Weekly Weather May 19, 2014

Weekly Weather May 19, 2014 








Mars stations to go direct on Monday night at 9:31 pm EDT at 9:01 Libra.  We go forward when Mars shifts direction.  Back on December 26, 2013, Mars was at the degree he’s at this week (and last).

Now that Mars is moving forward, we’re going to be asked how we want to partner with all the various relationships in our lives.  Mars is in the sign of partnership.  Between now and July 26, when Mars leaves Libra for Scorpio, he’s asking us to look at all the situations that seemed to stop moving forward as of March 1, 2014, when Mars stationed 27:32 Libra.  Between March 1 and May 19, Mars has been on an internal journey to review our ideas, concepts, and understanding of relationships, particularly our face-to-face partnerships and open enemies.  Our besties – best friends or best enemies – those we define ourselves with, through, or against.

Now as Mars pivots to move forward, we are being asked how we would like to partner going forward in the future.  For the next two months, your job is to articulate as clearly as possible your understanding of relationships and how they work in your life.  Venus, the ruler of Mars in Libra, is in Aries.  In Aries, Venus can operate in a very stinging and spiteful manner – especially when she isn’t getting what she wants.  Issues around value, love, money, compensation, and relationship skills all answer to her.  When they answer to her in a fiery, action-taking sign, Venus can get her “war on.”

Fortunately, there’s a phenomenon called mutual reception, which allows the planets to switch signs and trade places when each is within the sign the other rules.  Mars and Venus are in mutual reception through May 28, at 9:46 pm EDT.  You can swap the energies of Mars and Venus, provided you approach relationships, actions and negotiations with higher consciousness.

This week I received a note from a client, Ed, who had worked on a project with his wife for the last three years.  They had been in a meeting where they had taken the approach of swapping Venus and Mars – letting each operate in a higher-consciousness level.  He reported that their conscious use of the energies, helped to save the project. It allowed everybody to continue on to the next step.  That’s an example where Venus and Mars changed places, went for the win with directness and truth as they embraced a higher vision of what relationships and partnerships could be.












An example of lower-form Venus and Mars is taking place in our culture, with the firing of Jill Abramson (DOB: 3/19/1954, NYC), the first female executive editor of The New York Times (The Grey Lady) in 160 years of history, by her boss, the scion and current heir to the company, Arthur Sulzberger Junior (DOB: 9/22/1951, NYC).  Ms. Abramson has Venus at 10 degrees Aries.  Her promotion to executive editor was announced on the eclipse of June 2, 2011 – a Gemini Moon.  She actually started the job on September 6, 2011, with a hard closing aspect of Moon in Capricorn opposite Mars in Cancer.

As a note – this is why closing aspects are so important! This is why I put them in the column every week. The closing aspect marks how the relationship is going to end!  In this case, the Moon in Capricorn (career-oriented, Saturn like hard working woman) is going to have a fight with Mars in Cancer (man who whines and runs a family business) as she leaves.  You always need to know the closing aspect when you start something!  We can see here that Ms. Abramson’s job, as Executive Editor, is going to be problematic right from the start, with Junior.

Ms. Abramson has Venus in Aries.  Junior has Venus retrograde conjunct Mercury on the South Node, all in Virgo, making him very sensitive to criticism, especially from women.  In this lifetime he’s sensitive, but it’s also a PAST life issue, with Venus and Mercury sitting on the South Node of karma and previous-life relationships.  His natal Moon in Gemini ~ not always the best truth telling moon, doesn’t catch a break with Mercury on the South Node.  Plus his polarity is masculine ~ Sun in Libra, Moon in Gemini both answering to afflicted, unhappy planets.  He really doesn’t particularly get or like women.  Whenever it’s a past-life story involving the South Node of destiny, we are exceptionally reactive.  Plus his South Nodes are constantly being triggered whenever he does something.

In true eclipse fashion, a new story has emerged on THIS eclipse, which involves Ms. Abramson apparently being systematically underpaid relative to the men who had held the same positions prior to her.  Venus in Aries is knows her value and is going to fight for what she’s worth!  She might not always do it in the most delicate manner!

