Weekly Weather August 19, 2013









Weekly Weather August 19, 2013

It is a wild week ahead of us.

Forming, in the heavens above our heads, is a Cardinal Cross created by Venus, Jupiter, Uranus and Pluto. It gets set off twice this week ~ on Wednesday and Saturday.  The Cardinal Cross will morph and shift to add in a re-formed Star of David starting next weekend.

Cardinal Crosses encourage action. Comprised of four squares and two oppositions, the planets argue and fight with each other. There is enormous dynamic tension in any cross.  Cardinal Crosses execute and act. No moss grows on their rocks! They get things done, as the energy is so restless and relentless. This week’s Cardinal Cross, formed by two benefic planets and two malefic planets, will turn into a fight between good and evil.  There is a lot of FIRE in the heavens early in the week, shifting and grounding by the week’s end as both the Sun and Mercury leave passionate and loyal Leo for earthy, task oriented Virgo.

Last week presented us with life choices as well as the opportunity to move forward in a new direction as the Nodes and Jupiter met up and Mercury squared the Nodes in a Finger of God ~ a fated choice about our life.

This week, the last bits holding us in place will swirl, shift and change… in a crazy kind of kaleidoscope that puts our life in sharp focus, unfocus, sharp focus, proceed forward!








When we play with Kaleidoscopes ~ the image is constantly shifting, evolving, and changing. Nothing is static or fixed.  The image you see inside is shifting, twirling and unstable.  However, it is composed of the fragments of glass or plastic that work with mirrors to create moving, illusions that are actually quite symmetrical. This week, the heavens will be moving to push all of us forward. Trust the process.











The Week’s Planetary Highlights 

We start the week with a Full Moon so we see things emotionally we had not seen before. The chart cast for Washington, D.C. is highly angular and action oriented.  Lots of action around the globe!

Wednesday, Jupiter squares Uranus as Venus moves into form a Grand Cross in action taking Cardinal signs.  Jupiter and Uranus met up in June 2010 and started a new cycle. Now you are facing a crisis of choice.  You are asked to make a choice to continue OR change your actions.  Happy? Keep it going, amp it up, feed the energy.  Unhappy? Change! Change! Change!  No fixing!  CREATE!

Thursday Sun enters Virgo for 30 days and Friday Mercury enters Virgo for 18 days. The to-do list reappears!  And items get crossed off!

The Star of David reforms starting Saturday as Sun and Mercury move into the Virgo slot. The Cardinal Cross makes it a VERY active configuration. Push for your dream and to create!

Venus squares Pluto, psychologically integrating and closing up the story she began on January 16, 2013. Watch for power struggles, drama and triangles.

Mars is still in Cancer so every time the Moon changes, we change how we take action as Mars the planet of action and activity shifts with the Moon.  We take precise actions as Aquarian community oriented, emotionally detached folks on Monday and Tuesday.  We are emotional, sensitive, sacrificial and psychic Pisces on Wednesday and Thursday. We are fiery, direct and assertive Aries on Friday and Saturday shifting and becoming cuddly, connected couch potatoes on Sunday with Taurus Moon running the Mars.


Void Moons in the Week Ahead: When the Moon is Void, it is wise to avoid making important decisions as they tend to be unrealistic, and subject to false starts, errors or unexpected hassles.  Avoid being concerned with things beyond your spiritual center.  It is time for subjective, spiritual and non-materialistic concerns. Kick back, let life flow and center yourself. Connect into your essential oneness with the Universal Forces.

Moon goes void Opposite the Sun on Tuesday Aug 20, 2013 at 09:45:44 pm EDT and enters Pisces on Wednesday Aug 21, 2013 at 00:44:24 am EDT.

Moon goes void trine to Mars on Thursday Aug 22, 2013 at 09:39:26 pm EDT and enters Aries on Friday, Aug 23, 2013 at 03:13:56 am EDT.

