Weekly Weather June 17, 2013
The most profound shifts are ridiculously easy…. WHOOSH! You PIVOT 180 degrees!
Last week, with a few words, my friend Tania changed my life forever!! I pivoted 180 degrees!
Raised in the 1950s, my childhood dinners were meat, potatoes, canned vegetables and iceberg lettuce salads. We moved to a farmhouse built in 1823 on six acres of land when I was in eighth grade. Dad was going back to nature, providing for his family with stuff he grew or raised. He bought a dozen goslings so we would have fresh eggs. The dog killed 8 of them the day after they arrived. Grown geese are MEAN ~ much better as watch geese than egg providers! My father planted three rather large plots of land with vegetables. He expected his three children to tend the gardens ~ weed, stake, water and harvest them. It was hot and VERY buggy out there. Worms. Sweat. Snails. Dirty Fingernails. Not MY Virgo idea of fun.
Rock hard peas ~ harvested WAY past their prime. They bounced! Lots and lots and lots and lots of zucchini ~ made into quick breads, boiled with tomatoes or given away. We ate zucchini for MONTHS. My Dad waged an eternal and losing war with the extremely evil raccoons who took one bite out of an ear of corn before going onto the next stalk. Why couldn’t the f*#%&^g things eat the WHOLE ear instead of taking one bite out of EVERY EAR and thus ruining a bunch of perfectly good corn in the process? Once Dad started to set big traps out back for the raccoons, I officially resigned from gardening!
There WERE excellent Beefsteak Tomatoes off the vine for summer lunches sliced with a bit of vinegar, salt and pepper. The green beans were good too.
After college graduation, I moved to New York and became a bit of a foodie. New York has GREAT food everywhere! I bought a wok. Stir fried vegetables. My mother commented on how delicious my vegetables were. As her vegetables were out of a can or from dad’s neglected gardens and mine were fresh, I thought no more about it. Speed advance 32 years to last summer.
Over the past year, my body rebelled, as Jupiter entered the sign of its detriment Gemini. My natal Jupiter in Cancer is joined to my ascendant’s ruler, Uranus, placed in my sixth house of health and body. Jupiter rules my first house Pisces Moon and Midheaven. So good or bad, I NOTICE my Jupiter transits. This was a BAD transit as Jupiter was in detriment ~ allergies to gluten and dairy surfaced with lots of coughing and throat mucus generated ~ Gemini rules the lungs. I hired a wonderful nutritionist, Danielle Heard of Artemis in the City, to make the needed diet changes. Gluten and dairy had HUGE roles in my diet. As my Progressed and Solar Arc Moons are BOTH in Taurus, the sign of Chocolate, Bacon, Butter and Cream, giving up (choosing other foods) was difficult (health and energy producing) without a lot of whining (and I DID feel much better). I did change my diet. I noticed distinct changes in my energy and my body for the better. I might have whined ALOT but I actually FELT MUCH better. With Gemini Jupiter, I bounced back and forth between the options like a ping pong ball.
I ate more vegetables and fruit but I wasn’t loving it. I wasn’t having much fun. I wanted what I wanted.
Like a prisoner or drug addict, recidivism was my constant issue. GLUTEN was the “way hot bad boy” in my ‘hood, complete with his Harley motorcycle riding pal, DAIRY, especially when we are talking pizza or pasta or millions of other delicious foods. I was a head over heels in hormones lust teenager…slipping out at night to hang out with a bad crowd! Gluten, Dairy and me. Very HIGH RECIDIVISM!!! And every time I slipped off with Dairy or Gluten, I coughed, coughed, coughed.
The Week’s Planetary Highlights ~ 180 Degree PIVOTS in how you think about things!!
Sun enters Cancer to start a new season of summer. He pauses for three days high in the sky! Ceres enters Leo to settle into high creative and advanced play mode. Mars has had it with being indecisive about things. What ARE NO LONGER your dreams? Set yourself free this week with the Pivots taking place in your thinking!
