Weekly Weather October 11, 2010

Weekly Weather October 11, 2010

Venus in Scorpio begins her descent into the underworld this week after her station last week. She turned in the sky to head underground and join with the Sun. She’s on her transitional journey to change from an evening love goddess into a fierce morning star warrior. Venus bids farewell to her lover Mars as he leaves her side to move forward in Scorpio. Sadness at their parting and emotions are very strong. Venus’ stopping and turning and heading back to 27 Libra. She’s going back to review all the events that stirred her passions and heart since Labor Day and early September. So no worries ~ if you THOUGHT you were finished with it, you have two more passes to get it figured out. If you WISH you were finished with it, you still have more work to do ~ two more tasks so to speak. Time to descend into the underworld to face your dark spaces and fears.

Venus Retrograde in Scorpio is the time, place and space where all the obsessive crazy loves from your past come knocking at your door, send you text messages or find you on Facebook. Or they even run into you on the street. They want to tell you they/ you made a mistake. They want another chance at love. They want to tell you that you were wrong to dump them. They want to tell you they were wrong to dump you. They want your money and love back.

We revisit old passions. We indulge in the what ifs. We reconnect ~even if they weren’t quite right for us. Even as we know we probably should move on. Even as we knew we DID move on. Venus in Scorpio has the unique ability to make us think it can be different this time. THAT is a false illusion but for the time being we will believe it CAN be different.

The other gift of Venus in Scorpio is to ask you to clean up your money or debt situation. It is time to get clear on your value and worth as well as be clear with others about it. Enter into debt installment plans. Contact the IRS and clean up your tax situation. Pay back those outstanding loans to friends. Reconfigure your daily, weekly and monthly expenses to make them more manageable. Call the folks who owe you money and ask for it. Ask your boss for a raise. Look for a new job where you make more money. Consider a part time job that pays to take up the intensity of need right now.

And, then, turn the attention to yourself. Venus in Scorpio brings up deep feelings about your life, your past and where you find yourself right now. The choices you’ve made account, (account is SUCH a Scorpio word), for where you are finding yourself right now. No despair. No tears. Be at peace with it. It is okay. You are where you are. You can’t do anything about that. You are there. However, you CAN change things going forward.

You have to make different choices to move to a different place in your life. Essentially, the heavens report to us that we are RIGHT exactly where we are supposed to be based on the choices we’ve made.

When we change our choices we change our lives.

I know, that sounds a bit harsh of me. But think of where you are not as a “Judgment” but as an “Assessment”. To be able to address ANY situation, you need to know where you are and parameters of it. You need to assess where you are and figure out how to get where you want to go. If I asked you how to get to Boston’s Back Bay, your first question to me is “Where am I right now?” Getting to a new place requires that we know where we are. Venus in Scorpio’s job is to help us know where we are. Once we know THAT, once we know where we are, we can figure out how to get any where else.

There is no fire in the sky right now~ except for brief sojourns of the Moon every 7 days or so. The heavens want each of us to process emotionally where we are. They want us to account for where we find ourselves. The heavens want us to realize that this journey of ours on earth is short and sometimes it is hard.


We just have to plot a course and figure out our method of getting there. Scorpio is great for helping us figure out how to assess where we are.

Because there is no fire, it is DIFFICULT to get a clear vision of where we are actually going. We can get a definite sense of how we FEEL about where we are. We are tossing around in a bit of an emotional soup. We will be IN this emotional Scorpio soup until the end of the month when Mars moves into Sagittarius. Once he moves into Sagittarius on October 28th, we will start to dry off by the heat and warmth of Mars’ fire. We will also get a glimmer of light and hope as the lights turn back on. Mars enters the visionary planet of Sagittarius and he starts to see the path more clearly. We will also figure out WHAT we have to change to get ourselves into the new state or place we want to be in.

So, if you’ve ever wondered what it feels like to be a Scorpio ~ this is it. Swampy, chilly, wet, full of desire, passionate and paranoid all at the same time. Scorpios are a complex sign! As my friend Mark says, it is kind of like camping in the rain with wet socks. When you get up in the morning and put your soggy feet into your boots they are now COLD wet socks!

