Weekly Weather May 14, 2007

Weekly Weather May 14, 2007

Going to be another busy week ~ a lovely new Moon in Taurus, Mars moves into Aries, Neptune triggers Ceres and Eris in Aries adding fuel to all the fires that are burning as Saturn dances with Pluto by declination. Plus, Mercury in his favorite sign of Gemini makes oodles of aspects to just about everyone bringing things to our conscious awareness. But more about these aspects later.

Most important, to my mind, in the week ahead, Chiron will station on the world axis, at 15 Aquarius bringing your soul’s woundedness to the surface after last week’s cosmic roller coaster ride and revelations. And it will bring your soul’s woundedness to the attention of the world~ or at least your part of the world. It might hurt a bit, that Chiron station. Or it might not hurt at all. It might be a revelation of sorts where you go “Ah ha! NOW I get it!” Regardless of what happens, be gentle with yourself. Be kind to yourself. It is your wound stopping in the sky to give you guidance. Don‘t go picking at it. Don’t make bleed all over again. Understand your soul’s wound, whatever it is, is an intrinsic part of your being. Your soul’s wound is part and parcel of WHO YOU ARE!

If you didn’t have your soul’s wound, you wouldn’t be you! You wouldn’t have the life you’ve had. You wouldn’t have made the decisions you‘ve made or grown up the way you‘ve grown up. It is not a BAD thing to have a soul wound. It is a given. We all have soul wounds. Every single one of us! Soul wounds are like your eye color or your freckles or the size of your toes or whether your hair is curly or straight or has independent cow licks that do what ever they decide to do regardless of mousse, hairspray or cows licking it. The point of getting used to the “given” nature of your soul wound is to learn to work with your soul’s wound in a more conscious and connected manner.

I often imagine we sit as un-incarnated souls on a cloud in heaven and make a shopping list for our next life (I am a Virgo after all) of the stuff we want to do. We tell whoever is in charge of these things what we want to do and learn about. And they, using the planets, aspects and houses, design a chart that gives us the life we requested. Then, when the time is right, they tell us what uterus (or these days which test tube) to go and put our cute little soul into. And we go hop right in there and get ready to be born! And, of course, we leave behind our list.

Remember going shopping when you’ve left your list at home? You remember some stuff ~ cat litter, orange juice, and half and half. But, often, you forget an essential ingredient. Saturn in Leo has been reminding you about the important, essential ingredients that you love and MUST absolutely have in your life and your refrigerator. Think of this week as an extra trip to the store to pick up that thing for the life you are making ~ your life‘s recipe.

Sometimes, to create the experiences we asked for back on that cloud, our chart has difficult aspects (or weird and strange ingredients). It has stuff we don’t much like or know exactly how to work with in a productive manner. It can be like fish sauce. The stuff SMELLS incredibly nasty but YET is an essential ingredient to get the recipe to come out tasty and good. Chiron is like fish sauce!

So, if we take it a step further, like your Chiron Soul Wound is part of you, your chart is your chart. When we don’t like parts of our chart, we give those parts of our charts or those areas of our lives to OTHER people. We let OTHER people go and do our chart for us. Then those OTHER people go and cause us all sorts of problems! We look at those ‘problems’ in our lives and get rather cranky. We use the problems to draw negative conclusions about ourselves. We say we are bad at relationships, we are poor single mothers, we can’t get our career straight, our finances are a mess, our health is a problem, our co-workers are mean to us, our mother is insane, our boss is a bully or whatever we are prone to saying over and over and over again.

Start to think of your chart as an energy system. Energy isn’t right or wrong. Energy is. Energy HAS to be used up or it leaks out and gets rather messy. The point of Saturn going through Leo is to get you to love your chart and learn how to love to use your energy in a new way. If you actually THINK about it, you wouldn’t go giving your stuff to someone else to use however they wanted to! Why do you give other people your chart to use however they want to? That is what Saturn has been trying to teach you for the past couple of years. You own your chart. You’re thrilled, excited and passionate about something, no matter WHAT other people think about it. So take your chart back and guard it like the precious jewel it is. YOU are in charge of your chart and what it does and how it shows up in the world. You are in charge of YOU. Chiron stationing this week is going to point that out loud and clear. Pay attention and get ready!

Next up, Mars gets out of watery and indecisive Pisces and into Aries. Mars starts a new Mars cycle in the zodiac’s world. Forward we go. Leave that Mars square Pluto behind and the destruction it brought in it‘s wake last week. It is time to go build your life. Mars loves to be in Aries and can accomplish great things. Or at least begin great things! Start the project(s)! Get going! Mars in Aries isn’t great for war aspects as wars escalate rapidly but grand, absolutely grand, for everything else.

Third, the glorious new moon in Taurus is going to give us a sneak peak at what Saturn in Virgo will be like for the next few years. The Sabian Symbol is a SPANIARD SERENADING HIS SENORITA. We are all going to start singing love songs to our Saturns! How cool is THAT!? Read my new moon column on this site for more information about how to use the new moon energy and what clues to watch for as Saturn gets ready to start playing in Virgo. Think of the new moon as an upcoming movie trailer for your life for the next few years!

Fourth, Saturn contraparallels Pluto by declination. This is a nasty one. Saturn opposite Pluto was happening in the Zodiac when 9-11 took place. Saturn opposite Pluto by declination is an even more potent force as it happens across the face of the earth and straddles the equator. Both Saturn and Pluto are in fire signs. They also are in trine aspect to each other by the Zodiac and in grand trine with Ceres and Eris in Aries. As the ancients would say “That is way, WAY, Way, WAY, way too much fire and heat!!!” So we have uncontrollable fires burning in California, Catalina, Florida and Georgia as well as the volatile F5 Tornado wind storms in the mid-west (whipped up by heat). We are entering a period when Mars gets closest to the Sun (perihelion) so we can expect the solar eruptions and Mars transit to trigger more volatile weather patterns in the weeks ahead (through the end of June). The energy coming at Earth will be richer, riper and very hot and spicy so protect your energy, balance out the fire, nurture your overloaded senses and listen to your dreams for guidance about how to take care of yourself with all this fire energy flying around in the ethers. No unattended candles!