Venus is out of bounds from May 24 to June 19 EXPECT 180 Degree PIVOT
Ceres is out of bounds from Nov 21, 2012 to July 20
Mars works with Uranus to take unusual actions on Jun 17 2013 11:19:52 am EDT leading to a breakthrough later in the week. EXPECT 180 Degree PIVOT
Sun joins with Jupiter to start a new year long cycle of creativity on June 19 2013 at 12:10:59 pm EDT. Meeting up at 28°Ge32’ ensures your new year will continue to release your old life even as the new comes in.
Venus squabbles with Neptune on June 19 2013 at 02:10:40 pm EDT with the result that the scales drop from her eyes. You can see clearly now. EXPECT 180 Degree PIVOT
Mars argues with Chiron on June 19 2013 at 08:42:42 pm EDT so you actually SEE how your wound has helped or hindered you in taking action around your life. Understand the bad part was actually for the greater good of your soul’s growth. EXPECT 180 Degree PIVOT
Uranus works with Pallas on Jun 20 2013 at 04:38:15 am EDT to help you pivot 180 degrees!
Mercury and Venus link up on June 20 2013 at 10:56:50 pm EDT starting a new creative and love cycle. EXPECT 180 Degree PIVOT
Sun enters Cancer on June 21, 2013 at 01:03:57 am EDT to officially start summer!
Sun makes difficult choices with the Nodes of Fate but knows he must. Be brave on June 22 2013 at 04:20:17 am EDT and make a choice that supports your vision!
Ceres enters Leo on June 22 2013 at 08:10:29 am EDT to play creatively and nurture you until August 28, 2013.
Mars makes a fated choice by aspecting the Nodes on June 23 2013 at 00:23:47 am EDT. You gotta do what you gotta do! MAKE a 180 Degree PIVOT
Chiron’s argument with Pallas on June 23 2013 at 00:48:04 am EDT helps you see the patterns in your life. If you don’t like them, don’t do them any more! No whining! EXPECT 180 Degree PIVOT
Void Moons in the Week Ahead: When the Moon is Void, it is wise to avoid making important decisions as they tend to be unrealistic, and subject to false starts, errors or unexpected hassles. Avoid being concerned with things beyond your spiritual center. It is time for subjective, spiritual and non-materialistic concerns. Kick back, let life flow and center yourself. Connect into your essential oneness with the Universal Forces.
Moon trines Jupiter on Tuesday June 18 2013 at 11:56:18 pm EDT and Moon enters Scorpio on Wednesday June 19, 2013 at 02:39:37 am EDT.
Moon trines Mercury on Thursday June 20 2013 at 03:17:23 pm EDT and enters Sagittarius on Friday June 21, 2013 at 04:31:57 am EDT Friday
Moon goes void Opposite Jupiter on Sunday June 23, 2013 at 03:09:36 am EDT and enters Capricorn on June 23, 2013 at 04:09:27 am EDT. Moon is void all day Sunday.
Recidivism ( from recidive + ism, from Latin recidīvus “recurring”, from re- “back” + cadō “I fall”) is the act of a person repeating an undesirable behavior after they have either experienced negative consequences of that behavior, or have been treated or trained to extinguish that behavior.
There is a LOT of Gluten in the world ~ it is hard to ignore or escape or not choose it. Dairy in the form of Chocolate, Butter and Cream makes everything taste BETTER! And the combination of them~ simply irresistible! At least to me…
Finally, I asked my guides for help with my ongoing recidivism. I do have a rather large “I have to do it by myself” tough it out tendency. Our guides can’t help us unless we ask them for help ~ free will and all that. So I stopped being so stubborn and asked for help.
THE NEXT DAY, Tania said, “Oh no, no, no, Anne. You don’t eat cold vegetables from the refrigerator!! You…”
“Eat Vegetables at Room Temperature! They taste SOOO much better!”
It was like a light bulb went off in my head. A cosmic ah-ha moment! A 180 degree turn!
Of course! Room Temperature is the temperature they LIVE at. Vegetables and Fruit WOULD be at their most flavorful at Room Temperature. What a revelation! I flashed back to the fresh off the vine Beefsteak tomatoes of my adolescent summers. I ALWAYS leave my farmer’s market tomatoes out of the refrigerator as they TASTE BETTER…. EVERY VEGETABLE WOULD TASTE BETTER!
