Weekly Weather August 11, 2014

Weekly Weather August 11, 2014 


















As Uranus and Saturn separate from their stressful inconjunct aspect and move away from each other, slowly ever so slowly the pressure continues to abate.  This week, they are 40 minutes apart moving to a degree and 2 minutes apart.  As Uranus and Saturn separate, the pressure continues to release.  Our being shifts, after being released, into a new energy. Things break apart.  Things die. Things change radically.  Things that were artificially being held in place shift, change, and pass into new forms or simply die.


Sometimes the smallest shift can make a big difference!  Here is a video from Perth, Australia.  The commuter’s foot got trapped in the crack between the train and the platform. Unable to extract it, his fellow commuters pushed the train, freeing his foot. Then, mission accomplished, they all got on the train and continued to work.  The smallest shift makes a big difference!




That balloon video continues to be the best image I have found of the Uranus/ Saturn inconjunct making changes in our lives.  SOOOO, I am repeating it again! You can have a sudden and complete release of deeply held psychological beliefs or structures as the planet of Freedom asks the planet of Structure to let it go, baby, let it go! Watch the video and think about the area of your life where the structure(s) want to collapse and break free.  Think about the area of your life where you want to run away and join the circus ~ breaking the binds and ties that hold you!


In our week ahead, Mars gets within 10 degrees of Saturn.  We start to feel his frustration as he approaches the big ringed fellow of NO.  We’ll have to dig in a bit to get the needed traction and push through blocks or hold ups/hold backs.  Next week will be a bit worse (the Mars Saturn conjunction takes place just after the New Moon on August 25) as the two of them get into a struggle.  Mars RULES Saturn right now but Mars is NOT able to get Saturn to GO HIS WAY.  Frustration happens.  Dig in. Push the energy a bit.  The blockage, frustration and delays end after the New Moon in two weeks.

Venus and Mercury change signs this week.  Mercury enters his favorite Virgo so you can make some mighty fine progress in the planning and to-do list section of your life. Outline the vision.  Get the plan in place.

Venus enters Leo to re-echo Mercury’s and Sun’s passage through the sign.  Venus as the planet of desire will clarify the intentions and expressed wishes of the Sun, just in case you didn’t clearly understand his or Mercury’s message.  Venus following the Sun acts as the clean up hitter in base ball.  She makes sure the Sun’s desires are clear and specific, especially when she links up with Jupiter next week.  She answers questions and indicates what exactly the bright part of our lives wants for the next year or 12 year cycle.  The beginning part of the week, Monday, Tuesday morning, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday morning all have very productive closing aspects of the Moon.  You get YES this week.  Forward you go!



Planetary Highlights

Sun goes from 17:47 degrees Leo to 24:30 degrees Leo.  Sun contraparallel Saturn on Tuesday, August 12, asks us to say goodbye to a situation that no longer reflects our deepest desires in life.  We are moving on.  Sun aspects the Nodes of Destiny on Wednesday, August 13, inviting you to make important choices around how you are going to SHINE in the world.  Say yes to partnership offers, ideas, new directions, anything that looks delicious. You are looking at your future!  Watch for a bit of envy on Friday.Sun squares Sedna on Sunday, August 17, bringing deep and hidden emotions to the surface – issues of alliance, betrayal, and abandonment ~ all part of the healing journey of Saturn in Scorpio.

Mercury goes from 19:45 degrees Leo to 3:25 degrees Virgo.  Mercury aspects the Nodes on Monday, August 11, asking you what your plans are for the future and how you intend to accomplish them.  Mercury is giving you a sneak preview of Sun’s journey next week. Listen to the messages.  Prepare. Have a detailed outline ready to go.  This week, Mercury argues with Pluto and Uranus, forming a fast-moving Hammer of Thor with Pluto and Uranus between Wednesday, August 13, and Saturday, August 16, asking you to hammer out the details of your future and/or end a situation that needs to be let go of….  Bang, bang, bang!  Mercury enters Virgo on Friday, August 15, for 17 days in one of his favorite signs and starting a perfect time to organize and structure your life to follow your plans.

