Weekly Weather May 1, 2006
It’s a two page week! Each week I print out the aspects ~ often a partial page. Our week ahead is a two page week so our world and lives will zip by very fast, be event filled and change oriented as our cosmic guides zip along in the sky describing needed and/or desired changes. You need to keep your eyes CLEARLY focused on YOUR goals and where YOU are going ~ what YOUR agenda is. Similar to a strong wind while sailing on a brisk day, your little sailboat is skimming, virtually flying, across the water. You CAN pull in your sail a bit, if you need to slow down. Or just continue to zoom along. Your call. Do avoid capsizing your boat! The water is darn cold! You have to work the sail of your boat in such strong winds!
An evolutionary, extraordinary push you-pull you between the existing structure of your life, Saturn, and the expansive growth nature of your spirit or soul, Jupiter, start NOW through the summer’s Solstice, June 21, 2006. Jupiter and Saturn are entering their orb to each other for the SECOND Square they will form on June 22. As Jupiter is RETROGRADE in SCORPIO, it is going to FEEL like the changes you seek, crave or want will NEVER happen as they wave in the wind just out of reach OR your path ahead is so darn long as to be undoable OR that your life simply ain‘t working out the way you planned and it sucks big time.
Way back on May 28, 2000, when Saturn joined with Jupiter at 22 Taurus, we started a NEW 20 year cycle of evolution and growth. Back then, Venus, in charge of Saturn and Jupiter in Taurus, was in Gemini, near to Gemini Sun with Pluto in Sag opposing the Venus/Mars in Gemini midpoint. With North Node in Cancer and Moon in Aries, we WANTED IT AND we ALSO wanted to HEDGE OUR BETS, pick a secure path, or have an iron clad guarantee that it would work out exactly the way WE wanted. We are having the crisis, change, opening square to the 2000 Saturn/Jupiter conjunction this year. Last fall, you, with the universe’s help of the cosmic fixed traffic jam, figured out where and how you hedged your bets for safety back in 2000. Mid-December 2005, you learned how you pull back at the moment when you need to push forward, how you duck to be “safe“. Nothing wrong with ducking, mind you, we all do it.
Similar to the child’s game, “Duck, Duck, Goose” where you wait to be called a GOOSE to have an opportunity to get up and chase around the circle of sitting, still witnesses, to attempt to catch what you want, the universe is going to call you a Goose between now and June 22. You need to get up and run like crazy to get what you want. Or rather work, labor, deliver, build, structure, and take action like crazy. For the next eight weeks! Do your Saturn to the max for the next eight weeks ~ the good, healthy version of your Saturn! Not the lying on the couch, crying and wailing version. Especially do the part of Saturn that you have that love/hate relationship with ~ the place you got so scared of back in 1982/83! That place where you learned to DUCK, hedge your bets, or ask for a guaranteed outcome. Saturn is what you are HERE TO DO!! Saturn is why you incarnated! You picked your chart ~ you wanted to learn your Saturn lesson! Saturn says work hard on your lesson. Yes, Saturn does have negative versions ~ but I want YOU focusing on the positive versions of your Saturn. Remember? Your white parts?
The purpose of studying astrology, to my mind, is to use the planetary energies, consciously, to help create the life we want, cooperate with our cycles and participate happily in our existence rather than feeling picked upon and abused by “the other” or our lives. We believe things happen TO us rather than noticing how we attract and welcome these very things into our lives. You have eight weeks, starting now, to demonstrate to Saturn and Jupiter that you are a busy bee working diligently on your path, moving towards Saturn, what you love/hate or desire/avoid, whether or NOT there is any guarantee, any promised outcomes, or the exact version which is perfect, flawless, completely amazing and delivered to your doorstep on a silver platter with cream and strawberries. These are YOUR circumstances, so 1) know that you participated in creating them and 2) if you don’t LIKE your current circumstances, work (do your Saturn) to change them.
So, rather than arguing with Saturn about why your life is unfair, or what makes you unhappy, just knuckle down and work toward what you want to create. Saturn in Leo says you have to work towards what you love, desire, or want. You have to harness your unique version of your Saturn and get it moving. I suggest you consciously hang out on the SATURN side of the upcoming square rather than the JUPITER side. Jupiter is retrograde, in Scorpio, and ruled by Mars in his fall. Jupiter is NOT in the mood to deliver love, candy, sunshine or goodies right now.
When a difficult aspect appears in the sky (or our charts), we often “give” the side we don’t “like” to other people and hang out on the side we prefer. The tendency between now and mid-June will be for folks to hang out with Scorpio Jupiter and avoid Saturn. Remember, we are working with energy here. Jupiter is acting like an evil god being manipulative, sneaky, power over or sabotaging in a nasty, controlling, security seeking kind of way. The trick is to do BOTH sides (difficult to accomplish and frankly, we can roll into Jupiter’s behavior WAY too easily) OR hang out with Saturn so other people get stuck being the Jupiter side of the square.