So simple, yet so profound. Life changing. 180 Degree Pivot. Thank you Tania!
In our next few weeks ahead (or maybe it happened for you last week, like it did for me), we have a profound ah-ha moment that will change our lives forever. No going back.
While you might feel like smacking your forehead with the heel of your hand and saying “Dumkof” OR other people say to you “OF COURSE….” OR if you feel like you were the only person in the world who DIDN’T know OR you bemoan that you didn’t see it UNTIL NOW, NO WORRIES.
And, NOW that you HAVE gone through the process, YOU CAN SEE IT! You know it now!
Expect a 180 Degree Pivot on the matter you’ve been struggling with! It pivots and changes right before your very eyes. Embrace the new wisdom that the PIVOT brings.
This week, as Venus comes in from out of bounds and meets up with Mercury, PIVOT, embrace and make that 180 degree shift of your own into a new way that fits your life!
This week as Sun joins up with Jupiter in Gemini for a conversation, right before they both zoom off into Cancer, watch for the PIVOT, embrace and make that 180 degree shift of your own into a new way that fits your life. Or maybe a 90 degree PIVOT, or a 270 degree PIVOT or a 360 degree PIVOT.
To help you figure out how to PIVOT, here’s a video taken this weekend at the Feast of St Anthony in Little Italy in the Bronx (Arthur Avenue and 187th Street), New York. You are watching the Gigli dance and Pivot. According to the men on the street, the Gigli is over 4,000 pounds or 2 short tons ~ not the least because of the 10 men playing instruments and sitting on it. Someone steps forward to direct the band, the band plays, the men under the Gigli lift it and dance in a circle ~ Pivoting the Gigli. Make sure to click on the Video links provided by my friend Marianne Arena and her trusty cell phone camera….
If this 2 ton Gigli can pivot (with the help of a bunch of strong, Italian men), YOU can PIVOT too!
From the Internet: The story of the Gigli starts around 410 AD, when North African pirates overran the town of Nola, Italy. In the chaos, Bishop Paolino fled into the countryside with some of the children. Upon his return, Paolino learned, from a sobbing widow, that many of the young men, her son included, had been abducted into slavery. Paolino offered himself in exchange for the boy and was ferried off, a prisoner of the pirates. Word of the courage and self-sacrifice of Paolino spread, until taken with the tale of altruism, a Turkish sultan intervened, negotiating for the freedom of the holy man and the town’s people. Through the sultan’s efforts, Paolino and his people were freed and returned to Nola.
Overjoyed by their safe return, the entire town greeted the returning people carrying lilies, symbols of love and purity. That joyous homecoming jubilee is considered the very first observance of what would develop into an annual sacred event. Through the years, various trade guilds: farmer, butcher, tailor, bread maker, blacksmith, cobblers, deli merchants and wine makers compete to produce the most sensational display of lilies. Over time, the displays became more flamboyant.
Today, although still called lilies (Gigli), the displays have evolved into a huge flower-laden steeple of wood, 50 feet or more in height. The Gigli structure is carried through the streets on the shoulders of hundreds of men, in remembrance of the return of Bishop Paolino and his towns’ people. The atmosphere is competitive. Each guild hires the best lifters they can secure, because the carrying of the Gigli is judged. Creativity of construction and musical accompaniment is scrutinized even after the formal competition ends. The men carry and dance the Gigli throughout the night.
So PIVOT, baby, PIVOT. See the world through new eyes! Be your own Gigli!
We each have about one to two, maximum three weeks to wrap up our old life, get things in order and finish the final chapters in our old life. Our lives shift dramatically when Jupiter enters Cancer on June 25 and Saturn turns direct on July 8. Keep clearing things out. Once Jupiter enters Cancer and Saturn shifts direct, we have a huge grand trine in Water which promises amazing connections, creation energy and the planting of brand stories in each of our lives.
