Weekly Weather November 1, 2010
Another emotionally demanding week ~ I hate to write that again. You probably aren’t thrilled to read it. BUT ~ take heart, we are ALMOST through the dark patches! More and More fire is coming in to the heavens over the next few weeks. And, at the end of this week, Venus is leaving Scorpio for a 22 day sashay through Libra. Yes, Venus is still retrograde. She is bringing old lovers, old dreams, old hopes and money issues back like the cat drags mice to the front door stoop. The old stuff returning is her version of a cosmic present from the heavens. BUT Venus gets lighter and dries up a bit when she moves into fast acting Air at the end of the week. She looks around and takes a deep breathe. Venus engages in a conversation or three about what she wants over the next three weeks while stopping and reversing her course. She takes action as only she can. She knows she has to move back THROUGH all those emotions yet a third time but right now, she’s going to feel happier. At least Venus THINKS she will feel happier after Sunday. Until Sunday, she’s going to drag us through more muck and mud and drama as she travels through the very un-evolved section of early Scorpio ~ the Scorpio decant of Scorpio. Expect un-evolved events, emotions and feelings to dance through your life this week. Very primal stuff indeed.
And the other two planets who’ve also been making us dig around in the emotional muck of our contribution to society shift direction this week and start to move forward. It’s all part of our getting ready to start the next chapter. Chiron and Neptune in Aquarirus have been going retrograde since May. This week, they both stop, station and turn direct.
Stopped Neptune can be VERY emotional. Stopped Chiron can be VERY wounded or wounding. They stop within two days and 1 degree of each other, stimulating them both as well as you.
BUT they both are shifting and getting healthier and better once they move direct. So watch for a fast shot to your soul’s wound from the world this week. It is about the universe trying to transform you. Watch for sudden emotional awakenings this week. It is about the universe connecting you to your soul’s path ~ or perhaps reconnecting you. Watch for transcendence and evolution and understanding as they both stop and talk to each other and you about why, exactly, you are here.
There also is a New Moon on Saturday, in Scorpio, at the degree of Venus’ station retrograde. That New Moon energy adds a burst of uplift. It also means the few days before it, when Venus is in very early Scorpio and as Chiron and Neptune station we will be rolling around in our emotions in a deep and quite dark place. It isn’t to scare you. It is to help you get clear about your heart’s desires.
I went to a lecture Sunday where the speaker, Eve Ensler, said when you feel fear, to ask yourself “Are you going for approval OR are you going for change?” It was an interesting question to mull.
Change provokes fear in many of us. Anxiety. We LIKE the status quo. We like to know things are stable and not changing. Are you going for approval? Does that approval actually MATCH what your soul wants? That approval you seek from another ~ is it taking you off of your authentic path?
Are you going for change? Do you know what change will bring into your life? Are you simply afraid to change? Why? What is the source of the fear you have about change? Digging down into that question, layer by layer provides interesting answers. Delve in the energy and into yourself for a bit.
The other thought that I came away with from that lecture was “How you treat others is how you treat yourself.” Marion Woodman, a Jungian analyst, said it to her interviewer in the documentary about her life, “Dancing in the Flames.” The corollary is true too ~ “How you allow others to treat you is what you think of yourself.” As we are existing in a giant cosmic hologram as described by our chart ~ the actions and reactions are all part and parcel of our chart. Lower and higher versions of actions and reactions. Perhaps not things you would like to keep any more but still versions of you and how you reflect your energy out into the world. You are going to get clear on your version of reality this week. And you are going to get clear if you want this version of reality to continue to be in your life.
The goal of Venus in Scorpio is to get you living your authentic life ~ higher or lower be damned but focused and clear. Feel those passions. Name them. Claim them. Even if they are scary or unfamiliar or dangerous or too-too-too much. We all have Venus in Scorpio for 100 days to help us get super duper involved with what our passions are ~ good, bad or indifferent. Own your passion. Stop looking for approval of your passion from other people or organizations or family or friends. It is YOUR passion. It is NOT their passion. They will never approve of your passion. They will never understand your passion the way you understand it. Give yourself permission to change and move toward your passion, even if you are afraid it will…. (name the fear and insert it here!).
Will your passion REALLY? REALLY? Will your passion really do that? Why would the thing deep in your heart hurt you like that? It won’t. Honest. And when you get to the other side of your life, you’ll be so happy you lived your passion. Give it a try. You still have 44 days of Venus in passionate, out of control Scorpio ~ with a brief sashay starting this week in Libra. Figure out a good name or outfit for your passion and move towards it!
The days of the week will be added later today….
Copyright © 2010 A. C. Ortelee