Weekly Weather February 17, 2014


Weekly Weather February 17, 2014 

I will be speaking on “Tertiary Progressions” at The Great Lakes Astrology Conference in Ann Arbor, Michigan on April 11 to 13, 2014.  The Early Bird Special of $230 is extended to February 28 for all my students. There is a group rate of six full conferences for the cost of five. To register with the early bird rate contact, Richard Weber at (734) 434 0804.  For information on the conference and the excellent line up of speakers: http://greatlakesastrology.com/









“There is a vitality, a life force, a quickening that is translated through you into action, and there is only one of you in all time. This expression is unique, and if you block it, it will never exist through any other medium; and be lost. The world will not have it.

It is not your business to determine how good it is, not how it compares with other expressions. It is your business to keep it yours clearly and directly, to keep the channel open. You have to keep open and aware directly to the urges that motivate you. Keep the channel open.    ~Martha Graham

Baby being born1











Been kind of wild over here on Planet Anne ~ fortunately, things seem to be slowing down a touch. At least I was able to finish the Weekly Weather column this week!  Woo-Hoo! Neptune got off the ruler of my writing house and planets as Mars got off my Neptune!  That Cardinal Cross is all over my Nodes of Fate and setting off my chart. As my mother used to say “She’s been busier than a one armed paper hanger.”   Hanging wall paper definitely requires two arms! And an assistant or three!

Cardinal Crosses bring up the imagery of being drawn and quartered. Crosses are formed by four planets staring at each other across the heavens and having a fight. Cardinal planets are action oriented folks~ they don’t sit around. They all think they should be in charge! The four planets in this Cross are harder energies to work with ~ Pluto, Uranus, Jupiter (retrograde) and, soon again, Mars.  Sure Venus WAS in there but she’s moved on to greener pastures.

Back to drawn and quartered.  In the old days, they would tie four ropes around a person’s arms and legs that were then attached to four horses. The horses would be startled into galloping off ~ tearing the person into four parts. It is why the imagery of the apocalypse involves the four horse men galloping into different directions! Once you see drawn and quartered or think about it, you don’t soon forget it! Cardinal Crosses pull you in all four directions depending on which houses they land in.  Over the next two months, the Cardinal Cross will tighten up so we’ll be pulled in four contrary directions.  Astrologer Mark Wolz has a much friendlier image than four horses pulling you into pieces but it requires a bit of extra effort on your part!

Think of the Cardinal Cross as the four blades of a propeller.  Obviously, if you stand near the business end of the propeller, it is similar to being drawn and quartered. Ask any bird that wanders into a spinning propeller! However, IF you stand in the middle of the four propeller blades ~ centered, focused, still and clear, at the center of the swirling energy, those same four blades can help you fly.

We can swing between drawn and quartered ~ pulled in four opposing directions ~ and centered, focused and flying.  We can swing multiple times a day, ~ in and out, back and forth… so pay attention.  Stay centered, focused, still and clear to be able to fly.  Besides, the other way hurts too much!









The Week’s Planetary Highlights 

Sun enters Pisces on Tuesday Feb 18, 2014 starting the last 30 days of Winter right after he aspects the Nodes of Fate at 29:59 Libra/Aries.  Focus on your various dreams of relationship!  The North Node traveling backwards through Libra for the next year and a half will bring you the relationship(s), partnerships and companions of your dreams! Sun works with Mercury and Neptune this week clarifying what you actually WANT!  Clarity at LAST! It is about time!

Mercury retrogrades in Aquarius through Feb 28. Back up your computers. Double check all data and information.  Mercury’s playing with Neptune this week so watch for water on your electronic devices. Water, water everywhere ~ England, snow, rain, emotional revelations and breakthroughs or rather SEEP throughs!!  Soggy to your core. Mercury squares Saturn so you can get a NO on February 19 ~ just ask another person! Keep asking!  No discouragement!  Or ask again after Mercury goes direct on Feb 28.