Venus goes from 27:48 degrees Cancer to 6:21 degrees Leo.  Venus enters Leo on Tuesday, August 12, for 26 days of Leonine passion, creativity, love, and exuberance.  She argues with Pluto, squares Ceres and sesquiquadrates Chiron  suggesting that what you love is not what your mother or family of origin loves ~ let go of the power dynamics!  That’s okay!  You’ve now worked out what YOU love and you’re ready to go for it.  Adjustments in relationships and on the home front are required on Sunday, August 17, as Venus aspects both Neptune and Vesta.  Venus will form a fast moving Finger of God over the weekend and early next week… choose wisely!

Mars goes from 8:29 degrees Scorpio to 12:36 degrees Scorpio.  Mars sextiles Pluto on Friday, August 15, creating a vortex of powerful energy that has the potential to transform the earth – or at least your immediate environment.  We will feel the build up earlier in the week. Over the next two weeks, Mars will be approaching a conjunction to Saturn, expect blocks, delays and pushback.

Jupiter goes from 5:33 degrees Leo to 7:05 degrees Leo.  Jupiter forms an inconjunct to Neptune on Friday, August 15, talking to you about adjustments to be made in your dream, so that it can become real.  If you’ve lost some weight, dump the underpants that don’t fit!  This happens once every 12 years… change and adjust the underlying functions!

Saturn goes from 16:59 degrees Scorpio to 17:16 degrees Scorpio.  Saturn argues with Juno, Hygeia, and Pallas this week, suggesting that the partnerships you’ve committed to might not work quite the way you think.  They will be able to continue, however, with a little bit of adjustment.  Don’t be stubborn.

Uranus goes from 16:21 degrees Aries to 16:14 degrees Aries (retrograde).  Uranus is quiet this week ~ still playing with Saturn, they are separating…

Neptune goes from 6:42 degrees Pisces to 6:31 degrees Pisces (retrograde).  Neptune trines Vesta on Saturday, August 16.  A wonderful opportunity to beautify your home, working to create a sense of comfort and space or to hang out with your family (the female family ~ sisters!)

Pluto goes from 11:26 degrees Capricorn to 11:19 degrees Capricorn (retrograde).  Pluto receives the Mars sextile, but is otherwise quiet this week.  Use the energy to power through projects and gain or form alliances.

Chiron sesquiquadrate Ceres on Tuesday, August 12.  Whether your parents meant to or not, they wounded you.  But now you’re grown up and moving past that wound.  Claim your authority over your life.  You’re not hobbled anymore.

Vesta is quiet this week. 

Pallas Athena squares Hygeia on Saturday, August 16, inviting you to examine new patterns around your health and wellness. 

Ceres parallels the North Node on Saturday, August 16, inviting you to nurture new creative projects.  Time to start cooking!

Juno trines Ceres on Monday, August 11, asking us to partner in new ways with the nurturing principles of your life! 


Void Moons in the Week Ahead:  When the Moon is Void, it is wise to avoid making important decisions as they tend to be unrealistic, and subject to false starts, errors or unexpected hassles.  Avoid being concerned with things beyond your spiritual center.  It is time for subjective, spiritual and non-materialistic concerns.  Kick back, let life flow and center yourself.  Connect into your essential oneness with the Universal Forces.

Moon enters Pisces on Monday, August 11, 2014 at 8:55 am EDT.

Moon goes void Trine to Saturn on Tuesday; August 12, 2014 at 12:01:42 pm EDT Moon enters Aries on Wednesday, August 13, 2014 at 09:01:12 am EDT.  Moon is void Tuesday afternoon and evening.

Moon goes void Trine to Mercury on Friday, August 15, 2014 at 11:51:16 am EDT.  Moon enters Taurus on Friday, August 15, 2014 at11:58:48 am EDT.  A lovely 8 minute void moon!  Use it wisely!

