The eclipses are coming! The eclipses are coming!
I always feel a bit like Paul Revere when I write that phrase ~ The Eclipses are coming! The Eclipses are coming! He rode to warn the Boston citizens scattered through the countryside that the British were coming. I write it to warn my readers that the eclipses are coming. I’ve been writing that phrase twice a year, during eclipse season, since June 4, 2004 when I began writing a weekly column about the Astrological Weather for the internet.
Back then, the South Node was in Scorpio, on my Saturn so I knew writing a column was a fated life event for me. Now, nine years later, the Nodes are reversed and I find myself writing the phrase again, The eclipses are coming! The eclipses are coming! This time Boston and the recent bombing are deeply on my mind. There have been some 460 weekly columns. Right now, I have no words.
So I am going to reprint what the American Federation of Astrologers sent me last night: The partial lunar eclipse on April 25th is from Saros series 112 and is conjunct the fixed star Cigenus. The last one from that series was on April 15, 1995. Events following the last one were:
April 19 – Oklahoma City bombing: 168 people, including 8 Federal Marshals and 19 children, are killed at the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building. Timothy McVeigh and one of his accomplices, Terry Nichols, set off the bomb.
April 24 – A Unabomber bomb kills lobbyist Gilbert Murray in Sacramento, California.
April 28 – In Daegu, South Korea, a gas explosion at a subway construction site kills 101 people, mostly teenage schoolboys.
Because Jupiter is in Gemini, I anticipate it will be like last fall’s eclipses ~ there were TWO Sandys ~ the storm and the shooting ~ one at the beginning and one at the end of eclipse season. There were two storms at the beginning and two shootings at the end ~ the second shooting was at first responders in Rochester, NY when a crazy guy started a fire after killing his sister and shot the firemen first responding to the blaze.
Expect doubles this time too! There was an explosion in Boston at the Marathon and an explosion in Texas ~ a huge explosion of the fertilizer plant in Texas on April 17th. It seemed to get lost in the news of the Boston bombings. 14 people died, hundreds were injured and 50 homes were destroyed. This factory had not been inspected since 1985!
So expect double events of EVERYTHING under this eclipse ~ Jupiter is at the top of the chart, in the sign of Gemini… doubles, doubles and MORE doubles.
We all need to get ready to hatch….
It may be hard for an egg to turn into a bird: it would be a jolly sight harder for it to learn to fly while remaining an egg. We are like eggs at present. And you cannot go on indefinitely being just an ordinary, decent egg. We must be hatched or go bad. – CS Lewis
The Week’s Planetary Highlights
Venus Opposes Saturn on Monday Apr 22 2013 at 03:42:31 am EDT
Mercury sextiles Jupiter on Tuesday Apr 23 2013 at 11:24:36 pm EDT
Venus trines Pluto on Wednesday Apr 24 2013 at 11:42:43 am EDT
Sun Sextiles Neptune on Wednesday Apr 24 2013 at 05:58:10 pm EDT
Vesta enters Cancer on Wednesday Apr 24 2013 at 08:45:32 pm EDT
Lunar Eclipse on Thursday Apr 25 2013 at 03:57:06 pm EDT
Mars sextiles Neptune on Friday Apr 26 2013 at 09:46:07 pm EDT
Sun Opposes Saturn on Sunday Apr 28 2013 at 04:26:35 am EDT
Venus enters South Node on Sunday Apr 28 2013 at 06:50:15 pm EDT
Void Moons in the Week Ahead: When the Moon is Void, it is wise to avoid making important decisions as they tend to be unrealistic, and subject to false starts, errors or unexpected hassles. Avoid being concerned with things beyond your spiritual center. It is time for subjective, spiritual and non-materialistic concerns. Kick back, let life flow and center yourself. Connect into your essential oneness with the Universal Forces.
