Weekly Weather June 9, 2014
June is busting out all over!
The beginning of the week is easy, the back end of the week is difficult – full of separations and endings. When I was watching the video above (admittedly with a bit of envy, because they are all dancing. Their feet look great! I kept hearing the song as an anthem for this week. Instead of “June is busting out all over,” let’s retitle it, “I am busting out all over!” or “We are busting out all over!”
For many long months, while Saturn has been in Scorpio, we’ve been working on our commitment issues, our relationship problems, and our vision of what we want to do with our life. How are we going to commit? What are we going to commit to? Can we commit? Are we willing to change how we SEE commitment?
This week, under Mercury’s retrograde, as the April Eclipse degrees and the Cosmic Cardinal Cross is retriggered by Mars and as Mars third return to square Pluto, we are ready to bust out all over! Let’s opt to bust out in a positive way. Take some of that busting out energy and sing and dance our way into a new life.
As I watched the dancers dancing on the roof, I felt a little nervous. Oh my God, they are going to fall off and break their legs or their feet or hurt their Lisfranc tendons! However, they didn’t fall off the roof! They actually knew what they were trying to do. Plus they did it right! Underneath all the actions that take place this week – easy at the beginning, hard at the end – underneath all those actions, you actually know what you want. You know what you are doing. You aren’t going to fall off the roof because you’re actually ready to make this choice. You’ve been training for this moment all your life. It’s in your soul. It’s the moment of evolution, the moment of truth.
Astrology affirms the inherent connection to the belief that all things happen for a reason, even if we don’t understand it at the moment it’s happening. The planets dancing over our heads describe what is going on. I’m not going to suggest to you that the aspects this week are easier than they are. They are really pretty emotionally stressful. (Look at how hard those dancers danced! That’s what the week is going to be like in terms of action in your life and the world!) However, emotional stresses are often the points at which we know the most about ourselves and the people in our lives. The planets over our heads are affirming the inherent evolutionary moment we each face in our lives.
My recommendation is to be kind to yourself and those you love. Be kind as well to those you don’t like so much. If you’re having a tough time with them, they are probably having an equally tough time with you! While you want to bust out, they want to bust out too. Of course, the lower form of busting out is busting noses and grisly stuff like that. We (the planets and I) do want to caution you about this week’s energy because it can go low and mean really, really fast.
None of the planets that are normally supportive and friendly are in good places. Venus is feeling blocked and restricted by Saturn. She hates to hear no! Saturn is getting denied love and money… Neither are happy. Jupiter, normally a jolly guy, is feeling rather envious because he’s working with Eris, the Goddess of Discord. Do you really want the King of Heaven to be envious of you, and act on it? Or some authority to go after you? That is not my idea of fun. Mercury is delusional, drunk and drugged, hanging out with Neptune and Nessus, carrying poison in his pocket, able and VERY likely to say some pretty mean things. And Mars is at war with Pluto PLUS Mars is stimulating the April Eclipses and the Cardinal Cross.
All in all, it is going to be a fun week on earth! Your job is to remember that it’s transitory! These are transits! It will be over on Sunday. After Sunday, you’ll feel much better. Allow yourself to talk to the ghosts and memories of the past that surface so you can gain insight.
As a caution, one of the lower forms of the energy during weeks like this is we Google our exes or look at their Facebook pages to see what they’re doing to make ourselves feel miserable. Or we contact our pending exes, to be rejected YET again. We’re feeling kind of crappy, so even though we’ve been sober for ten years we take a drink because someone just served us with a lawsuit. We overeat, over-indulge, start smoking, and feel sorry for ourselves. All lower forms of difficult energies. So make sure to do positive self-nurturing things. Schedule the positive moments into your day so you have moments of respite and support. Schedule yourself lightly so you are not too swamped when everyone you love in your life calls, teary eyed, to have a chat.
