Weekly Weather November 19, 2012
The eclipses are here! The eclipses are here! The New Moon Solar Eclipse last Tuesday is more intense and quite a bit nastier than eclipses usually are.
The Solar eclipse is actually all about intense feminine energy ~ the eclipse takes place with the South Node on Algol, the head of the Gorgon snake headed Medusa. Perseus’ holds her head in his hand after he slayed Medusa using Athena’s shield. In the eclipse chart cast for Washington, D.C., the Ascendant is on Algol. According to Bernadette Brady in her book Star and Planet Combinations; “Algol ascending on the Node represents the intense or sexual elements within one’s community. It gives voice to the passion of the common people, to be interested in the sexual, passionate life of society. Sexuality or scandal in the news.” Algol is on the South Node which removes things, property, people and situations. Algol is a binary star which blinks every 68 hours as the eye of the beheaded Medusa stares at us from above. Every 2.86 days, she is eclipsed for 10 hours and her magnitude changes from 2.3 to 3.5. When her eyes are dark, she is at her worst. Her eyes are dark during the eclipse.
Algol was called the Head of the Demon and the wife of the Devil. The Chinese word translates as “Piled up Corpses”. In Talmudic Law, the star was the first wife of Adam, Lilith. Lilith refused to be submissive to Adam’s needs and fled paradise to be the demon of the wind. She was considered a curse as she commanded sexual pleasure and was the cause of male wet dreams. Algol came to embody everything that men feared in the darker aspect of the feminine. Algol is not the mother face of the goddess but rather the passionate lover or the whore. She is female kundalini energy. This star contains immense female passion and power or the potential power of Mother Nature, strong but not evil. Most astrologers agree she is associated with hanging, beheading, death by loss of one’s head, and other demonic deeds that can befall humans.
Barbara Black Koltuv writes in her book “The Book of Lilith”; Eve, destined to be the mother of all those who live and made from Adam’s own rib, was not as powerful or primordial as Lilith, who Adam now meets only at night with nocturnal erections as he lies dreaming. And there is the snare of Lilith’s vengeful murderous rage of which man must ever be more wary.
Algol is the wild, raw, frightening face of the outraged feminine which has been labeled as evil. It represents a consuming passion that may devour you with anger and rages. If one can contain the unconscious compulsion to take revenge and focus that passion into a more productive outcome, Algol is one of the most powerful stars in the sky! She can drive you to great heights too! Whatever planet it affects in your chart will be charged with strong, internal pulses of creation and longing. Sexual energy has the potential to be wonderful or if that energy is repressed or thwarted, the driven sexual energy will lead to rage or violence. Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned… Into the news, right on schedule with Algol’s eclipse, arrive scandals with General Petraeus and Elmo from Sesame Street. The new CEO of the NY Times is challenged and his authority threatened by the unfolding BBC pedophile scandal. You can’t make this stuff up!
The election took place and Romney went home. The conservative pundits all were shaking their white haired heads at the shift in the demographics of the voters. You can’t insult over half the population and threaten their reproductive freedoms and expect them to vote for you… The eclipse energy has been running since Sandy the Storm (who officially has to be a FEMALE Sandy with that level of passion from the skies under this eclipse). Threaten to kill Big Bird, and the kids all turn out to vote and save Sesame Street. Call 47 percent of the population slackers when they actually work hard for a living, and they vote for the other guy too. I am VERY pleased to be incorrect in my prediction that the Mercury retrograde would help Romney. I love to be wrong! However, the voting machine lines DO need to be fixed! And I loved that George Bush voted for Obama! By mistake but vote Democrat he did… those ballots can even confuse Republicans.
