Weekly Weather January 7, 2008

Weekly Weather January 7, 2008

Our new year begins in earnest this week! Happy 2008! And it is a ONE year ~ new beginnings all around us. New beginnings abound!! And, for the first time in a fairly long while, we actually have cooperative, productive aspects. So let us all make sure to take advantage of the heavens offering us goodies this week and make sure to get busy!!!

First up, Mercury moves out of Capricorn and into Aquarius on Monday. Expect brilliant ideas and fascinating things to arrive on your doorstep, mail box, inbox, email account and phone message box now that Mercury’s moved into Aquarius. FOLLOW UP!!! Or initiate! Or do something! This is a terrrrriiiiffic week to launch new stuff! Yes, launch even if Mars is retrograde ~ the new stuff is going to evolve like the rest of your life does. Just get it out into the world! ~ retrogrades are part of life too! At least get a working prototype out to the world. Go for it! Label it a draft so you can revise it down the road when you want to!

Second, Venus joins with Juno, suggesting new partnerships start with things that are profitable, helping you grow, evolve or change. You are not your mother, your father, your family or your past. You are your current YOU ~ whatever you’ve grown to become! What are you? Who are you? I received an interesting email from two very creative friends, Wura and Ana, who wrote of watching a movie where one of the characters asks: why are we so afraid to try new things? Every day when we wake up we experience a new morning, it’s never the same, it’s always a first, and we’re not afraid of morning. So they and two other artists began the year with the creation of a new calendar which complements their project of making art for 366 days ~ a painting or sculpture or writing or whatever new wants to emerge. Each of the four artists is taking the quadrant of the day they love the most and blogging about their creative process. Read more about their project and the things they create at http://penzitspronouncedpants.blogspot.com/

What you partner with, especially with Venus involved, especially when she is in fire, change, expand, Sagittarius, you create! What do you want to partner with as Juno in Sagittarius invites you to partner with your fire, your spark, your passion, your vision of your life? What do you want to create? As Venus joins with Juno, the asteroid of partnerships, they BOTH starts a new cycle of creative partnerships! Off you go into your future. What can you commit to Venus and Juno (and maybe ask a friend or three to hold you accountable, laugh and play with) to do each and every day, to partner with, to co-create your future? It doesn’t have to be big ~ it has to be about creation. Creating the new in your life. Creation is about making something. My dictionary says Creation is 1. the bringing of something into existence; 2. earth and its inhabitants: the world and everything on it; 3. something created by somebody: a product of human imagination or invention. You create your life anew every day when the sun rises again in the east! You are part of Creation! Create!

Third, right behind the conjunction of Venus and Juno and the movement of Mercury into the brilliance of Aquarius‘s all seeing detachment, we have a lovely new moon at 17:33 Capricorn on Tuesday. New Moons are New Beginnings. It is a very amazing New Moon as everything in the chart relates back to exalted Mercury in Aquarius and Saturn in Virgo. Read the New Moon report on this site for more information on the energy. It promises to be a fun, creative, profitable and productive Moon. It has a collection of planets clustered in late Sagittarius, Capricorn, and Aquarius ~ where ever that powerful bundle of energy ends up in YOUR chart is going to be super charged with new beginnings. Begin 525,600 minutes of new beginnings on this New Moon!


The lunation trines the Virgo eclipse from last September bringing up solutions to problems which surfaced back then. Mars meanders backwards, still out of bounds, still retrograde but NOW, because Mars is in Gemini until the end of the month, he’s in a much better frame of mind! Mars is ruled by that brilliant Mercury in Aquarius instead of crabby Moon based Cancer! Mars is not feeling so whiny, scared or needy. Mars is feeling visionary, brilliant, wild, wily, smart, creative and clear eyed. And Mars is!

So back you go to when Mars entered his shadow, last September 15, right after the Virgo/Pisces eclipses. Dare to dream now. You weren‘t quite ready to take advantage of creating your life because of what was going on back then. There were too many things drawing your attention, distracting you or not clear yet. Now, you are clear eyed and a bit more ready. Clear eyed and ready ~ what a great combination! So, forward you go, in a backwards kind of way until the end of the month when Mars goes direct, to clean up, redo, remix, restart, revisit projects or dreams from September. Get it all organized for going forward at the end of the month when Mars turns direct. Vision your big picture!!! Or at least keep it in the back of your mind.