During weeks like this, we are often aware that we travel the world alone. Sure we form connections with folks, but essentially we are STILL by ourselves. Find comfort in the solitude. If I ruled the world, everybody SHOULD be staying home with the covers over their heads. Unfortunately, the world will call us into it, and we WON’T be able to pull the covers over our head even though we want to. Try to under-schedule yourself in preparation for unexpected emergencies. No fooling around with dangerous weapons, drugs, or bottles of pills. Like the soldiers in Afghanistan who called in a military strike on themselves things can go very wrong very fast, so be careful. Watch out for bombardments. Double and triple check all communications.
Catch you next week, on the other side of some mighty mean energy.
The Week’s Planetary Highlights
Sun is traveling between 18 and 25 Gemini. Sun runs into Envy in the middle of the week and is inclined to leave groups or tribes that he’s been a part of. The Full Moon in Gemini and Sagittarius this week encourages you to see the bigger picture. It wraps up the story of December 13, 2012 and September 12, 2013 from the lunations. Now that you’re seeing things in a new way, recognize you have choices.
Mercury stationed at 2:54 Cancer on June 7, to go backwards till July 1. He is stationing with a trine to Neptune’s station and a trine to Nessus, the Centaur involved with bad blood and killing Hercules. Watch for creating bad blood with your words this week. Make sure you don’t kill off things that you don’t actually want to die. Words are quite aggressive this week. Tricks and deceit abounds.
Venus is traveling from 14 to 21 Taurus. She’s moving pretty fast, ending relationships this week and making changes to her personal life, loves, and partnerships. When the Goddess of Love is in the sign of her rulership, she’s very clear and there’s no going back. Essentially, she is looking out for the BEST for you, so listen to her wise counsel!
Mars is stimulating the Eclipse points and making his third of three squares to Pluto. This is a WAR aspect. People will be in the mood to fight for what they believe or what they want to do. Proceed with caution. Relationships can end. Lots of shouting, horn honking and anger in the world. Duck when the bullets fly!
Jupiter is at 22 and 23 Cancer on the World Axis. He makes the third of three sesquiquadrates to Neptune. Time to ACTUALLY get to work on your dream(s). Enough dilly-dallying! Jupiter has a hard aspect with Eris, encouraging you to use envy, jealousy, or some kind of negative stimulus to get yourself off your butt and to change your patterns. How many years have you been saying you’re going to do this? The time is NOW! At least, that’s what the planets are saying. The time is now! Are you listening? Take action!
Saturn trines Chiron. Saturn says, “You can’t go home again, that place is no longer where you belong.” Of course, there’s a better place coming. You just don’t know where it is right now. Move forward with faith and confidence in the power of evolution, even if you are afraid, scared with knocking knees. Trust.
Uranus is quiet this week, watching from the sidelines with avid attention. He says, “What are you actually changing?” and “You can’t blame ME!”
Neptune stations to go retrograde on Monday, June 9 at 7:35 Pisces and stays retrograde till November 15 at 4:48 Pisces. He is summoning up the story from February 15th and 16th of 2014. The good part about Neptune is that you can’t figure out what’s going on. The bad part about Neptune is you can’t figure out what’s going on. Either way, you are working in a fog that will encourage you to make decisions that down the road you might not have made. It invites you to explore options or choices that earlier in your life you might not have made. Trust the process. Follow the illusion and dream of Neptune to where it leads. Give yourself over to a higher power. Trust your inner wisdom, your inner connection to a HEALTHY divine space. Unfortunately, with all this Neptune, this is a big week for slipping back into bad old habits with of overdoing with drugs, alcohol, shopping, and sex. Be careful! It is a slippery slope! Go to the 12-Step Rooms if you’re feeling anxious. Get help to buckle down on your sobriety. Neptune opposite Athena dissolves patterns or helps you understand them in a new way.
Pluto sesquiquadrate Juno brings drama and choices to relationships. Choose wisely. Watch for healthy triangles ~ avoid unhealthy triangles!
Chiron inconjunct Vesta says you can’t go home again, time to move out, even if it feels wounding to leave. You need to go.
