Weekly Weather June 18, 2007

Weekly Weather June 18, 2007

It is a rocking and rolling week arriving at your front door and ringing your doorbell! Hang on tight. Keep your eyes focused on your dreams. Saturn and Neptune continue to build in energy and tension as they approach their opposition next week. The Sun changes signs and enters Cancer on Thursday, starting a new season, Summer, with a VERY fascinating Ingress chart. The Ingress Moon in Virgo is quite near to the upcoming September eclipse degrees, suggesting we‘ll get a sneak peak of that eclipse before it arrives. Right before the Summer Ingress, Sun in Gemini is opposed to highly active Pluto in Sagittarius letting us see the duality in things from an “ah-ha” or cosmic ‘click’ point of view.

Mercury is still in Cancer, going retrograde. Mercury asks us to move backwards, in reverse or sideways to redo, revisit and revise our visions, thoughts and ideas. Venus in Leo is opposed to Chiron in Aquarius. Her aspect activates our wounds about are we loveable or wonderful or perfect enough to deserve what we have or would like to have in our life? Right before that, Venus finished a trine to Jupiter. Her Jupiter trine suggests we have a triumph of some sort. Then we drop right into receiving criticism from cranky old Chiron. Ignore Chiron‘s words! Those words come from an old and very sad place. Chiron is only checking to see if you figured out your Saturn in Leo‘s lessons. Don’t be cranky with him but you can stick out your tongue and throw an herb or two at him!

Add to the mix the many, Many, MANY shots of juice or fuel or fire (your call) from the planet Mars in cardinal, take charge and go for it Aries. Mars has aspects to the big fellows ~ Chiron, Pluto, Jupiter. Mars also has aspects to Vesta and retrograde Mercury. Mars finishes up his journey in Aries and enters stubborn, irritated Taurus (remember dear Venus has cranky aspects this week).

Finally, last but certainly not least, we have the station of Uranus at 18:41 Pisces to go retrograde until Thanksgiving when he stops again at 14:46. The station, in and of itself is a lot of energy. The planet of explosions, chaos and change standing still lets that energy fall rather willy nilly all over the place. Expect explosions and eruptions! The fact that the Uranus stations take place near the degrees of the Lunar eclipse of March 3, 2007 and the upcoming Solar eclipse on September 11, 2007, links those two separate eclipse energies. It brings them into this week as a kind of cosmic bridge between the eclipses. That is a heck of a lot of stuff going on!

So, with all THAT planet stuff going on, I want to talk about your soul and your soul’s journey. That is, after all, why we study the heavens. The stars help us get a handle on our soul’s path while we are here on planet earth. The heavens symbolically portray the who, what, where, when, why and how of what the heck is going for us. They tell us how it relates to the bigger picture ~ the path through the forest of our life instead of the tree standing right before us.

BUT, let’s take it a step further. If we back it up ~ say we roll the film backwards. Mercury is retrograde! Remember watching movies where everything goes backwards and zips back into its previous place? If we do that with the heavens, we can see how we got to where we are now. If we look at it from THAT reversed perspective, looking back will make the next few weeks a bit easier to navigate, negotiate and understand as we attempt to go forward. If you look back then you “get” what all the planets are doing is pushing and pulling you into position for the next part of your soul’s journey. Think of it as the heavens styling your soul like a hairdresser pulls at your hair, teases and sprays it into position for the upcoming Academy Awards. Saturn is in Leo after all. You should get a reward for what you’ve been going through!

Right now in the sky, the big boys are all talking to each other, making aspects. Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, and Pluto are chatting it up. You can add Uranus in as a grace note if you’d like but as he might confuse the picture I am going to leave him out for the time being. Uranus really comes into play NEXT year when Jupiter and Saturn connect with him. Besides, Uranus is stationing this week and bringing in the eclipses’ energy to ratchet up the story a bit more. And, hopefully, Uranus will serve as an illuminator or cosmic fire bringer of wisdom to the cycles we’ve been working with. To understand the current times, we need to go back to earlier times. I want us to link up combinations of cycles that are now intersecting and dancing with each other to help us see what is going on more clearly.

Jupiter is our individual and collective’s principle of expansion. Whatever Jupiter touches he makes bigger and expands in purpose, function or belief. Saturn is our individual and collective’s principle of contraction, fear and endings. Whatever Saturn touches he makes smaller, limited, more concise, structured or completes.

