Weekly Weather May 27, 2013
The eclipses are leaving! The eclipses are leaving!
Leah writes: Any insight into why these recent eclipses have been so hard on kids? Or am I just reading into it?
–Sandy Hook
–Boston Marathon
–Oklahoma tornado
–Today in MN: a 4th grade field trip ended up with four kids buried in a landslide. 1 dead, 2 hospitalized, 1 yet missing.
Anne: Sometimes astrology is just very, very literal.
Gemini is kids. Jupiter is at the last degrees of Gemini and there are lots of planets in Gemini. The Sun is in Gemini. Gemini Sun is eclipsed and taken out so Geminis (children) are taken out. There is the theme of doubles too as last November’s eclipses conclude now … back then Sandy Hook, a school in CT and now TWO schools in Moore, OK. Grammar schools are ruled by Gemini. Those were two similar events each involving the unexpected deaths of children with around 20 children each. Jupiter is in his detriment in Gemini so he doesn’t “protect” the children in what we think of as his good guy role ~ he delivers them to be eclipsed ~ to lose their light so to speak.
We also had doubles of other things last week ~ train crashes, bridge collapses, cars falling into rivers ~ all Gemini things being eclipsed.
And in a very literal way, last week, the Uranus Pluto square was the Tornado in Oklahoma. Tornados are produced by cold air from the Northern Jet stream dropping down from Canada and meeting up with the warmer air jet stream from the Gulf of Mexico. Pluto in cold, dry, Capricorn met up Uranus is Hot, chaotic Aries ~ they squared each other ~ fought ~ and Voila an EF5 Hurricane that devastated 40 miles of Oklahoma.
Mars was on Algol, the fixed star of beheading, so we also had a very public beheading of a soldier in England, by two (Gemini again) people.
Astrology, good or bad, is very, very literal.
Fortunately, we’ve gotten through the “nasty bits” for the most part. Now we wrap up the eclipse story and move on to our next chapter over the next two weeks as the Moon wans and releases, releases, releases her energy.
The Week’s Planetary Highlights ~ The eclipses are STILL here but starting to release and let go and dissipating their energy! Sun forms a Finger of God/Goddess all week with Saturn and Pluto as the legs~ Your ego has to choose now how it is planning to evolve. Four planets, Mercury, Venus, Vesta and Ceres are out of bounds. Four planets, Pallas, Mercury, Mars and Venus, change signs. Lots of chaos and change. Continue to be open and engaged to embrace evolution. Let go of your fear. Change how you see yourself and your world!
Mercury is out of bounds from May 20 to June 14
Venus is out of bounds from May 24 to June 19
Vesta is out of bounds from April 9 to June 14
Ceres is out of bounds from Nov 21, 2012 to July 20
Sun forms Finger of God with Saturn (and Pluto) on May 27 2013 at 03:15:59 am EDT
Mercury joins with Jupiter on May 27 2013 at 03:55:59 am EDT
Venus works with Eris on May 27 2013at 11:35:08 pm EDT
Mars argues by declination with Pluto on May 28 2013 at 07:02:19 am EDT
Pallas enters Gemini on May 28 2013 at 11:07:08 pm EDT for 54 days
Venus joins with Jupiter on May 28 2013 at 03:28:51 pm EDT
Mercury enters Cancer on May 31 2013 at 03:06:50 am EDT for 70, yes 70 days ~ Mercury retrograde in Cancer is coming.
Mars enters Gemini on May 31 2013 at 06:38:49 am EDT for 46 days
Mercury has stressed aspect with the Nodes of Fate on Jun 1 2013 at 04:02:35 am
Sun finishes the Finger of God with Pluto (and Saturn) on Jun 1 2013 at 04:39:40 am
Sun works with Uranus on Jun 1 2013 at 09:45:48 pm EDT
Venus enters Cancer on Jun 2 2013 at 10:12:41 pm EDT for 27 days
Void Moons in the Week Ahead: When the Moon is Void, it is wise to avoid making important decisions as they tend to be unrealistic, and subject to false starts, errors or unexpected hassles. Avoid being concerned with things beyond your spiritual center. It is time for subjective, spiritual and non-materialistic concerns. Kick back, let life flow and center yourself. Connect into your essential oneness with the Universal Forces.