AND, if people around you are complaining about their lives, circumstances, or people acting god like, manipulative, sneaky, power over or sabotaging (Jupiter) in their lives, take the opportunity to give them a rousing Saturn lecture and suggest they buckle down to do THEIR Saturn. Tell them to focus completely on THEIR agenda. Do THEIR work. Be Leo like ~ honorable, creative, fun loving, leader like, benevolent, royal and forthright. We all feel better mid-June. Until then, do Saturn! Look your Saturn up by sign and house. DO your Saturn as much as you can, as often as you can, and as visibly as you can. Let the other side have Jupiter.
Now, a caution about the week ahead: Jupiter, Mars and Uranus are forming a grand trine in water which culminates NEXT weekend. Grand water trines have an over the top emotional, sensitive quality to them. Grand water trines formed by malefic Mars in his fall with an outer planet, Uranus, that doesn’t care what YOU want except that things evolve or change and Jupiter in Mutual reception with Malefic Mars, and placed in Mars and Pluto’s sign of Scorpio of God of Destruction, transformation and evolution like craziness is UGLY!!! It is simply a NUCLEAR configuration in emotional, sensitive, over the top qualities. Oh, and Jupiter and Pluto are in mutual reception! Ouch. Please, please, please, pick Saturn ~ hold onto, tightly, Saturn’s hand all week.
Monday, Sun pushes off from Neptune by declination. If you have to cry, go to the bathroom. Bite your tongue as the tendency will be to lose it with Mercury in a face off with Uranus. Gather information, pay attention, don’t lose your head or think the illusion before you is true. Keep your counsel. You are not seeing something clearly. You will later. Pick Saturn. Hold his hand.
Tuesday, Mercury suggests you pay attention to the details and fine print. Technicalities are where the answer waits. Those small tells like when you are playing poker. Watch for them. There’s a story that needs to be understood. If something turns off in your heart today, it is for the best.
Wednesday, Venus enters Aries, creating a whoosh of energy to move toward what you desire. Venus joins up with the North Node in the early degrees of Aries on Saturday and trines Saturn in Leo next week. Get busy working on what you desire between today an
d her trine to Saturn next w
eek. Take physical action toward creating it. Mercury’s trine to Pluto in Fire signs says get cracking, say what you want out loud, so whatever you are working toward can be yours by fall when Saturn forms a grand fire trine to Pluto and Mars. No, no, I have no idea how it will happen. I am not in charge of that part. I just read the map of the heavens and tell you how to work constructively with the energy.
Thursday, Sun comes along to send energy to the grand trine in Water as he opposes Jupiter, sextiles Uranus as Jupiter trines Uranus. There will be a symbol or signal sent to you today. Think of it as a kind of smoke signal from the cosmos that the Calvary is coming ~ Saturn is on his way to save the day and put some limits on that out of control energy flying around. He might not get here until mid-June but you will be fine if you pick Saturn and hold his hand confidently.
Friday, Mercury enters Taurus and aspects Mars to say your plan is brilliant. Now I want you focusing on your task, your Saturn and doing you work. While you can’t see it right now, Saturn is about to climb the barricades, help you escape to the life you want or other wise save the day. Get ready to throw Saturn a rope or keys to the door.
Saturday, Mercury’s aspect of brilliance and creativity with Neptune suggest you can move forward with that brilliant idea of yours. If you understand ALL your life experiences were needed and necessary to create the you standing in front of the mirror this morning, watch as those soul wounds turn into your wisdom. Get ready to share your wisdom with the world.
Sunday has a bunch of major aspects forming and completing. Mars finishes his grand trine with Jupiter and Uranus suggesting you are through the worst. Saturn is on the way. He heard you. As Mercury squares Saturn today, I want you to dig out your list of Don’t Wants and re-write then as your Do Want list. Venus is going to whisper to Saturn and Mercury what she wants today. She finally figured it out! Yeah!!!! While Mercury may moan to Saturn about Venus changing her mind YET AGAIN, they both understand that Venus has been working very hard, riding on that karmic south node in Libra, and figuring out her dream of what she wants for the rest of her life. Actually, her changes are just the last minor, tiny, little tweaks to get it perfect.
Mundane: A perfect example of the Jupiter/Saturn square is the enormous, outrageous multi-billion dollar profits of the oil companies, a $400 million dollar retirement package for an oil executive (who certainly looked VERY Jupiter in Scorpio in his photo!), additional tax breaks to develop refineries, bills to deregulate EPA car air pollution controls and encourage oil exploration for the Jupiter in Scorpio side of the square. Now, notice Saturn in Leo starting to react ~ the calls for regulation, legislation on price gouging, wind fall profit taxes and the oft replayed quote of “the mythical little guy”. If the “mythical little guy” can’t afford to fill his SUV’s gas tank, get to work, be king of his road or expand his castle because he‘s paying $4 a gallon for gas, he’s not going to be a very happy king (Leo Saturn). Mythical little guys figure out imbalances do need to be adjusted with Saturn (restrictive, accountable) actions. Don’t you love astrology?
Copyright © 2006 Anne C. Ortelee