Weekly Weather April 2, 2007
In our week ahead Jupiter stations at 19 Sagittarius on April 5th, his very own day ~ Thursday. Jupiter will be moving backwards until August 6th when he stops to move forward again at 9:56 Sagittarius. Last January 9th, Jupiter entered his shadow and passed the degree of 9:56 Sadge. Stories from early January will be back in your life asking you if you want to change the things decided, judged or believed since January. New knowledge has been arriving in your life since Jupiter entered his shadow. Important information. Do you want to change what you thought or the decisions you’ve made? What are your belief systems about the higher mind? What is right and wrong? What is righteous? What is ‘wrongeous‘? Do you see how they are related ~ right and wrong ~ part and parcel? What is your dogma?
Dogma, according to my dictionary, is 1. A system of doctrines proclaimed by a religious sect, a belief or set of beliefs that a religion holds to be true; 2. A principle, belief or statement of idea or opinion, especially one formally or authoritatively believed to be absolute truth; 3. A system of such beliefs or principles; 4. group belief: a belief or set of beliefs that a political, philosophical, or moral group holds to be true. The Latin and Greek origins of the word dogma are “To seem, to think” and “opinion, belief, public decree.” Canon. View. Tenets. Creed. Doctrine. Principle. Policy. Guideline. Cool word ~ dogma! Dog-ma is not only the mother of a bunch of puppies! J Well, maybe it is…. Or you can look at it in reverse ~ AM GOD ~ certainly what some dogmatic folks act like or seem to believe they are.
Jupiter and Pluto are going retrograde, in Sagittarius, for a while giving us all another opportunity to revise our beliefs about the important things, deeper connections and communal relations. On December 11, 2007, Jupiter and Pluto join at 28:23 to begin a multi-year journey (until 2020) around our beliefs, philosophies, organized religions, dogmas, judges and all things ruled by the 9th house of the zodiac and the sign of Sagittarius. The tribal other is revising their beliefs before our very eyes.
I find it fascinating that Pluto heads through a sign to shake up our understandings and knowledge about the sign completely! Then, nice old benevolent Jupiter comes along and says, “There! There! Ok, NOW that you UNDERSTAND the sign of Sagittarius on a deeper level (which we all have had to learn to do with Pluto pushing our nose into Sagittarius and making us STARE at its darker shadows), WHAT do you want to change about your RELATIONSHIP or DOGMA or COMMUNION with the sign of Sagittarius?
So, you have until December to get your self together and your head wrapped about and around your new set of beliefs. You can chat them over with Jupiter (he’s great for those long conversations into the dawn of a new day) or Pluto (if you are feeling bold and brave and a touch irritated with having your nose pushed into Sagittarius‘ shadow side). Mull on it. Chew it over. Revise. Revisit. Start practicing or trying out your new, renewed or changed set of beliefs now. So what is your NEW dogma going to be? Watch out for false AM GODs!
You have until Jupiter and Pluto go direct to get your production and dogma in order! We are starting to cast the roles for the production, do revisions to the script and getting ready for the evolution in your beliefs between now and August. Then we’ll enter rehearsal, stage it and have a few tech weeks in the fall as Saturn enters Virgo in the fall. We start to DO IT! We go live, in front of the world, on December 11, 2007! Ready or not! And, that show of yours will be on the road of your life until 2020! Time’s a wasting.
As Lincoln said, “ The dogmas of the quiet past are inadequate to the stormy present.” The universe is asking you to look at your dogmas to see which are STILL your truths? Are you acting in accordance with your dogma? What do you need to change? Isn’t consciousness fun? The formerly fixed, rather dogmatic, areas of your life are moving and changing and shifting ~ link the fixed areas up with the beliefs you are revising. You will be amazed at what happens in your life. Take the leap of faith. It IS your life after all!
Monday, Venus squares Saturn in a conscious, closing, figure it out, psychological integration square. Think back to August 26, 2006 when the current Venus Saturn cycle started and got you to thinking about the structure of love, money, beauty, desire and value. What were or are the important structures in your life about love and value? On November 12, 2006, your decisions were tested. On December 7, 2006 there was a bit of a pay off between your new vision of love and its developing structure in your life. Then, January 22, 2007 brought a bit of a face off ~ where Venus and Saturn weren‘t quite sure HOW they were going to structure love into their respective and busy lives. On March 9, 2007, there was another bit of a harvest. Maybe you were being too harsh with Venus over the past few months? Now we face the psychological integration of what we have been trying to accomplish since last summer around the structure of love, value and money in our lives. It is, on many levels, about what WE desire and how we ask for what we want or desire. Over the upcoming summer, as Venus retrogrades in Leo, she will join with Saturn three more times, in Leo on July 1, August 13 and finally on October 13 at 4 of Virgo to start the NEXT cycle ~ desire it, build it, create it, bring it into your life cycle. Full moon in Libra’s sign brings to mind all the Venus desires we’ve loved and lost over our lives ~ let’s reframe some of those loved and lost in the Full moon Sabian image of CHILDREN BLOWING SOAP BUBBLES. We don’t expect soap bubbles to last forever; we enjoy them while they are in our lives. Why do we expect other things we love to last forever? See the new moon column on the site for more information on how to deal with the lunar energy of the full moon.