Moon goes void Square to Mars on Sunday Aug 25, 2013 at 06:02:34 am EDT and enters Taurus on Sunday, Aug 25, 2013 at 09:14:10 am EDT.











The butterfly as it emerges from its transformation and cocoon, it doesn’t realize it is struggling. The butterfly is being re-born. It is focusing on pulling its wings out of that soggy sack that no longer fits. It is letting the new wings dry. Wings? Wings!! ~ who knew? Transformation, Scorpio style, is here. Reframe whatever you run into this week as the opportunity to give birth to the emerging butterfly part of you that has been undergoing transformation. Don’t judge it. Experience it.  Send it light and love. Watch the colors shift. The wheel of the heavens is spinning, forming a shifting reality.



There is a powerful Full Moon on Tuesday.  It culminates the New Moon story started on February 21, 2012 and tested on November 20, 2012 during last fall’s eclipse period, when the two Sandys ~ the storm and the school shooting appeared. Now, we reflect back on those earlier times and see something much more clearly than we ever have before.


















The Sabian Image for the Full Moon in Aquarius is A BUTTERFLY EMERGING FROM A CHRYSALIS.  Lynda Hill’s interpretation is

Commentary: ‘A Butterfly Emerging From a Chrysalis’ is nothing less than a complete emergence into a new life and total transformation. It’s facing a whole new beginning and an entirely new life from what it has previously known. The ‘Butterfly’, after it struggles to ‘Emerge’ from its ‘Chrysalis’, takes a moment to stretch its wings and orient itself. It has shrugged off its ‘Chrysalis’ and is free to take flight when the moment is right.

Oracle: Like an awakening, you may feel that you are suddenly able to do something that truly reflects your inner self and what you’ve always wanted or meant to become. Things have been developing within you that reflect who you truly want to be. There will need to be care taken with this great effort of birth and rebirth to ensure a smooth transition into another dimension of life. With this brand new start, you will be able to realize many more of your talents and potentials, even the “latent” ones. What have you been storing up and learning and what do you assess your life’s purpose to be? There is likely to be an awakening to a whole new field of opportunity, and this can be very exciting, although somewhat confusing and confronting. A cautious, but hopeful, attitude at first would help you to ease into it. There can be nervousness here, a feeling of having to “find one’s feet”. It may be a good idea to take a moment to adjust to any new developments before taking flight. There can be some pain involved in the birth of the new, but if one has faith in a new beginning, this is soon forgotten and life takes on a whole new meaning. Events often happen to us to help us come out of ourselves in a more meaningful and beautiful way. Seeing each event as an opportunity for rebirth can lead to new depths of life that you’ve possibly only previously imagined. Imagine the beauty that is coming through in the birthing of these new wings and this new life.

Keywords: Slow building of confidence. Coming out into a fuller participation in the bigger picture. Growing up and out. Emerging from the dark. Leaving yesterday behind. Becoming more and more beautiful. Finding one’s feet or wings. Metamorphosis. Huge changes in the works. Giving up struggling. The drama of new life unfolding.

The Caution: Failing to allow changes to be experienced. Feeling like one will never “arrive”. Struggling to emerge ahead of time. Feeling confined. Being tied to the past. Rushing leading to disorientation or injury.


I do not know whether I was then a man dreaming I was a butterfly, or whether I am now a butterfly dreaming I am a man. Chuang Tse

With each passage of human growth we must shed a protective structure [like a hardy crustacean]. We are left exposed and vulnerable-but also yeasty and embryonic again, capable of stretching in ways we hadn’t known before. Gail Sheehy

The butterfly becomes only when it’s entirely ready. Chinese Proverb

There is nothing in a caterpillar that tells you it’s going to be a butterfly. Sarah Margaret Fuller

It takes courage to push yourself to places that you have never been before… to test your limits… to break through barriers. And the day came when the risk it took to remain tight inside the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom. Anais Nin

So long as a person is capable of self-renewal they are a living being. Henri Frederic Amiel


Commentary: The ‘Mermaid Has Climbed to the Rocky Shore of a Bleak Coast’, shows a woman who has previously merely existed in the waters of life and is now ready to emerge into a more conscious existence as an individual in her own right. She is willing to ‘Climb the Rocky Shore’ no matter how ‘Bleak’ the terrain may be. She may have to leave her home and past behind in order to move into a new life, a new relationship or new beginning of some kind. She will learn to better communicate her emotions, thoughts and ideas. In being able to more fully verbalize and express herself and to “walk her talk”, she can find her place and sense of purpose: the Immortality that can be achieved in this new reality.

