Weekl;y Weather December 10, 2012

Weekly Weather December 10, 2012








“In the velvet of the darkness
by the silhouette of silent trees
they are watching, they are waiting
they are witnessing life’s mysteries.”
Loreena McKennitt


Here we go! Our recent eclipse season wraps up and pushes us forward, ready or not, into the boundaries of time which are being tossed about above our heads this week. Uranus stations to go forward, at 4:37 on Thursday. His 5 day pause on either side of the station, stops and asks each of us to awaken.

Awake, awake!

Time for Uranus to move forward again. Uranus stationed on July 13 at 8:32 Aries. He’s been going backwards since then, uncertain if he REALLY wants to foist the needed changes on us. He’s given us a cosmic break so to speak. We’ve settled in and settled down into Saturn in Scorpio. We’ve figured out our relationship status and our work for the time being. Now, with Uranus’ station on Thursday, he goes back and wakes up the story from March 26 when he entered his shadow. Uranus turns to us with a spark of fire twinkling in his eyes and announces it is “Time to move forward and evolve again!”


And you thought the past few months that you were evolving!








Pluto and Uranus are in a long (until 2015), intricate argument about how and when and even IF to evolve and change. Existing power structures are being challenged by the forces of evolution and change. Recently, Pluto and Saturn have been “winning” the argument for a few reasons ~ both are moving forward, in a working aspect with each other, and in mutual reception where they can use the other guy’s skills and talents as if they were their own. The “existing” power structures, in place and operating, have had the cosmic advantage. That starts to change this week as Uranus, mighty powerful pipsqueak that he is, realizes HE’s BEEN LEFT BEHIND and OUT OF THE LOOP. Uranus stops, pivots and hustles to catch up with the others and stir the cosmic pot with chaos and change.

Whenever a planet stops, we become very aware of it. Uranus is the earthquake, lightening bolt cosmic awakener planet. Expect awakenings and earthquakes in your life and around the world. Folks hanging on lightly to life can be shaken free from the tree. Divorce, ah moments!, castrations, departures, awakenings, separations, illuminations, firing, quitting, breakups, and breakthroughs abound this week. Loreena McKennitt’s song “Night Ride Across the Caucasus.” kind of sums up the energy we can expect from Uranus this week as he hurries through the night sky to catch up with the big boys Saturn and Pluto.




Ride on through the night tide on
Ride on through the night tide on

There are visions, there are memories
There are echoes of thundering hooves
There are fires, there is laughter
There’s the sound of a thousand doves

In the velvet of the darkness
By the silhouette of silent trees
They are watching waiting
They are witnessing life’s mysteries

Cascading stars on the slumbering hills
They are dancing as far as the sea
Riding o’er the land, you can feel its gentle hand
Leading on to its destiny

Take me with you on this journey
Where the boundaries of time are now tossed
In cathedrals of the forest
In the words of the tongues now lost

Find the answers, ask the questions
Find the roots of an ancient tree
Take me dancing, take me singing
I’ll ride on till the moon meets the sea


Also this week, Mercury enters Sagittarius and leaves his shadow degree from HIS recent retrograde period on Friday. We wrap up the information and communication story operating in our lives since October 18. I found this particular Mercury retrograde quite difficult as the Scorpio flavor of it combined with the nodes of fate eliminated, ended and annihilated connections, computers, phones and people. Dave Brubeck, (Dec 6 1920, 6:23 pm Concord, CA) one of the most amazing jazz pianists and composers of this century passed over last week. His Mercury and Moon in Scorpio in the fifth house created amazing music. I still remember the first time I heard him play in 1980 at the Fifth Avenue Presbyterian church as his music filled the church. You know his music even if you don’t know you know it.




Venus changes signs, leaving passionate, intense, tax problem, indebted Scorpio for fun loving, free spending Sagittarius on Saturday. That suggests the fiscal cliff business should resolve after her shift out of Scorpio. One more week of negotiations and we get to conclusion.


This week Mercury, Moon and Venus are squaring Neptune suggesting we have some kind of ah-ha wake up moments around areas we’ve been deluding ourselves about. Or a new dream or inspiration arrives. You may find yourself crying for no particular reason, just because someone sends you a sentimental, song filled video. Venus also hops on the North Node and takes a ride on the dragon of fate ~ carrying her off into new adventures and creating new contacts for her…. Make sure to say yes to offers that come your way.


