Weekly Weather August 4, 2014

Weekly Weather August 4, 2014 

Apologies for the delay in posting the column. Some weeks are bigger than others!

There is much going on my world.  Full Moon and Saturn aspecting my ascendant, Neptune/Jupiter on my Moon plus my deceased Mom’s 84th birthday which hit me very hard this year! 31 years since I last talked to her ~ hard to believe…





“Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened.” 

~ Dr. Seuss


David R. Roell, a brilliant astrologer, owner of the BEST astrology book store, publisher of great out of print astrology books and author of a wonderful weekly newsletter, passed away suddenly on Sunday, July 27, 2014. His website is/was Astroamerica.com.  Past tense seems way too weird to use in his case…

In my last email exchange with Dave on July 10, he wrote:  “ Very much liked your brief analysis of the unfortunate passing of Geoff Allison.  Which was a reminder how creepy things are getting.  I had not realized that a replay of a powerful natal aspect that was not in exact aspect to the original natal could be dangerous (the square from last week was about 10 degrees shy), but you’ve reminded me that monthly recurrences of the original Sun-Moon angle are said to affect a woman’s fertility, even though very few of them would actually aspect the original Sun-Moon positions.   It might be that we can extend that rule to tight Sun aspects, especially oppositions with malefics. “

I wrote back: “Yes we can extend that rule of the moon and sun angle repetitions to every other planet making similar angles in the sky and stimulating our natal planets with the same angles  ~ natal excitations!  They rock our world and completely work!  Very powerful indeed….”

Dave was born VERY close to Geoff, (essentially they were astrological twins).  He was private about his chart information so I won’t share it here.  Dave died 24 days after Geoff died and 14 days after he received a “Uranian warning” from my posting about Geoff.  Uranus generally warns us about 2 weeks before he “visits” us.  Last Sunday night, a little after 8 pm EDT, Moon in Leo trined Uranus and squared Saturn within 15 minutes of each other ~ delivering a one-two punch to the Leo ruled part of the body ~ the heart . In Dave’s  case, it was fatal.

All of us actually got a one-two punch to the heart ~ did you get news that hurt your heart on Sunday?  Over the past two years, Dave wrote frequently about his heart troubles in his newsletter and shared various herbal remedies to strengthen the most important organ of our life. I used some of them on my friend Jackie when she was dying of lung cancer.  Geoff was dead before he hit the ground according to the Medical Examiner.  I hope and pray the same thing happened with Dave.  Fast, quick and relatively painless ~a very good way to die.

Dave did not have a Facebook page to post remembrances on.  You can send an email via his website or use the link below to connect with his widow and daughter if you wish to express your condolences.  On my weekly podcast, I tell the story of how I met him. It was actually pretty funny. He fired me because he was a breast man.  He was a great guy as well as a wonderful, irascible curmudgeon when you caught him on a bad day.  He touched and enhanced many of our lives. He will be deeply and profoundly missed.



The extreme pressure in the sky starts to abate as Uranus and Saturn separate from their stressful inconjunct aspect and move away from each other, slowly ever so slowly.  As the planets separate, we have a relaxation of pressure that can shift, rapidly, the energy of our being.  Or shift rapidly the energy of other people’s beings. Things break apart.  Things die. Things change  radically.  When the pressure of these two planets releases, things that were artificially being held in place will shift, change, and pass into new forms or simply die.

This is a week of NO.  Mercury forms a Finger of God (as the Sun did last week), making you conscious of something.  At the end of the week, the Sun and Mercury both get a series of NOes.  Speaking as a former salesperson, the good part about NO, especially a CLEAR NO, is that you don’t waste your time anymore.  The bad part about NO is that you need to move on and do something else.  This thing isn’t happening.  Accept all the NOes you receive this week with a good sense of humor and thankfulness.  Essentially the NO is reminding you that it’s time to move on.  The dream is not dead.  You hooked your dream onto the particular situation that you’re getting the NO from.  That doesn’t mean your dream is bad.  It just means it’s not going to happen with this particular person or situation.  Unhook your dream and move it someplace else.  Don’t let your dream die just because you got a NO from someone ~ even if it is an important someone.  Your dream is your dream.  As salespeople, we were taught to count our NOes and to keep our own statistics:  every 10 phone calls you get an appointment, every 10 appointments you get a sale, etc.  So that meant you had 9 NOes before you had the YES.  It’s not about failing.  It’s about knowing that you have to keep on showing up, saying how about doing this and working on it until you get to success.