Oracle: You must have belief in your ability to cope as an individual emerging into new arenas. ‘The Prince Who Will Bring Her Immortality’, however, can show the seeking of perfection in one’s self through a partner. This can lead to feelings of insecurity and being out of one’s depth. Be careful not to project too much authority onto your partner. You may be expecting others to acknowledge your existence, possibly feeling invisible until they do. However, other people, and probably someone in particular, may bring you insights into your own capabilities, talents and attributes so that you can become more of what you’re meant to become. The female/mermaid, male/prince doesn’t necessarily always translate into these gender definitions. The ‘Mermaid’ may indeed be male, waiting for his “princess” to come to make his life complete. However, how will the partner cope when the ‘Mermaid’ truly gains her own feet and voice? With this new sense of belonging, ideas can be brought into reality in a new world of experience.

Keywords: Coming into conscious form. New forms of being. Transformation. New forms emerging out of the past. Needing, and probably expecting, recognition. Feeling different from the crowd. Learning to stand on your own two feet. Can indicate problems with feet and legs.

The Caution: Focusing on social or rational aspects before being ready. Naivety. Being thrown in the deep end. Relying on relationships too much. Looking to the other for validation of one’s existence. Co-dependent behavior.

I feel my immortality over sweep all pains, all tears, all time, all fears, -and peal, like the eternal thunders of the deep, into my ears, this truth, thou livest forever! Byron

Hope is the expectation that something outside of ourselves, something or someone external, is going to come to our rescue and we will live happily ever after. Dr. Robert Anthony

Higher than the question of our duration is the question of our deserving. Immortality will come to such as are fit for it, and he would be a great soul in future must be a great soul now. Ralph Waldo Emerson

I argue thee that love is life/ and life hath immortality. Emily Dickinson

I don’t want to achieve immortality through my work… I want to achieve it through not dying. Woody Allen

If a man carefully examines his thoughts he will be surprised to find how much he lives in the future. His well being is always ahead. Such a creature is probably immortal. Ralph Waldo Emerson


To the best of your ability, practice detachment from outcome. Send the situation light and love.  Ask how you can create.  No more FIXING!  We are creating.  Create love.  Focus on love and creation. Dance like a five year old and focus on creating.

Monday Moon day August 19 2013 finds Aquarius Moon with a separating aspect as it opposes the Sun.  There is a split between emotion and ego ~ they are on opposite sides of the fence. Think back to February and November 2012 to see the story culminating now. A tough night of tossing and turning as you look and try to find your tribe or perhaps are chased. There is an emotional loss this morning. Venus has a fight with Hades ~ she doesn’t want to go let go of the security of the relationship for the risk(s) before her. Unless she loosens her grip on the past, she’s going to stay stuck. Help her imagine what it will look like if she trusts the process, and allows the evolution (already underway) to take place. Lots of energy around and about not being subservient just because I told you to be subservient. Back when I was a computer programmer, my client got a new boss.  He called her into his office one day, pushed his thumb back and pivoted it on his desk. “I want you to know you are UNDER MY THUMB. I am in charge here!”  She promptly called up her old boss and said “Get me outta here!”  She was gone in a heartbeat, not agreeing to experience being under the guy’s thumb for a moment longer. No dominator model. Rational, communicative, truthful. Sun’s sesquiquadrate to Uranus shifts the energy rapidly ~ reversing or changing direction. No ego or attachment to outcome. Venus is inconjunct to Neptune asking us to adjust, change or shift our dream of what we want to a version more compatible with who we are. Change it up! Unexpected announcements and changes take place.