The two planets, Ceres and Venus, out of bounds means folks will not be in the mood to connect with loved ones or their desire nature in traditional ways until after June 19 when Venus comes back in bounds! Mercury and Vesta returned in bounds last week. Venus comes back in bounds this week on June 19, 2013. Out of bounds planets have qualities that the regular planets don’t have because they don’t follow the Sun’s path or his rules. Out of bounds planets can be arbitrary, capricious, brilliant and gifted. They want to break expectations and go their own way. Stretch your limits. Venus comes back in bounds this week. ASK FOR WHAT YOU DESIRE THIS WEEK!!
Sun and Jupiter link up to start a new year long cycle. They met up on May 13, 2012 at 23 Taurus and then Jupiter shifted into Gemini to redefine reality, relationships and your choices on June 11, 2012. The past year, Jupiter, the principle of our GOOD relationships to the collective and our understanding of our roles, rules, belief systems that govern same has been under developmental challenge while traveling through the sign of Gemini, his detriment. Quite a few of our relationships have taken it on the chin (or some other body part) as we redefined who we were in our relationships. Back to kindergarten we went. Actually, we visited our Grammar school years. In some cases, we grew from ages 0 to 11.5. From being born to 6th grade, that’s a big developmental leap. Now that we’ve redefined who we are and what we believe in, Jupiter links up with the Sun in Gemini to see what we’ve figured out about ourselves. The Jupiter in Gemini chapter closes with a final exam of sorts. Then we start a new cycle. Both the Sun and Jupiter dive into the fresh, sparkling waters of Cancer to nurture and grow the next phase of our lives. Be prepared for trick questions, pop quizzes, summations, pivots and surprise revelations.
Pallas Athena finishes up a wide, sloooow, Finger of God/Goddess with Saturn and Pluto. Back on June 8, Pallas moved into the Finger configuration with Saturn and Pluto by aspecting Saturn. This week, Pallas sets off the other leg, by stimulating Pluto on June 17. The Finger of God/Goddess spot of Gemini as the Apex now has the brilliant energy of Pallas Athena pointing out patterns that you might never have seen before. Be prepared for her detached wisdom and guidance to cause a minor evolution in your life! PIVOT. She’s the last to pass through the configuration for a while. You either get it or you don’t this week. Give yourself permission to see the world in a new way. She brings a detached wisdom to the situation or story, kind of summing up what or why you actually went through all this. The process is a large and often forgotten part of the story.
Mercury and Venus Meet up to Share Scoops on and about you. These two personal planets, so important to each of us in expressing ourselves and defining our desires, meet up shortly after Venus comes back in from out of bounds. They are hanging out with Vesta in Cancer ~ also recently in from out of bounds. It is time to beautify the vessels, sacred spaces, our homes and hearths that are precious to supporting our lives. Mercury, Venus and Vesta are in the fifth house of creativity and fun in the Summer Solstice chart. Mercury, Venus and Vesta are angular, straddling the Ascendant on the Full Moon Chart cast for Washington, D.C. This conversation is important to listen to ~ notice what you hear ~ particularly from young messengers or maidens.
Jupiter in the last Degrees of his Detriment sign of Gemini makes this a big departure week as lots of people will take off rather than dive into the chilly, cooling waters of exalted Cancer next week. Outer planets, even “nice” ones like Jupiter, rattle the bones when they shift signs. Jupiter is at the anarectic degrees of a sign he doesn’t much care for from now until next week when he changes signs. Check in on the depressed people in your world as psychological PIVOTS can be hard on them. Relationships can seemingly blow up out of no place too. The proverbial straw that broke the camel’s back kind of energy.
Sun enters Cancer to Start the Summer Season: It is the three days of maximum light ~ the Summer Solstice. The Sun appears to stop and station for three days. He’s reached his maximum declination height in the Southern Sky, the Tropic of Cancer. Then Sun turns slowly in the sky and starts to retrace his steps, lower and lower by declination. The days get shorter as the nights get longer, minute by minute, every day from now until fall when they are equal again. The Summer Solstice chart has an enormous amount of water in it, including a water sign rising. As the ancient astrologers used to say “TOO MUCH WATER” ~ it will make for a rainy, soggy summer season. We’ll be very aware of water. The past few years, with Air signs ruling Saturn, Neptune and Jupiter, were dry. Now we’ll have wet… very, very wet… with a grand trine in water with Saturn, Jupiter and Neptune. The Summer Solstice chart, cast for Washington, DC has Uranus and Pluto angular in the first and tenth house respectively, inviting each of us to change how we approach things to move our lives in a different way.