Pallas works with Eris so jealousy or envy inspires you this week to see patterns you didn’t see before.
Juno makes important decisions around relationships (probably ending them or changing them permanently). Don’t lose your head because she is near Algol. Be careful of violent or otherwise dangerous partners or situations!
Ceres is quiet this week.
Void Moons in the Week Ahead: When the Moon is Void, it is wise to avoid making important decisions as they tend to be unrealistic, and subject to false starts, errors or unexpected hassles. Avoid being concerned with things beyond your spiritual center. It is time for subjective, spiritual and non-materialistic concerns. Kick back, let life flow and center yourself. Connect into your essential oneness with the Universal Forces.
Moon goes void trine to Jupiter on Tuesday June 10, 2014 at 10:22:04 pm EDT. Moon Enters Sagittarius on Wednesday June 11 2014 at 11:24:10 am EDT. Moon is void Wednesday morning.
Moon goes void Opposite Sun on Friday June 13, 2014 at 00:12:36 am EDT. Moon enters Capricorn on Friday June 13, 2014 at 01:05:34 pm EDT. Moon is void Friday morning.
Moon goes void opposite Jupiter on Sunday June 15, 2014 at 02:36:16 am EDT. Moon enters Aquarius on Sunday June 15, 2014 at 01:28:25 pm EDT. Moon is void Sunday morning. Good closing aspects of Moon trine to Mars.
There is a Full Moon this week. We LOVE Full Moons as they help us see things. They give us a culmination. The Full Moon is on June 13, 2014 at 22:06 Sagittarius Moon/ Gemini Sun. The Full Moon Sabian image is A GROUP OF IMMIGRANTS FULFILLING THE REQUIREMENTS FOR ENTERING A NEW COUNTRY. We can expect immigration news as well as that expectancy energy. Imagine you were working hard to fulfill the entrance requirements for a new world~ all that work, preparation, study and the moment has arrived. We will each face moments of choice that we are prepared for. On a political note, because the column is late, the news that Eric Cantor, the current House Majority Leader lost his bid for re-election in the primary in his state. He apparently lost on immigration issues. You can’t make this astrology stuff up!
The other image for the Full Moon in Sagittarius is Three Fledglings in a Nest High up in a Tree…offering us the image of New beginnings. Of course, baby birds are tender, weak and prone to all sorts of dangers as they leave their nest and set off to find their way in the world. First flight. First love. First just about everything. Spring invites us to leave our nests for our new life! Off we fly!
The Sabian image for the Gemini Sun in the Full Moon is THREE FLEDGLINGS IN A NEST HIGH UP IN A TREE
Lynda Hill’s interpretation of the image is: Commentary: The ‘Fledglings in the Nest’ are not yet able to fly properly as they haven’t developed the feathers for flying. They are in their ‘Nest High Up in a Tree’. The ‘Three Fledglings’ should feel warm and supported in their ‘Nest’ and safe and at home in their environment. Although there is sometimes a feeling of being left alone and neglected, there is, hopefully, still a sense of safety in their isolation. This reflects a time of dependency on others to provide food and shelter. It may be too soon for them to move out on their own, but, after more nourishment, their time will come.
Oracle: The situation facing you is full of promise for the future. The ‘Fledglings’ are not yet ready to fly and is are still in need of the “mother” to sustain, protect, nourish and educate them. The universe flows in a pattern, and this pattern includes taking time to grow, mature and learn how to fly off into our own lives under our own steam. This period in the ‘Nest’ gives us a time to be dependant and nurtured. Knowing that you will be able to rise up on your own and leave the security and safety of the ‘Nest’ is the motivation to focus on whilst growing and developing your inner self. There may be a need to resist feelings of frustration. Arguments and contests with siblings can arise, especially if you feel “cooped up” together. There can be feelings of having to stay when you really would prefer to leave because of others somewhat responsible for. Perhaps there would be more room available to everyone if someone in particular left the ‘Nest’. Whether you are one of the ‘Fledglings’ or one of the “parent” birds who have to protect and nurture, don’t worry – your opportunity for independence and free flight will come. Integration of spirit, soul and body will lead to you being able to fly on one’s own in good time.