Relatively uncharacteristically in corporate America, Junior has come out and complained about Ms. Abramson’s management style, her abruptness, etc. and calling her a difficult woman to work with.  He’s been very sensitive to the news reports that the New York Times underpays female staff.  She apparently hired a lawyer to look into the systematic underpayments.  Junior is now talking trash about one of his former employees, which is not something corporations tend to do.  You’re supposed to nod and be well behaved and have every one go to your own corner silently!  We will see a relatively unpleasant version of Mars in Libra and Venus in Aries as we watch the New York Times story continue to unfold over the next few weeks.  Ms. Abramson’s daughter posted a picture of her mother standing next to a red punching bag with red boxing gloves on, true to her fiery Venus in Aries!  You can’t make this astrology stuff up!

The whole caution on this Mars-Venus mutual reception thing is to use the energy in the higher form (like Ed and his wife did) rather than the lower form (like the New York Times).  The requirement to use the higher form is through May 28, while Venus is in Aries.  Till then, things can go really-really good or really-really bad.

When I say swap the energies, what you’re essentially doing is making Mars turn into Aries and Venus turn into Libra.  Mars in Aries is direct, straightforward, clear in his communications, doesn’t lie, doesn’t dither, doesn’t say one thing and do another.  Venus in Libra is gracious, polite, genteel, and very concerned about maintaining relationships, making sure everybody feels loved and that it’s a win-win-win; you might have to sacrifice a bit for the relationship, but you’re doing it in the spirit of cooperation and compassion.

In the case of the New York Times, we see Mars in Libra (the man) acting in a very passive-aggressive manner, not being direct and straightforward, and presenting partial information about the history of the compensation of women at the Times as well as why Ms. Abramson was fired.  He’s using Venus in Aries and complaining about the difficult woman whom he had to kill off, when in fact she’d worked for his organization for many years.  He knew who he was dealing with!  She just didn’t kiss ass enough for him.

In Ms. Abramson’s case, she was using Venus in Aries to hire someone she wanted to hire and pissed off an underling who threatened to quit and subsequently got her job.  Add in a little Pluto to the story, folks – the triangles are there, part of the cosmic crossroads.  She was requested to do a nice, quiet exit.  She said she preferred to be fired (Venus in Aries) – making it into news.

We can see that the choice is always there about how we use the energy.  Because Venus and Mars can switch roles between now and the end of the month, if you consciously apply the higher vision of the planets to the situations in your life, it can be fabulous!  Use Mars by being direct, straightforward, and to-the-point and Venus to ensure the continuity of relationships and connections.  By switching them, everybody benefits from the way things go forward.  The key is directness, speaking the truth, and no hedging with everybody valuing the ongoing partnership over an outright win for themselves.  When we go to win at all costs or are less than the full and complete truth, the lower forms of the planet’s energies come out.

The other thing that happens this week is, Mercury enters his shadow on May 23 for the upcoming retrograde station.  Watch the 23rd and 24th for the story you’re going to be working on during the upcoming Mercury retrograde in June.

adam and eve











Personal Note:  I continue to heal, albeit slowly. Or at least slower than I’d like to.  Percocet.  Sleep.  Eat. Bathroom. Percocet. Sleep. Eat. Bathroom. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat.  My cats are VERY happy.  Now I understand why they sleep all the time ~ it actually is kind of fun… especially if there isn’t anything else you can do…

Thanks to everyone for all for the prayers, white light, good wishes and Reiki. Thanks to all for the love, comfort, food deliveries, presents, lilacs, in person visits, emails and phone calls.  When I am awake, I try to focus on returning the energy and calls but know/fear I miss some.  Once I am off the hard drugs, I’ll be back to work as my energy sustains. I definitely have trouble telling the difference between a trine and a square when the oxycodone is flowing through my veins!

Forward into healing.  Lots of sleep.  Drugs to quell the pain.   More sleep! Heal little foot bones, heal! Mend little Lis Fran tendons mend! Keep the prayers, white light and reiki coming!  It is most appreciated!  Thank you all for your love, kindness, get well wishes and cards too!  I feel most loved and very, very blessed…


The Week’s Planetary Highlights 

Sun finishes up Taurus and enters Gemini on Tuesday night for 30 days of communication, connection, and choices.  Make Plans A, B, C, D, and E.  Sun is relatively quiet as he gets established in the new sign.  Next week he will be busy.

