Weekly Weather August 6, 2007

Weekly Weather August 6, 2007

Our long awaited Saturn Pluto trine arrives this week.Yeah! We are evolving! Time to move into our next life or phase or whatever we want to call it with all the lessons of Saturn in Leo (and Aries, Taurus, Gemini and Cancer) firmly under our belt and tucked into our psyche. Expect concluding chapters ~ or robust ripening energies around the story that began in 1982 when Saturn joined with Pluto to start a 38 year journey about relationships to ourselves and others. Back then, we were asked to look at our powers, relationships, structures and deepest longings around who we were and what we hoped to create in our lives. Now, after all these years, we’ve figured it out and are about to harvest the results of our journey as the closing trine marks the energy of Saturn and Pluto moving towards fulfillment of their promise.

The week also features Jupiter stationing to go direct at 9:55 Sagittarius. It stations direct mere hours after the Saturn Pluto trine perfects meaning the power of Jupiter STOPPED is amplified in our lives and our world as he is stone still in the sky. It also means that Jupiter is stopped dead for the Saturn Pluto trine, amplifying the trines’ energy.

Mercury, finally out of emotional Cancer, is happy and chatty in Leo, making a number of aspects. Expect to find your voice. Or expect for others to find THEIR voices. Mercury in Leo can be a bit self absorbed and egotistical which is FINE for right now! We all want what we want and we all are asking for what we want. We need to ask for it. We have to voice what we’ve learned and say, "You know what, I understand what YOU want but what I WANT is this!" So ask away! I want you to be as egotistical and self absorbed as you can possibly be ~ the time for requests is now. Mercury in Leo is harnessing the power of the Sun in Leo to get it for you. You see what you want so ASK for it! Or if you don’t see what you want, ASK anyway ~ maybe it is hidden right behind the counter or was just returned by Mercury’s recent journey through retrograde.

Now, as Venus is going retrograde in Virgo and moves back into Leo retrograde on August 8, expect HER to be a bit more regal and demanding about what Venus wants too. Venus in Virgo makes do with what she has or can make stuff virtually out of thin air or whatever ingredients she finds in the kitchen. Venus in Leo says, I want better materials! I want glitter! I want gold! I want luxury! So ASK for it! Go back (retrograde) and ASK for what you desire!

Mars is moving into Gemini on August 7, the day before Venus goes back into Leo. Mars moving out of Taurus into Gemini says ~ "whoa! I don’t have to stick with what I thought I had to stick with (fixed earth)! The world is full of choice (Gemini’s duality or two or MORE sides to every story instead of only one, mine, my version Taurus), ideas abound and are flying around (air instead of earth), things can change (mutable instead of fixed), stability is a dream (cadent instead of succeedent) and a bit of an illusion as I get ready for my next evolution!"

Finally, we have a new moon in Leo on Sunday. It will be our LAST lunation in Leo when Saturn is in Leo. It sets us and our Saturn’s up for the final EMOTIONALY push out into Virgo. Read the New Moon column on this site for more information about how to work with the new moon energy. Right after the lunation, we move into the Virgo/Pisces eclipse energy ~ the eclipses are coming, the eclipses are coming! They will herald the purpose of Saturn’s journey through Virgo ~ and tie in the story from last March and mid-June to help us deal with the changes in our security structures (Uranus in the Cancer decant).

So, that means there is a lot going on this week in the heavens. Lots above us, lots on our earth here below. Mostly, we will notice the Saturn Pluto trine and the Jupiter station direct. But once they take place, it will feel like things can and are moving again. There will be more options. Ask. Ask. Ask. Ask for what you want. You may not get it but you will get some kind of compromise or change or something. You will get something! So Ask. And Move towards it. Aren’t you ready for your next adventure?