Finally, Mercury is busy, busy, and busy. He’s going to be bringing things to the surface and telling the tales of what has been going on behind the scenes! Secrets don’t stay secret long when Mercury is in the mood to dish! And dish, REALLY GOOD STUFF, old Mercury will! Adding him into the volatility of the Fire grand trine, we can expect VERY interesting news. I often find it is easier for folks if they don’t “officially know stuff” but dance around the edges. Once you “officially know stuff” you feel you have to take some sort of action. Whatever it is, it is stuff we’ve kind of known ab
out (are they having an affa
ir, is he gay, maybe they are stealing, using drugs, gambling etc) but we weren’t, for whatever reason, ready to address the issue. It is in our face this week as Mercury dishes the dirt. You can’t fix or control them or it. You are, however, in charge of YOUR response to them. This is what Saturn in Leo has been teaching you! Be conscious in your actions. Take back your chart. Saturn is about responsibility.

Monday, Mercury’s getting the scoop from Saturn in Leo as Venus struggles with Neptune’s lack of clarity. Put the pieces of the puzzle together and see what you see. It is ok. Not right or wrong. No blaming yourself. No judging yourself. Just notice what IT is. Understand IT is laying the seeds for the future. Assess it. Don’t add fuel to the fire if you can help it.

Tuesday, Mars joins with Ceres by declination as he enters Aries ~ there is a natural desire with this much fire energy to feel like someone threw accelerant on an already out of control and wildly burning fire. Yep. That is what is cosmically happening. Watch it burn. Think about your strategy and where you want to go eventually. Right now that fire is rather unpredictable! Eventually it will act like every other fire. Eventually, it will burn itself out. It is going to be a busy news day!

Wednesday, we have a lovely new moon that shows us what our future will be while Saturn is traveling through Virgo as the Sun and Moon both aspect the North Node and Pallas. If you can see the patterns you can catch the energy and harness it to your desires. Venus and Mars are both aspecting Chiron. Here you can pick at your soul wound yet again and make it bleed or understand what and why it is in your life and nurtures it. It was part of your list back on that cloud. Be nice to it. It is part of YOU! It is what makes you who you are.

Thursday, Mercury is dishing. Here it comes ~ the secrets are about to be revealed. He’s out with the news that you’ve kind of sort of known but maybe weren’t quite ready to admit to yourself. Hey, once a problem is on the table, we can see it for what it is. We can deal with it. Think magnifying glass on your skin. See the pimples, blemishes, enlarged pores and blackheads? Now that nice facial lady is going to get after each and every one of them. She’s going to get all of them, pick, pick, pick (Saturn in Virgo) eventually. Or tell you how to work with them, conceal them or minimize them so your skin looks flawless.

Friday, Saturn opposes Pluto by declination as Venus pushes against Vesta ~ security and value issues are paramount and prominent. As Saturn represents our security and boundary issues and Pluto represents the destruction or transformation of whatever he talks to, it is a lovely day to evolve into the next chapter of your life. It is also a day where structures that have become unstable will start to collapse. It is time for them to collapse (or perhaps go up in flames or crash in flames as Saturn and Pluto are both in fire signs) Time to get ready so the new can be built by Saturn in busy and productive Virgo over the next few years.

Saturn’s day, Mercury trines Chiron ~ ah the secrets we’ve all been thinking but no one has been saying out loud come to light. Some one says it! Yes! It is true! And, on some level, you’ve known it for a very long time. So now that you know, “officially know” that is, it is time to take action to help it along or take care of it as Venus trines the North Node. Venus’ square to Juno suggests there is a partner or person around who can help you figure out what you want to do with it. You do NOT have to do this all by yourself. Get support and ask for help. Others have walked this route before you. It is not strange territory ~just new to you.

Sunday, Mercury is opposite Jupiter and square to Uranus as Chiron stations. Mars has an aspect of frustration with Saturn. Whatever is said today is true, even if you wish with all your heart that it wasn’t true. The next question is what you want to do about it. You are NOT supposed to decide right now, right this second what you want to do about it. You are to sit and deal with the what is true part. You are to wrap your mind around the what is true. And, eventually, you are supposed to gather your data and figure out a plan and take action. Yep, gather data and figure out a plan and take action. There will be time enough to fix it down the road apiece. Right now, just brew a cup of tea and sit with it and wrap your mind around it. Be nice to yourself. Secrets are toxic. They have to come out or they poison us. The secret is out. You are going to be fine. Everything is exactly the way it is supposed to be. Breathe.

Mundane: Fires, fires, fires ~ they seem to be every where. Grand trines in Fire in the heavens will do that! Fires like to burn things down so you can start over again. On the news this morning, the report was the firemen didn’t know what to do with the fires as they were so unpredictable. Mom Earth is on fire. When my Leo mother used to get mad, we all took off for other parts of the house. Fire mothers do have a way of getting your attention! So light a candle or three in your house (and don’t leave them unattended) and talk to the fire energy in your world. Ask what you can do to help it. I know my mother always calmed right down if we took responsibility for whatever made her mad and fixed it right up and made it better, or cleaner or more organized or whatever. Ah Saturn in Leo heading into Saturn in Virgo. Don’t you love astrology?

Copyright © 2007 Anne C. Ortelee