Keywords: Discovering a whole new sense of being. Teaching. Safety. Living in small spaces. Wanting room to move. Privacy. Staying in the ‘Nest’ versus leaving it. Resisting change. Providing room and board for others. Sharing flats and houses. The battle for survival. Being different, therefore breaking the mold. Brothers and sisters. Expecting to be looked after and fed. Growing spirituality.
The Caution: Wanting to leave home before one’s ready. Wondering if one’s needs will be met. Arguments about the pecking order. Psychological immaturity. Feeling dependent on external influences for survival. Feeling trapped by circumstance. Insecurity. Feeling exposed to danger. Codependence. Not knowing or realizing one’s place. Falling out. Bickering over space.
The greatest gifts you can give your children are the roots of responsibility and the wings of independence. Denis Waitley
What a cunning mixture of sentiment, pity, tenderness and irony surrounds adolescence, what knowing watchfulness! Young birds on their first flight are hardly so hovered around. Georges Bernanos
In a broken nest there are few whole eggs. Chinese Proverb
Birds in their little nest agree; and ‘tis a shameful sight, when children of one family fall out, and chide, and fight. Isaac Watts
God stirs up our comfortable nests and pushes us over the edge of them, and we are forced to use our wings to save ourselves from fatal falling. Read your trials in this light, and see if your wings are being developed. Hannah Whitall Smith
The mother eagle teaches her little ones to fly by making their nest so uncomfortable that they are forced to leave it and commit themselves to the unknown world of air outside. And just so does our God to us. Hannah Whitall
Lynda Hill’s interpretation of the image is: Commentary: ‘A Group of Immigrants Fulfilling the Requirements for Entering a New Country’ shows people who are leaving the old behind in order to pursue a new life in a new place. They may be happy, hopeful and jubilant about this voyage to the unfamiliar or they may be somewhat sad, bedraggled and lost, it all depends on their individual circumstances. They may find themselves being assessed by others to see how “worthy” they are of being accepted into this ‘New Country’; just what are their qualifications for acceptance?
Oracle: This is a time of new possibility and hope for better things and a new way of life. You may find yourself preparing to venture into new territory for the promise that is offered. There may need to be adjustments about the way one communicates thoughts and ideas. There will be a need to be receptive to this new way of life, as you’ll learn a lot. Learning how to communicate can help you to succeed in this new territory, whether it is a new home, new country, new job, new relationship, etc., and can help dispel any feelings of alienation and loneliness. Perhaps there is a need to let go of past experiences or people in order to move on in life. Letting go of the hindering and stifling elements of the past will help transport hope into the “new world” that is opening up. How do you feel in this new environment? Do you feel strangely yet completely at home, or do you feel like a fish out of water? Give thanks for what is being released from the past and be prepared for the new to come, it’s bound to be challenging, yet rewarding!
Keywords: Reorientation of selfhood. Needing to change things in order to fit a new reality. The necessity of learning new languages or customs in order to fit in. Visas, passports, papers. Illegal immigrants. Boat people. Customs officials and regulations. Baggage and luggage. Shipping. Qualifications and certifications. Identification. Asylum. Immigration officers. Papers and qualifications that include or exclude. Refugees. Laws. Borders. Ellis Island.
The Caution: Entering into new situations with inflexible traditions. Throwing away the known in pursuit of the unknown. Issues of social or racial prejudice, or the suspicion of it. Red tape getting in the way of enjoying life. Those not living up to requirements. Not getting successfully through the paperwork. Being untrue to oneself in order to be accepted. Being rejected or sent back.
All adventures, especially into new territory, are scary. Sally Ride
Remember that happiness is a way of travel, not a destination. Roy Goodman
Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name Mother of exiles. Emma Lazarus
Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free. Emma Lazarus (Verse inscribed on the Statue of Liberty.)