Moon goes void Square to the Sun on Sunday, August 17, 2014 at 08:26:54 am EDT. Moon enters Gemini on Sunday, August 17, 2014 at 06:42:09 pm EDT.  Moon is void Sunday.


Ebola Update:  Last week, WHO released guidelines, after two days of international meetings, about the current Ebola outbreak.  ABC News in London broke the news on August 8, 2014 at 9:52 a.m. BST.
















For information on the WHO announcement, go to the link below.  They also have quite a bit of information about Ebola.


Hygeia is out of bounds ~ fitting for a virus that has broken free of its restraints ~ and is at the top of the chart in London’s and Geneva’s charts.  Hygeia entered Cancer right after the announcement where she will be until next June. There are oodles of planets on the world axis ~ Sun, Mercury, Hygeia, Juno, Ascendant, Midheaven, Neptune, Eris/South Node midpoint ~ so we, out here in the world, need to take the WHO warnings seriously.  Astraea is stationing at the time of the announcement in the sign of blood and fast moving Aries ~ Astraea rules small particles and the Ebola virus is very, very small RNAi virus.  It is transmitted by contact with bodily fluids.

Ground Zero for the current outbreak was a two year old boy who died on December 6, 2013 in Guaxckaxdou, Guinea.  Saturn gets back to that degree, 17:45 Scorpio, on August 26, 2014 which is when we can expect to hear the current outbreak of Ebola has left the continent of Africa and appeared somewhere else in the world.  The day before, there is a New Moon in health conscious Virgo and it is after Mars in Scorpio has slipped past restraining Saturn at 17:44 Scorpio.  Ground Zero boy’s death chart meshes nicely with New York City’s incorporation chart ~ Jan 1, 1898 at midnight.  New York’s Sun is 10:51 Capricorn.  Pluto is stationing at 11:00 Capricorn on September 22, 2014, right on NYC’s Sun.  Ground Zero boy’s chart has Pluto at 10:23 Capricorn.

From Solar Fire:  Hygeia is named for the goddess of health, a daughter of the Greek medicine god Asclepius.  The word ‘hygiene’ comes from her name and the asteroid has a bearing on issues of cleanliness, health and well-being.  Illness and disease (especially ‘dis-ease’) come under Hygeia, and the healing processes required for restoration to wholeness and harmony.  This asteroid seems to act as a cleanser and potentizer (to borrow a useful word from homoeopathy), and can activate transformative processes that produce a ‘new improved’ version of some aspect of life.  Concepts of purity and purification also seem to be very important with Hygeia, and it can help people to ‘clean up their acts’ on many levels.

Virus’ have no cure.  You have to live through them.  Ebola is a hemorrhagic virus, currently running at about a 50% death rate (MUCH better than the original version’s 93% death rate).  Inform yourself.  Read “The Hot Zone” by Richard Preston.  Incubation period is 2 to 21 days.  The live virus was active in semen 61 days after surviving the infection.  Essentially, your system expels, via high fevers, vomiting and diarrhea, all the fluids in your body.  The bleeding phase starts 5 to 7 days after the first symptoms with multiple organ failure resulting in death taking place 7 to 16 days.  Death usually occurs between days 8 and 9.  Essentially, your job is to stay alive while the virus runs its two week course.  Consider getting some Pedialyte or Gatorade as well as probiotics to maintain your body’s fluids. Take steps to enhance your immune system.


Moon day Monday August 11, 2014  Moon enters Pisces at 8:55 am EDT and goes void with a trine to Saturn.  Mercury aspects the Nodes of Destiny in the wee hours of the morning, making for some wicked, busy, perhaps disturbing dreams.  It is time to partner with creative nurturing this morning as Juno and Ceres want you to adjust how you take care of yourself.  No more despair or delay!  The time of your life is now. Venus sextile to Admetos allows you to let someone down easy ~ it isn’t working so you or they are moving on.  Time to connect and you’re your new tribe…. You might meet one or more of them today! Mercury contraparallel Mars in the late afternoon invites you to decide on your plan of action, taking into consideration all the “noes” from last week.  It’s your life and your dream – don’t give up!  Moon in dream y Pisces productively aspects both Neptune and Mars later tonight, inviting you to work on taking action around your dream.  It is your life. It is your dream.  Go for it.