Monday, Big day. Big culmination. Big shift. Big, big, big! Saturn and Pluto are trine. Jupiter is stationing direct. The world is spinning. Forward we go into our futures. Our futures are based on the choices we’ve made in the past. Don’t like your life? Change your choices. Like your life? Continue on your path, making assertive, clear, open, loyal, honorable, sunny, aggressive and positive choices about what you want! Ask! Neptune’s trine to Juno asks us to understand how we partner with things. How we invite them into our lives. Do you see how you ask for the things, beliefs, choices, ideas or fears you have? Do you still WANT the things, beliefs, choices, ideas or fears you have partnered with? Or has your vision of your life changed? What needs to change to support that new vision? The moon has oodles of aspects while in late Taurus to the Saturn and Neptune energies we’ve been dealing with during our opposition. Mars is at the final degrees of Taurus just aching to move out into the world with a burst of energy to knock down any fences or barricades holding him back. So give yourself permission. It won’t take much. Just a brief, teeny tiny push as the energy is SO ready to move with you toward what you want!

Tuesday, Mars has an aspect of brilliance to Uranus. I remember once getting to an understanding in therapy and saying "Is that IT? That is ALL it is? Wow!" It is THAT kind of day. It IS simple. We do SO like to get in our own way. As Mars enters Gemini and Venus squares Mars between the zero degrees of Virgo/Gemini~ you will spot the duality clearly ~ especially as Venus moves back into Leo. Wow. That is IT? The light dawns. That "ah-ha" moment occurs. A cosmic click clicks. Yep, it IS THAT simple. Funny, eh? All the time, money, worry, effort, angst and agony spent on it and it is THAT easy? Go to Staples and find yourself one of those "That was Easy" buttons. Hit it a few times to remind yourself and your soul. "It IS easy". Once you understand what is going on. Ask for it will you? Moon in Gemini amplifies the energy of seeing both sides of the story. Ask for the side you want!

Wednesday, well easy DOES has a cost. It means we have to change. Venus enters Leo today, retrograde. She often says, "But I don’t want to change. I want THEM to change!" How often have we said we want THEM to change? Nope. They are NOT going to change. They are who they are. You have to change YOUR approach to get the change you want in your life. They are NOT going to change. You, now you, yes, you, are the one in charge of the changes in your life. Only you. We often get trapped in other people’s versions of how they would like us to live our lives. How they would like us to be. How we think we might like to be. The only way that happens is if something changes. Make the change be you. Explore the duality in your mind at least. You don’t have to change today but you do need to think about it. Moon in Gemini today, has so many aspects to move you forward. Sit on a bench to watch the sunset. Notice a better (from YOUR perspective) bench a bit further out, move and go sit on THAT bench. Aren’t you happier? It is that easy.

Thursday, Mercury trines Jupiter moving forward as Mercury joins with Mars in Gemini by declination. Think diet (or any lifestyle change you want to choose) as most of us get the concept of diet. You got fat because you ate more than you burned off while living every day. Your body, not knowing what else to do with the excess, stored it on your body. You can be less fat if you eat less calories than you currently eat, exercise more, or apply a combination of both to have a decrease in calories. YOU HAVE TO CHANGE SOMETHING. On
ce you change, your body, ev
er helpful energy storing being that it is, goes and digs out some of that stored fat and uses it up to help you live. You lose a pound or two. We get the concept of change with weight (or any lifestyle change). The same concept applies to the situation in your life. You have to change. When you change, things change. Yes it is that easy. The energy system is neutral ~ for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Moon in Cancer LIKES her habits. She LIKES her routines ~ they make her secure, safe and happy, even if she IS fat! What does she want more ~ change or status quo? No right or wrong answer here ~ only an answer that works for you.

Friday. Mercury is in a fighting mood with Pluto and Chiron. I know. You don’t want to change. You want it to magically happen. Doesn’t work that way on Planet Earth. You have to change to get things to change. Only way to do it. Sun has an adjusting energy to Uranus suggesting if you were to make a MINOR change, it might be easier to make the major changes. Something incremental ~ something that is maybe fun for you? Add a bit of fun for you, you’ll feel better, you’ll be more in the mood to make the other changes? One little change. That is all it takes. One little change. Moon in Cancer is CRaNKY! Fortunately, she is void all day long. So do your behavior change again. One day at a time. Tiny incremental changes. One more day. Do it again.