We take these two planets and watch when they link up with each other or with other planets by conjunction. Conjunctions mark the beginning of a new cycle of coming to understand those planets and their energy together. We pay attention to what they are trying to expand (Jupiter) or contract (Saturn) in our lives. So, for purposes of right now, we have several cycles running concurrently and interacting with each other ~ Jupiter with Saturn, Neptune and Pluto plus Saturn with Neptune and Pluto. All five cycles are intersecting and triggering stages of each other. We need to notice what they are doing to and with each other.

I want you to find where Saturn is in your chart. It always comes back to Saturn as he is our work in any lifetime. Next find the houses ruled by Saturn ~ Capricorn and Aquarius. That is the section of your chart that is undergoing change, structuring and limitation right now.

Think of your chart as a tapestry. I want you to take Saturn and figure out what he was doing during the following times of your life. First, Saturn and Pluto joined with each other in 1982-1983 at 28 Libra. We learned relationship and love lessons from commitment oriented Saturn endings around Pluto’s transformative and often difficult themes. The lessons from then probably made us a bit afraid or gun shy. What did you watch and perhaps become a bit afraid of?

Second, Saturn and Neptune joined with each other in 1989 around 11 Capricorn. We learned about structures dissolving as we watched Russia collapse and the Berlin Wall fall. We experienced a few structures collapsing in our own lives too. What structures or beliefs changed or dissolved in your life?

Next, I want you to find where Jupiter is in your chart. He’s where you are supposed to grow and expand in this life time. Next find the houses ruled by Jupiter ~ Sagittarius and Pisces. That is the section of your chart that is undergoing change right now and looking to expand and grow to be the best they can be.

Continue to think of your chart as a tapestry and trace Jupiter as a thread in your life. First, Jupiter and Pluto joined with each other in December 1994 at 28 Scorpio. You learned about Jupiter’s rebirth and expansion after the death, loss or transformation of Pluto. We are finishing up that cycle right now ~ meaning it is a very important time for you to focus on what your NEXT cycle of expansion and rebirth will be. We will start a NEW Jupiter/ Pluto cycle in December 2007 around our hopes and dreams following the transformation of Pluto of our existing structures.

Second, Jupiter and Neptune joined with each other in January 1997 at 27 Capricorn, we learned about how to reclaim our belief in what our dreams of our Saturn were and began to let them grow and expand again. What area of your life started to grow in 1997?

Do you see how the same story ~ different chapters ~ but yet the ver
y same story is repeating ye
t again, right now in your life~ 1982-83, 1989, 1994, and 1997?

In the spring of 2000, Jupiter and Saturn started a new 20 year journey of creation together. Jupiter and Saturn have been taking us back to these earlier years and earlier cycles to get us to resolve our old or outstanding issues with their respective interconnected relationships with each other. Our Saturn and Jupiter’s journeys with each other and Neptune or Pluto were profoundly moving in our life and our experiences to date. However, we might have MIXED UP Pluto or Neptune with Saturn or CONFUSED Jupiter with Pluto or Neptune. We first have to separate out the experiences into their unique parts ~ which is piece IS Saturn, Jupiter, Neptune or Pluto? If we can separate the parts out, we can see how they now are coming together to move us forward. Once we separate them out, we can integrate the experiences to be able to move forward to create the next chapter of our lives.

WE can’t grow the way Jupiter wants us to grow, if we feel too much of Saturn’s fear. And we can’t build structures in our world the way Saturn wants us to if we expand without understanding our beliefs and their relationship to our life.

If you take a high view, from your soul’s perspective of 20,000 feet, do you see what Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune and Pluto have been trying to teach you? If you figure it out on your soul’s level, take a moment to understand and embrace it. When you figure it out, it will make the physical, emotional and intellectual experiences right now so much easier and clearer and comprehensible. It isn’t right or wrong. It doesn’t have to be hard. You aren’t doing anything wrong. You only have to understand it from the perspective of what your soul wants you to learn. And then all the unnecessary pain falls away like an old shirt or dress you no longer need or want to wear.

Monday, Uranus joins with Pallas and suggests taking a new strategy to approach the energy before you. What would your soul tell you about the experience if you were sitting down with it for a cup of tea and a heartfelt conversation? Home and hearth or beliefs require adjustment in the face of firm facts before you. Listen to your soul.

Tuesday is a mixed bad to medium kind of day. Sun opposes Pluto. You see it. You get it. However, Sun is in Gemini ~ can you see both sides of it? Do you understand why? Venus has a bunch of aspects. First she must make adjustments with the power of Pluto, transform the stress into action, partner with the balance between right and wrong, accept any gift of brilliance or strategy offered by a kind soul or wise person. Venus ends with a trine to Jupiter ~ push for the higher and most honorable outcome you can find. Push very hard. The time is now. Push. Push. Push.