The other thing you can do with the Scorpio energy is focus the amazing intensity on a PROJECT! Take the fixated, relentless energy of Scorpio and dedicate it towards accomplishing something you’ve been meaning to do but didn’t get to yet. There is a lot of passion in the heavens, waiting to be harnessed and directed at something that wants to get accomplished. So no more stewing. Focus on what you CAN emotionally tackle and take the energy of Mars in Scorpio over there to kick some butt and get it done! Parts of your life you are not going to be able to change until Venus gets out of Scorpio. No worrying about them (see the Taurus and Libra ruled houses).

Now as Mars moves AWAY from Venus, he’s a bit freer to be the tough, manly guy we all know and love about him. He’s left her side and is able to give each of us a hand in getting done what needs to get done.

Later in the week Mercury joins with the Sun. Both of them are in Libra answering to Venus in Scorpio and through her, Mars in Scorpio. It is NOT a week to get people to change their minds. They are going to be very fixed in their opinions and ideas about what they believe to be true. What you can do is listen to them. Nod. You can agree to disagree ~ but if you tell them you don’t agree with them, they will probably tell you why you are wrong! So think about the rule of no talk about politics or religion. Apply that rule to the situation before you. Fierce arguments can and should be avoided if at all possible. Both Mercury and the Sun make aspects to the newly discovered Eris, the Goddess of Discord so be quiet and smile instead of taking the bait and going in for a fight that will just annoy you and them.

Moon day, October 11 Moon in Sagittarius offers a bit of light to the world. Happy day off for those celebrating Columbus day! And Happy Thanksgiving to our neighbors in Canada. Moon has productive aspects with Saturn and Mercury so it is a good day to connect with people and communicate again. The closing aspect is a square to Uranus so things begun today or Tuesday can be counted on to end abruptly in a separating manner that frees you up. Dreams are active so make sure to note them upon awakening ~ especially the dreams about leaving or separating from something. Saturn is trying to help you see where you need to change. Mercury is talking to Eris so expect the morning to be a bit crabby/ cranky. Reorganize your work space or home space to accommodate needed changes. You will be asked to do something you don’t think you are able to do or are up for doing ~ try it any way! Time to take the old things you no longer need or want from your family, group or tribe and find them new homes or people that love them. Sun in Libra wants you to add a bit of spaciousness to your life. What can you say “No” to that will give you a bit more room or time? You need that extra room or time to recreate you and where you are going. With Venus retrograde, focus on your vision of what you WANT to create, rather than what you actually HAVE created. Partner with your vision today. Take advantage of the Moon square Uranus to release things from your life that you no longer need.

Mars’ Day Tuesday October 12 continues with the Moon in Sagittarius, adding a bit of fire to the heavens. It is about creating something that serves your direction and vision. Moon and Mercury are particularly creative today so even if you don’t know quite what to DO with ALL those ideas, write them down. Look at your patterns to see which behaviors or routines you no longer need~ it is another great day to release things and change things up. Some story from the sea or your past in June 2000 can resurface. Watch out for swamp monsters! No harshness or meanness toward yourself. Understand the resurfacing as part and parcel of how you are to get clear about your future. You might be a bit shocked at what you hear from Venus ~ old loves, old money issues, old Scorpio stories that recur for you to hassle with again. Do you REALLY want to go there or do that? Just say no. Snuggle up with someone or something you love tonight. The world is not such a harsh place when you are connecting with the folks or things that feed your soul.

Mercury’s day, Wednesday October 13 Dreams are chasing you again~ see the patterns. Notice the recurrences. Delve into what they mean. Open a beloved book upon awakening and inspire your day. Review your pattern of worrying. Take that thing you’ve been OBSESSING about and decide to NOT think about it or talk about it until October 28th. Put a rubber band on your wrist and every time you start up, obsessing again, snap the rubber band to snap out of it. Watch Cher smack Nicolas Cage in Moonstruck! And say “Snap out of it!” to yourself. http://www.evtv1.com/player.aspx?itemnum=2112
Moon in Capricorn today and Thursday has a lovely closing sextile Uranus offering you a freedom that you are able to move towards. Provided you Snap out of it! It is a great time to end or release, in a helpful way for YOU, things that have reached there conclusion. Snap out of it! Use the square from the Moon to Saturn to let things go.