Tuesday, Sun is quite busy aspecting the south node by declination ~ so long, farewell to stuff we no longer need ~ and joining with Pallas by declination saying take the strategic long road and well thought out approach to things. Mercury and Saturn are facing off in a squabbly aspect. We have to live in the moment and deal with the limitations before us. Not forever, but for now. Mercury has a dream, Saturn says look at reality. Adjust. Adjust. Adjust. Venus has to adjust what she asks Jupiter to do as they face off in another squabbly aspect. Adjust. Adjust. Adjust. Back to the Dogma question again. What ARE your beliefs? Neptune says we partner with our beliefs to create our lives. Like what you have in your life? Keep the same set of beliefs. Don’t like what you have? Change your beliefs. That is how it works.
Wednesday has a huge pile of aspects. Almost as many as last Saturday ~ 15 by my count. I know. You thought it was going to be a quiet week with all the dogma stuff I wrote at the beginning of the week. Nope. Today is another pivotal day as Mars works with Pluto, Sun works with Chiron, Mercury argues with Jupiter, and Venus argues with Neptune. Now, TODAY, is when you have to start to PUT INTO ACTION that which you deeply, truly and firmly believe. Stand up for your beliefs. As Lincoln said, “ The dogmas of the quiet past are inadequate to the stormy present.” The universe is asking you to do your part to help yourself, your family and friends as well as your world to evolve. Look at your beliefs. Understand we are all connected. What so ever you do to the least of my brothers, that you do to me. You know, all that connected to each other business!
Thursday, Jupiter stations. Sun argues with Uranus by declination. I’d like to think this means that UFO’s or God or Mother Earth or a large, boomi
ng voice will appear in our
lives to tell us to take a cosmic time out in our separate corners or bedrooms until we can behave ourselves and play nicely with each other. Unfortunately, we’ll have to do that for ourselves (and others) today. One of the more cranky days on earth. Mars is at his last degree of the journey in Aquarius and moves into Pisces tomorrow. So serial killer energy is up and about. Remember to breathe.
Friday, Mars enters Pisces and we feel the shift from detached, cool clear air into soupy, water, emotional, merged energy. Like currents in a river or ocean, Mercury in Pisces eddies around the rocks and structures in our lives, softening, moistening, and melting them. Mars will be in Pisces until Mid-May. Trust your instincts and your inner voice or dreams to guide you. Dreams are often very vigorous and insightful when Mars is in Aquarius or Pisces as they seek to speak to our communal connections or guide us to our larger purpose in the world.
Saturday, Mercury has some s‘plaining to do. Unfortunately he’s trying to pass one big old fib off on Saturn (who is having none of it) and Venus who is listening and looking at him with an arched eyebrow and going ‘Hmmmm’. Mercury in Pisces works on an intuitive level, without words. Touch helps connect. Mercury has trouble talking when he is in Pisces. Words can‘t express the depths of his feeling state. Put on some music to move you toward what your dreams are. Let Mercury explain to Sun and Venus with a medley of music, touch, merging, feelings and connections instead of those very, very inadequate words.
Sunday, actions have consequences with Sun in Aries trine to Saturn. Fortunately or perhaps not so fortunately, Mars has moved into watery Pisces so that Sun in Aries is now ruled by a softer, kinder energy. Aries Sun ruled by Mars in Pisces points out how we are all connected here on Mom Earth. We may THINK we are separate but we are not. All connected. All in harmony (or disharmony as the individual dogmatic belief system may believe). So IF it was happening to YOU, what would you do? If someone was invading YOUR house, hurting YOUR body, taking YOUR stuff, doing this to YOU? What is YOUR DOGMA!!?? Do you see how it is all related? We are all related. What so ever you do….. We are all AM GODs in our own world and the greater world.
Mundane: Congress is on vacation for two weeks. They started to poke around under the rock of the US Attorney political firings and turned up some cool bugs and crawly critters ~including possible obstruction of justice in California with Dusty Fargo and his pals. Plus, we have a Justice Department employee, another darling Monica (what is it about Monicas in high places? I need to check out her asteroid’s placement in the USA chart!), taking the Fifth Amendment to not incriminate herself. She might have committed a crime AND she is still on the payroll? At the JUSTICE Department? I love America.
Also, in the Russian press, admittedly not the freest in the world, there was an article saying the United States is planning on attacking Iran on April 6, 2007 at 4 am using tactical nuclear weapons. Attributed to folks working in the Russian government (and presumably listening in on our government’s conversations and plans), Operation BITE is planned for 12 hours. There are 20 plus targets. Tactical Nukes while Congress is on vacation! The proposed attack starts as the Jupiter stations to go retrograde in Sagittarius ~ not a great indicator for luck. Jupiter and Pluto join in Sagittarius in the USA’s first house in December with Mars retrograde in Cancer in the 7th house on all of our Cancer planets, we DON‘T want to be in a war for the next 14 years cycle (until 2020)! We need to nip this new war of George’s in the bud, apologize profusely and get our troops back home!
Copyright © 2007 Anne C. Ortelee