Weekly Weather May 5, 2014

Weekly Weather May 5, 2014 

2014-05-06 14.39.30 









Lilacs in Brooklyn Botanical Garden ~ Jane Gill.  2014



The eclipses are leaving! The eclipses are leaving!  The Cosmic Cardinal Cross is leaving too!  Woo-hoo!  We are moving on to our next chapter, decisions made, choices chosen, evaluations completed.  Time for the NEXT!

The beginning of the Week is tough… lots of stress.  Before we go forward, we might still need a bit of Walking Backwards.  Mars and Saturn are going backwards and asking us to clear up those last bits of mess in our life before we walk forward.  The shadow energy in each of our charts, the hidden parts, the unnoticed or unbidden parts want to make themselves known this week.  It might take you a bit of time to actually finish cleaning up the mess, but start now so you are working on it.

Here’s “Walking Backwards” by Doe Paoro to help you understand the energy at the beginning of the week ~ through end of day Wednesday.




The back half of the week is MUCH easier ~ lots of quintiles and sextiles.  Quintiles are fifth Harmonics… divide the circle of 360 by 5 and you get a 72 degree aspect that is about change, harmony and unusual gifts that support your path and your journey.  Quintiles add up to a 9 ~ a number of karmic completion and transformation. Sextiles are working energies… work the energy so you are moving again. Thursday, Friday and the weekend are all about walking forward, using our dreams to guide


The River of Dreams ~ Billy Joel.

In the middle of the night
I go walking in my sleep
From the mountains of faith
To a river so deep
I must be looking for something
Something sacred I lost
But the river is wide
And it’s too hard to cross

And even though I know the river is wide
I walk down every evening and I stand on the shore
And try to cross to the opposite side
So I can finally find out what I’ve been looking for

In the middle of the night
I go walking in my sleep
Through the valley of fear
To a river so deep
And I’ve been searching for something
Taken out of my soul
Something I would never lose
Something somebody stole

I don’t know why I go walking at night
But now I’m tired and I don’t want to walk anymore
I hope it doesn’t take the rest of my life
Until I find what it is that I’ve been looking for

In the middle of the night
I go walking in my sleep
Through the jungle of doubt
To a river so deep
I know I’m searching for something
Something so undefined
That it can only be seen
By the eyes of the blind
In the middle of the night

I’m not sure about a life after this
God knows I’ve never been a spiritual man
Baptized by the fire, I wade into the river
That runs to the promised land
In the middle of the night
I go walking in my sleep
Through the desert of truth
To the river so deep
We all end in the ocean
We all start in the streams
We’re all carried along
By the river of dreams
In the middle of the night


broke right








On a personal note, I broke my right foot in a bunch of places and have reconstructive surgery scheduled for Friday, May 9, 2014.  I deeply appreciate any and all prayers sent my way over the next few weeks as I recuperate.  As I want to go walking at night (and during the days too!) as well as dance the Lindy again, the surgery is mandatory, not optional. 

While I don’t think anything final or deadly will happen, I do want to take a moment to say Thank You.  I appreciate every single one of you who read my column, listen to the podcasts, come for readings, support my work, or study with me as your teacher. A special thank you to those who have taught me astrology by sharing various parts of your life journey with me ~ my teachers, clients, friends, students and loved ones.

I’ve loved virtually every minute of my life since I discovered astrology on June 17, 1994, started reading charts in 1995, went full time in 2001 and written a weekly column since June 7, 2004.  It has been a complete nodal return ~ I discovered astrology (in this lifetime) as Pluto joined the North Node at 23:22 Scorpio square to my natal Pluto.  This eclipse, as Pluto stationed IN my Natal North Node,  I’ve realized these past few days as I’ve been hobbled and slowed down, how deeply blessed I am to have each of you in my life.  Thank you!  I love you.  And thank you for your continued support and prayers.  Catch you on the other side of my surgeon’s scalpel!   Anne

2014-05-06 14.07.31 












Lilacs Brooklyn Botanical Garden ~ Jane Gill 2014


The Week’s Planetary Highlights 

Sun in Taurus has a number of quintiles and sextiles inspiring a new chapter of your life.  Sun ends the week with an opposition to Saturn, finalizing a major chapter of your life on Saturday.  Let go of what needs to leave.   Free your hands to embrace your future!

Mercury is moving fast.  Early in the week, while still in Taurus, he is connected, relational, grounded and FULL of desire. Answering to Venus in action oriented Aries, he’s moving fast.  On Wednesday, Mercury enters Gemini and suddenly the world is his oyster. Expect to hear lots of information, offers and ideas you want to follow up on.  Carry a pad of paper as information is fast moving right now. While some of the ideas may seem far fetched with his square to Neptune, the SEED of the idea is what you want to focus on!!

Venus in Aries is difficult or having a VERY bad day through Wednesday but calms down later in the week.  Fights with loved ones over the weekend.

Mars connects with healing Astraea on Saturday offering healing for the journey ahead!

Jupiter is silent this week.  