Moon goes Void Trine to Mars on Tuesday May 28 2013 at 02:41:31 pm EDT and enters Aquarius on May 28 2013 at 05:49:14 pm EDT
Moon goes void Square to Mars on Thursday May 30 2013 at 07:57:47 pm EDT and enters Pisces on May 30 2013 at 08:31:06 pm EDT
Moon goes void Square to Venus on Sunday Jun 2 2013 at 00:31:12 am EDT and enters Aries on Jun 2 2013 at 02:34:30 am EDT
Our week ahead asks us to continue to shift and release. The energy of the Moon wans and narrows, pulling us away from the tensions of the past weeks of eclipses.
In our week ahead four planets change signs so we will face a bit of turbulence but in a good sense as the signs are comfortable, familiar and sensitive. Venus, Vesta and Mercury enter Cancer to become more sensitive and in tune with the feelings that are running deep and true inside our beings. We’ll be in the mood to nest and nurture. We’ll change our emotions every time the Moon changes signs. After the flying energy of Gemini, it will be nice to sit home, find a delicious book, put our feet up to sip a cup of tea and nibble a shortbread cookie or two (gluten free of course) with Venus, Mercury and Vesta.
Cancer Planets encourage watery Cancer activities which remind us of crabs, feminine, receptive, nurturing and alerts us to our feelings. Other Cancer words are Tenacious, intuitive, maternal, domestic, sensitive, retentive, helpful, sympathetic, emotional, patriotic, good memory, traditional, devoted, defensive, contained, holds onto, collections, romantic, sensuous & sentimental, strong likes and dislikes, clings to past, prefers company of known friends and family, resourceful, shrewd, acquisitive, receptive, conservative, cautious, imaginative, assimilative, keenly and sensitively influenced, frank, uncomplicated and subjective. On a bad day, Cancers are brooding, touchy, easily hurt, negative, moody, manipulative, lazy, cautious, selfish, feel sorry for self, whiny, over-possessive, emotional, sensitive under shell, restless, self-conscious, jealous, prejudiced, and impatient.
When planets enter a sign, we find we are interested in or hanging out in areas that they rule or are in charge of. Cancer areas are home, parents (mother in particular), family you came from, roots, home you will establish, heritage, heredity, ancestry, psychological roots, preverbal learning, private life, property, all things secluded, endings, closing years of life, fame after death, place of burial, your subjective self, foundation of your character, mines, land, property, environment, domestic affairs, the result of undertakings, breasts, stomach, digestive organs, tradition, early life, emotional attitudes in basic personality foundations, how you live, inner nature, fixed possessions, privacy, attitudes towards family, instinctive emotional motivations, emotional roots and origins, care and devotion received & strings attached to same, initial adjustment to life, ethnic traditions, family support, subjective building blocks of self, self-sufficiency, how you guard your space & property & work area, folklore, memories, sentimental, agricultural products, abundance of goods available, attachment to objects, hold you have on your possessions, fences, flags, phobias, rivers, midnight, nostalgia, and scabs. Going to be a fun time ahead!
Mars enters Gemini to remind us we always can choose… there are OPTIONS! It also can help us fight over words or semantics, argue with our siblings and see that we have multiple choices. Mars in Gemini can try to do too many things at once but that is what he likes to do. So indulge in the speed up and craziness of things. All to the good and to move you forward.
Four planets out of bounds means folks will not be in the mood to follow the rules. Mercury and Venus as well as Vesta and Ceres are out of Bounds. We’ve been working with the out of bounds Vesta and Ceres energy for a while already. The Mercury and Venus out of bounds energy is new and runs until the middle of June.
Out of bounds planets have qualities that the regular planets don’t have. Because they don’t follow the Sun’s path and thus they don’t follow the Sun’s rules, they can be arbitrary and capricious. On a practical level, they display a tendency to walk away from situations which most individuals consider prestigious or desirable. They display the ability to “think outside the box”. They break out of their social training and expectations to go down a different road. On a bad day, out of bounds planets can be cold-hearted, destructive and amoral. They follow their own path and experiment with the boundaries of morality, normalcy, and risk. The “naughty” part of us identifies with that risky behavior. They have their own set of beliefs and stand outside the normal belief system. They encourage us to go about stretching our limits.