I would place all the Indians of Nevada on ships in our harbor, take them to New York and land them there as immigrants, that they might be received with open arms . . . and thus placed beyond the necessity of reservation help. Sarah Winnemucca
A map of the world that does not include Utopia is not worth even glancing at, for it leaves out the one country at which Humanity is always landing. Oscar Wilde
Personal Note: The last couple of weeks, my wonderful assistant Rose has been absent dealing with a personal matter and now she’s back and the column’s back. Since I broke my foot, Rose has been wonderful and taking dictation to help me write it because I can’t sit with my foot down or it throbs. As the column takes several hours to write, her help has been a god/dess send! So many bouquets of thanks to Rose, flowers, hugs, kisses, and delicious chocolate! Forward we go into life! While we are existentially alone traveling our paths, we do need our support folks. I feel very blessed that Rose is part of my life. You readers should feel blessed that Rose is part of your life too because if it weren’t for Rose, there wouldn’t have been any columns the last six weeks! Or twitter feeds!
Moon day Monday June 9, 2014 Moon in Scorpio with an excellent closing aspect of a trine to Jupiter today and tomorrow. Move all sorts of projects forward, push on your dreams. Neptune stations today to go retrograde at 7:36 Pisces. He’ll be going backwards till November 16, when he turns direct at 4:48 Pisces. Neptune’s retrograde is about revising your dream, particularly the parts you committed to around February 17, 2014. Neptune’s station is trine to Mercury’s station last Saturday, inviting you to reassess the emotional impact of what you say you want to do. Its okay to change your mind! Please don’t change back out of fear. The Centaur Nessus is involved in this planetary picture, inviting possibilities of betrayal or deceit to surface under the Neptune/Mercury stations. Or you may notice the betrayals underneath words later on. In other words, it may LOOK great now, yet you find out you were deceived down the road. OR maybe you committed to something before and NOW you find out you were deceived. There’s plenty of time to make changes to plans before the middle of November when Saturn finishes his journey and Neptune goes direct. Nessus, a planetoid in the Kuiper belt, is a Centaur who has a mythology involving “bad blood.” Nessus is the centaur who fulfilled the Oracle of Delphi’s prophecy that Heracles would be killed by the blood of a dead enemy. Be careful not to incur bad blood in these next few days. It could “kill” you down the line. Be careful not to accept deals that could ultimately result in bad blood. Mercury’s stationary sesquiquadrate to Saturn cautions you and at the same time invites you to commit to things that you might be a little apprehensive about. Commit but proceed with caution.
Mars day Tuesday June 10, 2014 Moon is in Scorpio with a trine to Jupiter in the evening. Moon occults Saturn around 2:30 pm EDT, marking the end of a situation and a release into something new on an emotional basis! Moon’s trine to Jupiter encourages a good outcome in the events of today. In the early morning dreams, you learned about something old that has to end. Good opportunity tonight around 9 pm EDT for important connections with your future. A great day for seeing and understanding patterns that you want to change. Now you have the rest of the week (and your life) to make the changes!
Wednesday Mercury’s day June 11, 2014 Moon is void in the morning till 11:24 am EDT, when it enters Sadge. A closing aspect of a Full Moon opposition to the Sun separates ego from emotion, man from woman, and releases partnerships that no longer work. The next three days are BIG break-up, departure, or leaving days as you realize you don’t want to stay where you are anymore. Venus semisextile Uranus invites us to explore or explode or transform our understanding of what we’ve committed to. Later in the day, Venus contraparallels Saturn, setting up relationship ending story for Friday, when Venus opposes Saturn. Venus opposite Saturn completes a story that began in November 2013, when she last joined him, starting a new cycle. Now she is looking around and saying, “I’m done with this,” She’s getting ready to depart over the next few days. Jupiter’s sesquiquadrate to Neptune says there’s a new dream coming that requires an expansion of thinking on your part that involves some stress, so be aware of stressful aspects or difficult choices that people are making in this situation. Encourage them to make the choice FOR THEMSELVES not for you. It is their life. It is your life. No plans on moaning or reacting to them later when they say “AFTER all I HAVE DONE FOR YOU!!”