Saturn has a biquintile to Uranus offering creative solutions early in the week. Implement them!

Neptune partners in a new way on Friday.  Accept all offers. Follow your dream.

Pluto pushes health matters early in the week and sees old patterns resolved and repaired starting on Friday.   

Pallas aspects the Nodes of Fate inviting a new reality into your life.  Notice who you meet. They are your future!  Change your patterns!

Hygeia enters Gemini on May 5, 2014 until August 8, 2014 beginning a new healing chapter with lots of choices!


Void Moons in the Week Ahead: When the Moon is Void, it is wise to avoid making important decisions as they tend to be unrealistic, and subject to false starts, errors or unexpected hassles.  Avoid being concerned with things beyond your spiritual center.  It is time for subjective, spiritual and non-materialistic concerns. Kick back, let life flow and center yourself. Connect into your essential oneness with the Universal Forces.

Moon goes void sextile to Mercury on Monday, May 5 2014 at 04:46:50 am EDT.  Moon enters Leo on May 5 2014 at 01:56:35 pm EDT.  Moon is void Monday morning.

Moon goes void square to Saturn on Wednesday, May 7, 2014 at 6:51 am EDT.  Moon enters Virgo on Thursday, May 8, 2014 at 02:25:05 am EDT.  Moon is void all day Wednesday.

Moon goes void sextile to Saturn on Friday, May 9, 2014 at 06:09:16 pm EDT.  Moon enters Libra on Saturday, May 10, 2014 at 01:20:07 pm EDT. Moon is void Friday night and Saturday morning.

Moon goes void square to Jupiter on Sunday, May 11, 2014 at 08:51:58 pm EDT.  Moon is void Sunday night and all day Monday.

rose in december
















The Rose ~ Amanda McBroom


Some say love, it is a river
That drowns the tender reed.
Some say love, it is a razor
That leaves your soul to bleed.
Some say love, it is a hunger,
An endless aching need.
I say love, it is a flower,
And you its only seed.

It’s the heart afraid of breaking
That never learns to dance.
It’s the dream afraid of waking
That never takes the chance.
It’s the one who won’t be taken,
Who cannot seem to give,
And the soul afraid of dyin’
That never learns to live.

When the night has been too lonely
And the road has been too long,
And you think that love is only
For the lucky and the strong,
Just remember in the winter
Far beneath the bitter snows
Lies the seed that with the sun’s love
In the spring becomes the rose.




Monday Moon Day May 5, 2014 Moon goes void sextile to Mercury at 04:46:50 am EDT.  Moon enters Leo at 01:56:35 pm EDT.  Moon is void Monday morning.  A cranky, kind of crabby day, full of movement and opportunity.  Moon’s square to Saturn kicks the energy in a separating and departing manner.  Lots of expressions take place today that are heartfelt if a bit difficult.  Hygeia enters Gemini for a healing journey of choices over the next few months when she enters Cancer on August 8.  Watch for connecting words tonight about deep feelings.  Yes, they really DO feel that way about you….


Mars Day Tuesday May 6, 2014 Moon is in Leo and goes void square to Saturn. Today is one of those days when it seems you have to do everything twice if not three times. Patience is not happening today.  Lots of dreams on awakening that are disturbing but clear. Probably not happening but that is not a comfort.  Sun’s sextile to Jupiter encourages expansion and a bit of optimism even as it overdoes things. Saturn’s biquintile aspect to Uranus expands your idea of what is possible. Interesting approaches to healing take place today.  Mercury’s square to Pallas means you can easily have an argument with someone. Double check the message. There might be more to it that you can see.  Mercury’s aspect to the Nodes pulls a trick on you and your too fast assessment of things. Slow down and take a second look. Sun’s biquintile to Mars encourages you to approach things in a new manner.  Take a second or even a third look. Mercury’s aspect with Pluto causes a bit of concern as he talks about things that are dangerous or deadly.  Take a cautious approach to all matters where health is involved.  Better safe than sorry.


Mercury’s day Wednesday May 7, 2014 Moon is in Leo and goes void square to Mercury at 6:51 am EDT.  Moon is void all day Wednesday. Kind of like groundhog day, you’ll find yourself doing things over and over.  Mercury’s semi-square to Uranus brings unexpected information in your dreams or via emails.  Lots of healing energy this morning as we move toward a new direction. Mercury enters Gemini at 10:56 am and we fly forward for the next few weeks with lots of communications and connections. Mercury will retrograde in Gemini next month so soon we’ll be entering his shadow. Watch for messages about what your upcoming Mercury retrograde will be about.  Venus and Saturn have a serious conversation about love and money.  Venus is contraparallel to Chiron so words can wound.  Mercury’s conjunction to Hygeia encourages conversation and connections about and around healing. Push past irritation later in the evening.