Mars in Capricorn FINALLY comes in from out of bounds, calming way, way, down and moving back toward normal behavior. He is still exalted in Capricorn but not nearly as over the top energy wise. Back to Normal … whatever YOUR new normal is. Mercury leaves his shadow, wrapping up his recent retrograde journey with one more connection with a ghost from your past. Only Ceres is still out of bounds in Gemini, answering to Mercury in Sagittarius, causing the nurturing feminine to be clear about where she wants to go and where she doesn’t want to go. Make sure to set clear boundaries.


Awake! Awake! We are moving forward. Uranus is stationing and calling to us asking us to evolve and change. He is asking you to make a fundamental change at the most basic level of your being. Agree to change. His trine to Mercury and inconjunct to Saturn highly placed in the chart suggest the old is over and done as new methods and approaches are being taken. Time for a new paradigm and a shift in vision especially as Venus in Scorpio is just leaving the North Node of Fate after her wild ride.







There is a New Moon at 21:45 Sagittarius, marking the end of eclipse season and a new energy arriving in your life. Saturn angular in the chart for Washington, DC suggests we each need to express what we desire from the other as well as what we will no longer do. The New Moon has a strong Finger of God with Saturn and Pluto stimulating Jupiter and Lilith as the Apex. Mercury can swap places with Jupiter as they are in mutual reception. You can take strong action to get what you want from the other person. You can also collapse in a puddle of oozing feelings. Or do both.


The Sabian Image for the New Moon is A CHINESE LAUNDRY. Lynda Hill’s interpretation of the image is:


Commentary: A ‘Chinese Laundry’ is pictured. The ‘Chinese Laundry’ was once a place where a lot of the work was done laboriously by hand in cramped and difficult conditions, and for long hours. The Chinese did the work that other people did not want to do, indeed, would often refuse to do. There was often a sense of alienation which was made worse by language and cultural barriers. Although the wages were low, people would work hard, side-by-side, not asking for much, but being glad of the opportunity to make an honest day’s wage for a good day’s work. There was also the opportunity to make a life in the “new world”, in America. In those early days, and even today, there was a lot discrimination directed towards foreign people who worked in menial occupations. However, if they withdrew their labor, whole sections of the community would collapse








Oracle: You may find that you, or someone else, are not being taken seriously and are expected to perform in a stereotypical way. You may also have closed your own mind to other options for employment, or your life’s work, that could be more rewarding to you and your community. Be careful not to shut yourself away in a situation that will end up binding you to it. Make sure that you aren’t putting yourself, or others, in a box that they can’t escape from. This Symbol can bring all sorts of prejudices to the surface, be they social, racial or otherwise. This can also picture a situation where a few people are working closely together, speaking the same language. Even in this there can be alienation and loneliness. Remember to perform everyday tasks with reverence and see how they can transform the feeling and experience of life. Assessing how “clean” your act is will bring surprising results. Do you need to clean up for everyone around you?


Keywords: Restrictive expectations. Relations with others because of social duty. Being able to perform everyday tasks with reverence. Mediocrity, or the fear of it. Washing machines and dryers. Money laundering. Laws and legislation based on social and racial inequality. Issues of belonging. Washers and dryers. Cleaning up for others.


The Caution: Giving in to prejudice. Self-inflicted sense of inferiority that can lead to missed opportunities for relating. Feeling trapped in a situation with no way out. Not being taken seriously. Doing menial jobs for others with little reward or real return.


I believe you are your work. Don’t trade the stuff of your life, time, for nothing more than dollars. That’s a rotten bargain. Rita Mae Brown


Big jobs usually go to the men who prove their ability to outgrow small ones. Ralph Waldo Emerson


To open a business is very easy; to keep it open is very difficult. Chinese Proverb


I founded Wang Laboratories . . . to show that Chinese could excel at things other than running laundries and restaurants. An Wang


Chink, chink, Chinaman, Wash my pants; Put them in the boiler, And make them dance. Anon


Suffice to say, it is an interesting week! Have fun. Continue to release your grudges through Thursday’s Uranus station and the New Moon. Next week we really start to rock and roll!


Void Moons This Week
Moon goes Void with Moon joining Venus on Tuesday Dec 11 2012 at 08:09:06 am EST and enters Sagittarius on Dec 11 2012 at 05:22:42 pm EST
Day long Void Moon

Moon goes Void with Moon joining the Sun on Thursday Dec 13 2012 at 03:42:43 am EST and enters Capricorn on Dec 13 2012 at 04:43:37 pm EST
Day long Void Moon

Moon goes Void with Moon Sextile Venus on Saturday Dec 15 2012 at 04:15:57 pm EST and enters Aquarius on Dec 15 2012 at 04:53:48 pm EST

The days will be posted on Tuesday.

Lynda Hill’s work appears with her permission. Check her out at Sabiansymbols.com

Copyright © 2012 A. C. Ortelee