Weekly Weather June 11, 2012

Weekly Weather June 11, 2012.









Today’s mighty oak is just yesterday’s nut that held its ground.

The eclipses are leaving! The eclipses are leaving!


The Sun and Moon slowly separate from the Full Moon eclipse. The Moon gets narrower and thinner every night as it moves through the late night sky. We release the tensions, the crazies, the stuckness, the shocks, the endings, and the scariness of the last few weeks. At last, at last we can feel things are starting to shift, evolve, change and move. It isn’t QUITE time yet, but we can feel, deep below our inner being, the surfacing call of the evolving energy to change, emerge and grow.



Like everything, we are not perfect. We have the feeling there should be more to us, more of us, more to who we are, of it ~ whatever we need or want. As we leave the place where we are now, we are reminded that human love is imperfect. That imperfection, of course, makes us love and want love all the more. We are complicated creatures. Perpetual works in progress, we believe that it is not so impossible. That belief, that is it not so impossible, quietly, silently encourages us to not stop, not finish, to keep going, fueled by the dream of our soul and described by our chart.


Over the next few weeks, we will be planting acorns that will grow to become the mighty oaks of our future. Think about what you want to plant. Figure out what you want to grow. We are entering a new chapter. Look at the oak tree ~ it grew from an acorn, many years ago. If you had talked to that acorn back 20, 30, 40, 50 or more years ago when it first sent up a shoot to find the sunlight the conversation might have gone something like this:


You: “So do you actually BELIEVE you might, someday, be a big, tall, strong oak tree?


Acorn: “Well…. It is not so impossible….”









Way back then, the acorn started to do what acorns do. It sprouted. It grew. It turned toward the Sunlight. It drank the rain. It danced in the wind. It processed the light into energy. It ran sap down and up its body. It pulled nutrients out of the earth using its roots. It dreamed in the Moon light. It shivered when winter came. It flinched when deer chewed on its leaves. It smiled when birds nested in it. It giggled when squirrels ran up its trunk. The days and nights turned into months and years, slowly, slowly, shifting. And, one day, it was an oak tree! How did that happen?


Our charts describe the acorn of our soul’s longing. Our actions in the world, described by our chart, support our growth and lead us on the path toward our soul’s longing. We have to trust the process. We have to show up and do the work. We have to be the acorn in our own lives. If we live our chart, all the parts of it encouraged, embraced and asked to do their utmost, our natal potential, as described by our chart, will emerge just like the acorn turned into the oak tree. It is a perfect and beautiful system. But like the acorn, we have to keep saying to ourselves “It is not so impossible!” Or, more simply, it is possible. Be brave. If it is in your heart, it is in your chart.



Our week ahead features Jupiter entering Gemini ~ shooting sprouts of life out and upwards toward the sun. Sure, the energy is still fragile, tender, ~ even bunnies could chew those tender leaves right off the plant. Our job is to protect, nurture and encourage our little acorn dreams to grow into what they can become. It is time to say yes to our heart and our being. We each start a new 12 year cycle in our Gemini house ~ expanding our ideas, thoughts, communications, connections, writing, projects and relationships with our siblings, suro-siblings, step-siblings, aunts, uncles and cousins. This area of our life, takes root and thrusts forward, toward the heavens with optimism. And perhaps we feel a bit overwhelmed as there is SO much to do.



Saturn is at the degree of his station, pushing us forward and carrying us back in time as he pivots on the 22 degree. He’s hovering around 22 Libra for most of May, June and July ~ pushing us to get clear on what we value about our relationships, partnerships and asking us what we are willing to work for.



Mercury is quite busy, making many aspects as he moves through the sign of Cancer. He’s emotional and emotive when in Cancer. That is not a bad thing but you may find yourself bursting into tears at the least stimulation.



Chiron stations and turns to go retrograde on Tuesday, following in Neptune’s path from last week. Chiron will be moving backwards until mid-November, tracing over the area he’s been traveling since February 21, 2012. We’ll have an opportunity to revise, revisit and start to heal the hurts and woundings that took place since mid-February.


Void Moons This Week
Lots of LONNNNGGGG Void Moons this week so kick back, relax and focus on the dreams.
6:41 am EDT June 11, Monday to 12:21 am EDT June 12, Tuesday
All Day Long Void Moon


11:09 pm EDT June 14, Wednesday to 12:22pm EDT June 14 Thursday
Night and Morning Long Void Moon


8:09 am EDT June 16, EDT Saturday to 1:24 am EDT June 17, Sunday
All Day Long Void Moon


The balance of the Days will be posted Monday. I am having “re-entry- post- vacation- problems!” I want to play, play, play… but it is time to do my Saturn and work, work, work…


Copyright © 2012. A. C. Ortelee