Below is a helpful video from Marie Forleo about reframing failure and moving on to better things.  Four steps to cope with failure!



The feminine Asteroids all change signs this week.  When the gals shift signs in the heavens, we notice it here below!  Expect women, and the various feminine energies, to be a little wild and crazy this week.  Cosmic emotional transforms!

Last week, Vesta entered Scorpio.  This week, Ceres enters Scorpio.  Both Juno and Hygeia enter Cancer.  Pallas enters Libra.  Juno and Hygeia form a fast-moving water trine to Ceres and Vesta in Scorpio.  Watch out for fluids!  Because Ceres and Vesta are in the sign of death and Hygeia and Juno are in the sign of home, we can anticipate drowning deaths, a spate of water accidents, and perhaps more troubling news.

Frankly, I’m concerned about the Ebola virus slipping its bounds and entering the population in a more aggressive manner than it already has.  Saturn in Scorpio traditionally brings plagues and epidemics spread by bodily fluids containing the infectious vector.  Past epidemics during Saturn in Scorpio periods were AIDS in the 80s, polio in the 50s, and influenza in the 20s, and Tuberculosis at the turn of the century.  Les Miserables and Rent both documented the plagues of their times. The scourge of leprosy was cleared up in the mid-50s with the discovery of sulfur drugs.  More recently, HIV, the virus that causes AIDS, has become very manageable due to medical treatment advances.

This astrologer has been waiting for an epidemic since Saturn has been in Scorpio in the fall of 2012. The current outbreak of Ebola in the western part of Africa (different from where it originated) is of increasing concern.  Ebola is a virus, which means there’s no cure.  The virus has to run its course through the body.  It essentially depletes the body through similar mechanisms as food poisoning or influenza: high fever, vomiting and diarrhea.  These deplete the body of electrolytes via dehydration, ultimately weakening the body till it bleeds out. I would encourage you to pick up a case of liquid electrolytes in the form of Gatorade or Pedialyte in the event of an Ebola outbreak here in the United States.  You’ll have to replenish the fluids that are leaving your body during the Virus’ rampage through it. Ebola has anywhere from an 8 day to three-week incubation period, so we can’t know if we’re dealing with someone who’s infected with the virus.  Currently, it is not viewed as being airborne. It is transmitted through body fluids, similar to HIV and tuberculosis.  Saturn in Scorpio can be “fluids carry death.”  All the epidemics described involved transmission via airborne droplets or body fluids/emissions.

The degree of 16 is still hot as Uranus and Saturn are moving very slowly for the rest of August .  Saturn in Scorpio is structured water and emotions. Uranus in Aries is unexpected break throughs or break downs or break apart.  I found this wonderful video which is symbolic of the energy of the Uranus/Saturn aspect.  Notice how the Scorpionic water, once held firm and stable in a structure, breaks apart, collapses and is set free as the Uranus energy arrives to literally liberate it in a stunning moment of freedom.

I know, I used it last week but we are still having the energy so I am repeating it! You can have a sudden and complete release of deeply held psychological beliefs or structures as the planet of Freedom asks it to let go.  Watch the video and think about the area of your life where the structure wants to collapse and break free.

So work with the NO energy. Embrace it. Thank it. Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened

Catch you on the other side of this week of NO!


As social animals a key factor to our living a happy life is friendship, trust and openness. We are all the same as members of one human family. Trust is the basis of friendship and we’ll find this if, in addition to the knowledge we gain from ordinary education, we develop warm-heartedness. This gives rise to self-confidence and inner strength, which through trust and friendship leads to co-operation with others. ~  Dalai Lama

















Planetary Highlights

Sun goes from 11:05 degrees Leo to 17:47 degrees Leo.  It’s the week of “no” for the Sun.  Normally, Leo gets what it wants, but this week everyone is saying no.  Next week will be a breakthrough week.  Collect all the various “noes” this week, and know that you are going to be hearing “yeses” soon.