Moon goes void square to Jupiter on Monday Apr 22 2013 at 02:03:34 am EDT and enters Libra on Tuesday Apr 23 2013 at 03:25:44 am EDT
Moon is Void all Day Monday
Moon goes void opposing Mercury on Wednesday Apr 24 2013 at 08:12:49 am EDT and enters Scorpio on Thursday Apr 25 2013 at 06:26:24 am EDT
Moon is Void all day Wednesday
Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on Thursday Apr 25 2013 at 03:57:06 pm EDT
Moon goes void Opposite Venus on Friday Apr 26 2013 at 04:57:22 am EDT and enters
Sagittarius on Saturday Apr 27 2013 at 07:32:52 am EDT
Moon is void all day Friday
There is no joy in predicting difficult events. As an astrologer, I am much happier seeing the incipient baby or grandchild, the new beloved arriving, the desired change or advancement in home or work or talking about the healing or resolution of a difficult situation. Yet, eclipses are “juicy” because you can guarantee something big is going to happen. That means you are “right” ~ which is helpful in this line of work where accuracy helps draw clients.
So I am going to change it up a bit this week. We are all going to be sucked into the maw of the eclipse energy for the next month and a half ~ through June 8, 2013. Pluto is parked opposite the degree of Jupiter from 9-11 ~ 11:32 for the month of April and most of May ~ evoking 9-11 and bringing us deeper into our own wounds. The North Node is in Scorpio so we are going towards psychological or emotional transformation, release and some kind of death or ending. The South Node is in Taurus so things are going to be pried from our grasping fingers, pulled back one digit at a time, as we most likely don’t want to let go for the fear of what happens next. We are not going to want to let go. Let’s talk about how to handle the powerful energies working themselves out above our heads and inside our hearts.
The personal reflects the collective experience: I sat watching the videos of the bombing, rapt and crying. Now with my sensitive and visual Pisces Moon, I NEVER go to scary or violent movies. The images stay with me FOREVER and pop up, unbidden. It is not my idea of entertainment to watch someone get pulverized or shot. Yet, there I was watching a real event with blood and terror all over the place. A wise friend of mine noticed my obsession and rather emotional responses to the bombing. He directed me toward Susan Anderson’s book, “A Journey from Abandonment to Healing”. It is a horrible title for a very good book. It should be entitled “Gotta Pre-existing Trauma? Read me when you have another Trauma! New Trauma triggers your Old Trauma!” I know, long title that no publisher would agree to but “Steal This Book” by Abbie Hoffman and “Be Here Now” by Ram Das still float in my memory and got me to read them. And, NO, I didn’t steal the book as an Old Trauma when mom caught me pilfering candy from Bert’s Pharmacy and shamed me into lifelong honesty and a tendency toward confessions still inhibits my thieving tendencies.
Of course, WE KNOW logically that New Traumas trigger Old Traumas! We go through all our bad olds when we have a new bad old. It is human nature. Time for a life review of the correlating events that were similar. Humans like to put things into piles ~ sort them by categories. The bad boyfriend or girlfriend category. The job situation that repeats an earlier pattern that was difficult. The person or situation that reminds us of our mother, father, sister, brother or family dynamic. Our life is composed of patterns ~ all described by our natal chart ~ that repeat, repeat, repeat ad infinitum our entire life.
We bring consciousness to our patterns via therapy, conversations with beloved friends, dealing with our enemies, reading books, attending 12 step groups, journaling, creating, meditating and learning our chart’s natal potential versus actual.
I always love it when I point out an earlier difficult situation in a client’s life and correlate it to the current events in their life. Then they inevitably “sigh…. <deeply> ….. I have ALREADY dealt with that!” “I know,” I reply. “Life, however, well, it is like an onion ~ time for the next layer.”
So we are ready for the next layer of healing or peeling away.
In my world, I moved Anderson’s book to the top of the book pile and started reading it. I cried my eyes out again after finding out my beloved acupuncturist Shane escaped being blown up as he’d left the marathon early for a client appointment (Thank you Shane’s CLIENT!). Normally, Shane stays and cheers with his cousins who run it. I checked in on my various Boston folks. I cried my eyes out again when I realized it was the 30th anniversary of my mother’s death on April 17. I hadn’t actually “forgotten” her death but it had receded. My father cried when I read him what my cousins had posted on my brother’s facebook posting about Mom. When the papa cries, I cry. Aries guys don’t usually cry! I essentially had a therapy session with Michael Colberg during our radio show, Scorpios Talking, on Thursday. You get the idea. I was an emotional hot mess. In it, processing, processing but still reacting to the old emotional traumas. And I continue to work with all the OLD emotional traumas that seemed to be bubbling up.