And do a bit, each and every day, like my friends Wura and Ana are doing to create your future. They are wonderful artists so creation of art IS their work. But, truth be told, we are all wonderful artists who create, consciously or unconsciously, our own lives by our choices and actions. We each are the artists of our lives. Start to take a little creative action each and every day to move toward your 13 year plan from the Jupiter/ Pluto conjunction a few weeks back. What you partner with, you create. It is as easy as that!

And, just to prove you ARE your mother’s child ~ even as you are your own self too ~ remember what she used to say when she didn’t like one of your friends? Do you have a friend (and your ‘friend’ can be your cigarettes, drugs, drink, food or playing endless games of solitaire on your computer) you are wishing you could separate from and maybe not spend so much time with? You are about to be judged by what and where you choose to spend your time! Pluto is moving into Capricorn. We are all going to be much more accountable ~ for everything ~ once THAT transition happens.

People spend time with and on the things they love. What do you love? Can you spend more time with what you love? Can you spend less time with the difficult or not such great friend of yours? Can you spend less time with the not loved parts of your life? I’d put any negative self talk or friends who talk harshly toward you in that pile. And maybe any harshness towards your soul’s purpose too! You incarnated to be the best version of the heavens you could be. What is it? What is the best version of you you can be?

Remember the issue with Saturn in Virgo is we can be very, very critical of who, whom, where, how, when and what we are. We are who we are. If we don’t like who we are, every Virgo worth her salt can tell you, it only takes a moment to make a teeny, tiny change. Change a bit here and voila, it gets the ball rolling. And the rest of the change can often take care of itself.

The positive version of Virgo assesses how ripe her tomatoes are. The positive version of Virgo knows what to do with the different versions of tomato ripeness before her ~ eat them, cook them, can them or let them sit on the vine a bit more. The negative version of Virgo yells at the tomatoes to ripen already and stop being so darned green! Are you yelling at your unripe tomatoes? Do you think that helps your tomato to ripen? What do you love? Can you spend more time with what you love today instead of shouting at your tomatoes?

Monday. Are you yelling at your unripe tomatoes? Do you think that helps the tomato ripen? Mercury enters Aquarius today ~ shifting out of rule and earth bound Capricorn to flying high, brilliant air Aquarius where he can conjure, plan, crea
te and plot to his heart&rsq
uo;s content. There are a number of very stressful yet interesting aspects with Mercury today as he leaves Capricorn. He’s having conversations with his brother the Sun by declination about how he wants to shine and with Pluto about his skills and talents that he wants to take out into the world. Listen to Mercury’s messages today.

Tuesday. Read the New Moon column on the site for extra insight on how to work with the energy of the New Moon. Begin 1, 30, 300, 1001, or 525,600 things today. Begin! What do you love? Can you spend more time with that today instead of shouting at your unripe tomatoes? Mercury’s aspect of brilliance with Uranus might look like a mistake but it is actually a profound revelation! Watch for all things that appear to be mistakes and transform them into miracles!

Wednesday. Are you STILL yelling at your unripe tomatoes? Do you think that helps the tomato to ripen? What do you love? Can you spend more time doing what you love today instead of shouting at your tomatoes? Venus has rather harsh aspects. Are you being your own worst critic? What does that get you? Mercury has a gift of brilliance to Saturn and Mars. As Ana and Wura noted why are we so afraid to try new things? Every day when we wake up we experience a new morning, it’s never the same, it’s always a first, and we’re not afraid of morning. Move past your fears to your hopes. Move to your loves. Act from the place that you love to be. It is that easy. That said, Mercury has a message for you about the ease of creation when you are in your center, especially when you are in your soul’s or charts creative center. Create? Create. Create! CREATE! C-R-E-A-T-E!!!!

Thursday. Are you yelling at your unripe tomatoes again? What do you love? Can you spend more time with what you love today instead of shouting at your tomatoes? Not much in the way of aspects except the Aquarius Moon has an eclipse with Neptune. If you didn’t sleep too well last night, can you act on your dreams’ messages to you? If you did sleep well, watch what happens around your creative ideas today. The moon is pushing you forward. Leave those unripe tomatoes alone!