Venus squares Eris on Feb 23, 2014 so the Goddess of Love is fighting with the Goddess of Discord ~ it ain’t a particularly happy time in relationships. HOWEVER if you LOOK at the envious place or where the emotional stress is, you’ll get a passel of clarity! Use that clarity to go forward toward whatever it is that you want.  Don’t stew in the envy!  Use the jealousy or envy to motivate and move yourself to a new, better, evolved space.  If someone is envious of YOU, don’t let it stop you from shining your light on the world. As Martha Graham said in the opening quote; “There is only one of you in all time. This expression is unique, and if you block it, it will never exist through any other medium; and be lost. The world will not have it.”  If you block yourself, the world will never have your unique expression!

The Nodes of Fate change signs.  The North Node enters Libra and the South Node enters Aries on Tuesday February 18, 2014 for a year and half, until November 11, 2015.  Remember the Nodes move BACKWARDS through the zodiac ~ from 29 to 0 ~ and represent where we connect with our karma and the important people or events in our lives.

Venus in Capricorn is retracing, for the third time, her path through Capricorn until March 5. Venus says it is time to commit to what you want from partners, relationships, work, finances, loved ones and friends.  Focus on how Venus works for you, even if she’s a bit crabby about her fight with Eris this week, feeling discordant and disagreeable.  The good news is that she is CLEAR about the source of the disagreeable and discordant.

Mars is inconjunct to Admetos on Saturday Feb 22, 2014 even though you might not want to; it is time to end the psychological situation that is driving you crazy. You have to adjust. You have to let it go! There is nothing you can do about it!  So let it go already!  Karma will take care of the matter if where you can’t! Let it go!  So if they steal from you, notice that their house burns down. Trust the karmic process! It works!  It actually works!  Wish them three fold of what they do to you ~ nothing clarifies like knowing if you do something rotten to someone else, you get it back threefold! It keeps your energy crystal clear and your behavior on the clean karmic path.  It is a lovely variation on the Do Unto Others.

Jupiter is dancing opposite to Pluto through April 20, 2014.  The start of the current cycle at the initial conjunction took place on December 11, 2007 at 28:23 Sagittarius which was when Bernie Madoff’s theft broke into our consciousness as well as the start of the financial collapse.  The Jupiter Pluto opposition between now and April’s end portends a major financial correction and collapse, especially during the eclipses in Mid-April. Get your winners off the stock market table NOW and develop a cash stash at home in the event of bank runs. I keep getting emails from my financial clients about the numerous banker suicides in London  ~ what do THEY know that WE don’t know? The City of London has completely UNREGULATED financial markets.  The opening Jupiter Pluto conjunction started the 2008 economic collapse. WE NEVER FIXED IT ~ we printed more money and did “financial easing” courtesy of the Federal Reserve!  Now the Jupiter Pluto opposition arrives to clean up the unfixed mess. We will see what we created, the fruits of our efforts, during the Jupiter Pluto opposition. Tweak and adjust your personal cycle of abundance and creativity. Take your extra money off the stock market table. Don’t let the banksters get your money yet again.  “Too Big to Fail” is such a complete hubris that simply DEMANDS correction…. The Titanic was “unsinkable”.  REPEAT: Get your extra money off the table and out of the stock market.  Develop a cash stash at home in the event of bank runs.

Saturn is pretty quiet this week. He 23 and back stopped at the degrees he was at from December 1984 to January 1985 as well as Fall 1985 and November 1955 so events from those years of your life can be up and dancing in your life. Full steam ahead on every commitment you can make which you are clear about.

Saturn trines Juno on Tuesday Feb 18 2014 offering you a partnership or relationship that you are advised to take!  Say yes to any offer that intrigues you!  Don’t worry about HOW you will do it all… just say yes!

Neptune opposes Pallas allowing you to see the patterns that inhibit you from being or creating the dream in your heart.  See that heart dream and become conscious on Tuesday Feb 18, 2014.  There could be tears too!

Pallas Parallels the North Node of Fate on Sunday Feb 23 2014 offering you yet another chance at your dream!  Go for it! Don’t be a-feared as my godchild says!