This week, we’ll continue to emotionally process. The adrenaline rush of the Boston Bombing is receding. The shock is backing out of our system. The full out response of police, FBI and the entire city of Boston is done. We can rest now. And that is when the old stuff wells up. Our bodies trigger all sorts of emotions when reacting to stress and trauma. We now enter into a deep emotional space ~ a very, very deep space described by the eclipses. The eclipse chart is flat on 9-11 as the ascendant cast for Washington, DC, is 18 Virgo ~the exact same degree as the Sun on 9-11, Pluto hovers opposite Jupiter’s degree on 9-11 and the Taurus planets are all in the house of death.
You get the idea.
We’ve only just begun. We’ll all be diving deep into our emotions this week as the energy of the Full Moon builds, and builds and builds. Time to heal and get conscious!
Our week ahead features the Full Moon Eclipse ~ which is quite a nasty bugger with Saturn on the Scorpio Moon in Scorpio and Mars on the Sun in Taurus. Mars and Saturn oppose each other ~ which is not a pleasant energy ~ it inhibits expression and movement. Fire Mercury in Aries rules both the Ascendant and the Midheaven. When Fire Mercury went into Aries, Jupiter in Gemini ~ brothers from another country ~ took action and delivered Fire to the arms and legs (Gemini ~ arms, Jupiter ~ legs) on a beautiful day in Boston. Boston’s chart, according to Marc Penfield is September 17, 1630 at 9:55 am LMT ~ complete with Uranus at 16:32 Virgo ~ receiving the energy from the Eclipse chart. Boston’s Saturn and Neptune are early Scorpio ~ this eclipse. The city’s nodes of Fate are 7 Gemini/Sagittarius ~ the next lunar eclipse on May 25, square to their Jupiter at 5 Pisces. Boston ‘s Ascendant is 12 Scorpio ~ on the Saturn/ North Node midpoint of the eclipse.
There IS lots of Neptune ~ deep emotions and feelings ~ connecting with the planets above our heads. So expect emotions to swell up. Venus in Taurus is diving into the South Node of releasing, losing, letting go and some loss of emotional or personal value towards the end of the week.
Process. Process. Process. All that Neptune makes relapsing into bad old behaviors very possible. You might have been sober for 20 years ~ THIS week you are going to want to pick up. Get yourself emotional support. Open your heart to others who are having a hard time too. Seek comfort in the quiet places that support your soul. Know that you are right where you are supposed to be.
Eclipses bring up ALL sorts of surprises too! They bring things that have been hidden to light. So watch for exciting reveals! Expect interesting stories to emerge! Listen for secrets to be told! It is a GREAT time to go on scavenger hunts for history~ particularly history with Scorpios or your Scorpio planets. Time to dig into stuff that wants to be revealed. The Scorpio planets are being eclipsed. They might just tell you something you never knew before. The Scorpio planets and the Scorpios are TALKING!
The Sabian Image for the Eclipse Moon in Scorpio is A GOLD RUSH TEARS
PEOPLE AWAY FROM THEIR NATIVE SOIL. Lynda Hill’s interpretation of the image is:
Commentary: ‘A Gold Rush Tears People Away From Their Native Soil’. The ‘Gold Rush’ brings the temptation to chase the promise of riches, wherever they may be. There have been many ‘Gold Rushes’ throughout history, and people often gamble their resources and their sense of security to chase the possibility of discovering treasures or rewards.
Oracle: The actual promise of abundance and fulfillment from the ‘Gold Rush’ is only really available for a few, although this depends very much on the ‘Gold’ that is being pursued. If the ‘Gold’ is worth the journey and the search, particularly on an internal level, this could be a very rewarding journey that may lead to a better life. Before you set out, you need to make sure you have an adequate “map” of the new territory that you’re exploring. You may indeed strike ‘Gold’ or you may just find yourself exhausted and a long way from home. The choice is often between an established, fairly stable situation and an unstable, temporary or risky situation. Learning to discriminate just what is and what is not possible will enhance your judgment of what’s worth pursuing. Feelings of excitement and hysteria can be infectious and you can find yourself heading off towards something that’s not all it was cracked up to be. The desire to make easy money, to “strike it rich”, or the grab for fame can easily overtake people if ambitions get out of hand. Long term relationships may become unpredictable and unstable when this Symbol is around, as one, or possibly even both of you, are likely to run off for parts unknown just when you seem to be settling into an everyday sense of life. If you’re both after the same treasure, however, this can be an incredibly exciting experience. Whatever the outcome, the trick is to enjoy the journey.