Jupiter’s Day Thursday June 12, 2014 Moon’s emotional and fiery nature today prevents clear-headedness and straight thinking. People are out of control and very fiery. Relationships and all sorts of partnerships take it on the chin in the morning, with Juno’s inconjunct to North Node in Libra. Juno inconjunct to the planet of destiny suggests that even partnerships you DO want to stay in need some adjusting if you want to or plan to move forward with them. This difficult aspect falls on Algol, the fixed star of beheading, so be careful not to lose your head or to have them lose their head. In addition, if you are attempting to leave a particularly difficult or violent partner, information is best delivered via the Internet or over the phone rather than in person. You can pick your clothes up next week. Take the pets and kids with you. Neptune’s opposition to Pallas Athena makes everybody a bit blind and unable to see the consequences of their behaviors. Be very careful not to invoke “bad blood” between you and the other. Quiet, silent and sneaky departures are best. Mercury’s semi-square to Venus encourages you to say things that are not in your best interest. No burning bridges. No blowing people up. A quiet, graceful departure is best. Of course, in our wider culture, we WILL see some burning of bridges and blowing up of people. That doesn’t mean YOU have to follow suit. Moon’s trine to Uranus around 2:00 pm EDT pushes the envelope for wanting to explode. Venus inconjunct Vesta tonight encourages packing your bags and moving on, moving out, while Mars sesquiquadrate to Juno offers the opportunity to end partnerships that you are finished with.
Friday Venus’s Day June 13, 2014 Today and Saturday are hellacious. Moon is void in Sadge in the morning with a separating aspect, then she enters Capricorn at 1:04 pm EDT with a separating aspect of opposition to Jupiter. Today and Saturday have very final, culminating and releasing energies, inviting situations that have long festered to be amputated or cut off. Venus’s opposition to Saturn – which actually started earlier in the week when she contra-paralleled Saturn – now asks you to take ACTION on the situation you know you need to end. Her simultaneous sextile to Chiron, wrapped up in the Full Moon, all taking place within minutes of each other, say the story is over, done, and through. You’ve seen it for what it is. Even though it hurts you or them, you have to let go and move on. Be careful because Mars is triggering the degrees of the eclipse and simultaneously squaring Pluto. We have really heavy duty aspects this week that are tied to major, major cycles in our lives. Again, this energy is about making the hard choice. It is the choice that is in everyone’s best interest even if it hurts. But the energy is shrouded and confused by the Neptune station trine to Mercury’s retrograde and Nessus’s bad blood added into the mix. So an example of what happen is: someone sends an email to you talking about how nasty you are to someone else, causing bad blood between you and the person. You stumble upon partner’s sex-text messages to your friend. Expect information reveals, information delivered to your attention that is potentially devastating. In fact, the information is actually designed to help you take action and change your behavior. Neptune and Mercury will sometimes deliver MIS-information. The incorrect information still triggers you to take action and move on. Later you may find out it was untrue or that you didn’t hear it correctly. OR you may get offered something too good to be true, that looks delicious, and you go for it. It causes you to leave behind what you had, where you think you maybe should have stayed, but the invitation is too, simply too delicious to stay where you’ve been! For all who have been unable to make decisions or have felt unclear, this weekend offers a clarifying still-point around the various choices you have to make. The key is to make a decision in the direction of what’s best for you, not for the other person, even if you think you should/have to stay with them or save them. Ultimately, the underlying issue is to see your pattern, evolve and thus be able change it. Do not to be afraid. Stand in a place of love.