Mercury in Gemini enters his shadow on Thursday, May 22.  This is what the upcoming Mercury retrograde is going to be about.  Pay particular attention to the information coming your way on Friday and Sunday.  You’ll make important connections or get important ideas as Mercury connects with the Nodes of Fate.  These are gifts and ideas or contacts from the heavens.  Don’t walk away without giving them and getting the business card!  Get their contact information!

Venus travels from 19 degrees to 25 degrees Aries.  Remember, Venus is in mutual reception with Mars.  She can be really, really good, or really, really bad!  Ask her to swap consciousness and work together productively with Mars.  He can be really, really good or really, really bad too!

Mars stations to turn direct on May 19 and continues to travel through Libra till July 25.  Between now and the end of July, you’re putting in place all the plans you’ve been working on and struggling with.  It’s important to be clear and define how you want to partner. How do you want to partner with everything!  Your food, your cat, your coworker, your child, your job, your house.  You get the idea. Your life is full of relationships and partnerships.  Since December,  Mars in Libra has been making you look at every relationship you have.  Now that he’s going direct, you’ll be asked to implement the various plans you’ve been forming, doodling, dreaming or stirring around in for the last 6 months.  His station can mean it feels like nothing is moving for the first five days of the week.  Underneath, though, there are earthquakes.  Big things afoot beneath the surface as he shifts his direction.

Jupiter trines Saturn, the third of three water trines.  Think back to the story that started in May 2000.  You’re harvesting the goodies from it now.  Forward you go with knowledge, skill, and competence intact, ready for the next expansive cycle to begin.  Water flows. Lots of emotions, feelings, connections and interpretations of the unspoken.

Saturn is quiet this week.

Uranus is quiet this week.

Neptune is quiet this week.

Pluto revises or recommits to a partnership on Monday, that’s actually pretty good for him.  Follow the rules.  Unless you don’t want to follow the rules. Consequences are pretty big either way. 


Void Moons in the Week Ahead: When the Moon is Void, it is wise to avoid making important decisions as they tend to be unrealistic, and subject to false starts, errors or unexpected hassles.  Avoid being concerned with things beyond your spiritual center.  It is time for subjective, spiritual and non-materialistic concerns. Kick back, let life flow and center yourself. Connect into your essential oneness with the Universal Forces.

On Monday, May 19, Capricorn Moon goes Void at 3:03 am EDT with a closing aspect of Moon trine to the Sun.  Moon enters Aquarius on Monday, May 19at 5:58 am EDT.

On Tuesday, May 20, the Aquarius Moon goes Void with a closing trine to Mercury at 6:21 pm EDT.  Moon is Void on Tuesday night and Wednesday morning.

Moon enters Pisces on Wednesday, May 21 at 8:18 am EDT.  It remains in Pisces all day Wednesday and Thursday, then goes Void on Friday, May 23, with a closing square to Mercury at 2:26 am EDT.

The Moon is void Friday morning, then Moon enters Aries at 12:01 pm EDT on Friday, May 23.  Moon in Aries on Saturday and Sunday.

On Sunday, May 25, Moon goes Void at 11:58 am with a closing sextile to Mercury and enters Taurus the same day at 5:28 pm.  The Moon is Void Sunday afternoon.


Moon day Monday May 19, 2014  The Moon enters Aquarius at 5:58 am EDT with a closing trine to Mercury, making today and tomorrow’s news positive.  Yay, I am going to get this cast off!  Moon is cooperating with Mercury in Gemini, encouraging new ideas and expansions.  Today features Mars stationing direct at 9:31 pm EDT, finishing up a long journey in an air sign.  Mars in Libra has been asking us to assess our relationships and the status of our understanding of partnerships and how we want to work in them since early December.  Now as he turns to go direct today, he retraces his steps through the end of July.  Between now and July 26, your job is to get all the various relationships in your life into alignment with your new understanding of your life’s work and your path.  Today the pressure is very strong because Mars is stopped and for three to four days on either side of the station (the end of last week and beginning of this week), events can take place that punctuate – provide and exclamation point or question mark – or cause a huge “aha!” moment – as the planet of action turns to you with his eyebrow arched and says, “Well . . . ?”  You know what you have to do and you have two-and-a-half months to get it done.  Don’t waste any time and don’t be indirect even if you want to be!  Earlier in the day, around noon, you got news of a partnership or relationship that wants to form that could actually help you move forward rapidly.  Make sure to say yes to that offer if you can, or at least confirm that you’re interested.  Don’t leave anybody hanging without a clear answer.  Even if the clear answer is, I can decide by Friday.  Venus has aspects today that question her understanding of relationships.  She’s coming up with a new way of looking at things, too.  It might be useful to sit down with your Venus and have a chat with her about the changing expectations taking place in your life.  She stands ready to get you what you want, provided she knows what it IS you want.  Again, be as clear as possible with her too.  Moon is detached and not holding a grudge, seeing everything very clearly.  There’s clarity flying around in the heavens.  What your Venus wanted at age 13 or 27 or 35 may be different from what she wants now.  It’s perfectly okay to change what you want.  Just talk to her – and Mars!  Have a little conference in the kitchen, with a cup of tea and a biscuit, so everybody is in alignment.  Especially your inner alignment.  Moon trine Mars at 9:00 pm EDT encourages you to take action in the direction you want to head in, even if it’s just writing a to-do list.