Keywords: Strong desires to move on. The longing and the search for the easy fulfillment of hopes and dreams. Leaving one’s native soil. Having a cause or mission to pursue. Leaving home, people, family. Dropping everything to chase a project. Pilgrimages. The search for riches. Immigration and migration. Listening to clues.
The Caution: Chasing the impossible dream and losing everything. Being unrealistic or opportunistic. Not being content with what one’s got. The grass being greener elsewhere. Lusting after rewards that may be unreal or transitory. Risking what one has for what one could have. Wild goose chases.
Security is not the meaning of my life. Great opportunities are worth the risk. Shirley Hufstedler
Gold will be slave or master. Horace
All that is gold does not glitter; not all those that wander are lost. J. R. R. Tolkien
I kept on digging the hole deeper and deeper looking for the treasure chest until I finally lifted my head, looked up and realized that I had dug my own grave. Dominic–on the psychology of a gambler
Although gold dust is precious, when it gets in your eyes it obstructs your vision. Hsi-Tang
He is rich or poor according to what he is, not according to what he has. Henry Ward Beecher
Often the search proves more profitable than the goal. E.L. Konigsburg
Biggest profits mean gravest risks. Chinese Proverb
That glittering hope is immemorial and beckons many men to their undoing. Euripides
The Sabian Image for the Eclipse Sun in Taurus is A BRIDGE BEING BUILT ACROSS A HIGH NARROW GORGE. Lynda Hill’s interpretation of the image is
Commentary: ‘A Bridge Being Built Across a High Narrow Gorge’ is about finding a creative and concrete solution to cross to the other side of a separation or dilemma. There may be a separation or gulf, shown here represented by the ‘Gorge’, between places, people or objectives. ‘Bridges’ need to be built to overcome separate areas of activity and to link people and places together.
Oracle: There may seem to be no way of overcoming the distance between you and another, or the outcome or thing that’s desired. Realizing the gulfs your face and doing something about any breaks in communications between you can lead to whole new possibilities. Building ‘A Bridge’ takes time, energy and most often, the help of others. It may be best to start working towards ‘Building a Bridge’ now. Once it is completed, the dangers that the ‘Bridge’ spans are no longer of such great concern – that is, unless the ‘Bridge’ is not secure. Failure to adequately span the gap may actually feel life threatening. Looking back or down may bring on a sense of danger or instability. Imagine yourself coming to the brink and going straight ahead, but don’t look down! However, with this Symbol, feel secure that the ‘Bridge’ will be there for you when you need it. With creative thought physical limitations can be overcome most of the time. Be careful not to get preoccupied or wound up worrying whether things are going to fail. Remember the proverb “don’t cross that bridge until you come to it.” This basically indicates that you shouldn’t concern yourself with difficulties until they arise. Don’t place too much importance on the outcomes until you get to the other side. It may help to get some plans drawn up, in reality or in your imagination.
Keywords: Overcoming distance and separation. Endeavoring to build continuity. Solving problems with creative solutions. Bridging emotional chasms. Spanning gaps. Breaking down barriers. Structures spanning distances between places or people. Conquering time and space barriers. Physical limitations overcome. Taking one step at a time. Avoiding looking down.
The Caution: Taking the long way round to avoid asking for help. Using shortcuts to cut across the real issue. Only seeing the risks, not the solutions to problems. The fear of establishing connections. The pervading sense that it could all fall through at any moment. Extreme sports.
Faith is building on what you know is here, so you can reach what you know is there. Cullen Hightower
Don’t be afraid to take a big step when one is indicated. You can’t cross a chasm in two small steps. David Lloyd George
Being on the tightrope is living; everything else is waiting. Karl Wallenda
We are told never to cross a bridge till we come to it, but this world is owned by men who have “crossed bridges” in their imagination far ahead of the crowd. Speakers Library
People are lonely because they build walls instead of bridges. J. F. Newton
The hardest thing in life to learn is which bridge to cross and which to burn. David Russell
Don’t look down. Tom Petty
Voyager, there are no bridges; one builds them as one walks. Gloria Evangelina Anzaldua
We starting to move through THREE, count them, THREE eclipses over the next nine weeks. The eclipses are on the karmic nodes of life and death, so we can expect life altering changes in our world, including the departure of folks who are not supposed to be in our lives any more. Lots of breakups and endings. Deaths.
