Weekly Weather November 15, 2010

Weekly Weather November 14, 2010

A big week ahead with lots of aspects that will bring Venus’ retrograde and shadow energies into sharp relief as she slows to station and turn direct on the same day as Jupiter stations and turns direct.

Venus and Jupiter are inconjunct to each other as they stop in the heavens. Both turn direct on Thursday. All week long, we will be asked to live in the moment and work in a deep psychological processing mode as they push, pull and argue with each other across the heavens. The inconjunct aspect formed between Jupiter and Venus is of a Scorpio type. Deep into the shadows of Venus’ desire principles we will dig! Deep into the shadows of Jupiter’s relating principles we will dig

Venus dragged something out of the swamp of Scorpio after her recent journey through the path of fire of the Via Combusta. And what she dragged out of the swamp wakes up and stretches this week. Initially, it might seem to be a scary something Venus dragged out ~ mud encased, hungry, matted and rather smelly ~ a stinkeroo as my mom used to say.

But after good bath, a bit of gently scrubbing, a trim of the scraggy hairs, some nail grooming, a bit of food and time in the sun or laying by the fires of Sagittarius, it will transform. Give it a bit of time to talk to you about what it was like in the swamp all that time.

Retrogrades ask us to reclaim and revisit the bits and pieces we’ve left behind in the closets, refrigerators, attics, basements and cupboards during our journey through our life. As Venus goes through and opens the closet and cupboard doors of our Scorpio house, she pulls out the rotten spoiled food, the bug infested oatmeal, the past date jars of things we meant to get to one of these days.

The Scorpio house is where we store our shames, fears and hang-ups ~ all the stuff we talk about to our therapist IF we talk about it at all. Venus retrograde in Scorpio pulls the emotional junk and refuse of our emotions out of the hidden places. She asks us to be kind to them and understand them. Be kind to ourselves and understand ourselves.

Way back when we put that feeling or emotion away in the back corner of our psychological refrigerator or tucked it into a box in our shame attic, we MEANT to get to it one of these days. It just never happened. And now, we look at it one more time, give it a smell and see if it is still something we want to keep.

If we don’t want it, this week we compost it. That rotten emotional lettuce makes great food for the plants next spring. If we DO want it, we have an opportunity to reclaim it. And the time is NOW ~ can it be fixed up, repaired, washed, adjusted or refurbished and turned into something we’ll want to use again?

Now because it is Venus whose working to help us get EMOTIONALLY CLEAR before we get launched into all the changes coming in January and March, make sure to sort through that attic or refrigerator cleaning out to your emotional piles of things that need to be smelled, sorted, cleaned, kept or pitched. Work with Venus to help her clean and clear things. That swampy, smelly thing just might be the perfect things to wear once it gets a good bath or three.

Jupiter’s station direct this week, takes us back to April 29, 2010, when he entered his shadow. Jupiter takes up the work he stopped on July 24, 2010. So if you were looking to expand your life this spring and something stopped you in late July, this week you begin again. You actually get to start AGAIN, expanding your life, now that you know more of WHAT you want. I had a client that was in heavy house hunt mode all spring, looking to make a “chosen” move as opposed to a “have to” move. In July, she called off the hunt. Now, she will start hunting again for her new home. Watch what resurfaces from last spring that asks you to move forward again.

Venus in her shadow and Jupiter in his shadow are hard placements in so far as they are benefics that don’t seem to be being of much benefit or bringing us good stuff to us right now. All that will be changing as of Thursday, when BOTH of them shift and start to move forward again. This week, as they stop in the sky, it will feel like the pause button is pressed. Seek to have quiet time with Venus and Jupiter ~ talk about your hopes and dreams as well what inspires you or offers you spiritual support.

Scorpio shaped inconjuncts like Venus and Jupiter are forming also ask us to go back to the early relationship principles and give them a shake up to re-examine if they STILL work for you. What were your child hood or early adult beliefs ~ particularly the ones you were shamed into holding ~ that no longer work for you? Time to let them go.

Mercury and Mars are chasing each other in the sky this week and catch up with each other on Saturday to create a very frank, plain spoken kind of week. As Gandhi said, Harm no one. Speak your truth to power or people in authority and don‘t worry about results. It is a just show up and do it kind of week. Mercury and Mars both work with Saturn allowing us to see how much we’ve changed over time.

Sun squares Neptune and Chiron so he FINALLY gets out of the fog and stops acting so wounded. Sun GETS the message that Venus and Jupiter retrograde have been teaching him. Right after that, Sun trines Uranus so he has a burst of creativity and friendship that inspires him. Give yourself permission to try things you’ve never done or said before. Freedom awaits.

There is also a Full Moon this week at 29 Taurus ~ the wrap up emotional degree. We want to make things right emotionally. We see what we hadn’t seen before. Think back to May 2009 when the New Moon took place. An emotional situation happened then that seeded the situation before you now. In February 2010, you had the opening square of the situation from May 2009, where the decisions you made then, got tested and put into action. Now, on the Full Moon, you see the story in a brand new way. Move forward into it ~ it is important for you to love what you are doing and give yourself and your soul permission to feel what you are feeling.

So this week, remember to watch for the swamp monster emerging from Venus’ shadow. Once you get a good look at it, you’ll see it for what it is and relax. It is YOUR swamp monster ~ connect with it and hang out. You’ll be surprised how funny and smart it is. And think back on how far you’ve come and how much you’ve changes in the course of your life. Give yourself a pat on the back. You deserve it!