Mars day, Tuesday August 20, 2013 find Moon in Aquarius ~ the gathering of the energy to serve the greater vision of the collective. The day has separating aspects. Moon goes void Opposite the Sun on Tuesday Aug 20, 2013 at 09:45:44 pm EDT Venus has a gift of brilliance as she easily dances and releases with the South Node.  Make sure to turn on music to encourage the release and brilliant connection. Difficult words or communications around triangles and power struggles occur tonight. The Full Moon takes place tonight!  The Cardinal Cross is in angular houses in the chart cast for Washington, D.C. and the east coast. Expect action from this Full Moon as it is dispassionate and crystal clear. Mercury’s gift of brilliance to Saturn comes tonight in the form of an inspired ideal.  It is a bit of an insular situation you are dealing with here.  Open it up to the wider community. You are only alone if you want to be alone.



Wednesday Mercury’s day August 21, 2013 Moon enters Pisces on Wednesday Aug 21, 2013 at 00:44:24 am EDT and will go void with a trine to Mars making the next two days exceptionally productive for planning, creating, playing, having a good time and accomplishing things. Mercury’s connections to the Nodes of Fate offers you a choice that can feel quite undermining or difficult. You are not in the mood to put up with things you might normally go along with. Jupiter’s square to Uranus takes us back to the summer of 2010 when these two last met up. Now you are facing the test of what you want to do going forward. Adjustments are require and requested. The Lord of related connections to your tribe is arguing with the principles of freedom and going your own way. Explore both options. Jupiter’s trine to Chiron encourages your need for healing via a change in how you approach things. This is a great time to undertake healing protocols or new approaches to living your life exuberantly. Sun’s quintile to the Node of Fate offers a harmonious expression of who you are and what you want to achieve in your life. Don’t be afraid to dream big. Express your heart’s dream. The heaven’s are listening. Mid-day, Venus is under a bit of developmental stress. Normally easy going and cheerful in Libra, she’s encountering others who are not so happy. Don’t let them rain on your parade.  Perhaps they LIKE to be unhappy?  Or it feeds something inside of them?  Unhappiness or dissatisfaction can become a habit ~ you are so accustomed to looking for or at the problem that you don’t realize your entire life view has shifted. Find the pleasantness. Express the gratitude. Enjoy the life you are blessed to have. A set of dissatisfied aspects with Venus can make you feel a bit grumbly. Or Not. The choice is yours.  When we actually finally realize that we create our lives ~ good or bad ~ and shape them by the attitudes we hold, we learn we can redirect our thoughts, hopes, wishes and dreams towards things that support and sustain us rather than living in fear. Today is a day when you can figure that out for yourself around a recurring, nagging and difficult aspect.



Thursday Jupiter’s day August 22, 2013 finds Moon in Pisces. Moon goes void trine to Mars on Thursday Aug 22, 2013 at 09:39:26 pm EDT making today quite productive, full of fun and laughter. Unexpected news that is perhaps a bit shocking wakes you today and starts the day off with a jazzy bump. Mercury connects with Ceres to allow you to speak clearly about what nurtures you and supports your soul’s growth.  It is a great day to launch a new writing project or create abundance around communications. Sun’s contraparallel to Saturn encourages you to go against authority or perhaps assert your own authority. Venus’ trine to Juno suggests new partnerships will be quite productive. Sun enters Virgo for 30 days of getting organized and set up for your future. The Star of David will re-form as the Virgo leg will be occupied again. This is part two of the star.  It is accompanied by an action taking Cardinal cross so don’t be surprised if things seem to fly out of control!  Lots of productive action takes place today. Allow the Node of Fate to dance with your dreams of the future… they are in harmony today.