Mars day Tuesday May 20, 2014  Moon is in Aquarius, going void at 6:21 pm EDT with a closing trine to Mercury.  Today is one of those days when you can get a great deal accomplished with Sun at the last degree of Taurus answering to an impetuous and impatient Venus in Aries and Mars in Libra, who are working together in mutual reception.  They can get amazing things accomplished too!  Midday, you run into a bit of a roadblock as Moon squares Saturn, but it’s simply a message to try another path, not a firm “no.”  At the end of the day, it’s green lights all the way to Chicago, as the Moon aspects Venus and Mercury in very productive manners.  Sign deals, say yes, go for it, follow up, push hard, and commit.  Mars is moving very slowly still, but he is DIRECT.  In the mood to get things cleaned up and accomplished.  Power struggles may appear out of nowhere around 9:00 pm EDT.  Whenever we change, our friends and family members have to change and they don’t always like it, even when it’s in everybody’s best interest.  Comfort them, but hold firm to your decisions.  At 10:59 pm EDT, Sun enters Gemini for 30 days of multiple choices.  Plan A, Plan B, and perhaps Plans C, D, and E.  You’re off and running, moving forward.  Mars is in Libra till the end of July, so commit with an “I’ll follow up with you on this next week” type of promise – then DO follow up with them.


Wednesday Mercury’s day May 21  Moon is void all night, entering Pisces at 8:18 am EDT.  Last night was a wicked, wild night for dreams – particularly around changes you need to make that provide underlying solutions to health matters.  Solutions can arrive.  Any health issues surfacing in the middle of the night, take prompt action – it’s going to progress very fast.  A bit of a drifty dreamy day with the Moon in Pisces and aspecting Neptune.  Rain?  Highly emotional, after disturbing dreams of last night.  Even though the eclipse season is officially over, we’re still in release mode till the New Moon next week.  Things are wanting to leave our life.  Allow them to exit gracefully.  At 8:59 am EDT Moon square Sun, a conflict between the Ego’s idea of what he wants to do and the Moon’s emotional needs and fear of being abandoned.  Probably just as well to pull the covers over your head and go back to bed.  If you absolutely have to be part of the world, recognize that everyone is going to be extra sensitive, a deep emotional messy-mess is flowing under the surface.  Towards the end of the day, Mercury and Mars both aspect Eris, the Goddess of Discord.  A communication, a sibling matter, or act of aggression can grab your attention and cause an extreme emotional reaction.  Please try not to bite, see the behavior for what it is, a provocative attempt to get you angry or jealous, and infuriate you into doing something rash.  Don’t do anything rash!  That’s what they want!  Retreat gracefully, like the ocean does.  Nothing holds it back when the tide is going out.