Jupiter’s day, Thursday October 14 Capricorn Moon continues to make aspects to the balance of the planets in the separating t-square so we emotionally process last summer’s t-square. The opening quarter moon invokes the New Moon eclipse from last January 14, 2010. Expect the story active in your life from last January to resurface. It’s a day with deep emotions swirling around. It also is an excellent day to take concrete action toward your dreams. Expect that the other person might not AGREE with your dreams but you have a single minded purpose to move towards them so don’t deny yourself. You might not be able to explain to the folks you are partnering or in relationship with WHY, exactly, you have to do what you have to do. But do listen to that voice, emotion as it may be, inside you. If it is encouraging you to go towards your higher, greater purpose or self or toward your dreams, say yes to yourself. If the voice is telling you why you CAN’T go toward your dream or your higher, greatest good or self, sit yourself down, hold your own hand and talk about how what you dream is and how to work on it ~ teeny tiny steps each and every day ~ to help make it come true. Be careful not to fall into the “I must be bad” trap. You are where you are. You are assessing how to get from where you are to where you want to go.

Venus’ day, Friday October 15 find the Moon in Aquarius with a closing union to Neptune, the planet of dreams. Time and again, when I read for clients, I always hear them say their dreams and see the dream in their chart. The chart holds the dream. The chart hold the secret of how to make that dream of yours come true. You wouldn’t HAVE your dream if it wasn’t part and parcel of your natal potential. You wouldn’t have the dream if it wasn’t in your chart. Venus retrograde in Scorpio is helping us get crystal clear on our dream again. Or perhaps crystal clear on your dreamS again! So listen today to the voice in your heart that is talking about your dream for yourself. Last night, the Sun was arguing with Eris, and you could wake up feeling in a state of discord or dismay. Time is a’ wasting. Pluto on the North Node of Destiny is asking you to focus on what your dream is and how do you get it? It isn’t about the other guy or THEIR dream for you. Or about them dashing your dream for you. You are entitled to your dream. You tell them to leave you and your dream alone. Give yourself permission to move toward your dream. As you journey with Venus into the underworld, listen to her dream for you. Whisper into her ear your dream for yourself. What patterns or behaviors do you have to change to GET your dream? Start working on those new behaviors! And, if you don’t know HOW to get your dream, find someone who is living your dream and ask them to teach you how they did it.

Saturn’s day, October 16 Mercury joins with Saturn while Moon in Aquarius keeps pushing the dream forward. Today is a day with a sudden and deep surfacing of feelings from the depths of your being. If you’ve ever watched a whale or a dolphin break the surface of the water and dance above it, you know that exciting feeling! They dive back in. You scan the horizon, waiting, watching, hoping they will surface again. Be as excited and thrilled about the surfacing from your inner being as you are about the whale. The first time it happens, you are shocked, excited, startled but so paying attention. Watch for it. It might make you cry. It is okay. Clear the energy as it surfaces. It has a power to it that wants to take you to your next chapter. My friend Llorraine always asks me when I am Virgo fretting or worrying about something “Who are you to argue with your Divine Spirit?” Our souls know what we’ve incarnated to learn, do and become. If you have a dream, that dream is on your soul’s list! Give your self permission to go for it. Or at least get the heck out of your own way. Let the power of Mars working with Pluto on the North Node of Destiny take you to your next chapter! This is a day that can feel like Scarlett O’Hara when she vows she never be hungry again. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ixx66T-FPYM
What will you never be again? What are you going to dedicate your passion and every effort towards creating?

Sun’s day, October 17 Moon in Aquarius moves into Pisces late in the evening with a lovely void in the middle of the day. Moon activates the planets in Libra to take action and start to move forward in a productive manner. Again deep emotions can surface from the Scorpio depths. There are sound ideas that are brilliant. There is a vision of how to proceed by listening to your heart’s voice as the Sun quintiles the Node. There is emotional guidance from Venus about how to connect with the source that will nurture you as you move toward your dream. There is a growing realization that the things you used to nurture are finished or grown now so you are needed elsewhere ~ maybe to nurture your self? It is hard to find words to explain what is going on in your heart. So don’t speak it. Just move towards it. Live in the moment and adjust towards it. Make an altar or vision board of it. Join to it.