Now we are in the middle period between two eclipses. Twice a year, the Sun and Moon meet up for drinks and dinner in the heavens, at the Dragon’s Café. Last week we had a Total Solar Eclipse on November 13 where the Sun and Moon join forces and decide to take a ride on the Dragon’s Head. The eclipse lasted 4:03 minutes which means the effect will translate to an effect of 4 years and about a month. The eclipse is in the Southern Hemisphere, visible in Australia, New Zealand and over a wide patch of the Pacific Ocean. Eclipses bring hidden things to light. The eclipse at 21:56 Scorpio has the Sun and Moon’s ruler, Mars, out of bounds in Sagittarius and smack on the Galactic Center of the Milky Way. Expect your ESP and psychic gifts to be very activated by the energy flying around in the heavens. Expect to hear, see or find out hidden news. Your Solar purpose is activated, expanding and growing the information received under the eclipse. You will be asked to make important choices about your life direction. The South Node in Taurus calls us to let go of what we no longer value or desire. Send it off with confidence that you are doing what is right for your soul.
The New Moon Solar Eclipse Sabian image is HUNTERS PROTECTED BY HEAVY CLOTHING ARE SHOOTING WILD DUCKS. Lynda Hill’s interpretation of the eclipse image is:
Commentary: ‘Hunters Protected by Heavy Clothing are Shooting Wild Ducks’ is an image that brings to mind people taking unfair advantage of smaller beings. The ‘Hunters Heavy Clothing’ implies that they may be wearing camouflage in order to hide from the ‘Ducks’, or they are somehow protected by their “garb” as they are ‘Hunting’ their prey. This ‘Protective Clothing’ can make their prey an easy target. If the ‘Hunters’ are ‘Shooting Wild Ducks’ in order to make a living or to be able to eat, then the ‘Shooting’ seems to be more justified, or acceptable, than if they are just doing it for sport.
Oracle: Sometimes there is the need for an outlet for aggressive emotions. Doing so in groups gives this some sense of acceptability, but is it ever really socially acceptable? If there is a clear cut reason for this “shooting party”, such as survival or food, this action may be seen as a necessary part of life. However, this often shows innocent people or those not able to protect themselves being picked on, or their lives being threatened. Bullying can take many forms, as can violence. It doesn’t have to manifest as actual physical violence, but can be done on a mental or emotional level. Be careful not to get into the line of fire in this situation, as things might get out of control quickly, leaving you, and possibly others, in a vulnerable position. The ‘Heavy Clothing’ can imply that being rather invisible protects the ‘Hunters’. They may wear some type of masking apparel or be protected by screens such as having an important job or role in society. Perhaps they are in the armed forces and commit atrocities in the name of war. Their ‘Heavy Clothing’ can camouflage the fact that they are picking on people that are in defenseless positions; indeed they may get away with it successfully. Protecting yourself and others with a barrier of white light may serve to take the charge out of what’s going on.
Keywords: Satiating one’s aggressive desires. Being able to hit the mark. Putting up with violence in one’s life, whether physical, mental, spiritual or emotional. Road, and other, types of rage. The armed services and their responsibilities. War. Terrorism in its many forms. Camouflage. The armed forces. Armaments.
The Caution: Exploitation of those who are more vulnerable. Taking unfair advantage of the innocent or the less experienced. Feeling like a sitting duck. Nowhere to run or hide. Hormones running rampant. Mindless violence. War crimes tribunals. Gang warfare. Indiscriminate actions.
When a man wants to murder a tiger he calls it sport; when a tiger wants to murder him, he calls it ferocity. George Bernard Shaw
There are many humorous things in the world: among them the white man’s notion that he is less savage than the other savages. Mark Twain
Always behave like a duck-keep calm and unruffled on the surface but paddle like the devil underneath. Jacob Braude
The coward threatens when he is safe. Goethe
What constitutes a real, live human being is more of a mystery than ever these days, and men-each one of whom is a valuable, unique experiment on the part of nature – are shot down wholesale. Hermann Hesse
Have a heart that never hardens, and a temper that never tires, and a touch that never hurts. Charles Dickens
There is no decent place to stand in a massacre, but if a woman takes your hand, then go and stand with her. Leonard Cohen
Last week, Mrs. Drabinski died so my column never was finished. She was perfectly fine on Saturday and not feeling great on Sunday so she spent the day in bed. She was found on her bedroom floor Monday morning at 7:55 am in a pool of blood with part of her leg hanging on the dresser edge, by her daughter, Debbie. Mrs. D. had MSRA, the flesh eating bacteria. Rushed to the hospital and offered the “choice” of amputation of both her legs mid-thigh and the removal of her buttocks with a low probability of survival or certain death in 24 hours, she choose certain death. She was dead at noon. Four hours and five minutes matching the timing factor of the eclipse’s four minutes five seconds.. . sometimes astrology is scary.