Venus rules the sign of Taurus. As Venus, the Sun, Athena, the South Node and Mars are in Taurus, the heavens start to slow down and become solid and forceful. Whenever Mars changes signs, he takes the Aries planets ~ Uranus, Eris and Mercury ~ with him into reporting to Taurus. Mars takes the Scorpio planets with him into Taurus. Mars changes the nature of how Saturn behaves as well as the North Node of Fate in Scorpio. Both Saturn and the Node of Fate answer to Mars in Taurus. Pluto in Capricorn feels the pulse of Mars in Taurus as his boss. As of last weekend, Jupiter in Gemini and the Pisces planets now get instructions from Venus in Taurus.
So essentially the Lunar eclipse is TWO sets of Taurus planets arguing with each other across the heavens… double stubborn, double dug in, double bull headed, double fixed earth energy wrapped in a Scorpio and Taurus blanket. It is a fixed and immoveable sky.
Moon Day Monday April 22, 2013 finds Moon void all day in Virgo with overdoing closing aspects of Moon square to Jupiter. Venus is opposite Saturn so you can find you are cantankerous just because you are feeling cantankerous. Not getting what you want when you want it… ask again but it will still probably be a no, no you can’t have THAT. No taking a patronizing attitude either ~ it will just irritate whoever you are talking to. You can get into a health muddle in the middle of the day~ are you taking proper care of yourself? Uranus and Mercury are both arguing with Eris and talking to each other so expect unusual communications or ideas, even if you are feeling a bit snarky about the whole business. Expand your mind and try something new. Mars argues with Saturn by declination. People are just NOT in the mood to deal with it right now. Take that argumentative energy and do something constructive with it.
Mars Day Tuesday April 23, 2013 finds Moon in Libra and looking for a bit of peace from all her overdoing. She’s got a closing aspect of an opposition to Mercury making it a lovely couple of days for fights over silly things. Notice your recurring dreams upon awakening~ Pluto is trying to get you to see a pattern so you can evolve and grow up a bit. Mars has a stressful aspect with the North Node of fate inviting more irritation into your life even as he encourages you to change your approach. You start to come down from the adrenaline rush of last week into regular time and feelings. Adrenaline rushes are great but they end and you can feel rather exhausted. Venus opposite Poseidon can swell emotions past where they normally sit ~ particularly in the realms of relationships, love and money. Mercury’s sextile to Jupiter encourages fire conversations to flare out of control into an actual spat or fullfledged argument. It felt like it came out of no where but actually there is that little item you didn’t actually discuss but that was dropped in your lap. You are a bit irritated by it and rather than dealing directly, the anger is coming out a bit sideways. Venus is not in the mood to be subservient… she’s having a bit of a snit fit in her own way. She’s pouting perhaps? Or just not participating? Arms folded? Legs crossed with her heel tapping? Waiting to see what happens with an arched eyebrow? Venus is actually getting ready to leave with her upcoming dive into the South Node of Fate at the end of the week. And today is just one MORE reason for her to say “Hasta la vista baby cakes!” On some level, Venus is SOOOOO done with this situation. Towards the end of the day, Moon is arguing with both Uranus and Pluto ~ not a pleasant energy. Moon in Libra is pushing back in fact ~ normally she goes along to get along… peace at any price. Now, Libra Moon rules by stubborn Venus can continue the conversation past where it makes sense ~ she just keeps hitting the ball back over the net until the other guy throws the racket down in frustration. Walk away before you or they hit the breaking point. People are NOT happy with this energy ~ arguing for the sake of arguing. Time to learn to listen. But you and they are NOT in the mood to listen. So hush up. Go home. Keep your snarky to yourself.