Mercury goes from 5:17 degrees Leo to 19:45 degrees Leo.  At the beginning of the week, Mercury echoes the Finger of God that the Sun ran through last week as Mercury aspects Neptune and Pluto.  It is time to work on that transformative dream.  You’ll see something you never saw before.  He’s moving faster than two degrees a day, recapitulating your Ego’s experience from last week.  During the back part of the week, Mercury links up with the Sun and travels through the land of “no” with the Sun.  Sometimes you don’t get what you want.  This is one of those weeks.

Venus goes from 19:16 degrees Cancer to 27:48 degrees Cancer.  Venus squares the Nodes of Destiny on Tuesday which ask her to make a choice about love.  She is trying, one more time, to make her dreams come true.  Feel the fear and be bold anyway.  You will be asked to choose between fear or love. Choose towards love, (please, please, please) even if you’re not 100 percent sure how it’s going to turn out. No rational decisions. Follow your heart. Envy rears her ugly head mid-week.  Unfortunately, that’s part of the world these days.  If it’s your envy, own it and redirect it towards something productive that you can accomplish.  If it’s their envy, gently point it out.  Next!

Mars goes from to 4:31 degrees Scorpio to 8:29 degrees Scorpio.  Saturn forms a trine with Chiron, pushing the energy forward towards healing, even as he says no to almost everything you ask for this week.  He’s a very cranky guy.

Jupiter goes from 4:01 degrees Leo to 5:33 degrees Leo.

Saturn goes from 16:48 Scorpio to 16:59 degrees Scorpio.  Saturn trines Chiron once every 30 years, offering healing to old sad spaces, clearing out our abandonment issues and helping us deal with our fear of commitment. Passions are running strong.

Uranus goes 16:27 degrees Aries to 16:21 degrees Aries (retrograde).  Uranus is quiet this week.  Still within a degree of Saturn, structures can collapse as the tension holding things together fails.

Neptune goes 6:53 degrees Pisces to 6:42 degrees Pisces (retrograde).  Neptune stressfully aspects the Nodes of Destiny.  Sometimes the dream you had isn’t quite turning out the way you want. Is it close enough?

Pluto goes from 11:34 degrees Capricorn to 11:26 degrees Capricorn (retrograde).  Pluto is quiet this week.

Chiron is working with Saturn this week to heal the wound in your heart. 

Vesta aspects the Nodes of Destiny.  She wants to help create a sacred space for you, a healing space in some corner of your life.  Help her do it.

 Pallas enters Libra on August 10 until October 19, for 70 days.  Early in the week, Pallas sees the need for boundaries and limits.

 Ceres enters Scorpio on August 6 until October 27, for 82 days.

 Juno enters Cancer on August 8 until October 7, for 60 for days. 

 Hygeia enters Cancer on August 8 until June 27, 2015 for 323 days. 

 Juno joins Hygeia and Hygeia joins Juno.  They start a partnership of healing or a partnership of illness.  Because they are both on the World Axis, this is a Very Big Deal.  Hygeia slips the bonds of Admetos and escapes out into the world.  Uh oh!

 Astraea stations to goes Retrograde on August 8 at 07:38 pm EDT at 14 degrees Aries.


 Void Moons in the Week Ahead:  When the Moon is Void, it is wise to avoid making important decisions as they tend to be unrealistic, and subject to false starts, errors or unexpected hassles.  Avoid being concerned with things beyond your spiritual center.  It is time for subjective, spiritual and non-materialistic concerns.  Kick back, let life flow and center yourself.  Connect into your essential oneness with the Universal Forces.

Moon is in Scorpio in the morning on Monday, August 4.  It goes void with a closing trine to Venus at 1:43 pm EDT.  Moon enters Sagittarius on Tuesday, August 5 at 6:19 am EDT.  Moon is void on Monday afternoon and evening.

Sagittarius Moon goes void with a closing trine to Uranus on Wednesday, August 6 at 10:52 am EDT.  Moon enters Capricorn on Thursday, August 7 at 9:39 am EDT.  Moon is void most of Wednesday, as well as early morning on Thursday.

Capricorn Moon goes void with a closing opposition to Venus on Saturday, August 9 at 4:09 am EDT.  Moon enters Aquarius on Saturday, August 9 at 9:53 am EDT.

Aquarius Moon goes void with a closing opposition to Mercury on Sunday, August 10 at 6:12 pm EDT.  Moon is void on Sunday night.