Saturn’s day, Juno says you have to partner with the change for more than one day. Do it again today. Moon in Leo’s trine to Mars says, "Well all right, I will do it one more day!" One more day. Do it again. Do the change again.

Sunday, the new moon wakes up Ceres and Neptune by aspect, Mercury has an aspect of brilliance with Mars. Yes it is that easy. Consistent little changes, over time, change things. Look at the Grand Canyon! Mercury has an adjusting aspect to Pallas ~ Yes, that DOES mean you have to change your strategy. You’ll have to approach the matter a bit more strategically than you have in the past. It is okay. You are up for it. Just focus on what you want to change and change a teeny tiny part of your life today, tomorrow, Tuesday. As Saturn goes into Virgo, we learn that process of slow, steady, habitual changes over time allow us to perfect the situations we create and find in our lives. Forward we go!

Mundane: Back to 1982 for the opening conjunction of Saturn to Pluto ~ Ronnie Reagan, IraN Contra and trading arms for money to support an illegal war. We have the same cast of characters in power now who were  in power back then. Of course, they are older now. Not necessarily wiser but perhaps a bit more confident in their exercise and (AB)use of power. Now they are overtly SELLING arms to the nations surround IraQ, not IraN, to "stabilize" the area and running an illegal war right under our noses. Back then, they walked free ~ skipped free. Heck, they all survived and returned to rule again. No punishment. Pardons all around. OOPS, we didn’t mean to do THAT! Or at least we didn’t mean to get caught doing THAT! Now, they just don’t care who knows or what we think. They’ve got the power baby!

And talk about control issues ~ I thought I was bad with Pluto in my 7th house! Old Dick has his pacemaker replaced, via surgery INTO his chest, and stays AWAKE for it. The good part is everyone dies one of these days, even Dick, and even if he sleeps with the lights on. (talk about being afraid of the dark!). But we DO need to figure out how to take back our country before these folks destroy it!

As I am on vacation this week, I’m not going to go into all the politics of the Saturn trine Pluto chart. You are going to have to wait at least a week ~ or more (Ann in Florida remind me if I forget!) for a write up on it but I do promise one once I get back home to my computer.

Suffice to say, the chart is rocking for Washington, D.C. The Arabic Parts include Mars on the Parts of Passion and Death, Jupiter on the Part of Increase and opposite the Part of Understanding. Saturn on the Part of Fatality. Uranus on the Part of Catastrophe. Neptune on the Part of Treachery. Pluto on the Part of Organization. I’ve been an astrologer for 12 years and have never seen this many difficult Parts on difficult planets in any mundane chart.

Arabic Parts are sensitive points which can be calculated in any chart. One uses them to forecast without having to "do a lot of work" ~ We know transiting planets coming to them bring the event type promised by the Part involved. In this case, the Parts are AMPLIFIED by having rather difficult or strong planets joined to them. As the Parts involved are quite nasty ~ death, fatality, catastrophe, treachery and Pluto on the part of Organization (i.e. the Mafia like cabal that is currently running the USA) we can expect the next few years (until Saturn forms his closing square Pluto) to be interesting, at the very least, politically. More later, (remind me Ann in Florida), when I get home.

Saturn Neptune once again with dissolving structures as the bridge over Neptune’s river in Minnesota collapsed. It appears the bridge had shifted FIVE FEET so they are going to start looking at that shift! FIVE FEET is a heck of a lot of movement for a bridge! And, the hot water pipe under the bathroom sink burst in the 7th floor studio apartment’s bathroom causing 4 medicine cabinets to fall out of the walls in the apartments below 7 (Neptune rules drugs) and making my living room wall, over my Neptune Piano, buckle and melt. So, I get to move all my furniture, get my wall and ceiling rebuilt and paint. Gotta love that Saturn Neptune! Thank heavens it is almost over!

Copyright © 2007 Anne Ortelee