Friday, Venus’ day August 23, 2013.  Moon enters Aries on Friday, Aug 23, 2013 at 03:13:56 am EDT.  The Aries Moon has a crabby, cranky square to Mars in Cancer as the closing aspect. That makes Mars in Cancer answer to Aries Moon ~ people will be in the moon to argue, fight, disagree or take action over the next few days. Moon is going to set off the Cardinal Cross and stimulate disagreements starting tonight. Mercury shifts energy today and enters Virgo for a short run ~ and he connects up with the Sun in Virgo creating a situation called Combust. People think they are right and will put up quite an argument to PROVE they are right. Best to just say nothing and walk away. Hot tempers prevail for the next two days as Mars in Cancer answers to Aries. The stereotype of Aries Moon people being Hot-heads and difficult will be offered by the heavens and available for ALL of us to partake! Aries Moons leave and walk out rather than being grown up and figuring out how to be in a relationship. With the Combust Mercury and Sun in Virgo ~ lots of people are going to be having those “FINE!”, “No, That is JUST FINE!”  kind of arguments and conversations ~ followed by doors slamming.  Or failing to ever call or write again. The walk away moment is here!  This weekend! Translate Fine to Mine ~ an intractable kind of stubborn, my way or the highway. The GOOD part of this energy is it gets you off your butt and out into the world. You are NOT in the mood. The Enablers don’t enable. The Whiners don’t whine. The Victims get pissed off. They become Mad as Hell and are not going to take it any more as shouted on “Network”. Every one irritated and action oriented means we all take some action toward what we want ~ toward our MINE!  The GOOD part of the energy is you are (or were) ready to leave the situation any way.  So the Aries energy makes it easy to say good bye and depart to the distant hills. That is one of my favorite parts of Aries energy.  Like a match lighting, it flares, burns and goes out. Gone. Done. Finished. Kaput. I must confess that since becoming an astrologer, I often take advantage of Aries moons to end relationships or situations I don’t want to participate in any more. People are so prone to getting pissed off and leaving, you only have to push a teeny tiny bit and WHOOSH, they get angry and are gone. Then you just don’t contact them again. Easy. No messy aftermaths. Of course, IF it is a relationship that you WANT to keep and someone stomps off in a huff over the next few days, MAKE SURE to contact them and connect again once the Moon goes into Taurus on Sunday. Our Cardinal Cross is active today as Moon in Aries opposes Venus and squares Pluto. A great day to clear your life of things you no longer need or want.  A Teeny tiny little push… Mercury enters Virgo late in the day but before he does he waltzes through the last degrees of Leo for a dramatic, door slamming kind of energy! Venus is not too happy today but will be fine by Sunday. Lots of break up energy in the air! Relationships are rocking!  Freedom and open road beckons.

Saturday, Saturn’s day August 24, 2013 finds the Moon in Aries with a crabby, cranky square to Mars in Cancer as the closing aspect. That makes Mars in Cancer answer to Aries Moon ~ people are still in the mood to ARGUE or take action or fight or break up or move on down the road. Harness the energy productively to move things around or shift towards what works better for you.  Last night dreams were full of toss and turns. Venus squares Pluto and is being asked to make a choice about how relationships proceed. This is a PSYCHOLOGICAL choice, a closing square. There can be arguments around triangles and how they are or are not working for you. Moon in Aries sets off the Cardinal Cross ~ you can easily banish relationships that are not working for you any more. If PRESERVING the relationship is your goal, keep your mouth closed. People are going to be reacting from their most primal and primitive place. Aries is a wonderful sign for primal, primitive and muscles. It is all over the place today. Sun’s conjunction to Mercury forms an aspect called combust ~ Those Virgo planets are thin skinned! They tell the truth, whether you like it or not. And today, with the tight combust, they don’t think they are wrong AT ALL!!  And from their perspective, they are NOT wrong. So let them be angry. If you decide to set a boundary with someone who is bossing you around or telling you how to improve yourself, you might find yourself getting a quick punch to the nose. Mars and Venus biquintile to Neptune suggests if things end or blowup today, that forces greater than you are at work. Neptune, in that lovely Grand Trine of what is good for your soul’s path, suggests things that leave are not for your greater good and it is time for them to be gone. Their job is completed. Ceres on Regulus square to Admetos inspires you to say that your mother didn’t raise a fool. Head held high, walk proudly away. New chapters await you.

