to go. Or make other plans. When they call, tell them you can’t make it because they didn’t let you know and you made other plans instead. They are a grown up too. They can schedule things in advance. Make your own plans and do what you want to do because they didn’t or couldn’t or wouldn’t or avoided committing to getting together. If they say they want to do something and then DON’T DO IT, KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT!

Go and do what YOU want to do ~ even if it is with out them and you really wish they were there as it would be more fun. You will have a terrific time by yourself too. Don’t nag. Don’t do it for them. Don’t follow up. Don’t fix. Just go focus on YOUR stuff and what YOU want to do. You have a mighty big to-do list before you don‘t you? Work on your to-do list. Do NOT do their to-do list for them any more. They have to learn to do their to-do list all by themselves. Build your life the way you’d like it to be. Besides it is good for them that you aren‘t so available. And you are WAY too busy to be fixing and fussing or waiting around for them to figure out what they want out of their life and what your role will be in it.

My mother had this poem that fits the planetary situation before us:


If you were busy being kind

Before you knew it, you would find

You’d soon forget to think twas true

That someone was unkind to you.


If you were busy being glad

And cheering people who were sad

Although your heart might ache a bit

You’d soon forget to notice it.


If you were busy being true

To what you knew you OUGHT to do,

You’d be so busy you’d forget

The blunders of the folks you’ve met.


It is SUCH a VIRGO poem, isn’t it? But it IS the kind of message we need to remember during the week ahead. Focus on your life and what you need to do. Ignore the other guy‘s story and issues. Trust me, the issues will be surfacing around you this week. But remember they are in charge of their story. You are in charge of your story. Time to get to work on YOUR Saturn in Virgo story. They can come and sit by you at the kitchen table and work on their version of their story if they figure out that is what they want to do. The play time of Leo is finished. The to-do part and build it, create it practical part of Virgo is surfacing in the world around us.

Monday, Venus opposes the North Node and dips into the South Node, often marking an ending of some emotional, desire or financial sort. It will click off, like a giant click, lik
e a light switch. Sun has an
aspect of adjusting to Ceres, suggesting the old structures aren’t working quite the way they used to. Adjust to the shift in energy. Pluto has an aspect of stress with Juno. All sorts of manipulations will be exposed on this one! Look at them. Be kind. Don‘t be manipulated. When or if someone says “You are selfish!” say “No, I am NOT being selfish. I am only not doing what YOU want me to do.” And then, go do what YOU want to do.

Tuesday, Sun lights up Ceres and sees partnership for what its best purpose is ~ two people who are both getting their own needs met by being complete and whole in the relationship they meet in. Mercury joins with Pluto by declination ~ manipulations are exposed and seen for what they are. Venus and Mercury form a giant connection in the heavens with Mars. These are WORKING aspects as they are sextiles. You have to exert your muscles and take concrete actions to get sextiles to work for you. But once you get them moving, move they do! It is an Earth and Water sextile story so concrete results can come from their efforts rather than the ideas and inspiration of Fire and Air sextiles. Something can take root and grow to greatness if begun under this sextile.

Wednesday, Mercury trines Mars by water energy of Scorpio and Cancer. Remember Mercury and Mars are both involved in their retrograde energies. Mars hasn’t gone retrograde yet but he’s in his shadow. Mercury is retrograde. Mars is about to hear from Mercury what Mars’ journey of the next six months is going to be about and for. Mercury is also telling Mars what he needs to pack for the journey ahead. Sun joins by parallel with the North Node so the way ahead seems to light up and become clear. Follow the light. Have faith. Be clear and calm in your heart.