Mercury’s Day Wednesday April 24 Moon continues in Libra, void all day with an opposition to Mercury pushing up the creative if argumentative vibrations. It is a great day to write, dance, sing and create, the juices are flowing, flowing and flowing… allow the spiritual nature of the void moon to carry you into a very creative space. Write your dreams down upon awakening… they are pointing out powerful patterns to you. Mercury has a stressful adjusting aspect to the Nodes of Fate… you can’t do it all. Venus is trine to Pluto taking an opening energy from when she linked up with him on January 16, 2013 starting an eleven month story, ending on November 15, 2013 of triangles around love, desire, money and power. Own your power on this opening trine ~ you were tested on March 31, 2013 ~ stand your ground now. Venus is clear, crystal clear ~ especially as she owns Saturn right now ~ about her value. There’s an old form of nurturing which is not particularly helpful inviting you to partake ~ this is a bit potential to slip or fall off the wagon. So back to the rooms. Pull up the discipline. Pallas’ square to Juno pushes us to detach from relationships and understand how they actually feed our bad or not so good habits. Sun’s sextile to Neptune clears up a matter that was confusing. Vesta’s entrance into Cancer pushes us to clean up our home space.
Jupiter’s day Thursday April 25 finds Moon in Scorpio with MORE tough aspects of an opposition to Venus as the closing aspect. Venus has a number of stressful aspects during the night suggesting a night of difficult emotions or dreams. Tossing and turning, Venus as the ruler of the sky, is not, simply not, happy right now. Pay attention to the imagery ~ it should be particularly vivid or color filled. Venus finishes the long night with a sextile to Chiron. A client recently reported she dreamed she vomited up Chiron, an angry centaur, which was symbolic of making her inner soul wound conscious so she could look actually at it. Expect something similar with Venus working with Chiron today ~ something about the soul’s wound will be up and dancing around the living room, an angry centaur demanding you pay attention to it. Chiron moves after the dance of the morning with Venus to partner with Pallas ~ that centaur is going to be talking to you about your patterns. Remember folks are sensitive here so it is best to keep your mouth quietly closed unless your opinion is asked for. Of course, under these aspects, everyone will be putting their foot in their mouths! So watch out for cloven hooves… Chiron links our bestial nature with our cognitive nature. We each have a beast inside of us. Often, he or she is silent. Today the beast wants to leap out of our mouths ~ be vomited up so to speak ~ and start shouting at us or the other guy. Whatever you are completely irritated about is also YOUR issue ~ a part of you that is unowned, unwanted or neglected. Comfort that little centaur inside of you… The eclipse energy, according to Bernadette Brady in her book “The Eagle and the Lark: A Textbook of Predictive Astrology” is about the release of tension. Brady says: “A situation which has been lingering will suddenly clear. In the clearing of the problem, there is also a sense of grief or loss which is not so much personal as belonging to the group or to the collective.” Moon’s last aspect of the day is a conjunction to Saturn, suggesting an ending that needs or wants to take place.
Venus’ day Friday April 26 finds Moon void and in Scorpio with harsh closing aspects of an opposition to Venus. Another sleepless night as Mercury plays with lots of planets so expect to toss and turn abit. Sun recognizes the situation is difficult and uneasy even if it is sooooo old. Mercury’s and Chiron’s arguments with partnership oriented Juno suggest that even if you have ALWAYS done it this way, on some level you are finished and done with it. Mars has an easy releasing aspect with Neptune offering some solace and connections to deeper wisdom. Neptune encourages us to evolve and grow. Today is another day you can fall off the wagon so encourage yourself to grasp onto your soul’s vision and move it forward.
Saturn’s Day Saturday April 27 finds Moon in Sagittarius with a lovely closing trine to Mercury in Aries. You are going to be SOOOO full of knowledge under this aspect. Things that were deeply emotional start to clear and make sense. Mercury links up with Eris so people can be irritable and cranky. Sun wants to create and nurture something making this a great day to plan your garden, your future, your vision or start a project that’s been whispering in your ear. Jupiter’s stressed aspect to the Nodes suggest you might have really big plans that need to be adjusted a bit down the road ~ still dream big! Give yourself permission to shoot for the stars. Or perhaps you have competing plans ~which to do? No worries. Work on BOTH of them as they actually will complement each other and probably merge into one plan or vision in the summer under the Star of David.
