Weekly Weather July 16, 2007

Weekly Weather July 16, 2007

It is what we astrologers call an “interesting” week on earth. Watch for the quiet moments of ‘clicks’ and ‘ah-has’ that take place in the week ahead. I want you paying close attention to what goes on this week. Watch Monday’s actions and emotions to understand the lessons life has tried to teach you during the past couple of years as the Moon in Leo occults Saturn. Watch Wednesday to see what Saturn in Virgo will be bringing you. Watch Friday for the opportunity to make last minute adjustments to get situations resolved before they crystallize back into a final form. While there are no “outstanding” aspects, the type of aspects during the week are all around illumination ~ the Sun ~ and ‘getting it’ ~ Mercury moving forward through his retrograde positions in Cancer. It is a settling energy of sorts ~ like after you repot a plant and water it for the first time. The water lets you see where the dirt isn’t quite even or full enough as it carries the loose earth into the hidden empty spots around the plant. You can throw a bit more earth in the gaps. Throw a bit more earth in your gaps this week. It is that kind of energy.

As Saturn and Neptune move further apart, we’ll start to see the structures that are changing or have changed in our lives for what they truly are. They are old or outdated or don’t work for us in quite the way they used to. They served us for a time. They served us very well in fact. They allowed us to grow and bloom into the person we see in the mirror. Now, this VERY week, as Saturn moves a full 2 degrees away from his opposition to Neptune, separating into the next chapter of his future, we’ll have the last part of our structures collapse. The EMOTIONAL parts will collapse! Structures collapse into a cloud of dust and emotional energy before us. Additionally, Saturn moves into a contraparallel aspect with Neptune on Tuesday so the emotional fall out from the trees falling in your life takes place this week.

I know, you thought you’ve been DOING the emotional work all along. Nope. You’ve been doing the get it figured out and deal with it emotional work ~ which is exhausting enough in its own right. This week, your emotional work is about the bigger picture underlying what you’ve been working on while Saturn went through Leo. It is about facing the “emotional consequences”, so to speak, of what you’ve managed to create in your lives. Cry if you need to. Understand your tears for what they are. They represent the energy of the last tree falling in the forest, completing the cycle of change in your life. All during a quiet little week in July.

Get emotional support for yourself. Be aware and watch out for those old addictions that comfort the soul loneliness and existential sorrows we each and every one of us face as being part of the human race ~ drugs, alcohol, food, sex, cigarettes, anger, depression or work. No hiding out in them! Feel the energetic shift for what it is. No using the escapes to escape what you have to do. Face your Saturn. Face the existential components in your life during the week ahead. Understand what your path in this lifetime is. Adjust to your path. Understand the despair it can bring as well as the joy. Embrace Saturn. Greet him like an old friend. Yep, and it all takes place during a quiet little week in July.

Monday, Venus argues with Chiron as Saturn and the Sun have fussy aspect between each other. Sun is in a 12th house approach to Saturn, kind of the cosmic blind spot of every situation. Can you see how you created this situation by either, as the Catholic in me likes to say, “Omission or Commission?” Let’s not talk about right or wrong. Let’s talk omission or commission. We are not worrying about sins per sea here. We are interested in seeing the consequences of your actions for what they are. The old you reap what you sow by the choices you make, or fail to make, in any given set of circumstances. Besides if there is no hurt, there is no sin. But this hurts! So there must be a sin in there some place. Go and look for it. Omission or Commission? All you have to do going forward is do it or not do it.

Tuesday, Saturn forms a contraparallel aspect with Neptune. This acts as an emotional and volatile opposition between the big fellows who have been cutting down and wiping out the trees in your forest. The physical changes observed here on earth often correspond to the actual zodiac oppositions of which there were three ~ the end of August 2006, end of Feb 2007 and end of June 2007. The declination oppositions are more “heightened” here on planet earth. They also affect the stock markets, emotion driven markets and matters. Yesterday, Moon joined with Saturn by declination and occulted him at the same time. Be gentle with yourself and all you meet today. We are each growing and some times growth hurts.