Wednesday, Mars in the last degrees of Aries is seeking an equitable and favorable relationship of change with the wounded situation before you. If you lined 12 people up and asked them, what would they say? That is why we use juries. Getting 12 people to agree on anything requires a great deal of persuasion! Or you could take Solomon’s approach ~ split the baby! The true owner of the child agreed to give up the child to save it. What do you need to do? 12 people or take Solomon’s approach? Or perhaps a third is on the table?

Thursday, Mars trines Pluto at the last degrees of fire. Mars is in Sagittarius‘ decant ~ legal matters can begin quite rapidly as Pluto is in Leo’s decant ~ Pluto is going to fight for what is right, on principle, because he can. Mars needs to be flexible, mutable and approachable instead of a crazed warrior god swinging away like crazy. Strategy. Summer begins with the Ingress of the Sun into Cancer‘s sign. It is a bit of a cranky day but hopefully one which results in an amicable conclusion. Push for a conclusion. Push!

Friday, Venus and Mars are in tough aspects today. Venus is having her wound triggered. Mars is getting poked at or poking at Chiron and provoking him. People are in the mood to fight just to let go of some of the build up of tension. It needs to get out of their body! Better to have a good work out (but not too strenuous so you don’t hurt yourself) or run or wild sex or something that is a positive use of that extra Mars energy of yours.

Saturday, Uranus stations to go retrograde. Mercury trines the North Node. Well, we are moving again even if we are not all that pleased with where we are going. Backwards until the Thanksgiving! The film breaks. The movie stops. You are in a bit of a break from Uranus even as the eclipse energies come it and light up the place.

Sunday, Mercury talks to Chiron about the wound he received from Mars on Friday. Sometimes life is difficult. Mars leaves Aries and moves into Taurus. The energy shifts. Stubborn, dig in the heels kind of feeling to it when Mars enters Taurus. Mars is going to be pokey, slow moving and hard to negotiate with until he gets out of Taurus on August 7th. You (or they) are digging in for a bit. Might as well let it rest until the end of the summer before bringing it up again. Not much is going to happen between now and then. Focus on your soul’s journey. Turn your attention towards Saturn and Neptune about to finish their dance next week. It is all about to become clear. And yet another tree is going to fall in the forest. Remember to breathe.

Mundane: So, Tony Soprano and his family have left us with a blacked out screen. David Chase (Aug 22, 1945), the show’s creator and main writer, is a fine last degree Leo Sun aspecting his Mars/ Uranus conjunction in brilliant story telling Gemini. Just turn out the lights and black surrounds us. Very cool, eh? That is a common thought that Leos, the sign of light and the Sun, have about Death. Do they just turn out the lights? Is it black and done? Essentially the opposite and reverse of them ~ no light? The Soprano’s ending was a lovely illustration of the Saturn Neptune opposition building up. Yep, a chunk of your life ended and simply disappeared from view. And no, you didn‘t have “closure”. Sometimes you don’t have closure. The Sopranos are gone. Watch for other falling trees…

Scooter Libby is supposed to go to jail as the mainstream media suggests the President pardon him for lying to the FBI and participating in killing people by outing a covert CIA operative and her bronze plated firm, Brewster Jennings, investigating weapons of mass destruction. Great example for the little and big kids among us in this supposed war on terror.

Senator Joe Lieberman and other friends of the administration are suggesting we need to invade Iran. The problem is Iran, folks, not Iraq, the problem is Iran! The surge is complete ~ we’ve replaced all the other nation’s troops that have left Iraq. Old George was drinking again in public ~ photographed slurping on a “near beer” with the German leader at the G8 Summit, (raise your hand if you believe Germany has near beer!). He missed the next morning session due to a stomach thingie. Guess his stomach thingie was a case of that wicked “Near Beer Virus”. Vladimir Putin is suggesting we all need to get into an arms race again. He’s responding to George wanting to put missile bases in Poland and other countries on the edge of Russia. Israel and Palestine are such a mess it would Seems like the world is going to hell in a hand basket.

However, a bright note exists. A reader, Kathleen G, sent in a you tube clip http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1k08yxu57NA&mode=related&search

with a note saying “I thought about what it meant to do your Saturn”. He is DEFINTIELY doing his Saturn. It made me cry. See what can happen if you keep doing your Saturn? Do your Saturn!

Copyright © 2007 Anne Ortelee