Jupiter’s Day Thursday May 22, 2014  Moon is in Pisces all day and has lovely aspects with the slowly-separating Cardinal Cross, allowing you to do deep emotional work on all the recent changes in your life.  Expect tears or sadness, or one of those out-of-control giddy laughter moments where you completely lose it and laugh till you cry.  Moon aspects Pluto, Jupiter, and Saturn, allowing you to work with the big guys, transforming and restructuring through the gift of emotional connection and a deep understanding of how EVERYTHING is interconnected.  There can be an element of financial overreach today as Venus aspects Neptune, not always seeing what things cost.  Expect some bills that are perhaps a bit shocking.  It’s okay to renegotiate partnerships this afternoon, or to change the terms of the partnership, because their terms and their expectations changed – it affects your deliverables, and both sides of the agreement need to adjust.  Around 6:30 pm, an old matter comes to a final conclusion.  It really is done, and the passage of time will assure you that it’s finished.  It’s done now.  At 7:48 pm EDT, Venus joins Eris, stimulating a little bout of the green-eyed monster.  Notice what the jealousy or envy is FOR as this is the next thing you will have to work with.



Friday Venus’s Day May 23, 2014  Moon is void in the morning, between 2:26 am EDT and 12:01 pm EDT.  On some level, today you find your new tribe or group that you want to hang out with or work with.  The forward-moving energy is about creating partnerships or people that you want to hang with.  Moon in Aries is assertive and direct and stimulates the Sun in Gemini to start articulating ideas about the options ahead.  Mercury’s biquintile to Saturn produces fully blown ideas that seem to spring out of nowhere – the truth is you’ve been working on these for a while, but now you can articulate them in a way you didn’t before.  Take extra time for nurturing yourself today, as you’re going to be busy for the next few weeks with less time for yourself than usual.  Work on to-do list stuff that you can’t get done other times.



Saturn’s Day Saturday May 24, 2014  You get shot out into the day like a rocket.  After tumultuous dreams, especially around 4:00 am EDT (be careful of an accident or slip-and-fall at home).  Moon in Aries goes through the breaking-apart Cosmic Cross, stimulating forward motion and also reminding us of choices we recently faced and made.  There can be as sense of hostility today with all the fire energy around.  Jupiter forms a closing trine to Saturn in Water, taking us back to May of 2000 when we started a new 20-year cycle.  Now we are harvesting the results of that work and seeing clearly how they’re getting us ready for the next big chapter.  Lots of activity and action today.  Great time to get things accomplished and be productive.  There may be a disagreement with partner around 11:11 pm EDT as the housing situation isn’t conducive to the kind of relationship you want.



Sun’s day Sunday May 25, 2014  Moon goes void at 11:58 am EDT with a sextile to Mercury, making for good communications and productive connections.  Moon enters Taurus at 5:28 pm EDT.  The Sunday of Memorial Day Weekend always feels a bit magical, as it marks the transition from spring into summer.  Sun’s aspect to the Nodes today marks another transition of connection to your future.  Pay attention to who you meet, they’ll be important down the road.  Make sure to get their contact information and make a follow-up date or reason to contact them before you separate – i.e. I’ll send you the article if you give me your e-mail.  Make sure you follow up.  This person is important to you, even if you don’t know why!  Playtime in the morning is creative and fun.


Memorial Day Monday May 26, 2014  Moon sextile Neptune in the morning, making emotions deep, strong, and true.  Trine to Pluto at the end of the day, reminding us of the people we have loved and lost and of the importance of love and family in our life.  Exalted Moon in Taurus reminds us that from the abundance of spring comes the bounty of the summer, though at this moment many plants and flowers are losing their bloom as the petals fall off the trees and cover the ground, as the flowers disappear to be replaced by leaves and the growing work of the summer approaches.  You too are getting ready for the growing work of the summer.  On Memorial Day, take extra time to appreciate the abundance in your life as well as the ever-present endings.


Anne’s Four Radio Shows and Two Recommended Shows Recap:  Listen in to the podcasts via ITunes or by the website links.

Anne’s Weekly Weather:  Mars stations and turns direct!  Woo-hoo!  We get to move forward with our plans.   Mercury enters his retrograde shadow.  Jill and Junior demonstrate lower forms of Venus in Aries and Mars in Libra.

Scorpios Talking:  Off because of Anne’s surgery.

The Mary Anne Show: Off because of Anne’s surgery.

Access Astrology: Heather and Mark did the show alone because of Anne’s surgery.

Venus Unplugged: Llorraine Neithardt with Venus lessons for all!! For Jungians, dreamers, poets and visionaries this podcast helps with your individuation.

CG Jung Speaks! There are great readings from Jung! Tune in!  Kendrick Norris, Ph.D. reads excerpts from Jung.  Working on individuating? Listen in!



Copyright© 2014 A.C. Ortelee