Wednesday, Mars is inconjunct to Juno suggesting partnerships and agreements between folks are under a great deal of stress. Adjustments need to be made! You are part of a bigger picture here ~ step back and look at it. Sun has difficult aspects to retrograde Sagittarius Jupiter so we THINK we need to be fiery, righteous and passionate but actually we want to crawl under a rock and have someone else take care of it for us. No such luck. You made the mess you are in and you have to fix it yourself. Moon in Virgo sets the stage for your upcoming future when Saturn is in Virgo. Now Virgo, on a good day, is about preparation, self improvement and methodical growth. On a bad day, she‘s only picky and critical (and correct but who cares!). While the technicalities of any given situation are possibly with you, the devil is NOT in the details. The devil is in the intent. Always the intent. Back to omission and commission.

Thursday, we continue with our Omission and Commission story. Omission is the stuff you leave out of the story because you believed it is hurtful to the person or that they would freak out if you mentioned it or because it doesn‘t make your side look good. Commission is the stuff you actually DID that you are not supposed to do. While a point can be made for the Catholic ability to get you caught in a sin coming or going, omission often seem a bit worse to my mind. Omissions include an element of betrayal which kind of wraps itself around the sin. Venus has an aspect with the node that highlights the omission part ~ Venus in Virgo, drawing to a station soon and not a gal to miss much will catch on to things today. Mercury’s aspect to Neptune is also unpleasant and reveals something unknown or not perhaps previously noticed. Sun has an adjusting aspect to Pluto where even the most indulgent person can be a bit prone to snap and get snarly based on bad behaviors. Chiron has a hard aspect to Ceres recently irritated by Mars’ conjunction to her. It’s a hard day on planet Earth. And, there is a big void moon so you can get completely carried away with yourselves.

Friday, Sun joins with Mercury by declination to make a profound decision (see omission and commission and the issue they represent in your life) as Mars says pull the trigger to set off an explosion with Uranus. Mercury in Cancer has a supportive aspect to the North Node ~ time to move forward. You’ve spent enough time talking. Action needs to be taken.

Saturn’s day, Mercury has aspects to Chiron and Vesta ~ suggesting a wound around home and hearth needs tending to. Can you make your home a bit more of a beautiful and peaceful place for your soul? Mars has a strong aspect of brilliance to Pallas. Pallas is riding near in the sky to Uranus so unusual approaches can be taken to get over any last minute hurdles.

Sunday, Mars has a profound war like aspect with Pluto by declination as he aspects the North node in a form of brilliance. This suggests your
strategy needs to be pursue
d for whatever karmic reason your actions took you to this place in time. Now, remember Mars IS in stubborn, fixed, earth Taurus while Pluto is in over the top, self righteous and litigious Sagittarius. It is a bit about playing by the rules (or the intended rules) as opposed to saying it is your ball and you are going to take your ball and go home. As one of my teachers used to say, “You can sue whoever you want to sue, but it doesn’t mean you are going to win.” The Scorpio moon is a nasty one and going to cause fireworks starting early next week as she’ll pick up the energy from Mars and Pluto’s declination aspect today. Heels are going to dig in. Review Omission and Commission. Intent is where it is at ~ hurt is what makes it a sin.

Mundane: Can you believe dear Harriet Myers, attorney, former White House Counsel to the President, one of George’s office wives and a proposed nominee for the Supreme Court, completely blew off her subpoenaed appearance before Congress? She didn’t show up. She didn’t send her lawyer. Heck, she didn’t even send her regrets in a note or make a can’t make it fellas phone call. Gotta love those Bushies. They make the rules up as they go along! What do you mean I have to play by your rules? Says WHO? Going to be interesting to see what Congress does with the aspects taking place this week.

On the other hand, a friend sent me a wonderful op-ed piece from the Denver Post by an attorney with the US Department of Justice. There is at least one grown up in the administration! Please read it and send it to your friends as well as your members of Congress. http://www.denverpost.com/opinion/ci_6308408

Copyright © 2007 Anne Ortelee