Friday. Yelling at tomatoes? Do you think that helps ANY tomato to ripen? What do you love? Actually, today IS a day when we might want to shout at our tomatoes. Or maybe not ~ maybe we understand that ripe tomatoes take time, Sun, soil, water and a good patch of earth. Venus has sextile aspects with Chiron while Vesta sextiles Juno. And Venus and Vesta are talking to each other as are Juno and Chiron. These four energies in Aquarius and Sagittarius are chatting back and forth, planning and creating. Can you give yourself some time today to listen to their advice? Can you create a space of time to love yourself, right where you are? At the level of ripeness you are at? Can you settle down for a moment and let the creative forces of the universe wash over you? Light a candle, or look at light and take a deep breathe. Mercury has an aspect to Venus sending all his brilliance into her being and thus spreading it among Chiron, Juno, and Vesta. Mercury and the Sun are involved with magnifying energies today ~ good or bad they are active.

Saturn’s day ~ so what do you love? Can you spend more time with that today? Venus squares Uranus causing a break in the energy of creation. Or perhaps a breakthrough. There is a somewhat cranky energy between Mars and the way we’ve always done it gal Vesta. Gotta remember ~ Vesta is charged with keep the hearth. She has to bank the coals properly, in the traditional way, or the fire goes out. She’s not big on changes. She doesn’t want the fire she tends to go out. Everything changes.You can too. Sun has a fabulous aspect for letting go of a bad old behavior you want to release ~ it will drift out of your life like it never existed. It will burn out and be an dead ember in the fireplace. We both know it existed. But today is a day to let things leave your life forever, if you’d like them to. It is a day to let the fire go out. And if you do, it or they will be gone~ the combination is like magic.Or like water on a hot ember ~ and then the fire is gone.

Sunday, Mercury needs to adjust. Right after bi-quintiles, the inconjunct appears in aspect order. I always think of it as being an interesting concept ~ first the gift and then the anxiety from the gift appears asking us to deal with the other guy’s reaction or maybe our own reaction to having the previously unnoticed skill. Adjust. Adjust. Adjust! Regulate. Tinker. Modify. Alter. Fiddle with. Fine tune. Bend. Amend. Tweak. Tinker. Tweak. Are you yelling at your unripe tomatoes? Do you think that helps your tomato to ripen? What do you love? Can you spend more time with what you love today instead of shouting at your unripe tomatoes? When I was in my first ever astrology class, I would go home and read, rather obsessively, on the topic(s) we‘d covered. I’d return to class the next week, loaded with zillions of questions. Astrology was my Mozart, my bi-quintiles, my passion, my obsession and ultimately an enormous gift and now my career!

However, there was Another Student, a bit of a curmudgeon, who sat on the couch with me. She would bark at me “Now WHERE did you get THAT from?” whenever I asked a question, especially the ones that came from my readings. She was a Triple Virgo ~ trust me, they can shout at their tomatoes or at least their fellow students! In a quiet moment with my teacher, he gently pointed out that Triple Virgo did that barking /shouting thing with every one in the class, not only to me. So I watched Triple Virgo bark and shout for a bit. And, sure enough, my teacher was right. Triple Virgo did bark and shout at lots of other people in our class. I’d only noticed her doing it to me! So I learned to not let people, particulary Triple, Double or Single Virgos, barking and shouting at me about my astrology bother me. I share this story because that might happen to you today. So if someone shouts at you today as you do something you love, smile at them and go on doing what you love. Saturn is very active today. Maybe that shouting and rather cranky curmudgeon before you is working out their own stuff which has absolutely nothing to do with you at all! Or maybe they like to shout at their tomatoes. You, however, are doing what you love. Ignore them.

Mundane: A few weeks back, our number two in the USA State Department, John Negroponte, went to Pakistan for a visit with the powers that be. I joked to a friend, “Oh, great, NOW we’ll have death squads in Pakistan! Whereever dear old “black bridge” goes death squads appear!” Well, it feels like the world wide chess game got a bit wilder with Benzair Bhutto‘s assassination! These folks don’t mess around. Better a crazy guy we control with nukes and a mustache than a woman returning from exile to lead her country out of the darkness and wildness of military rule. As the south node entered Leo, the sign of kings, queens and leaders, we lost her.

I think it is fascinating that Bhutto’s 19 year old son, or Sun, will be taking over the political party of the family. Her son, of course, was profoundly affected by the recent eclipses. They are the same eclipses that took place when he was in the uterus of his Mother. Any pre-natal eclipses activated mark major turning points in our lives! And, now, at the return of the eclipses 19 years later, he lost his mother. And the upcoming series of eclipses? Well, the Sun and Moon are on the Sabian Image of “A Man Unmasked.” We live in interesting times.

Copyright © 2008 Anne Ortelee