Mars day Tuesday August 12, 2014  Moon is in Pisces and goes void trine to Saturn at 12:01:42 pm EDT.  Moon is void Tuesday afternoon and evening.  Another night of wild and crazy dreams around envy and jealousy.  Try to remember them when you awake.  The heavens are talking to you.  Venus leaves Cancer and enters Leo.  Suddenly, everybody’s much less thin-skinned and sensitive as the Goddess of Love is happy again.  We’re more likely to say, “Well, this works for me!” than to whine and complain and feel sorry for ourselves.  Express your passion!  Venus is Leo wants you to roar them out!  Sun’s contraparallel to Saturn and Venus’s to Pluto indicate that, on a personal level, you are prepared to take a stand for what is important to you, and for the vision of the future.  Saturn is watching you!  Make sure you’re very clear with him about what you like and what you don’t like…he’s making matches and suggestions about who you are going to work with in the future.  Own up.  Speak your truth.  If working with that person will make you jump off the roof, say something. Mercury’s contraparallel to Saturn and Venus’s sextile to Pallas suggest that you propose an alternative to whatever it is that doesn’t appeal to you.  Tell them your vision.  At worst, they’ll say no again.  But they might actually listen.  This is a turbulent and unclear day, but those are the best kind of days, sometimes.  Remember, Pisces Moon always sees the potential – even if the reality is not quite there.  Focus on the potential, visualize the dream.  Emotions are powerful tonight, if a bit ungrounded.  Moon’s trine to Saturn encourages stability and a NON-emotional approach to everything.  Take a deep breath.


Wednesday Mercury’s day August 13, 2014  Moon enters Aries at 09:01:12 am EDT and goes void trine to Mercury.  We are finished with the “noes” and starting to move towards the actual “yeses” today instead of the dreamy yes of the Pisces Moon.  Moon in Aries has us awaken with a real sense of clarity about what to DO next.  Action! Dreams were crystal clear and VERY focused on the vision and heart plus of your life. Mercury’s sesquiquadrate to Pluto in the afternoon invites you to renegotiate commitments you’ve made that don’t work for you any more.  You CAN change your mind! Sun’s sextile to the North Node is where you REALLY want to go.  Get rid of any plans or holdbacks that don’t support the journey.  Handle them so you can move on. Venus’s square to Ceres late in the day reminds you that it’s YOUR life, not your mother’s or your family’s.  There’s no useful purpose in living someone else’s unlived life.  The point is to live your life, the way you want it.  It is NOT to live other people’s dreams of what you want. Is this plan what you want for your life?  By the end of the day, you should have received offers or ideas about how to proceed to get what you want.  Pick yourself up and get moving.  Moon’s trine to Venus and Jupiter is a giant cosmic YES!!  So go forward!  Get moving. You got to yes.  There still is a bunch of hard work ahead of you.


Jupiter’s Day Thursday August 14, 2014  Moon is in Aries and goes void trine to Mercury.  Venus parallels Admetos in the afternoon, time again for one more ending – this is a matter close to your heart.  A partnership or love matter that you thought was going to work out one way, is probably going in a different direction ~ not to fret. It is okay.  You’ll be okay.  Venus has big plans for you!  Moon in Aries goes through the remnants of this spring’s Cardinal Cross, reminding us one more time of April’s eclipses.  Moon’s conjunction to Uranus brings surprising or shocking news.  Plus, your new tribe should start arriving today.  These are the people you are going to be traveling down the road of life with. Expect a breakthrough in consciousness today.  When you go to bed tonight, take special note of the areas where the Universe is supporting you.  Perhaps it isn’t exactly what you want, but it is support nonetheless.  Moon’s trine to Sun encourages you to do an inventory of what you are grateful for.