Thursday, Venus joins with Juno by declination. Venus in Virgo is SO aware of how small actions lead to bigger things. Venus in Virgo is so aware of how WHAT we partner with becomes WHO we are. What are you partnering with? Do you see how what you are partnering with is creating what you have? Remember how you can grow used to something because it is so familiar and a part of your daily life? You stop noticing the minor changes to go along with the process of living. Today you will see those minor changes with a clear eye. You might even be shocked. Whether it is too much stuff in your house, an expanding waistband marked by a favorite pair of pants that no longer fit, missing talking with friends that you haven’t been in contact with for a while, a debt situation that has grown unmanageable, the walls that are marked up with handprints and dirt or the hair cut you haven’t been able to schedule for six weeks. Venus looks at what she’s been partnering with and going along with. Venus perhaps changes her mind about whether she wants to partner with it any more.

Friday, Chiron stations to go direct. Time to go find your tribe. Vesta enters Capricorn. What is essential and most important to build your life? Mercury trines the Node and hands you garbage bags to throw out stuff, a diet to follow, the phone to make a call to your missing friend, your checkbook and bank statement, a paint brush and can of paint or the phone number of a new hair dresser. You do have other options you know! You don’t have to partner with this situation, unless you want to partner with it. You don’t have to say anything either. You can quietly call the plumber and get the tub unstopped. You can go to the new hairdresser. Or you can say something if you’d like to. But do remember to be kind with what you say. It is time to make a change. Time to partner with what you’d like to create rather than only partnering with what you are being given to partner with. Mercury’s sextile to Saturn is a working sextile ~ again, you have to take action to make it move but once you take action, move it will! Don’t worry about making them feel bad. They are working on their stuff. If you want to go, go! Whether they go or not is THEIR story. You want to go so GO! Take some action.

Saturn’s day finds Venus adjusting to Chiron moving forward. There are multiple versions of reality you know. It isn’t all black and white but colors and shades of gray every where around us. It is full of shades and colors out there in that big blue and green world of ours. There is a moral purpose to the whole business of living. Or perhaps a “reap what you sow” result if the word “moral” brings up negative childhood memories of churches and stern patriarchal leaders. We forget the moral or reap what you sow part some times. Or we can call it karma. What is the karma you want to sow in your life? Recognize what you sow, you will harvest. Down the road apiece, it will come back to you. According to my dictionary, moral is of or concerned with the judgment of the goodness or badness of human action and character; pertaining to the discernment of good and evil. Morality is a set of customs of a given society, class or group which regulate relationships and prescribe modes of behavior to enhance the group’s survival. As you are in the process of changing tribes due to Chiron‘s journey through Aquarius, your moral code might be in a state of flux or being questioned right now. Understand the roots of your moral code. Learn where it comes from. Assess it. Evaluate it. You are going to be working with your personal moral code in the months ahead. Sun’s working aspect with Pluto will bring your moral code to the forefront of your mind. We reap what we sow. Always. Whether we like it or not. Sow good stuff!

Sunday, Sun has a fighting aspect with Saturn. I know. That reap what we sow business can be problematic, especially if we don’t like what we planted a while back. Oh well. What are you going to do about it? You planted it. Your choices up until now have reinforced it, nurtured it, watered it, and let it flourish and grow. Venus opposing Uranus by declination means you are going to see the results of your actions today. You don’t have to keep doing it if you don‘t want to. But you do need to take responsibility for what you did. You have to take responsibility for your actions that supported it and for the results appearing before you. It can all change. But you have to change your behavior first. Time to plant new stuff?

Mundane: I was trying to figure out why there were so many “hangman’s noose” stories in the media and what the symbolic meaning was behind it. Hangmen are ruled by Pluto and Saturn. Nooses are ruled by the 8th house. Hanging things up are ruled by the 12th house. Don’t you just love astrology? Where we each are hung up? What is our hangmen’s noose? How do we break free from it? Saturn and Pluto are the results of our actions, our karma. The eighth house is the stuff we have trouble talking about in polite society while the twelfth house is the stuff that undermines us, is our secret enemy or the end of things. Apply the symbolism of the hangman’s noose to your own life to see where you are hung up.

Copyright © 2007 Anne Ortelee