Sunday Sun’s day August 25, 2013 Moon goes void Square to Mars on Sunday Aug 25, 2013 at 06:02:34 am EDT and enters Taurus 09:14:10 am EDT. Taurus Moon most of the day has a productive and hard working closing aspect of a sextile to Mars in Cancer on Tuesday night. The next three days are exceptionally productive. Our Star of David has reformed, enhanced and amplified by the cardinal cross.  Moon stimulates the Earthy part of the Star of David, making things bloom and grow and the Water part of the Star of David, making things flow. Moon is exalted in Taurus so abundance rules. Venus made a choice about where she wants to go last night or yesterday as she aspect the Nodes of Fate.  Venus in Libra is stimulated by the Grand Cross in action taking Cardinal signs.  It is a GREAT time to act on your own behalf for your future. We forget we are the agents of our own life on occasion. Who else BUT you knows what you deeply, truly want in the deepest part of your heart.  Move toward that heart wish today. Sedna stations to go retrograde so expect action from the oceans ~ in the world and in the Taurus part of your chart around 24 Taurus.  Earth and Water ~ what we are each made of! Dreams were busy last night with lots of action and ideas. Clarifying actually. Jupiter links up with Black Moon Lillith so there is NO desire to be subservient today. Vesta’s trine with Eris suggests you simplify your home or nest so it reflects the things you value rather than the things acquired because others have them or told you that you should have them. It is YOUR home after all.  One client, an artist, who was not supported in her path by her father, took down all HIS paintings ~ which were hanging in her house and hung her own work ~ breaking free of the internal voice of criticism she always heard about her work.  Love has a break through or break apart as Venus and Uranus discuss their differences in the heavens… Things do need to change. Can you get behind that?  Mercury’s opposition to Neptune suggests driving carefully and watching for drunk drivers as well as seeing things or hearing things you never quite noticed before.  There’s a bit of fogginess which lifts and clears under this energy. Mercury and Moon oppose Saturn towards the end of the day so go to bed early to let the dreams take that energy ~ there is a sense of dissatisfaction with emotions and communications. Or take time to wrestle with what you actually WANT ~ again ~ the Star of David and the Cross in the sky encourage action toward the new or against/away from the old and outworn. Create. Create. Create. Take the negative version and make it a positive, affirmative.  Example: “I am old, tired and fat.” ~ the magic of words ~ “I am vibrant and healthy.”  Which would you rather be?  Words have power today!  No ifs, and or buts about it!


Anne’s Four Radio Shows Recap:  Listen in to the podcasts via ITunes or by the website links.

Anne’s Weekly Weather:  Late broad cast as Anne was at an astrology convention in Philadelphia learning all sorts of cool stuff. Our week features a Full Moon, oodles of Mercury aspects, and Jupiter squares Uranus to be set free on Wednesday. Sun and Mercury change signs into Virgo so The Star of David reforms as Sun and Mercury move into position on Saturday to form another grand trine in earth.  It’s a looser Star but it still counts! Venus makes a fated choice about love over the weekend.

Scorpios Talking:  Michael and Anne were on ANOTHER roll this week… We solved the problems of the world! Too bad we aren’t in charge of the world!

The Mary Anne Show: Mary and Anne are on vacation until September 9, 2013.  Enjoy the summer. See You in September!  Cue the song!

Access Astrology: Broad cast from New York, Anne and Mark talked about the upcoming energy and took a call from overseas! Blogtalkradio.com is international!

Venus Unplugged: Llorraine Neithardt with Venus lessons for all!! For Jungians, dreamers, poets and visionaries this podcast helps with your individuation.



Lynda Hill’s work appears with her permission.  Check her out at SabianSymbols.com.

Copyright © 2013 A. C. Ortelee