And if a dream resurfaces from the depths of your being, make sure to talk to it or listen to it. Imagine it is your soul’s heart speaking to your own heart. Allow the love in your soul’s heart to connect with the love in your heart. Inspire yourself to be the best you that is possible. After all, what else IS there? Why would you argue with your Divine Spirit?

Well, here we are again;
I guess it must be fate.
We’ve tried it on our own,
But deep inside we’ve known
We’d be back to set things straight.

I still remember when
Your kiss was so brand new.
Every memory repeats,
Every step I take retreats,
Every journey always brings me back to you.

After All the stops and starts,
We keep coming back to these two hearts,
Two angels who’ve been rescued from the fall.
After All that we’ve been through,
It all comes down to me and you.
I guess it’s meant to be,
Forever you and me, After All.

When love is truly right
(This time it’s truly right.)
It lives from year to year.
It changes as it goes,
Oh, and on the way it grows,
But it never disappears,

Always just beyond my touch,
You know I needed you so much.
After All, what else is livin’ for?

Mundane: Financial forecast regarding the expected Market collapse. For a while now, astrologers have been forecasting a stock market collapse to correct for the excess in the system. There were three, yes three, subsets of predictions. All the astrologers focused on 2010 as the correction time period. There were the May folks ~ and they DID have their flash crash. Then there were the early August folks, of which I was one, who looked at that cardinal t-square with a beady eye. And, although there were ‘classic indicators’ of a crash, such as the Hindenburg Omen, not much happened. While I was glad my prediction was incorrect, it still wasn’t safe to get back into the water.

The third group of astrologers looked for the crash to take place during the late October/ Early November time frame. Venus is retrograde in Scorpio. And, indeed, as Venus stationed on Friday, the Dow Average hit a high of 11,000. Now she goes backwards until November 18. The Node passes the eclipse point on October 22-23. Retrograde Venus triggers the Node on October 30. Pluto joins to the Node of Destiny, triggering the eclipse point from last summer on November 8 to10 ~ making the week before ~ when the USA has elections particularly dramatic.

So sit tight and wait for the dust to settle. Only venture back into the water if you are a very, very good swimmer. Dangerous currents are about!

Opening quarter Moon evokes the eclipse and the Conan O’Brien/ Jay Leno drama from last January. Expect to hear more them this week.

Personal: As you probably noticed, the old website is still up. Yahoo stopped supporting the software the existing website is coded in, creating problems which can’t be “fixed”. No technical support = not fixed. Time to change the software and move the site to a supported software. That means a rewrite of the code as well as a transfer of the prior written stuff. There is a lot of prior written stuff. There is a lot of code.

However, yours truly, had transiting Saturn in Libra aspecting my Midheaven (5 Sadge), Venus (4 Scorpio), Saturn (6 Scorpio), Mercury (4 Libra), Mars (7 Capricorn), Moon (6 Pisces) as well as a couple of juicy midpoints. So, in order, Saturn played with Midheaven (my appearance in the world), Venus and Saturn in Scorpio (my writing house ruler and my work planet as an astrologer as well as the public and my ascendant ruler), Mercury (writing in general as well as my Virgo Sun’s ruler), Mars (in my astrology house, ruler of 2nd house of value and 9th house of publishing), Moon (inconjunct Saturn, rules the 6th house of work). So it was a bit of a mess.

I have given up! Not really ~ but decided to push back the rollout until it is clean ~ AND Venus is stationing on my progressed Saturn. You can sneak a peak at the “soon it will be released new website” ~ still a work in progress ~ www.astroanne.com/blog.

We are still tweaking ~ including the color! Hiding in plain site! Thank you to Ellen who has worked SO hard on it while juggling a host of other things! She’s got a pile of early degree planets getting played with by Saturn too!

In the interim, we did get a twitter account set up! If you sign up for it, I will send you an alert when the column gets posted weekly so you’ll know to come read it. The twitter account is AnneOrtelee.

Copyright © 2010 A.C. Ortelee