My mother died when I was 28 and my sister Mary was 23. Mrs. D became my sister’s “second mother”. Debbie is her best friend for the past 35 years, starting when they met as college roommates and fellow basketball players. Now, in Florida, everyone lives about a mile from each other, celebrating holidays, partying, laughing and golfing together as an extended family of choice. We all think that Debbie and my sister Mary were actually twins separated by birth as in born to different mothers, befitting their Gemini nature. Debbie and Mary are Frick and Frack with numerous capers (my personal favorite was the Great Pizza Robbery), adventures, winning state golf championships, and all types of stories. Their husbands are solid friends and golfing buddies. After Mrs. D was widowed, she moved from Elmira to Florida to retire and live near her daughter and Phil. My sister said to me “It was like watching mom die again.” as she and Bruce sat with Debbie and Phil waiting as Mrs. D died over that long four hours. Debbie’s Moon, her mother, was 22 Taurus on the South Node of the eclipse.
As befits her Taurus rising, exalted Venus in Pisces, Full Moon chart, Mrs. D used to spend her Full Moon nights helping the sea turtles find their way to Great Mother Ocean. Baby turtles follow the light of the Full Moon to their home in the water. With our brightly lit world, the turtles hatch on the beach to only get confused and head toward the lights on land. Working with her turtle rescue group, Mrs. D. would hold black canvases behind the hatching baby turtles so they could follow the Moonlight, not the car lights, toward their new home in the sea. Joan Drabinski died on a dark moon as the eclipse approached but I have no doubt that she found her way home, guided by the bright light of the stars. Please add her and her family to your prayers.
Of course, LAST week was chock full of stuff…. The New Moon Solar eclipse happened on Tuesday November 13 at 5:08 pm EST. The Sun offered you a choice of direction as he met up with the Nodes of Fate by declination and Mercury squared Neptune for the second of three passes on Tuesday helping you see something you had not noticed before. Mercury entered Scorpio, moving backwards after waking you up from a sound sleep on Wednesday night. Mercury’s declination aspect to Neptune swells the emotions as you see patterns you never noticed before as the Sun met with Pallas at 22 of water energy. Chiron stationed and turned from retrograde to direct… injuring several reader’s feet! Chiron also made us aware of our vulnerability, mortality and the fragility of our lives as he stopped at 4:58 Pisces… trine to Saturn at 4 of Scorpio ~ the reminder of death from seemingly innocent foot infections.
Last Thursday, Venus opposed Eris bringing the angry feminine to the forefront of our world. Venus and Eris are both setting off, by difficult adjusting aspect the eclipse. Relationship drama and trauma. Hygeia squares the node of fate asking us to clarify and cleanse the old wounds once again. Venus had an adjusting aspect to Pallas so she saw things she REALLY didn’t want to see. Saturn’s inconjunct to Uranus asks us to rebuild our internal and external structures ~ or tear them down. We need to adjust our reality.
Last Friday Mercury was asked to make a fated choice and move in a new direction as he aspected the eclipse nodes while moving backwards. Revise, revisit, redo…. All the “re” words about communications and connections are part of the Mercury retrograde energy. Saturn asked you to figure out which things you are actually in the mood to heal and which others need to be bulldozed from your life…FOREVER. These are FOREVER DECISIONS. Also on Friday night, Mars entered Capricorn, the sign of his exaltation for 40 days of dedicated, accomplished work. Mars is STILL OUT OF BOUNDS until December 10 but he’s not so fire based and flaring. Now Mars is sitting down and getting to work.