There is Full Moon on Sunday at 2:10 Capricorn/Cancer. It finishes up the New Moon story from December 24, 2011. Full Moons add a whoosh of wisdom to incoming information. Capricorn Moon makes it PRACTICAL wisdom that you can wrap your head around and use in a productive manner.
The Sabian image for the Sun in Cancer is: AN ARCTIC EXPLORER LEADS A REINDEER THROUGH ICY CANYONS. Lynda Hill’s interpretation of the symbol is
Commentary: ‘An Arctic Explorer Leads a Reindeer Through Icy Canyons’ shows a situation of risk and hard slog to get to a destination. There are two elements here: the ‘Arctic Explorer’ who is prepared to seek out new possibilities even at great risk to his life, and the ‘Reindeer’ who may have been quite content where it was, but does not have the possibility (or the imagination) to find new pastures or the will to assert its own desires. They have become dependent upon each other for mutual success and survival. There is no way of knowing exactly what is going to happen or if they will reach their objective. The ‘Reindeer’ may regret being roped into this endeavor, but what has been started can’t be abandoned or stopped mid-journey. It is actually the ‘Reindeer’ that is naturally suited to these conditions, enabling it to push onward when the ‘Explorer’ finds it too difficult.
Oracle: It is through adapting to changing needs in the environment and being constantly aware of the difficulties involved that success can be achieved. You need to persevere and progress slowly. There is probably no going back; there may be little value in retracing your steps. Further, there is probably no possibility of stopping as the situation could freeze-up in an instant. You may be surprised by “icy” feelings and cold responses from yourself, or others. However, these “cold winds” may indeed have been building up for some time. Although you may have help from those around you, it is more a time of struggling through an unusual difficulty rather than worrying about creating any proper appearance. Be prepared to use warmth and love, as this will bring more light and joy. Keep going – indeed it may be your only option.
Keywords: Using animal instincts to get through tough times. Facing bad weather and hardship. Following the leader without knowing where one’s going. Unfamiliar surroundings. The point of no return. Being in a cul-de-sac. Being led around by the hand (or the nose). Treading carefully. Icebergs. Glaciers. Snow and ice. Risky ventures. The Titanic story.
The Caution: Taking those unfamiliar to the situation and unwittingly heading towards danger. Putting one’s self through hard times when it’s avoidable. Restrictive outlooks on life. Frozen responses. Frigidity. Feeling lost, alone, frozen with fear or forsaken. Willingly going the hard way.
It is easier to sail many thousand miles through cold and storm and cannibals, in a government ship with five hundred men and boys to assist one, than it is to explore the private sea, the Atlantic and Pacific Ocean of one’s being alone. Henry David Thoreau
Patience serves as a protection against wrongs as clothes do against cold. For if you put on more clothes as the cold increases, it will have no power to hurt you. Leonardo da Vinci
If you’re going through hell, keep going. Winston Churchill
A man never reaches that dizzy height of wisdom that he can no longer be led by the nose. Mark Twain
The State with the highest percentage of people who walk to work is Alaska. Trivia net
I believe that Ronald Reagan will someday make this country what it once was… an arctic wilderness. Steve Martin
The Sabian image for the Moon in Capricorn is: THE HUMAN SOUL, IN ITS EAGERNESS FOR NEW EXPERIENCES, SEEKS EMBODIMENT. Lynda Hill’s interpretation of the symbol is
Commentary: ‘The Human Soul, In Its Eagerness For New Experiences, Seeks Embodiment’ is a Symbol of the soul’s longing for self-expression. In our western calendar, this Symbol is highlighted on December 25 each year, on Christ’s birthday. This Symbol reflects the Jesus story in many ways.