Sun’s Day Sunday April 28 finds Moon in Sagittarius with lots of aspects that invite an expansion of knowledge. Sun’s opposition to Saturn suggests we each need to own our stuff and grow up a bit ~ time to be responsible for our choices and what we do or don’t do. We are each our own authority. So including our vision of HOW to be an authority is a good thing. And, while you are at it ~ what IS your definition of being a GOOD authority for yourself and others. Venus is particularly dismayed today. She has a number of difficult, crabby, cranky and snarky aspects during the night suggesting there will be disturbing dreams. Then, later in the day, Venus dives into the South Node of Fate and releases all sorts of energy that she’s been holding onto and not sharing with others. I ran into this Facebook posting by Jada Pinkett Smith ~ wife of Will Smith. It fits the energy of today ~ what is a GROWN relationship? What our Grown relationship with the world? What is the kind of relationship we want first to our self and then to others. Saturn in Scorpio asks us to have a grown relationship with our self and then with others.
Let me first say this, there are far more important things to talk about in regards to what is happening in the world than whether I have an open marriage or not. I am addressing this issue because a very important subject has been born from discussions about my statement that may be worthy of addressing.
The statement I made in regard to, “Will can do whatever he wants,” has illuminated the need to discuss the relationship between trust and love and how they co-exist.
Do we believe loving someone means owning them? Do we believe that ownership is the reason someone should “behave”? Do we believe that all the expectations, conditions, and underlying threats of “you better act right or else” keep one honest and true? Do we believe that we can have meaningful relationships with people who have not defined nor live by the integrity of his or her higher self? What of unconditional love? Or does love look like, feel like, and operate as enslavement? Do we believe that the more control we put on someone the safer we are? What of TRUST and LOVE?
Should we be married to individuals who cannot be responsible for themselves and their families within their freedom? Should we be in relationships with individuals who we cannot entrust to their own values, integrity, and LOVE…for us???
Here is how I will change my statement…Will and I BOTH can do WHATEVER we want, because we TRUST each other to do so. This does NOT mean we have an open relationship…this means we have a GROWN one.
Often times during weeks like this, it makes sense to just notice what all is going on when it is something you can’t do anything about. Take a very detached observer position. And notice what you see. Profound eh?
Anne’s Four Radio Shows Recap: Listen in to the podcasts via ITunes or by the website links.
Anne’s Weekly Weather: A preview of the eclipses and the shifting, changing week ahead as the eclipse season begins. Pluto starts to move backwards. What a week, what a week! Watch out for all the fire….
Scorpios Talking: Anne had a therapy session with Michael!
The Mary Anne Show: Mary and Anne talked about self care with the bombing and intense energy!!
Access Astrology: Mark is off. Heather and Anne were rocking. Solar spots and Erin!!
Venus Unplugged: Llorraine Neithardt got her fans speaking with her explanation of Venus as the sacred prostitute….Venus lessons for all!! For Jungians, dreamers, poets and visionaries this podcast helps individuation.
Learn Palmistry with Anne Ortelee
Weekend Workshop April 26-28, 2013
Manchester, Vermont
Palmistry is both an art and a science. It is based on scientific principles that can be learned by anyone. The hand is called ‘God’s Road Map’. The hand is one of the most valuable tools we have for guidance. Knowing Palmistry will enrich the lives of all you meet as they understand the knowledge and wisdom in their hands.
Palmistry’s use as a means of psychological insight and divination dates back thousands of years. Because the hand changes as you change, it is an up to the minute report from your own Higher Self. The hand reports on many areas of your life, including health, financial security, talents, strengths and weaknesses. It shows the best choices for creating a fulfilling life. It reflects YOU, the unique individual. Your hand is a mirror of your soul.
The weekend workshop in Palmistry will cover every aspect of the hand, the shapes, the lines, fingers, and the seven planetary archetypes. We will practice reading hands, as well as learn how to synthesize and communicate the information we find.
Anne Ortelee was trained as a Palmist by The School of Oracles. The School of Oracles is dedicated to preserving and perpetuating Palmistry, a sacred art, in a manner that does honor to the wisdom, healing and illumination it brings to humanity.
Weekend will include:
- 5 meals ~ dinner Friday night, breakfast and lunch Saturday & Sunday
- Two nights’ accommodations
- Workshop and Course materials
- Individual Time with your Own Hand!
Please contact Bodhi Consult for more information. Register by visiting or call Beth at 802 379 5775
Lynda Hill’s Work appears with her permission.
Copyright © 2013. A.C. Ortelee