When planets are out of bounds in the sky, we each get to experience that out of bounds energy as our own. We all have temporary out of bounds Mercury, Venus, Vesta and Ceres right now for the next few weeks. Our energies in the areas of how we think, communicate, desire, live and nurture is going to go a bit off road, a bit out of bounds, and become a bit unpredictable. Don’t worry if you find yourself challenging your previous choices or views on matters. That is what out of bounds planets do! They push us to see the world in a different way and approach it with a paradigm shift.
For example, around the world, protesters rallied in dozens of cities Saturday as part of a global protest against seed giant Monsanto and the genetically modified food it produces. Organizers said “March Against Monsanto” protests were held in 52 countries and 436 cities and attended by at least two million people. In the US, roughly 90 percent or more of four major crops — corn, soybeans, canola and sugar beets — are grown from genetically engineered seeds, creating a challenge for companies seeking to swap to ingredients sourced from conventional varieties. The protests were largely ignored by the corporate controlled mainstream media even after last week when the US Senate rejected a bill that would allow states to require labeling of GMO foods. One would think that level of protest is newsworthy. We can see Mercury (labels and protesting), Ceres (food supply), Venus (cost and desire for change), and Vesta (two million people leaving their homes to protest) of the out of bounds planets participating in a world wide Global protest. Kind of out of the normal isn’t it? Monsanto hired Blackwater in 2010 to track and infiltrate activists working against Monsanto. Monsanto, by hiring a mercenary army and former CIA field agents, is deadly serious about protecting its deadly products. It paints a bleak picture of the motives of the firm that brought us Agent Orange, PCBs, rBST, DDT, aspartame and, now, hit men. Uranus and Pluto… the time for change is now!
The Sun forms a Finger of God/Goddess with Saturn and Pluto this week, echoing and enhancing the Finger we lived with from December 2012 to Mid-April 2013. Jupiter was the apex, with Saturn and Pluto acting as the legs of change and evolution during those winter months. We were prodded on multiple levels and in three houses to evolve the more stable or stationary areas of our lives. Last week, Venus and Mercury stirred up the Finger’s energy by asking us to express our desires and communicate our vision clearly. What did we figure out during those long winter months of stress and change? Now Sun, our light, our guide, our ego, soul’s purpose and evolutionary impulse to proceed towards our natal chart’s potential enters the hot spot of the Apex. Saturn and Pluto support Sun’s desire to try and experiment with the choices being presented to him. Experiment boldly, knowing the Out of Bounds Mercury and Venus are helping you push past your fears and limitations of old.
Jupiter, Venus and Mercury form a lovely triangle in the night sky this week as they all join up. Take time to get out side to see their glory in the evening sky in the west just after Sun set…
I am going to paraphrase what Vicktor Shklovsky says : The purpose is to lead us to a knowledge of a thing through the organic essence. The purpose is to allow us to perceive ourselves in a special, organic way. Envision yourself or your situation in a new way. We are talking about a shift in consciousness. What is the essence of what you see? No measuring! Quick! Move out of information organizing mode into an intuitive way of seeing subtle organic connections and capture the connections in bold strokes. Use that captured imagery to refocus, evolve and shift your life.
Anne’s Four Radio Shows Recap: Listen in to the podcasts via ITunes or by the website links.
Anne’s Weekly Weather: The eclipses are leaving! The eclipses are leaving! Time shifts again as Mercury and Venus shifts into Cancer while Mars enters Gemini. A Finger of God forms all week with Sun as the Apex guiding our evolution from the Saturn and Pluto legs. Goodbye to the eclipse energy!
Scorpios Talking: Michael and Anne talked the deep changes taking place in our world.
The Mary Anne Show: Mary’s healing. Fingers crossed the Mary Anne Show returns next week, June 3, 2013.
Access Astrology: Anne flaked and slept through the new Wednesday night show. Argh! The show was eclipsed! Tune in Wednesday night at 11 pm. Stay tuned in with the heavens!
Venus Unplugged: Llorraine Neithardt with Venus lessons for all!! For Jungians, dreamers, poets and visionaries this podcast helps individuation.