Friday Venus’s Day August 15, 2014 Moon goes void trine to Mercury at 11:51:16 am EDT.  Moon enters Taurus at11:58:48 am EDT.  This is one of our busier days of the year.  After a whopping night of dreams (probably disturbing ones), you wake up with a start, raring to go. Jupiter pushes at Neptune and makes an adjustment that probably is NOT to everyone’s liking. This is a health aspect too so no fooling around with health matters.  Go to the doctor!  Mercury’s square to Admetos brings one more ending that feels bigger than it actually is but has a scary energy.  Expect to hear interesting news about siblings or cousins or grammar school chums.  Mars’s sextile to Pluto gives us enormous energy, clarity, and the drive to push projects forward.  Mercury enters Virgo for 17 days in the sign of list-making and detailed operating instructions.  The “noes” are finished, the “yeses” are starting to arrive. Figure out what all needs as well as HAS to be done. Put a would be nice list together (but you probably are not going to get to it ~ the pace of the world is going to pick up appreciably.  Jealousy or envy shows up tonight so try not to engage, especially if it takes something or someone you want. Moon’s sextile to Neptune makes love and feelings extra strong (good or bad feelings).  Enjoy it if good. If bad, try to shift the vibration to a more pleasant topic.


Saturn’s Day Saturday August 16, 2014 Moon is in Taurus and goes void square to the Sun.  After a night of mighty wild and possibly shocking dreams, you awake with a renewed resolve to organize and plan.  Of course, plan with the idea that everything can change.  Ceres aspects the Nodes of Destiny, inviting you to make important changes around the home and what is comfortable for you. Take care of nagging health matters. Neptune’s trine to Vesta encourages more changes around the home and hearth – make it more emotionally meaningful and suitable to your life and next chapter.  Moon in Taurus works productively, beautifying, and creating a sense of graciousness and spaciousness, as she figures out what needs to stay and what needs to go.  Around 7:00 pm EDT, there’s a period of difficult emotions; you see something that you’ve never noticed before, though it WAS always there ~ Moon’s opposition to Saturn asks you to figure out what is important and focus on THAT.


Sun’s day Sunday August 17, 2014 Moon goes void square to the Sun at 08:26:54 am EDT.  Moon enters Gemini at 06:42:09 pm EDT.  Moon is void all day in Taurus, making it a wonderful day for creative and beauty-related projects.  It is what my friend Dunford calls a “fritter” day.  Fritter days are when you just wander around, connecting, relating and seeing where life takes you. Do what makes you feel valued, love and attached to purpose.  Take good care of yourself.  Moon enters Gemini tonight at 6:41 pm EDT, making for a sociable evening with laughter and good spirits.  Venus’s inconjunct to Neptune indicates melancholy nostalgia for the good old days, remembrance of times past.  Venus starts to form a fast-moving Finger of God with Neptune and Pluto.  Focus on what you love.  Tonight, early to bed, as next week promises to be particularly volatile! You need your beauty rest!  Words around endings are part of the story too.  Venus’ square to Vesta combined with Sun’s quintile requests your attention to matters of the heart, home, and ego.  How can they be more in sync and reflect the true you?




Anne’s Four Radio Shows and Two Recommended Shows Recap:  Listen in to the podcasts via iTunes or by the website links.

Anne’s Weekly Weather:  Mars approaches Saturn, delaying , blocking and holding us back.  Still it is a productive week!

Scorpios Talking:  Anne and Michael discuss the tense choices being faced.

The Mary Anne Show: Mary and Anne talked politics.  Didn’t we give that up?  I don’t care who started it, stop fighting!   We will be off the next two weeks and back on Monday August 25.

Access Astrology: Anne fell asleep on the couch.

Venus Unplugged: Llorraine Neithardt with Venus lessons for all!! For Jungians, dreamers, poets and visionaries this podcast helps with your individuation.

CG Jung Speaks! There are great readings from Jung! Tune in!  Kendrick Norris, Ph.D. reads excerpts from Jung.  Working on individuating? Listen in!


Copyright© 2014 A.C. Ortelee