Oracle: This Symbol shows that a new level of consciousness is about to reveal and express it’s self. Many parts of yourself are seeking expression and ‘Embodiment’ and there may be a sense of ‘Eagerness’ or urgency in the process. Something ‘New’ is being born, particularly something that’s coming from deep inside of you, and it can feel like nothing is going to stop it from achieving this ‘Embodiment’. You may feel very open to the messages of the world around you, as clues come through to show you how to go about ‘Embodying’ these ‘New Experiences’. There can be unbounded enthusiasm, but it may take some time before what you want can be brought into reality. At first, this is likely to be a quiet time of inner contemplation and outer observance. Regardless of your more immediate, physical circumstances, there is an evolution of understanding going on. This Symbol can point to children wanting to come through into this life along with an unfurling of one’s creativity and projects into physical form. Whatever it represents, this new beginning of life or hope is wanting to come through into conscious manifestation now. This Symbol often brings up issues to do with writing and self-expression. It may be a good idea to keep a diary or to write things down as often ideas will pour out of you. This situation may a fated quality, with some extraordinary outcome just waiting to happen.
Keywords: Inner motivation leading to expansion. Jesus and his disciples. Being “born” quickly. Manifesting one’s desires without concern for consequences. Being “born again”. Feeling like a changed person. The need to drop into the body. Religious and spiritual rebirth. Reincarnation.
The Caution: Denying the growth that’s beckoning in favor of social responsibility. Not leaving when perhaps one should. Having to seek permission to come through any “new gateway” may lead to a loss of faith. Being obsessed about an ideal or idea.
We do not believe in ourselves until someone reveals that deep inside us is something valuable, worth listening to, worthy of our trust, sacred to our touch. Once we believe in ourselves we can risk curiosity, wonder, spontaneous delight or any experience that reveals the human spirit. e. e. Cummings
I count life just as stuff to try the soul’s strength on. Robert Browning
God does not ask about our ability, but our availability. Anon
The act of writing is the act of making soul, alchemy. Gloria Evangelina Anzaldua
The greatest human quest is to know what one must do in order to become a human being. Immanuel Kant
Know your human rights. Be what you came here for. Sting
Get ready to Pivot!
Monday Moon’s day June 17, 2013 finds Moon in companionable Libra with easy flowing closing aspects of a trine to Jupiter for the next two days. Mars works with Uranus to take unusual actions leading to a breakthrough later in the week. Uranus in Aries can be a bit harsh but Mars hedges his bets and presents TWO options, allowing Uranus to choose. Never tell Uranus what to do! Health matters need your attention today. Pluto and Pallas finish up the Finger of God/Goddess begun on June 8 with Pallas’ aspect to Saturn. A long, slow, and meditative Finger, you can EXPECT 180 Degree PIVOTs ~ or some kind of evolutionary break through today. Vesta suggests you don’t need all that you have gathered so share it with others. Love isn’t love till you pass it around. A sudden or unexpected death or loss can rattle your insides. On some level, you knew it was coming. On another level, it was unanticipated. Mercury’s hard aspect with Neptune pushes you to say something you’ve been thinking for a while even if you aren’t sure how the other person is going to take it. It is time to stop nurturing a situation that is tiresome, has grown old or doesn’t fit quite the same way it used to any more. It’s okay. They are ready to move on or change things up too. Start the conversation with your vision of where you want to go. Moon in Libra has stressful aspects with Pluto and Uranus toward the end of the day, inviting you to partner with change and evolution. Venus is still out of bounds so suggest things that might not normally fly. Today they might say yes. Mars has had it with being indecisive about things but isn’t quite clear what he wants to do to change things. Tell him to be a bit more patient. Soon the path will be clear. Keep options open.
Mars’ day Tuesday June 18, 2013 Moon in Libra continues to focus us on relationships. Lots of declination aspects with Venus, Vesta, Jupiter and the Sun make today especially positive for doing deals, saying yes, and negotiating your future. Venus forms a harsh aspect with Juno suggesting you take a different, less emotional approach to partnering with whoever. Stay focused on how to accomplish what you want. The aspects are all about “YES” so say yes to anything that appeals even if you are not sure how you are going to do it all. By day’s end, you’ll figure out how you are going to get it all done. And you can get it all done too!