Astraea enters Pisces on Sunday Feb 23 2014 so flu and cold season takes off as flying germ filled droplets from neighbors, friends and co-workers spread disease as our emotions want to be healed. Dive into healing activities!


Void Moons in the Week Ahead: When the Moon is Void, it is wise to avoid making important decisions as they tend to be unrealistic, and subject to false starts, errors or unexpected hassles.  Avoid being concerned with things beyond your spiritual center.  It is time for subjective, spiritual and non-materialistic concerns. Kick back, let life flow and center yourself. Connect into your essential oneness with the Universal Forces.

Moon goes void sextile to Saturn on Feb 17, 2014 at 00:05:29 am EST.  Moon enters Libra on Feb 17, 2014 at 01:23:37 pm EST. Moon is void all Monday morning. The next few days Libra Moon kicks cosmic butt~ push and push hard!

Moon goes void joined to Mars on Feb 19, 2014 at 04:53:18 pm EST. Moon enters Scorpio on Feb 19, 2014 at 10:33:56 pm EST.  Moon is void Wednesday evening. The Scorpio Moon days seem to be full of deep emotions that release old patterns for new life and evolution.

Moon goes void joined to Saturn on Feb 21, 2014 at 05:10:39 pm EST.  Moon enters Sagittarius on Feb 22, 2014 at 05:12:43 am EST. Moon is void Friday night.

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The big news of the Week is the North Node shifting signs from Scorpio into Libra and the South Node shifting from Taurus into Aries. The Nodes spend one and a half years in a sign.  The Nodes entered Scorpio and Taurus on August 29, 2012. For the past year and a half, they have been taking us on a deep journey to release things and let go of things in our Taurus house while transforming, merging and evolving things in our Scorpio house. We’ve been Scuba diving into our emotional depths.  We’ve been letting go of that which we no longer need even if we can’t believe we are actually letting it go.

As the Nodes begin their backward journey through Libra and Aries, we’ll be asked to stop being a solo operator, acting as a lone wolf or seeking to wage war with others. We’ll be invited to partner and form connections where we might have been afraid or anxious before. The Scorpio/Taurus axis showed us how to let go of our fearful and stubborn nature to transform, merge and connect deeply.  We still have a bit more of Saturn in Scorpio ahead of us but once the Nodes shift this week, as far as Saturn is concerned, we’ve done the bulk of the psychological work we were supposed to do. Now we have to execute and get it done. Essentially, it is all over but for the epilogue. And what will your epilogue be? Write the draft version this week!












Moon day Monday February 17, 2014  Moon is in Virgo and  goes void sextile to Saturn at 00:05:29 am EST.  Moon enters Libra at 01:23:37 pm EST. Moon is void all morning but still productive and proactive especially in the realm of contracts and connections. You can hear startling news today which you need to pay attention to. Sun’s trine to Vesta encourages changes in your house and home that are fun, easy and beautiful. Clear out the clutter…  It is President’s Day in the USA so many of us have a day off from work to enjoy our lives and productive play time.

Mars Day Tuesday February 18, 2014  Moon is in Libra and goes void joined to Mars making today particularly productive and focused on establishing balance in what you accomplish. Today is the busy, busy day of the week. After a tossing and turning night of sleep, you wake up ready to form new connections in a different way. The Nodes of Fate change signs at 9:50 am EST into Libra and Aries for a year and a half until Nov 11, 2015.  After all the work you’ve done to get clear on what you want to commit to, the Nodes now invite you to commit to the next major chapter of your life. No more solo riding the South Node in Aries… it is all about partnership and relationship with the North Node in Libra. Sun trines the Nodes today so pay attention to what and who you meet as important connections take place.  Not only is the next year and a half of Karma activated today, we start a major cycle of energy with the Trine and sextile of productive relationships from our ego nature to the Nodes.  Sun enters Pisces for 30 days marking the last part of winter. Sun hits the Nodes by declination too ~ lots of departures and arrivals into and out of our lives today. Neptune opposes Pallas so we actually see things clearly and crisply ~ the fog lifts and clears.  Mercury’s semisextile to Juno causes a bit of stress energy around relationships that we take for granted. Express appreciation to those you love, like or enjoy today ~ no taking folks that support and care for you for granted. The keepers of the hearth and home fires would love to hear a gracious thank you and an expression of gratefulness from the heart. Moon in Libra rolls through the tightening Cardinal Cross so watch for the need to break free, the overdoing of spending or exuberance as well as power struggles that seem to emerge out of nowhere. Again, appreciation for what others do for you and your life go a long way today as everyone will be feeling the turbulence with the Nodes and Sun shifting signs.  If stuff ends today, it IS done for good…. time to move on.