Last weekend was super busy with Saturday offering you a choice as Mercury caught up with the North Node of Fate and carried you off in a new direction as you rode the Dragon’s head. New adventures await and invite you! Mars has a fertile and productive aspect to Neptune ~ creating soft and juicy containment for plowing the fields and working on your dreams. Sun connects with the North Node of Fate introducing you to a new direction and helping you release a direction that no longer works for you. On Sunday, Mercury was quite active and busy with aspects to Neptune, Uranus, Cupido, and Jupiter delivering all types of information to you. Venus had difficult aspects with the Nodes of Fate suggesting that you are not seeing the world in quite the same way you used to. And perhaps it is that something which used to be of value to you, isn’t of value or is no longer working quite as well as it used to. No worries. A new and better solution will appear.
Our week ahead is a three page week ~ full, full, full ~ especially the beginning part. Sun changes signs and leaves the swamp to fly high and fast in passionate, excitable Sagittarius for 30 days. Sun, with a new bright and shiny light stimulates, with a blast or flare up of flame, several situations that you might prefer to leave in the dark. It isn’t going to happen. Eclipses make things POP! We are STILL in the middle of the eclipse period, approaching the Full Moon in Gemini and awakening the story from May 2011.
Mercury, moving backwards in Scorpio, goes over the old territory to get it right. He also wakes up ghosts and brings them back to life. He’s full of all sorts of secrets and totally in the mood to gossip and dish those secrets out. Ceres, moving retrograde, goes out of bounds, making the nurturing principle a bit over the top in extremes ~ watch out for over eating and over drugging or over drinking ~ comforting, but also quite possibly bad habits are whispering in your ear. I watched a young, thin woman buy two pints of ice cream, a small pumpkin pie, cheesecake, several candy bars and a few cookies. I ALMOST said “Ah, going to have a sugar binge eh?” but decided to keep silent. On some level, we all know what we are doing even if we can’t quite keep ourselves from doing it.
Venus in the last degrees of Libra is stimulating, one more time, last January and February and the end of September and early October. Venus also wakes up 1982-83 for one more dance around the mulberry bush of Saturn in Libra. Last chance to reach out and change the past! Or talk to it to make amends and start a new and different chapter. Venus dives into Scorpio on Wednesday to complete, with a bang, our final bits of Saturn in Libra. She’s the last planet to leave Saturn in Libra behind for Scorpio territory. She has a fond memory or two that she wants to review with you. Then she’ll take one last look around the room, turn off the lights, close and lock the door. She’s done ruling Saturn in Libra for the next 29 years. Off into Scorpio’s passion she goes.
Mars in early Capricorn will be fighting with everyone as he passes through the gauntlet of the early degrees this week. THINK MEAN and NEW boss. He comes in and EVERYONE has to prove themselves, AGAIN! You are only as good as your last sale, baby cakes. And as far as Mars is concerned, you don’t HAVE a last sale with HIM! As Mars rules Saturn in Scorpio, we begin the true work of Saturn in Scorpio starting next week when Mars links up with Pluto in Capricorn to start the two year mini-cycle of evolution and revolution. After this week, the die is cast and all planets start on their new missions with Mars, Saturn, Pluto and Uranus. Gonna be mighty fun and evolutionary, revolutionary and change filled. Get your stuff finished and OUT THE DOOR!! You won’t have an extra bit of time to do the old stuff once Mars starts barking orders and instructions at you.
Pallas stations at 22 Pisces to turn direct ~ trine to the Sun, you can’t help but see your patterns. Patterns are made to be seen and then changed. You can do it! Just a bit of consciousness applied and VOILA! Kind of like adding cinnamon to coffee ~ it makes it just the teeny, tiniest bit better… but better it is.