Moonday, November 15,Monday Moon in Pisces today and Tuesday has a lovely closing aspect of a conjunction to Uranus offering us a new chance to try things we are anxious about. Mars in Sagittarius is in a productive working aspect with Saturn in Libra so while you might feel a bit scattered, you will actually accomplish quite a bit. The scattered energy of Mars in Sagittarius is complicated a bit by Jupiter’s station all week long so it can feel tense or anxious or anticipatory ~ kind of a tremulous energy that wants to move forward but is held back at the same time. Emotions are arguing back and forth within you. You may find that you are upset with someone that you normally love and adore. Or they are upset with you about something beyond your control. Kindly and gently explain what happened so the knickers become untwisted. Sun moves into a trine to Jupiter ~ pushing good news and light onto that abundance he offers. People feel related and connected under this aspect so relax and have a good time tonight.

Tuesday, Mars’ day November 16 finds Moon in Pisces in the morning and void during the afternoon. Moon joins with Jupiter and trines the Sun in the night offering lovely dreams and creative sleep. Mars has a burst of energy and excitement even as he realizes how tired he is from all the anxiety produced by Jupiter’s station. Mercury works with Astrea asking us to focus on health concerns and gives a clarity of thinking. Sun has a gift of brilliance with Hades allowing you to see the swamp monster Venus dragged out for what it actually is ~ part and parcel of your being. Own it. Love it. Embrace it. Don’t be embarrassed by it. Mars in scattered Sagittarius presents a number of things that can be causing the health problems that seem to surface out of nowhere ~ is there a deeper emotional source to the health problem? Listen to all of the solutions. Try them all ~ using a process of elimination, try them out. A sampler of healing. That swamp monster of yours has deep emotions today and might erupt a bit with a smelly bit of gas. Indulge yourself ~ you are clearing the energy. Sometimes there is GAS! There is a long void moon in the middle of the day before it enters Aries at 6 pm eastern time. Relax and kick back on that Moon. Take advantage of the quiet time.

Wednesday Mercury’s day, November 17 Moon in Aries has hard separating aspect as it opposes Venus. Love and desire fights with nurture and mom. Sometimes the world is like that. Moon in Aries TRIES to make up with Saturn, their parent, teacher or authoritarian friend. Again back to Gandhi ~ speak the truth to people. It might work. It might not work. But you have to at least try. Speak your truth today. Gently and with “I” statements. Talk about what your vision of the relationship is and where you would like it to head in the future. Be inspirational. Be funny. Be yourself. Venus joins with the principle of business success and expansion so if it is going to happen, today, or later this week is when you get a cosmic yes. And if you get a cosmic no, well as long as you are both alive, the possibility of reconciling exists. Move on if you get a no. This is a day when the wife wants to leave the family. And maybe a break is what wife needs as the crabby energy is crabby. Mercury in Sagittarius has a sextile to Saturn suggesting that your words are heard even if there is no action on them. Wait a few days before you pack up and give up. They have their feelings too.

Thursday, Jupiter’s day, November 18 Moon in Aries has a number of aspects around taking actions via emotions. Today Venus and Jupiter station to move forward. If the financial markets don’t collapse today/tomorrow, we’ve been spared a bullet. The next day possible collapse day is December 13 but that is not as bad of collapse energy as today. Sun opposes Admetos saying something is ending today. It is good thing if it ends. Sun is also squares Neptune and Chiron today offering us the ability to move forward with our lives. We can be deeply emotional today or we can feel the emotional veil lift from our eyes as we prepare for the next chapter of our lives. Words can be wounding so be careful about what you say ~ the reverb on them is particularly profound. The words seem to resonate in our being and vibrate across time and space.

Friday Venus’ day November 19 finds Moon in Taurus offering grounding to what went on yesterday. Let it ground. The aspects are separating so you will be parting from some one or some thing. Sun speaks to Uranus offering a creative push to help you and the world move forward. Change is finally here. And with Venus and Jupiter moving forward, we are actually READY for the change. Look at the place of anger or discord to see what you need to change about yourself ~ your responses, your dreams, your ideas ~ to match what you need going forward. That anger is actually a GOOD thing as it helps focus you on what you want. Listen for it. Venus wants to ride a rocket ~ up or down ~ she’s MOVING ON! Stand back and give her room.

Saturn’s day, November 20 Moon in Taurus offers more grounding. Allow yourself to focus on what actually NEEDS to be done, rather than what you WANT to do. Mercury joins with Mars so fights can erupt seemingly out of nowhere. Both of Mars and Mercury are in Sagittarius so they can get a burn on about something that is rather silly and not particularly important in the long run. Venus rides the rocket of passion today. Saturn is square to Ceres so he’s not in the mood to particularly nurture you or anyone. He’s actually quite cranky and crabby. There is a Hammer of Thor today with Sun as the handle to the square of Saturn and Ceres. Who is Earth Mother who nurtures? Who is curmudgeonly Saturn who grumbles? And what did you see as the two of them faced off and had their fight? The second Hammer of Thor in the Heaven has Neptune as the handle ~ to the square between Astrea and Ceres ~ it is a story that comes from the past and seeps its mystical magic into now offering us a biting clarity of how the principle of nurturing causes problems.

Sun’s day November 21 has a Full Moon that takes us back to May 2009 and February 2010. Jupiter is trine to Vesta suggesting you have found yourself a new home ~ at least emotionally. The last degree Taurus Full Moon culminates and ends something for all concerned. A giant cosmic pop takes place as you consolidate the energy. Give it permission to end and leave. You are going to be okay without it. In fact, where you are going, will be BETTER than where you’ve been. It gets better once you are true to yourself. Stop seeking approval. Go for change. Change is good! It is part of life. Give yourself permission to change. You will find it SO invigorating if you open up that area that is blocked within you and allow it to change. Learn to partner with change. It is good for you. Expand that earth mother energy and let it launch like a rocket! Read the Full Moon report on this site for more information on how to use the energy of change, expansion and illumination.

Copyright © 2010 A. C. Ortelee