Weekly Weather February 27, 2006 to March 5, 2006

Weekly Weather February 27, 2006 to March 5, 2006
We have quite a week ahead of us! For all of you who have been patiently (or not patiently) waiting for your traffic jam to be over, watch, listen and pay attention to the events over the next seven days. Forward we go! At last! Remember it is STILL a time of extreme mutability. Do not take bubbles popping personally. It is the nature of bubbles. Make more and more bubbles using your wand and the magic bubble water. Change is in the air.
In order of occurrence, not your awareness nor the impact nor strength as the aspects form above and help change your life, we have a New Moon right in front of Uranus on Monday. The moon joins Uranus two hours later ~ a fraction of a second in cosmic time. Tuesday has oodles of aspects ~ movement, movement, and more movement, including Mercury squaring Pluto! Wednesday, the Sun joins with Uranus. Thursday features Mercury’s station and the begin of his retrograde, right on top of Pluto. Friday we rest ~ well not really, as the moon in Taurus is going to bring up all sorts of stuff, probably pretty icky STUCK stuff from the past so we can emotionally process it, release ourselves and move on. Frankly, I am SO sick of emotionally processing stuff I could just spit! Aren‘t you? Saturday, Jupiter stations to go retrograde until July AND Mercury squares Pluto. Yep, that is TWICE IN the SAME WEEK, sandwiching Mercury’s STATION. Mercury fighting and arguing with Pluto brings consciousness. It might be ugly but it IS consciousness. Sunday, Venus leaves conservative Capricorn (yeah!) goes into free spirited Aquarius, turning very mutable herself as Pisces Uranus rules her energy instead of cranky, retrograde Saturn in Leo!
Next to last but certainly not least, our exceptionally volatile Mars goes out of bounds at the end of the week, saying all bets are off and he is free to do what he wants if he wants when he wants and you can‘t stop him or hold him back, until May 17th or so. Finally, we are in the winds of a very large emotional lunar eclipse, evoking memories of Spring 1988 in our late Virgo/Pisces and early Aries/Libra houses. The description for the eclipse in “The Eagle and the Lark” by Bernadette Brady is “Inventiveness and flashes of genius are the hallmark of this eclipse series. The individual will have intuitive leaps, insights, good ideas, visions or vivid dreams. The newfound inspiration will pull the person away from his or her social life or relationship thereby causing strain in the private life. This is a time when the person needs to be free, if only for a few weeks.” The eclipse occurs later in the month almost on the point where Mercury squares Pluto on Tuesday, Saturday and stations on Thursday.
Wow oh wow oh wow. So where to begin? I have absolutely no clue! That is NOT a good sign as I am supposed to write a column about the week‘s cosmic events. One of the most interesting parts about being an astrologer is understanding and appreciating all the stuff you DON‘T know. I am continually amazed at the magnificence of the heavens when aspects form to describe and mirror events in taking place in my clients’ lives. Any ONE of the week’s aspects is a big deal! Having ALL of them occur in SUCH a compact time period makes it virtually impossible to predict what is going to happen EXCEPT to say that it will be a VERY IMPORTANT WEEK.
Having all the aspects take place as Pluto and the eclipses are on the Galactic Center of the Universe means our dear little green and blue earth world is going to change. It means our lives are going to change. On some level, we have been hoping and working and wishing for the changes that are about to arrive. Haven’t you felt like you have been evolving into a new and yet unknown form as the fixed cross pushed and pulled at you all fall?
Monday, our new moon at nine Pisces sits right before Uranus, marking a brand new beginning. All planets and points between 4 and 10 in your chart will feel the energy of the powerful new sun, moon and Uranian beginning. Sun aspects Pluto, Uranus and Athena today suggesting energy around transformation, chaos, change and brilliant ideas. Go sit on Mother Earth ~ visit a favorite rock, hug a tree, or take a walk in nature. Have a chat with her (or a supportive mother figure in your life) about what you want to change, create and start in your life. It is a good way to work with the Jupiter quintile Ceres energy by collaborating with creation energy and asking it for help.
Tuesday, Mercury squares Pluto and sextiles Venus saying to take ONE-step toward your future by doing ONE thing. Make a list of “what to do” on bright red paper and put it in a prominent place. If you look at the whole PILE of changes, you will be completely overwhelmed. However, systematically, item by item, Today, Wednesday and every day forward, just do ONE thing. Set a timer for 15 minutes. Do it. Cross a task off the list. Conscious evolution. Today, there is a very strong possibility of a fight being picked deliberately and ON purpose. I would encourage you not to fight back. See what happens when you change your response to the provoker. Let them sit in their angry, cranky, crabby energy.