Mercury’s Day Wednesday February 19, 2014  Moon goes void joined to Mars  at 04:53:18 pm EST. Moon enters Scorpio at 10:33:56 pm EST.  Moon is void Wednesday evening. Another busy day but a bit calmer than yesterday. Mercury’s active in the night so dreams are active and quite turbulent with comings and goings as well as messages. Mercury’s square to Saturn brings harsh news or an answer of no.  There can be stress around the expression of deep feelings but the feelings must be expressed.  There is more flow and ease to getting tasks accomplished today.  Watch for people who are interested in creating new things or partnering with you.  It will go very easily and be quite productive. Emotions are flowing strongly this evening even if you are not clear what they are all about ~ just a profound sense of emotions around things that are of value to you.

Jupiter’s Day Thursday February 20, 2014  Moon is in Scorpio.  Moon goes void joined to Saturn and occults Saturn so situations ending yesterday, today and tomorrow are REALLY ending. Final, final chapter so to speak with no revisions wanted or needed. In the same way, commitments made ARE going forward.  Sure, they will be tweaked a bit (Mercury is retrograde after all) as Sun’s trine to Ceres in Scorpio pushes the ending energy. Everything ends eventually, even if we don’t want it to end. Today it is easy to push and release things for good. Sun’s parallel to Mercury encourages you to ask for the last concept and idea as you move forward to the next chapter. You might not get it, but at least ask. It gives them a way to open the door down the road apiece. Mercury’s sextile to Eris encourages you to take a slightly different voice, probably a CRABBY and IRRITATED or PROVOCATIVE and DEVILISH voice, around matters you are normally silent about. Use the energy to push for what you want. Eris is not a slouch potato ~ that Gal is CLEAR.  Take any disrespect and go right in on it.  Turn expectations on their head.  Topsy turvy is fine and probably works better than expected.  Uranus has a biquintile aspect to Pallas inviting you to see and transform patterns.  People actually see what you point out.  Or you see what they point out. Clarity is the beginning of change.

Venus’s Day Friday February 21, 2014  Moon goes void joined to Saturn at 05:10:39 pm EST.  Moon is void Friday night. Beginnings and Endings ~ Moon is occulted by Saturn ~ meaning the ending and new beginning right behind it are very important and quite powerful as they link into Saturn and deep emotional structures as reflected by the Moon and Saturn meeting at the same degree of declination.  Moon rules our past lives as well as the emotional seating of this life while Saturn is the karma we are working with in this life time.  Pluto is quintile Juno offering creative and transformative ideas and approaches to partnership ~ on some levels it is almost TOO easy ~ shooting fish in a barrel so to speak.  On the other hand, Pluto demands transformation at the deepest levels, which you are encouraged to explore as the Cardinal Cross tightens in the sky over the next two months ~ drawn and quartered or flying with your propeller? (Actually, it will probably be a bit of both) Mercury connects with the Nodes of Fate by declination bringing important information to your attention and asking you to pay attention to the facts before your eyes.  Sun’s parallel to Neptune helps dissolve things right before your eyes (and brings even more snow and water!) encouraging you to float on the dream in your heart. You can feel a bit overwhelmed with all the fluid flying around in the sky~ ungrounded, unbalanced and in over your head ~ a bit swamped.  Let go and float on the watery and emotional energy.