There is a Full Moon on Sunday, August 10 at 2:09 pm EDT at 18:02 Aquarius.

full moon aug 2014














The Full Moon is VERY juicy ~ just look at all those conversations going on between planets (the lines in the middle).  The Full Moon completes the growth phase and enters the harvest phase of the Moon. It correlates to the New Moon on February 10, 2013 at 21:43 Aquarius and the First Quarter Moon on November 10, 2013 at 18:00 Aquarius. There will be a final phase, the upcoming Closing Quarter on May 11, 2015 at 20:25 Aquarius. We conclude the story then.

Some Moons are over the top. This is one of them. Lots of tremulous, anxiety energy in it. Seven T-Squares which are stressful and a mystic Rectangle which implies this is a fated Full Moon ~ not that other Moons aren’t fated but some are just bigger than others.  There is a Grand trine in water, giving DEEP emotional content to this Moon. There is a Grand Cross in Fixed signs offering a DEEP INTERNAL struggle as part of the energy. Connect or disconnect.  Preserve or destroy.  And a Thors Hammer that is just banging away at everything bringing situations to conclusions, endings and wrapups…. Keep your head about you and remember it is TRANSITORY.  It will be over soon.

forest fire






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The Sabian image for the Aquarius Moon is A FOREST FIRE FINALLY QUENCHED.

Lynda Hill’s interpretation of the image is

Commentary: A ‘Forest Fire Finally Quenched’ pictures a situation where enthusiastic drive and zeal can set off an uncontrollable, exciting and sometimes destructive chain of events. The ‘Forest Fire’ can cause a lot of damage and burn up anything that happens to be in its path. There has been no choice but to fight for control and minimize the destruction to the ‘Forest’ and those things in the path of the fire – animals, humans, houses, etc.

Oracle: In this situation ‘A Fire’ is ‘Finally Quenched’. Any efforts to contain the damage will at last be successful, and some people will find the challenge to have been exhilarating. Regaining control of the environment will lead to things coming back to normal again, but everything, or at least many things, may be changed. Major transformations may have taken place on many levels. It is said that a ‘Forest Fire’ is actually good for the forest as a whole as it makes room for new growth by removing old and dead matter. Farmers burn off their dead crops on a regular basis to recycle the nutrients into the soil so as to nourish the new growth. The ‘Fire’ also destroys the taller plants and trees, which are crowding out the shorter ones and blocking the Sun from reaching them (just as illusions block us from “seeing the light” of the truth). You may find that you have been caught up in such a situation, fighting for emotional or physical control. Something that was raging in its intensity has ‘Finally’ been extinguished or satisfied. This may have left you somewhat exhausted, but the exhilaration that can come from surviving such a struggle can leave you transformed and jubilant.

Keywords: Exuberant feelings that come after struggles. Calming down. Coming out of an experience with a new sense of commitment or a new understanding of consequences. Getting a bee in your bonnet. Spot fires. Jubilation and release after hard labor. Fighting for control. Sparks getting out of control. Events taking off in all directions. Sexual energy and the containment of it. Ideas that get whipped up and take off at high speed. The ferocity of nature. The calm after the storm.

The Caution: Giving up too soon and losing it all. Self-defeating delight in drama. Looking back on a situation that got out of control and produced a lot of rubble. Destructive passions. Losing one’s spark. Running out of fuel.

What is to give light must endure burning. Viktor Frankl

 A little fire is quickly trodden out, which being suffered, rivers cannot quench. William Shakespeare

It is with our passions as it is with fire and water; they are good servants, but bad masters. Sir Roger LÉstrange

Get excited and enthusiastic about you own dream. This excitement is like a forest fire-you can smell it, taste it, and see it from a mile away. Denis Waitley

Do not quench your inspiration and your imagination; do not become the slave of your model. Vincent Van Gogh

Genius is the power of lighting one’s own fire. John Foster

Contentment consisteth not in adding more fuel, but in taking away some fire. Thomas Fuller

I’ve seen public opinion shift like the wind and put out the very fire it lighted. Rachel Field

party boat





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Lynda Hill’s interpretation of the Image is:

Commentary: A ‘Houseboat Party’ is shown. It is ‘Crowded With Revelers’ and ‘The Water Reflects its Lights’. This pictures a need for lightening up, relaxing and spending time with like-minded individuals. This ‘Party’ can represent a situation where people come together, eat, drink and share their thoughts and have a good time. The partygoers, the ‘Revelers’, may all be enjoying themselves and having a great time, but it may seem rather short-lived, unstable or unreal.