Wednesday, our Sun appears to join forces with Uranus. Uranus operates as a transpersonal planet and delivers Promethean fire and lightening bolts into our lives. An idea, possibly exceptionally far fetched or way over the top of what you believe is possible for you, will appear in your mind today. Please act on it! Just do an itty-bitty act on it. Remember the bubbles? Make a bubble of it. Even if you have absolutely NO idea where it will take you. Especially if it speaks gently to or about the issue you have been struggling with since August. I know you are going to find a bunch of reasons why you JUST CAN’T. Take those last two letters off and JUST CAN. The last two letters are the fear speaking to you. Now listen to the healthy part of you, the part that has been struggling SO hard all fall, the part that wants to evolve ~ that‘s the part that had the idea. It finally talked to you! Ask the healthy part of you questions. Try it what it says. Act as if all is possible. You learned to walk. Now, THAT was HARD! You can do this. Only your mind says you can’t. Besides, don’t you do it already for all your friends and family?
Thursday, Mercury stations, gloriously squaring Pluto. Be cautious around written and verbal communications. Understand profound research, connections and solutions can appear during the retrograde as Mercury moves back in the mutable, changing sign of Pisces. Be careful what you wish for and do make a wish or three! The life you have now was created by your belief systems of what you deserved. If you want a change in your future, now is the time to look at your old belief systems. Do you see how your life matches your beliefs ~ especially the ones locked down in Fall 1982 to Spring 1983?
Friday Mars trines Chiron asking us to reframe, rephrase, or present options to ourselves as we look at our wounding and most primal tribal fears. So what or who is YOUR tribe? What would the tribe you would call your own look like? Visioning the tribe you want is your first step toward creating it. Add to your red list from Tuesday. I know, yesterday, you did not do anything on your red list. It was a hard day. So do TWO things today. Set your alarm for two 15-minute chunks. The moon is in Taurus. All sorts of swampy stuck icky emotions will swirl today and tomorrow as the moon tries to clear it.
Saturday Jupiter stations and Mercury passes Pluto retrograde. If you feel like collapsing in a puddle of tears and sobbing, please give yourself permission to do so. Cold washcloth on your face reduces the red puffy swelling and makes you somewhat presentable. Oh, the hell with presentable. Just go out looking ugly. No one is going to notice. They are crying. The story is NOT over. Tears are a relief and release. Now you know.
Sunday, Venus leaves Capricorn and enters Aquarius. Suddenly our desire gal who has been holding it all together for the sake of the relationship, family, religion, tradition, history, conservative path, has a brand new outlook! Venus is leaving conservative, follow the rules Saturn in Leo and dancing off into creative, freewheeling, community oriented Aquarius. Dig out a phone number of an old friend from your past, give them a call for a chat, and catch up. Mars goes out of bounds by declination, aspects out of bounds Vesta as Mercury quintiles Mars suggesting you reread a pivotal book or look at the stuff in your house to begin anew. Reactivate a long deferred dream.
Mars will be out of bounds until May 17th or so. Mars out of bounds means he has passed the parameters of the Sun’s ecliptic in the northern part of the earth. As Mars is in Gemini and has oodles of aspects all month, look to your Aries and Scorpio houses and the placement of your natal Mars to see where your life can expand out of all proportion to where it has been! Push your own boundaries, and consciously please. The entire world will be over the top, quite literally, as Mars is over the top of the Sun‘s path. Ego and Consciousness will be suppressed by Power Over or Might Makes Right. Do remember Power Over or Might Makes Right works as long as you agree to play by the rules or they fall asleep. Watch out for lies, misconceptions and deceptions. Truth takes a minute. Truth is startling and clear in it‘s simplicity and power.
In an email exchange last week, a dear Capricorn friend noted on perspective: “We say the glass is half empty or the glass is half full. Hey, maybe the glass is just too big?” It got me to thinking (she is, after all, a Capricorn) maybe the glass is too small? Why don’t we ever look at the GLASS instead of bemoaning the quantity or quality of its contents? Is your glass cracked? Or chipped? Support the changes coming in your life and our world by using different shaped and sized glasses all week! (Not much else you can do except duck!) Perhaps a teacup or a sherry glass? Maybe the cute little melted butter holders saved for future romantic lobster dinners that you never use. A measuring cup to see EXACTLY HOW much or a child’s sippy cup to hide the contents? Forward we go!
Mundane: My H5N1 bird flu obsession is active.
Copyright © 2006 Anne C. Ortelee