Saturn’s Day Saturday February 22, 2014  Moon enters Sagittarius at 05:12:43 am EST with a productive closing aspect to Mars making today a great day for leaping tall buildings in a single bound and moving forward in productive partnerships.  Dreams last night were full of interesting images.  Mars asked you to psychologically release an old situation that is not ever going to change. Rather than beating your head against the wall, take a different approach.  Listen to worries being expressed and patterns being explored ~ often for the first time so BE GENTLE! See the mind body and spirit connection with health matters today. They all play a very important role in the situation before you.  Connect the dots! Your body is a temple fueled by what the other wanted  ~ what do YOU want?

Sun’s day Sunday February 23, 2014 Moon is in Sagittarius with a closing aspect of a sextile to Mars making it an emotionally productive and action packed couple of days.  Health matters can swirl around, requesting attention ~ follow up on them.  Astraea enters Pisces until May 21, causing things to be difficult to diagnose and unclear.  Venus, the principle of love and desire fights with Eris the Goddess of Discord and Envy ~ it is NOT easy in the realms of relationships ~ psychologically you are being asked to grow up and deal with issues in an adult manner rather than as a spoiled tantrum throwing child. Or you are asking someone who WANTS to  throw a tantrum to grow up and deal like an adult with the situation.  That is probably the LAST thing you or they want to do BUT if you can use the energy to shift and focus the envy and discord as an inspiration instead of a burden, it has ENORMOUS power available to be harnessed. Pallas connects with the Node Node of Destiny by declination inviting you and all concerned to see the patterns and evolve forward. You can do it!  Don’t be a-feared!  Sun’s union with Neptune allows the scales, delusions and illusions to fall from your and their eyes. At the same time, when you actually SEE it, you might very well be quite depressed.  People are people after all. While you might normally want to see their soul, right now you are seeing them for who they really are!  There is an opportunity to express yourself clearly and precisely in a situation that is important to you  ~ make sure to take advantage of it!


Anne’s Four Radio Shows and Two Recommended Shows Recap:  Listen in to the podcasts via ITunes or by the website links.

Anne’s Weekly Weather:  A quiet week with the Nodes of Fate shifting signs and Sun entering Pisces.  Sun squares Neptune so lots of emotions swirl around.  A week of emotional processing and excess. Mercury retrograde continues to illuminate.  Jupiter Pluto delivers their message. A big financial correction is coming ~ pull money from the market that you know you will need. If you are not in the market, expect a correction, a major one, mid-April 2014.

Scorpios Talking:  Michael was on a very wonderful roll about how to work with the energy when you don’t know what to do…

The Mary Anne Show: Anne and Mary are off this week for President’s Day.  Last week they had fun!

Access Astrology: Heather was flying home from her week in New York. Anne was at a jazz gig at Dizzy’s. Mark didn’t have internet access so there was no Access Astrology this week.

Venus Unplugged: Llorraine Neithardt with Venus lessons for all!! For Jungians, dreamers, poets and visionaries this podcast helps with your individuation.

CG Jung Speaks! There are great readings from Jung! Tune in!  Kendrick Norris, Ph.D. reads excerpts from Jung.  Working on individuating? Listen in!


I will be speaking on “Tertiary Progressions” at The Great Lakes Astrology Conference in Ann Arbor, Michigan on April 11 to 13, 2014.  The Early Bird Special of $230 is extended to February 28 for all my students. There is a group rate of six full conferences for the cost of five. To register with the early bird rate contact, Richard Weber at (734) 434 0804.  For information on the conference and the excellent line up of speakers: http://greatlakesastrology.com/


Our lives are full of relationships!  I taught my very first webinar on Sunday January 19th for ISAR.  My topic was “Planets as People”.  I explored how to determine if a person was in your life for a reason, a season or a lifetime and how to recognize them.  You can purchase the MP4 of the webinar from ISAR. Look for the “Astrology World 2013 and 2014” link to find my webinar recording.  To purchase: http://www.isarastrology.com/etapestry

Copyright© 2014 A.C. Ortelee