Weekly Weather June 25, 2012.
Love is our theme for the week! Well, love as a concept if not in actual reality. Saturn and Venus each station to turn direct this week. Their inner vision quests of the past nine and three months, respectively, will start to finish up as these two planets both turn to go forward. Love is in the air… or at least on our minds and in our hearts.
Since November 2011, and even if we reach back to 1982/83 when Saturn was last at the degree he finds himself at now, he’s been working with us about our ideas and concepts about relationships, love and partnerships. Currently traveling through the Gemini decant, Saturn asks us to reflect on our earliest childhood memories of relationships and what we were taught or encouraged to believe about love, partnership and how people are supposed to get along.
Our parents, siblings, extended family, friends, literature and culture taught us what to believe about relationships when we were too small to question what we were exposed to OR figure out things differently from what we saw. Because our childhood was our version of reality, we didn’t know that what we were experiencing might not be the only option open to us. We believed that what we were told, experienced and saw was THE TRUTH. And it WAS our first truth about relationships. That was the end of the discussion. We didn’t even know to ASK a different set of questions. When we were between 0 and 14, we were exposed to and formed our understanding of relationships ~ those Gemini years. Those early teachings slip right in there, lodge themselves in our bodies, hearts and brains. They become our guiding principles. We don’t know different because we didn’t experience different.
When Saturn entered Libra in the fall of 2010, he first asked us to look at our relationships and see what we had partnered with. Then, last year, he focused our attention on our hopes and dreams about our relationships. Now, he’s asking us to look at what relationships we ACCEPT into our lives and understand their duality. Now he’s asking what we tell ourselves about our relationships. He’s asking what we believe about relationships. He’s asking our early rules and regulations about relationships. He’s also pointing out the sometimes mixed or conflicting messages we carry around about relationships ~ especially if our childhood experiences were confusing or our parents were less than clear on relationships themselves. Sometimes the relationships we witness as children cause us to go “Nope, that is NOT happening to me!” It is time to clarify what are the definitions, ideas, unquestioned assumptions and factors that make us call time spent with A being in a relationship? What are other options? What is relationship B instead of A? Or maybe D, E or Z instead of A? What would it look like if we were in a relationship with those letters instead of A?
Over the past weeks, people have been coming up, hard in some cases, softer in others, and bumping into the early stories of our lives reenacted. Some of the stories I’ve heard or read: “You meet the prince (or princess), fall in love and live happily ever after.” “All men are bastards and the minute you forget it they do something to remind you.” “All women are bitches and the minute you forget it they do something to remind you.” “Your father loves you very much, he just doesn’t know how to show you.” “Your sister loves you even if she tried to smother you and bite your nose off through the pillow.” “I am unable to commit because my mother was hard on me.” “How DARE you question me?” “Your mother hated you and tried to abort you.” “I was forced to get married because I was pregnant.” “He was an asshole but you didn’t want to see it.” “My mother left me and I turned out okay.” “Everyone cheats and lies.” “I really don’t believe his lying about women was malicious. He used it as a defense to keep real feelings at bay.” “I married my mother.” “I married my father.” “I married my sibling.”
Saturn wants us to get clear on the underlying story that frames our reality and beliefs about our relationships and partnerships. If we don’t examine the set of circumstances that brought us to a particular place in our life, we are doomed to repeat it. Over and over and over again.
This week as Saturn and Venus both station on the World Axis, we will be getting clear, crystal clear, about our relationship dreams, desires, and needs. Watch carefully and be clear. Now that both Saturn and Venus are moving direct, we are going to rocket right straight through until early October when Saturn enters the sign of deep commitment , profound merging and transformation ~ Scorpio. The dating time of Libra is coming to a close over the next few months. We are going to be going home with our new or revised definitions of Libran relationships to get behind closed doors, up close, naked and personal with Scorpio. Get clear on what you want to go deeper with and commit to.
Stationing Venus and Chiron form a hammer of Thor with stationing Saturn in Libra as the handle…. We are going to have the principles of love, desire and how they help heal the wounded nature of our being ~ or sometimes contribute to it ~ pounded into our being.
Jupiter squares Neptune this week shooting the question of what is our next dream going to be? Neptune’s shift into Pisces suggests our dream has to serve our heart and soul’s path and deepest longing. Jupiter’s square to it, opening, call to action oriented energy asks us to take a dualistic approach ~ try it for a second or even third time ~ to get to the heart of the matter.
To help us on the journey of clarity about relationships this week, Mercury enters the sign of Leo ~ the sign of love, creativity, brilliant ideas, playfulness, love affairs and expansion. Mercury is who Venus in Gemini answers to. He is who Mars in Virgo answers to. Mercury is who the South Node in Gemini, Jupiter in Gemini, Saturn in Libra, and Pluto in Capricorn answer to. The solution to all the questions in your heart are to ask yourself “What do I love?” If you focus on answering THAT question, the balance of the sky comes into focus. What do I Love? What do I love? What do I love?
The effects of the stationing energy this week will run for the balance of the week. Saturn stopping holds the degree for 5 days on either side. Venus holds still for three days. So the events of last week and this week, will merge together into a beautiful mosaic, when given enough time to merge and appear.
I close with a scene from Ghost where he says “The love inside you take it with you.” It reminds us that all there REALLY is, what REALLY matters, what we are left with at the end of our lives is love. Love given and love received. That is all.
Void Moons This Week
Remember to Kick back and relax on Void Moons. The Moon is not working and you shouldn’t be either!
6:53 am EDT Tuesday June 26 to 1:15 pm EDT
4:22 am EDT Thursday June 28 to 4:32 pm EDT
Almost all the Work Day.
3:46 pm EDT Saturday June 30 to 6:04 pm EDT
Note to Readers:
It has been a wild month for me.
First was getting back to work after a two week working and playing vacation ~ my first non-family based vacation since 2001. Once “unhooked” by two weeks of vacation mode, it was hard to get back into work mode again.
Next, two friends received devastating medical diagnoses. Two friends are actively dying. Two other friends got married. My 83 year old father and stepmother visited me in New York City for the first time since 1998 so I pushed a wheel chair around for six days. It has been a lot of “stuff”. June is generally a very busy month for me but this June was off the charts busy.
The various juggling balls dropped, including the time I spend writing this column.
As you might guess, Saturn is stationing on my Neptune square to three other planets : my Ascendant and Midheaven rulers, Uranus and Jupiter and Chiron the other leg of my cardinal t-square. The eclipses hit my Mid-heaven/IC and Mars was on my Sun.
It appears that I am back in the saddle again, starting to move forward in harmony with Saturn and his lovely lady Venus in Gemini. Thank you for your patience, kindness and understanding.