Oracle: Although you are probably still in a situation of definite structure and form, you may find that it needs to be changed from the normal routine and infused with unusual and unorthodox possibilities. The problem with ‘Houseboat Parties’ is the inability to leave when you please. When you’re socializing, seeing a crowd of friendly faces is comforting when you have no choice but to stay. However, if you are not enjoying what’s going on, it may be that you’re stuck with people you’d really rather not associate with. Who’s steering or in charge of the ‘Boat’ you’re on? How long is this journey, and where will the ‘Houseboat Party’ end up? You may feel a long way from home, and that you want to get off. If you can relax about the situation you’re in, you may find yourself with new friends and in new surroundings. This is often easier said than done – some people are not able to mix with people they’re not familiar with, especially if they feel unsure about the circumstances they find themselves in. On a ‘Houseboat’, this can be especially true. This being said, one does have to take risks every now and then. Enjoy the situation to its fullest, but remember that sooner or later you will have to get back to a more everyday, anchored life.

Keywords: Emotive social pleasure. Joining with others in an adventurous spirit. Cleopatra-style parties. The issue of knowing where one’s going. Claustrophobia. Being cast adrift. Delicate social balances. Moored in the water or on the ground. Leisure times that are fun and free-floating.

The Caution: Trapping people into ideals of pleasure. Self-indulgence. The need to know “where” the party is going to be or finish up. Not being anchored in reality. Feeling “unmoored” and unable to disembark when you want. Nowhere to permanently land. Unknown destinations. Feeling trapped. Choppy seas. No one at the wheel. Springing a leak. Wanting to bail out. Tipping the boat.

These three take crooked ways: carts, boats, and musicians. Hindu Proverb

We may have all come on different ships, but we’re in the same boat now. Martin Luther King, Jr



Moon day Monday August 4, 2014  Moon is in Scorpio in the morning on Monday, August 4.  It goes void with a closing trine to Venus at 1:43 pm EDT.  Moon is void on Monday afternoon and evening.  Happy birthday, Mom!  My mother would be 84 if she were still alive.  It’s hard to believe it’s been 31 years since she died.  I always have a difficult time on her birthday.  This year was VERY hard as I felt the loss more deeply. Our minds are so funny ~ it feels like just yesterday since I talked with her but it has been so long.  Part of the reason the column is late this week was I needed to take time to mourn the loss of her. Not a day goes by…  Moon  joins with Saturn today, reminding us of our past life and the energies that have come and gone in our life.  Moon’s occultation to Saturn makes today particularly emotional and teary.  Mercury’s inconjunct to Neptune adds another level of sadness or melancholy to the day as it begins a fated few days of choices with a Finger of God and Mercury at the Apex.  MAKE VERY WISE CHOICES THIS WEEK… They will be with you for a long, long time.  Or they will haunt you for a long time. Chiron’s sesquiquadrate to Vesta offers a vision of the upcoming autumn, and starts to anticipate the endings soon to happen.  Sun’s semi-square to Athena suggests that even if we want it, the situation has irrevocably changed in a way that can’t be repaired.  And that is okay!  Moon in Scorpio has a darkness, a sadness, an awareness of mortality.  Mortality doesn’t seem to fit in summer, but we know an ending comes to all the seasons of the year.


Mars day Tuesday August 5, 2014  Moon enters Sagittarius on Tuesday, August 5 at 6:19 am EDT.  Moon is void early Tuesday morning. Sagittarius Moon goes void with a closing trine to Uranus making tasks fly off of our to-do lists.  Today and tomorrow are incredibly productive days.  Moon in Sagittarius has a very productive closing aspect of a trine to Uranus, kicking us off into the stratosphere.  The Sadge energy of the Moon is amplified by the fact that Jupiter is in fiery Leo.  There’s a sense of abundance and possibility, the opportunity to accomplish many things.  Maybe too many things as the stimulation can make us feel very, very anxious. Venus squaring the Nodes of Destiny on the World Axis, offers us a choice around our relationships.  War or love? We will be asked to choose between fear and love today… choose love.  Don’t make a choice toward the safe, guilty or fear based Node. Saturn forms a grand trine to Chiron, which reminds us how deeply wounded the world can be as well as how we ourselves can carry wounds of shame or fear. There’s a very strong energy about a dream not being met or followed.  Please, please, please, follow your dream.  No matter how hopeless.  No matter how far. Don’t choose the safety play. Perhaps your dream can’t be met by the situation or person before you ~ you may say goodbye today.  However, that doesn’t mean the dream can’t be met in your life. Allow for the dream to grow. Ask other people to help you follow your dream. Or try a different method to make your dream come true.  Mercury’s biquintile to Chiron offers a sense of healing from wounded spaces if you understand what is actually going on.  Apply yourself.