Jupiter’s day Thursday May 8, 2014  Moon enters Virgo at 02:25:05 am EDT. Moon goes void sextile to Saturn so today and Friday are quite productive, profitable and profound as the energy around nurturing grows.  Mercury’s connects with Hygeia bringing some healing energy to bear on the situation at hand. Sun has an adjusting aspect with Vesta encouraging you to clear out some spaces in places that are cluttered, bothered or bound. Great day to push the papers, file the files, move and shake the energy…. To the garbage land it goes! OUT! OUT! OUT!  If you don’t love it, dump it!  Pallas aspects the Nodes of Fate inviting you to creatively partner with people and situations in your life~ all to the good and the expansion of the energy in your life. Mercury follows you around with papers to sign or process to move forward. Take the opportunity to clear the papers out too.  Mercury’s union with Hades invites you to anticipate the end of things.  All helpful as you partner with others to create the next chapter…. Or maybe you collaborate with yourself in a different manner?


Friday Venus’ day May 9, 2014 Moon is in Virgo and goes void sextile to Saturn at 06:09:16 pm EDT.  Moon is void Friday night.  Surgery day for me!  Send a prayer or Reikii my way!  Thank you! Dreams are full of imagery and keep you tossing and turning with interesting images. Venus’ semisextile to Neptune encourages you to follow up on your dreams upon awakening. Mercury’s parallel to Jupiter brings news of a journey, union or transformation. Say yes. Pluto’s sesquiquadrate to Pallas points out a place to take action regarding stressful triangle situations by using your creativity.  There is much to be done!  Allow for the possibilities!  Point out the possible problems or solutions to the situation before you~ people are actually in the mood to listen. Chat them up!  Jupiter’s aspect to Hygeia offers an opportunity for healing after some stress passes. Mercury’s biquintile to the Node of Fate invokes a fresh, unique understanding of what needs to take place. Say yes to all offers!  Go for it! Moon’s sextile to Saturn encourages a fine, deep, nurturing place to open within you.  Sun’s quintile to Neptune invites you to talk to your angelic guides or look to your inner spirit or connection to divine to find comfort and solitude.


Saturn’s day Saturday May 10, 2014  Moon enters Libra at 01:20:07 pm EDT. Moon is void Saturday morning. Moon goes void square to Jupiter in Cancer adding a quality of overdoing to the energy later in the day.  Lots of dreams last night had you tossing and turning around nurturing and abundance.  Sun’s opposition to Saturn today brings a major story to a close.  Release and let go.   You are off to new adventures.  It’s been building for a while ~ time to let go. Sun’s inconjunct to Ceres invites transformation and adjustment to partnerships that used to nurture you but might not any more.


Sun’s day Sunday May 11, 2014 Moon goes Void Square to Jupiter at 08:51:58 pm EDT.  Moon is void Sunday night and all day Monday.  There are oodles of aspects today, making it a rocking and rolling day of getting things done.  As the Moon is rolling through the Cardinal cross in the process of breaking up, expect a back flow of feelings around unresolved issues from the recent eclipses.  Or perhaps new people to talk to about what all went down during the past six weeks.  Lots of opportunity for clarity around relationships as Moon in Libra allows you to see the give and take, the back and forth of energy and how those dynamics played out. Look to see how the relationships you’ve been working on reflect WHERE YOU ARE.  Our relationships inevitably mirror what we need to see about ourselves.  For example, with a non-committer ~ why are you afraid to commit? With someone who treats you poorly ~ why do you think you deserve or agree to be treated poorly?  Of course, with transits like these, we are ALL getting rocked in our relationship areas ~ that cross is just pulling all the stops out.  Be kind with yourself as you evaluate your relations.  Venus and Mars oppose each other making us look deeply at the connections and commitments we’ve made. Mercury’s square to Neptune suggests the dreams that lurk deep within are going to surface and have a chat with us… or we can feel enormous relief from pressure.  Mercury’s biquintile to Pluto encourages expression that changes things ~ say the words that need to be said.  You can do it!  Say them kindly. Use I words instead of YOU words… Juno’s aspect to Cupido suggests there are more people who are part of your tribe.  Expand your concept of what is available for you!  The dream awaits.  If it is in your heart, it is part of your chart… start moving forward toward it.



Anne’s Four Radio Shows and Two Recommended Shows Recap:  Listen in to the podcasts via ITunes or by the website links.

Anne’s Weekly Weather:  The week is full of quintiles!  New beginnings out of the old wreckage. New inspiration rises from the ashes of the old…  First part of the week is tough. Back half of the week is moving along. The eclipses are leaving!  The eclipses are leaving!

Scorpios Talking:  Michael and Anne talked about the changes in the world.

The Mary Anne Show: Mary and Anne talked about the foot break and taking life as it rolls.

 Access Astrology: The three of us were there and took a call from a listener.

Venus Unplugged: Llorraine Neithardt with Venus lessons for all!! For Jungians, dreamers, poets and visionaries this podcast helps with your individuation.

CG Jung Speaks! There are great readings from Jung! Tune in!  Kendrick Norris, Ph.D. reads excerpts from Jung.  Working on individuating? Listen in!



Copyright© 2014 A.C. Ortelee