Void Moons This Week
Void Tuesday Nov 20 2012 at 09:32:32 am EST to Moon Enters Pisces on Nov 20 2012 at 11:56:04 am EST
Void Thursday Nov 22 2012 at 01:32:56 am EST to Moon Enters Aries on Nov 22 2012 at 08:12:39 pm EST
Void on Friday Nov 23 2012 at 08:35:34 pm EST to Moon enters Taurus on Sunday Nov 25 2012 at 07:19:21 am EST
Moon is Void all Day Saturday, November 24, 2012
Moon’s day, Monday November 19 finds Moon in Aquarius with a closing aspect of a square to the Sun in Scorpio marking a hard time or departure that is painful and requires letting go. Vesta’s square to Pallas offers each of us an opportunity to change a situation that we might have not handled very well. Vesta’s square in Gemini suggests there are two sides to every story and you might listen to this new story that you haven’t heard yet. Or ask if there is anything else to consider. Listen carefully. Mercury’s retrograde aspect to the Nodes suggests there is more to be noticed. Venus has a harsh aspect to Admetos suggesting a situation is finished. Venus at the back end of Libra is wrapping up the last 29 years of energy around relationships before she departs for Scorpio. Your job is to understand Venus’ role in your life. Reflect back on the past three years and what you’ve learned about love, life, desire and relationships. Venus is the last to leave Libra for Scorpio so for the next few days, she wants you to get clear and understand the bigger picture. Then she will turn off the Libra lights, and head off to join the rest of the planets in Scorpio. Last chance. Get clear. Tell it to yourself as if you were telling it to someone who never heard your story before. What is the cliff notes version? Who would play you in a movie of your life? What’s the walk away? How do you want them to remember your story? Attention will be paid! Can you see how your upbringing brought you to this place? Can you see how to change it? How do YOU want to remember the story? Ceres encourages you to nurture a new song, story or vision of your life. Ceres joins with the Nodes of Fate. Whatever we nourish, nurture and pay attention to grows. Sun joins with Ceres by declination encouraging you to nurture that which you want to grow. Mercury’s aspect to Pallas points out the patterns. You may not know how to change them, exactly, but knowing the pattern is the important part.
Tuesday Mars day November 20 finds Moon in Aquarius in the morning, void, and then entering Pisces for the afternoon and the next few days with a lovely closing aspect of a trine to Mercury retrograde. The holidays will be filled with reminiscences that make you laugh and cry. Mars argues with Ceres so it can feel like you are more alone than usual. Venus’ various aspects today remind you how important love and connection are. Venus is still in the last degrees of Libra, bringing back the stories from January and February as well as September and October. Swing back in memory to 1982-83 to gather other ideas or ways of looking at the energy. Mercury is inconjunct to Eris so tempers can be short or words a bit harsh. Understanding Venus in the last degrees of Libra helps soften the energy. No right or wrong here. Just have some compassion. Have compassion for yourself and others. Is there a way to mend the situation or adjust it? Are there words that need to be said? Pallas stations today at 22 Pisces stimulating all the knowledge we acquired over the past year of stations at 22. Wrap it up today. Find a new way to carry it forward. Shift the pattern ever so slightly…. Even capital letters count… Lisa posted this cartoon on face book. See what a slight shift does?
Wednesday Mercury’s day November 21 finds Moon swirling in Pisces. Today is a busy day. Sun enters Sagittarius for the next 30 days, lightening up the story with a new, illuminated focus ~ your ego’s desires change considerably. Venus enters Scorpio and thus completely shifting the energy of desire and passion. Venus moves into a sextile relationship with that strong Mars in Capricorn… Venus and Mars are dancing and waltzing, exchanging information about what still needs to be covered while Mars rules Saturn’s journey through Scorpio over the next three years. In terms of your Mars spread sheet from the summer, we are at back at Labor Day Weekend, September 1 and 2. Saturday I received a lovely red amber necklace for my birthday and found a terrific statue of Mercury while flea marketing with the Gill clan. According to my notes for Sunday, I had a huge water bug in my bathtub which flew in the window right after I argued with someone about bad versus good shamans, Lucifer, the Devil and pestilence. I took the huge water bug as a sign that Mars in Scorpio or Pluto in Capricorn or the devil agreed with me! The shadow had appeared! My shadow had appeared. So, I apologized to the person involved. Forces bigger than me were at work! Labor Day’s story can appear in your life today as the planets swirl and move into new positions. All perfect and each and every one is part of the story of your life. Ceres joins with Hades to bring up situations you thought were dead, buried or gone. Mercury’s semi sextile to Juno asks you to think about the communications you have and the patterns in them. How do you blind side or self-sabotage or annihilate relationships that are important to you by repeating bad patterns over and over? Interested in a change of heart?