Wednesday Mercury’s day August 6, 2014   Moon is in Sagittarius and goes void with a closing trine to Uranus at 10:52 am EDT.  We’re very productive till the Void, and still quiet productive after it if we work on projects that have been lurking on our desk needing attention and time.  The afternoon is great for tackling the undone on your desk and in your life.  There is a powerful energy for clearing out the hidden spaces.  Mercury’s inconjunct to Pluto concludes the Finger of God that began on Monday with his inconjunct to Neptune.  The Finger of God is about restating or recalibrating your dream ~ give your dream legs and let it dance for you. No fear.  Mercury’s square to Eris at 12:43 pm EDT suggests that there is an envy drama going on, particularly around the feminine or the nurturing energies in your life.  Note it, but try not to participate.  If you’re feeling envy, harness it and turn it toward productive, self-improving tasks.  You can’t have exactly what they have and they can’t have what you have – that’s just the way the world is built.  The square marks a major turning point in knowledge. Ceres enters Scorpio tonight till October 27, 2014, making all sorts of passionate, intense, fertile projects take off.  Health matters draw your attention.  Stop and pay attention to what you’re doing ~ particularly around health matters.


Jupiter’s Day Thursday August 7, 2014   Moon enters Capricorn at 9:39 am EDT.  Moon is void early morning on Thursday.  Capricorn Moon goes void with a closing opposition to Venus.  A very busy day, Moon in Capricorn adds an element of seriousness to the day’s events.  Mars trine Neptune is news of a loss or news of deep emotional impact that you respond to.  Capricorn Moon’s aspects to Neptune and Mars invite you to put your dreams onto the reality track, figure out a practical way to work with them and the news you receive.  The situation you thought was going forward isn’t going forward in quite the way you planned.  That said, it is okay, because you got this far.  Now that you’re clear and know the reality, you can go on and find other people to work with.  A lot of times we get support from the heavens that moves us forward. Plans getting NO and then making a needed change ~ that is what’s happening today and tomorrow.  You’re being cut loose from the journey you thought you were on.  Your journey is shifting into another shape or form.  Don’t fight the shift.  No arguing about how you have to partner with so and so or it’s not going to work.  No temper tantrums.  Time to put on your  big girl or big boy panties. You have to do what you have to do.  They are doing what they have to do.  Pull your panties up tight.  Use a belt and suspenders to make sure you are ready to go.  You’ll be okay regardless of what happens today and Friday.


Friday Venus’s Day August 8, 2014  Moon is in Capricorn which goes void with a closing opposition to Venus.  Today is one of the busier days of the year, with oodles of aspects, most saying “ NO”, or “NOT that way, GO another way instead!”  You may have trouble keeping track of everything that happens today so be sure to write it down, even fleeting impressions so you can reference it later.  Hygeia enters Cancer till next summer, making us very security-conscious around illness and other health matters.  This in an excellent time to begin a new health regiment, or double-down and get serious about your current health activities.  Juno enters Cancer until October, making everybody want to partner with new  things or new people.  Vesta in Scorpio and trine to Juno in Cancer makes people want to nest and create a nurturing space for themselves.  Get working on your nest – build it, feather it, live in it!  Mercury joins the Sun and makes all the ideas feel especially bright and sparkly, even as the Moon in Capricorn points out why it probably isn’t going to work.  Don’t let someone telling you why it isn’t going to work rain on your parade!  It’s YOUR dream. Avoid the NO DREAM FOR YOU people. Sun and Mercury’s trines to Uranus offer surprising breakthroughs and a sense of freedom in how you’re going to do things as well as creative, playful inspiration.  Mercury’s inconjunct to Chiron points out the ways things aren’t going to work, which is actually okay, because it allows you to adjust things so they DO work out.  Mercury’s square to Saturn is a firm no.  Not negotiable.  No really is what they want to say today.  NO. NO. NO. They’re not kidding.  At the end of the day, exhausted and tired, fall into bed and get a good night’s sleep, because the weekend is pretty rocking too.   The Moon was in the land of “NO” all day, which is good, because now you “know” how to work with that “NO.”