Saturn’s Day Saturday June 14, 2014 Another hellacious day, as Mars triggers the Eclipse points and also square Pluto. (Me, I know I’m going to be very careful, as this is the aspect from the day I slipped and fell on the cat vomit!) This is Mars’s third pass and thus his third square to Pluto. Mars activates us and invites us to take that leap of faith and move towards our future. Mars square Pluto is a war aspect. It will cause us some consternation and possible pain as we adjust our reality to its energy. IT IS A VIOLENT OR DANGEROUS ASPECT. The moon is in a violent, difficult sign today, so be very careful. The world will be quite angry and mean-spirited. Remember, everybody else is having these transits as well as you. So while you might be working the higher forms of the energy, they have to figure them out and might not be as tuned into astrology as you are! There are some days when your astrologer suggests you should stay at home with your head under the covers. This is one of those days! If you do need to venture out, remember that everybody else is feeling the crazy energy. Be aware while driving, while walking, while negotiating or talking to people, that the edginess is on and there’s a crazy kind of war energy in the sky. There’s a lot of jealousy and envy which is motivating the war energy. Eris, Mars’s sister, is provoking chaos by squaring Jupiter. So the brother and sister of war are BOTH provoking outer planets ~ this makes for a big news headline day. It makes it profound for personal events in your life. Many people will remember June 14, 2014 as a day of personal loss, death, separation or divorce. On a positive note – because all these planets’ energies CAN be used positively – both Friday and Saturday have EXCELLENT aspects for releasing all those things that are NOT good in your life such a smoking, drinking, drugging and other bad habits that lead you astray from your path. You can use this energy in a positive way to make improvements in your life by letting go of things that aren’t good for you. As for the rest of the world, stand back and duck. Moon in Capricorn aspects the Cardinal Cross that’s separating, reminding us of the eclipse energy and hearkening back to December 2012. A fine mess we find our selves in!
Sun’s day Sunday June 15, 2014 Father’s day! Moon is void in the morning and enters Aquarius in the afternoon with a lovely closing aspect of a trine to Mercury. Today you process all the “stuff” that went on over the week. It’s an excellent day for doing nothing, relaxing, canoodling with your loved ones or pets, reading, and relating. When you have so much stuff happening during the week, it a perfect time to have what my friend Anne calls a “fritter” day. Fritter days are when you don’t do anything, have commitments, need to follow schedules and have no responsibilities. Of course, it is Father’s Day, so call your father or the beloved authorities in your life. Understand how your authorities have helped create the person you are and how you’ve worked with those authoritarian issues over the last few days. All is in service of you living your best life. If we can take an overview and educational approach to it . . . what did you learn? What do you know now that you’ll do differently since you’ve had the experience? If the purpose of life is to grow and get wise, what has your education thus far taught you, particularly focusing on the last two weeks? To the extent possible, avoid bad blood and separate in peace. Use the ending energy to motivate you towards your path rather than engaging in disruptive behaviors with others. Talk to your ghosts – remember Mercury is retrograde, so this whole mess is reminiscent of something in your life. What as that? And of course, Mercury retrograde sends your past back to talk to you! Talk to it! Talk to your ghosts!
Anne’s Four Radio Shows and Two Recommended Shows Recap: Listen in to the podcasts via iTunes or by the website links.
Anne’s Weekly Weather: Discussion of the upcoming Mercury retrograde, Neptune retrograde and a back end of a week filled with no, no, no. At least you know they mean it! A Full Moon that helps you see things clearly.
Scorpios Talking: Off last week because Michael was out of town. Will be back on Thursday, June 12.
The Mary Anne Show: We were back laughing.
Access Astrology: Heather and Mark held forth as Anne slept ~ she’s been going to bed at 9 pm. Not the normal night owl! Anne SHOULD be awake for the June 11 show, as her foot IS healing.
Venus Unplugged: Llorraine Neithardt with Venus lessons for all!! For Jungians, dreamers, poets and visionaries this podcast helps with your individuation.
CG Jung Speaks! There are great readings from Jung! Tune in! Kendrick Norris, Ph.D. reads excerpts from Jung. Working on individuating? Listen in!
Lynda Hill’s work appears with her permission. Check her out at sabiansymbols.com
Copyright© 2014 A.C. Ortelee