Moon’s day Monday May 27 , 2013 finds Moon in Capricorn with a lovely closing aspect of a trine to Mars making today and most of tomorrow quite productive. A busy night of dreams awaits you as numerous activities take place in heavens which produce tossing and turning! Sun forms the first leg of the Finger of God/Goddess with Saturn and moves through the Finger configuration ALL week long. It is an important choice week for each of us. Choose wisely using that out of bounds wild and creative energy productively. Mercury links up with Jupiter starting a new communication and connection cycle that ends next August 2, 2014. Remember this is an OUT OF BOUNDS CYCLE as Mercury is out of bounds and Jupiter is sitting right on the edge of the Tropic of Cancer ~ just itching to go over the edge into out of bounds status himself. Allow your Mercury to dream big and out of the box! Mars finishes up something very firmly with his union by declination with Admetos… he has had it so to speak. He’s still in Taurus so he’s also a bit stubborn about how he is communicating or connecting. There is a story shifting and ending. Moon and Pluto are occulting each other bringing up deep emotions mid-day. The emotions will want to guide your decisions. Allow whatever needs to go to leave your life. If it comes back, it will be in a different form. Venus has a discordant energy with Eris tonight. Today is a Holiday in the states that marks the beginning of summer as well as memorializes those who died or served in the military. Life and death mark the passage of time. Changes abound.
Mars Day, Tuesday May 28, 2013 finds Moon in Capricorn until early evening with good closing aspects. Moon enters Aquarius with difficult closing aspects of a square to Mars suggesting fights or argument about emotional matters over the next few days. Don’t dig in your heels and be stubborn. Venus joins with Jupiter starting a cycle around desire and connections to the bigger vision of your life that ends next August 17, 2014. Remember this is an OUT OF BOUNDS CYCLE as Venus is out of bounds and Jupiter is sitting right on the edge of the Tropic of Cancer ~ just itching to go over the edge into out of bounds status himself. Allow your Venus to desire and love big and boldly and out of the box!Endings are firm now because Mars fights with Pluto by declination so words and actions can be quite harsh and war like. Release, release. Don’t carry the energy with you longer that you absolutely have to. Allow it to move out of your body. New cycles are starting so you don’t want to carry the difficult energy forward. Venus helps clear your home and space in brand new way. If you find you are very irritated, it is all par t of the journey to clarity. State your desires directly and cleanly. They might not be able to do it but you, at least, know that you tried. Pallas enters Gemini so you can see both sides of the problem or situation. Even if you see them you are allowed to change or choose the side you want.
Mercury’s Day Wednesday May 29, 2013 finds Moon continuing in Aquarius with awakening aspects that encourage new ideas and expansion of your vision. The night features lots of imagery and informative dreams that point out where you are not using your life purpose to your greatest good. Mars parallels and difficult aspects to the Black Moon Lillith indicating the feminine is NOT in the mood to be subservient but instead wants to rise up, speak their mind and go their own way. Chiron’s’ trine to Vesta encourages changes around the home and hearth ~ removing whatever wounded your environment. It is healed now. The Nodes have difficult aspects to Hades suggesting there are permanent endings today. Venus is sesquiquadrate to Poseidon ~ the ocean arises and causes changes only to recede and release. Allow your energy to arise and recede as called. Feel the fullness of Venus and Mercury by NOT following the rules ~ allow yourself to expand mentally and via your desire nature PAST where you usually go.
Thursday Jupiter’s day May 30, 2013 finds Moon finishing her journey in Aquarius ~ the sign of other people’s children, groups, your relationship to the collective and the detached knowing energy of the audience. Mercury was quite active last night so dreams are full of messages from him. Note your dreams on awaking. There is a desire to take on people who don’t follow the rules that everyone else follows as Mars and Zeus collaborate in the sky. Neptune’s aspect to out of bounds Ceres offers a different kind of nurturing that might actually be something you can live with for a long time. It might sound bizarre but it could just work. Health matters take a turn for the worse.
Venus’s day, Friday May 31, 2013 Moon in Pisces has a closing aspect of a square to Venus in Gemini~ the two principles of the feminine are in conflict. Venus wants to play and be flirty, fun and free ~ she is out of bounds in Gemini after all while Pisces Moon focuses a bit more on the required sacrifice or the need to be of service. Can you make sure BOTH feminine parts of you are met and supported? Mercury enters Cancer for 70, yes 70, days. We have a nice, long Mercury retrograde in Cancer this summer. Deep emotional feelings around family and friends are part of the story. Sudden and unexpected changes around your house and home situation seem to come out of nowhere but actually they have been pending for a while. Proceed with caution. Mars enters Gemini for 46 days and starts to vacillate between choice A, B or C. Do them all. At least for the time being, do them all. Mars will get a bit clearer as he goes forward. Right now, he wants the opportunity and the freedom to do as he pleases. There is a clearing in the healing energy around relationships, love and connections. Give it another try if you want. They really do mean to change and become a better person.