Saturn’s Day Saturday August 9, 2014  Capricorn Moon all night which goes void with a closing opposition to Venus at 4:09 am EDT.  Moon enters Aquarius on Saturday, August 9 at 9:53 am EDT and has a separating aspect with Mercury.  Expect a few more NOes to come your way today, though Thursday and Friday had most of the NO energy.  Today is about figuring out how to make things work despite the NO energy.  Strategize, figure out what you’re really looking for and more importantly how to ask for it.  Sun square Saturn indicates there’s a problem with you shining relative to the authorities or limitations in your life.  Shine any way!  Sun’s inconjunct to Chiron offers an opportunity for healing even if you’re not taken up on it or are unclear about how to proceed.  Sun’s biquintile to Pluto suggests that there is a higher authority to whom everybody answers!  If you can call and talk to them, do.  If the authority is metaphysical (God, Karma, payback’s a bitch), then there’s not much you can do.  It’s not your call to fix this, just know that things balance out in the end.  They really do balance out in the end!


Sun’s day Sunday August 10, 2014  We have an Aquarius Moon all day which goes void with a closing opposition to Mercury at 6:12 pm EDT.  Moon is void on Sunday night.  Today we start to leave the land of “no” and ride off into the sunset of “yes.”  Vesta aspects the Nodes of destiny, inviting you to create a home or office situation that’s more to your liking.  You need a creative space to work out of and to support the rapid growth about to take place. Sun’s contraparallel to Mars pushes us to a limit where we didn’t think we could go before!  Nonetheless, we  find ourselves here, looking at limits that used to scare the bejesus out of us.  Take a moment to look back and see how far you’ve come.  Pallas Athena enters Libra till October, making our strategies higher-minded, relationship based and more structurally strategic.  We also have energy around old situations that never seem to change – they are suddenly, slowly, shifting. Go back and watch that water balloon video again ~ whoosh ~ things just shift and change.  The very dramatic  Full Moon today invites us to let go, as Sun and Moon squares Saturn and trines/sextile Uranus.  Many times after we let something go, we realize how heavy it was for us to carry it.  You find today that if you just let go, it actually shifts amazingly.  You’ll have a huge weight off your shoulders.  Moon’s aspects midday to Uranus and Saturn, who are slowly separating, invite us to release the structures that no longer serve us.  I’ve repeated the balloon video from last week as a really good metaphor for how easy it is, once we actually let go of the Saturn in Scorpio fears, to fall away.  If you watch, you’ll see how the water stays in place, just for a moment, after it’s released, before falling to the ground.  Yes, it can be that easy!  You ARE that water balloon ~ the Uranus darts are asking you to simple let go and release the old, unneeded or unwanted.  Just imagine the situation that you’re holding onto for dear life being pierced, releasing, and falling away.  Today is another big departure day for people who are hanging on by a thread.   Make sure the people whom you love know you love them.  Call and check in on the folks who are depressed or sad as they can feel the energy calling them to leave earth too.


Anne’s Four Radio Shows and Two Recommended Shows Recap:  Listen in to the podcasts via iTunes or by the website links.

Anne’s Weekly Weather:  Anne talks about the eruptions we can expect as the Sun and Mercury form fast Fingers of God and run into No.  Full Moon!  And how shaking BOOBS got her fired from a gig!

Scorpios Talking:  Anne and Michael discuss the tense choices being faced.

The Mary Anne Show: Mary and Anne talked politics.  Didn’t we give that up?  I don’t care who started it, stop fighting!

Access Astrology: All three of us were there and took calls.

Venus Unplugged: Llorraine Neithardt with Venus lessons for all!! For Jungians, dreamers, poets and visionaries this podcast helps with your individuation.

CG Jung Speaks! There are great readings from Jung! Tune in!  Kendrick Norris, Ph.D. reads excerpts from Jung.  Working on individuating? Listen in!

Lynda Hill’s work appears with her permission. Check her out at www.sabiansymbols.com.

Copyright© 2014 A.C. Ortelee