Thursday, Jupiter’s day November 22 finds the Moon in Pisces void most of the day, making it a sentimental connected kind of energy even if it is deeply affecting. Mercury’s parallel to Venus suggests you want to connect with those you love and miss. Sun’s square to Neptune is freeing and inspiring ~ perhaps people come out of hiding. Or you see them in a new light. Or maybe you see something you had not seen before. Venus’ trine to Neptune offers a bigger and more expansive viewpoint of how to move forward in the world. Her recent entry into Scorpio sets off the Grand Trine in Water one more time, washing over Ceres and Saturn with a surge of energy as she sends her waves across the swamp. There can be irritation about or around the home based on excluding others. Mercury’s sesquiquadrate to Uranus pushes you to reconnect or renegotiate the terms of a relationship into a new format. Juno connects with Cupido ~ make sure to spend time with your family of choice. You never know how long you have. I keep reverting back to Mrs. D and knowing you’ll be dead in a few hours. Who would you call? What would you do? The scene in the Wizard of Oz where Dorothy is locked in the tower with the Sand hourglass comes flying back. In that case, Toto saved her. In Mrs. D’s case, no salvation. What would you do? Who would you call? So do it. Call them already. What are you Thankful for? Make sure to thank it! Thank them! Tell them you love them!
Friday Venus’ day November 23 has Moon in Aries hunting, hunting, hunting. So appropriate on Black Friday when the stores go crazy and are filled with shoppers. Is it just me or has this year completely flown by? How can it be the day after Thanksgiving already? Mars has a square to Uranus as he approaches Pluto so we can expect a bit of violence erupting under this energy and over the weekend. Change your patterns. Pluto has an inconjunct to the Black Moon Lilith offering us an opportunity to embrace the passionate feminine at her strongest or adjust our reaction to her. Venus’ trines Ceres ~ surging more and more water into the Grand Trine of deep feeling. No you are not going to be swamped but you are going to be clear about what is important to you. Mars asks you to be patient with yourself as he sextiles Chiron. Time to let the shame or embarrassment go. To soothe the wound. To be kind. To give the other person a break or a reconsideration. To give yourself as reconsideration or a break. We are all messy rooms some place in our charts. Adjust to allow yourself some breathing room and space. Venus’ trine to Hades suggests you want to think twice before going backwards to the old way but you can go forward in a new way.
Saturn’s day Saturday November 24 find Moon VOID in Aries so what you hunt, hunt, hunt for today will NOT be the right size, style, type or used. So no hunting and bringing it home. You CAN do research. This is a daylong void moon. Nothing good will come of it. Wrap what you bought yesterday. Address your Christmas cards. Put up the tree. Do things that are useful but NOT things you want to have come to fruition. You can work on projects that need tending to… just not initiating things. Mercury union with Saturn brings an element of sadness or somber connection to the day. Vesta opposite Juno suggests it is a good day to move out or move on in relationships. Decisions are being made. Venus is approaching her union with Saturn so people are serious about commitments and taxes. Mars is quite productive and able to accomplish a great deal even under the Void Moon as he is working with Saturn in a growing and accomplishing sextile.
Sun’s day, Sunday November 25 finds the Moon in Taurus with a closing opposition to Mercury. Venus is inconjunct to Uranus waking you up out of a sound sleep with a start and a bad dream. Saturn has a sesquiquadrate to Vesta offering some structural opportunity to change or challenge things around your house and home. Make sure to nurture or care for yourself today. Moon has a number of productive AND challenging aspects to Venus, Saturn, Mars and Pluto especially in the late afternoon and early evening. So watch what happens very carefully. Pay attention and learn. Venus’ trine to Chiron suggests a long aching wound can finally be healed.
Lynda Hill’s work appears with her permission. Check it out at Sabiansymbols.com
Copyright © 2012 A.C. Ortelee