Saturn’s day Saturday June 1, 2013 finds Moon in Pisces with active and choice based closing aspects ~ bounce between compassionate, soul seeing caring and frisky, fun, flirty behavior ~ they BOTH want to be expressed! Mercury has stressed out aspects with the Nodes of Fate ~ people could be pressing you or you could be pressing yourself to make a decision. On some level, you DO know what you want to do. So give yourself permission to do it. That is what all the work of the past few months has been for…. Give yourself permission to follow your heart towards the next chapter of your life. Give yourself permission to change your mind and thus change your life. Sun finishes forming the Finger of God/Goddess with Pluto today ~ the evolutionary pulse of the Finger should flick or point you towards where you are going. Allow yourself to be guided… take the call, send in that application, answer the ad, and go towards what your dreams whisper. You might have to end something with Mercury’s union with Hades ~ a difficult decision or speech. It is all part of the process. Once you see it, you can’t go back to the old way. However, you can go forward to a new vision, a different purpose, a revised or changed emphasis. No wrong choices here. Evolve and follow your heart. Sun’s sextile to Uranus give you a cosmic pat on the head that you are following the right path for you. Give yourself permission to say yes.
Sun’s day Sunday June 2, 2013 finds Moon in Aries with HOT closing aspects of a sextile to Jupiter ~ expect things to flare up! Be aware of fire! Feel the passions! Allow the heat to emerge and express itself! Passions are flowing. All the change energy wants to be channeled. Mercury in Cancer is driving the Mars in Gemini so speed, fire and fierceness is part of the energy of the day. Venus joins with Black Moon Lillith and does NOT want to be subservient or follow the rules that she finds “silly or stupid”. Mercury will partner but he needs to feel free to do so as he wishes. Think independence and don’t try to force others to be compliant. They are NOT in the mood to bend or bow. You are not going to be up for someone bossing you around either. Venus enters Cancer for 27 days and suddenly, she’s all emotional too. Because Moon is in Aries ~ Venus in Cancer can find she’s in a fighting mood tonight ~ in the mood for an argument for arguing’s sake. Take time to express the fire energy in a productive way ~ turn on the dance music, clean the house, have sex, get those passions rolling in a different and productive way. Moon’s square to Pluto encourages us to be clear about power struggles and how we express power~ good or bad.
Personal Request of my New York Readers:
For the past few years, I’ve been having Pluto transit my natal Mars in my 11th house of other people’s children. As a result, I’ve been meeting quite a few people who work to prevent Sex and Child trafficking ~ a very Pluto/ Mars kind of business ~ as well as a number of people, both men and women, who were trafficked as children, teenagers or adults.
New York State has 300,000 children trafficked through it every year. We have international borders and are a major point of entry into the United States. As the New Moon in Taurus eclipse two weeks ago pointed out, children were kidnapped and held hostage in Cleveland, just a few miles from where they lived, for over 9 years. It can and does happen here. It is amazing to me how MUCH it happens!
There is legislation being voted on next week in the New York State Legislature, the Trafficking Victims Protection Justice Act
May I please ask you to click on it and sign a petition that will be sent to your representatives if you live in New York State.
If you want to learn what the Trafficking Victims Protection Justice Act is, click on this link.
The Trafficking Victims Protection and Justice Act would toughen penalties for traffickers and patrons, eliminate the ability for a victim of human trafficking to be prosecuted as a prostitute and eliminate the identifying term “prostitute” from the state’s penal law and replace it with the phrase “person for prostitution.”
The Act also raises the penalty for trafficking people for labor exploitation to a class B felony, the same penalty as trafficking for sexual exploitation. The legislation also holds chauffeurs accountable if they are found to have provided transportation for human traffickers.
The bill also closes the loophole in state law which currently provides a weaker punishment for those convicted of buying sex from a minor. Under the new statute, persons convicted would receive the same punishment as those who rape a child of the same age.
And if you live in another state, write to your representatives to ask what they are doing about sex trafficking . Things change when we say “THAT has to change!”
Copyright © 2013 A. C. Ortelee