Mercury’s Day Wednesday June 19, 2013 finds Moon in intense Scorpio even as she forms a productive trine with Saturn and Neptune pulling along the “YES” from yesterday into a firm commitment of HOW YES happens. Moon has a productive closing aspect of a union with Mercury giving her words to express her deepest feelings. Or to FEEL her deepest feelings! Sun joins with Jupiter to start a brand new year long cycle of creativity. Take time today to review how far you’ve come since last year when Sun and Jupiter met up on May 13, 2012. Now they meeting up at 28°Ge32’ to ensure your brand new year blooms and helps your ego’s needs integrate with the community and your wider relationships. You will continue to release your old life even as the new life comes in. Venus squabbles with Neptune with the result that the scales drop from her eyes. Both Venus and you can see clearly now. EXPECT 180 Degree PIVOT. Mars argues with Chiron so you can actually SEE how your wound has helped or hindered you in taking action around your life. Understand the bad part was actually for the greater good of your soul’s growth. EXPECT 180 Degree PIVOT. There can be difficult news about children with the Nodal aspects to the Black Moon Lillith. Venus doesn’t want to continue to labor away at situations that seem to refuse to change. Venus returns in bounds… time to take the skills she acquired while free styling and apply them to the rest of your life. You know what you want. Don’t be afraid to embrace it.
Thursday Jupiter’s day June 20, 2013 finds Moon in Scorpio, void in the afternoon. Uranus works with Pallas and brings you some whopper dreams! Moon trines Venus, Vesta and Mercury right before going void to encourage them to go for the greater transformation journey. Moon in Scorpio knows going deeper is the profound opportunity we each have to evolve. Before that happens, Vesta squares Eris and gets all hot and bothered. Take the disturbing dreams and look below the surface to see what is going on. Venus links up with Jupiter to create an abundant energy force for change. Mars seems to find a rocket fuel to get him to complete outstanding projects today. Stand back~ rockets are ready to launch him (and you) into a new chapter. Just a bit more untethering needs to happen. You will have to leave your comfort zone to do it… feel the anxiety and do it any way! Mercury and Venus link up later in the night to start a new creative and love cycle. EXPECT 180 Degree PIVOT.
Venus’ Day Friday June 21, 2013 finds Moon in Sagittarius with an overdoing opposition to Jupiter as the closing aspect. Try to stay focused even if it seems difficult to ground yourself. There is lots of energy flying around. Sun entered Cancer on June 21, 2013 at 01:03:57 am EDT to officially start summer! Sun pauses for three days high in the sky! The Solstice ~ literally Sun stopped ~ offers us an opportunity to use the maximum power of the Sun to illuminate our lives. Venus squares Eris, and gets ALL RILED up, emotionally. Venus is practically sputtering! Eris serves a lovely purpose by inviting us to understand our envy and where we sabotage ourselves by looking at what others have or do rather than focusing on our own path. No self-envy either ~ where you put yourself down for what you’ve accomplished. Own the process. Own the envy. Name the envy if you feel it coming from others. You don’t have to hide your light under a barrel any more. Venus joins forces with Mars to forcefully express her desire (the one fueled by Eris troublemaking apple rolling). Others might be surprised by your vehemence. No worries how you got here. You are here at last. Expect PIVOTS. Neutralize the envy with gratitude. Pallas has a stressful aspect to Apollon making it hard for her to stand clearly and firmly in her truth. But it IS her truth. And claim it both she and you must. You can’t live a lie. Or a life that is not your own any more.
Saturn’s day Saturday June 22, 2013 finds Moon continuing in overdoing Sagittarius. It is a difficult night of dreams as Moon argues with Uranus, causing restlessness and squabbles with Mars. She knows what she has to do but just does NOT want to do it. Sun is presented with a difficult choices about how to proceed as he aspects the Nodes of Fate. A difficult choice but Sun knows he must make it. Be brave and make the choice that supports your vision! Ceres enters Leo to play creatively and nurture you until August 28, 2013. We are talking HIGH CREATIVE and ADVANCED PLAY MODE. Allow the impossible to be possible. Ceres is still out of bounds so she can help you reach the sky. Astraea aspects the Nodes of Fate and pushes at you to heal the situation before you. Shower it with love and gratitude for what it taught you. Thank it and move on. If it wasn’t for this, you wouldn’t be where you are right now. Venus links up with Vesta and starts a new cycle around how to nurture yourself in your heart’s desire, how to create a nest that supports the dream you have for your life. Mars stimulates changes around the home that are long overdue. You have the energy to kick butt and take names so push the energy a bit to get where you want to go.
Sun’s day Sunday June 23, 2013 finds Moon in Capricorn with a separating closing aspect of an opposition to Venus. Mars makes a fated choice by aspecting the Nodes ~ he reminds you that you gotta do what you gotta do! MAKE a 180 Degree PIVOT ~ you can do it! Chiron’s argument with Pallas helps you see the patterns in your life. If you don’t like them, change. Just don’t do it any more! Yes, it is that easy. No whining! EXPECT 180 Degree PIVOT. Sun joins with Hades offering a deeper ability to go places where you have never been before. Allow the depth diving emotionally to happen….let it allow you to be carried to where you need to go. Health matters need tending to… you didn’t handle it before so NOW you need to hop on it. Pallas’ trine to Zeus allows the wisdom of her father to enlighten and inform her. Pallas takes a detached approach to situations that get other people all bent out of shape. Now is no different. She’s taking the information she figured out as the Apex of the Finger of God and informing her father of what he or perhaps she needs to do next. It is a great day to plan things. There is a Full Moon that ties the story from December 24, 2011 and September 22, 2012 together with now. You can see clearly now.
Anne’s Four Radio Shows Recap: Listen in to the podcasts via ITunes or by the website links.
Anne’s Weekly Weather: A new season begins with Sun entering Cancer! Mars makes fated decisions this week. Venus comes in from out of bounds and meets up with Mercury to share! Ceres starts to play creatively and seriously!
Scorpios Talking: Michael and Anne talked about phase 1 versus phase 2 changes.
The Mary Anne Show: Mary has a doctor’s appointment so no show!
Access Astrology: Tune in Wednesday night at 11 pm. On Fire Island, I had trouble getting my hotspot to work and Mark had trouble logging into the switchboard so the show was a short 11 minutes. We’ll do better this week!
Venus Unplugged: Llorraine Neithardt with Venus lessons for all!! For Jungians, dreamers, poets and visionaries this podcast helps with your individuation.
Request of my New York Readers:
We are still waiting for the New York state legislature to vote on the Trafficking Victims Protection Justice Act. Legislation passes when many voices join the chorus. Please consider sending a letter to your State Senator or Assembly Person to urge them to vote for Trafficking Victims Protection Justice Act, A.2240a/S.2135a.
Thanks to those of you who signed the petition for the New York State Legislature, the Trafficking Victims Protection Justice Act.
If you didn’t sign it yet, please consider adding your signature to the chorus of people asking for a change in the law.
Among other things, it removes the criminal penalty for prostitution for young women between ages of 16 and 18. It offers them treatment and support systems. Instead of being arrested and turned back over to their pimps, they are classified as trafficking victims coerced into sexual acts.
For the past few years, I’ve been having Pluto transit my natal Mars in my 11th house of other people’s children. As a result, I’ve been meeting quite a few people who work to prevent Sex and Child trafficking ~ a very Pluto/ Mars kind of business ~ as well as a number of people, both men and women, who were trafficked as children, teenagers or adults.
New York State has 300,000 children trafficked through it every year. We have international borders and are a major point of entry into the United States.
If you want to learn what the Trafficking Victims Protection Justice Act is,
click on this link.
If you want to do more, you can write to the Governor and Leaders of the Senate and Assembly. Their information is contained in the link below:
Copyright © 2013 A. C. Ortelee