The New Moon lands at 6 degrees, 27 minutes Taurus – while the Taurus New Moon’s ruler, Venus, dances through the last degree of one of her favorite signs; she’s at 29 Pisces. Venus is exalted in Pisces, while the last (or “anaretic” degree) of any sign is considered especially powerful. 29 Pisces, in particular, is not only the last degree of its sign, but the last degree in the whole Zodiac. Venus’s energy there is juicy, volatile, creative, fertile, dreamy, changeful, beautiful, and prolific.
The Moon loves being in Taurus just as much as Venus loves being in Pisces: Taurus is the sign of the Moon’s exaltation. The two signs, and the two planets, will work together harmoniously throughout the middle of this week – till the Taurus Moon goes void with a sweet closing sextile to Venus, on Thursday the 27th at 9:18 PM Eastern US time.
So make sure to take a few minutes on Wednesday or Thursday and perform a simple manifestation ritual. This is not a New Moon to miss! Wish upon a star! The energy is exceptionally propitious.
The Aquarius Midheaven (in the East Coast chart) forms a wide trine to the Gemini Ascendant and to Mars in Gemini, bringing a whoosh of airy energy into the chart. You have more new ideas than you know what to do with, and you’re urged to get started (concrete actions, concrete actions!) even if you can’t see the whole picture yet.
And yes, Mars is still in Gemini! As I wrote last weekend “Being Gemini, he’ll probably take a two-pronged approach. At the fork in the road, choose both paths.” Don’t narrow your focus too early. He is squaring both Nodes of Fate, which means – you’ve gotta keep your options open.
This New Moon is also conjunct the Arabic part of Honorable Acquaintance. Pay attention to the people you meet.
Hygeia is out of bounds, which means health issues can shift very quickly. Take action – go to the doctor – if anything alarms you.
And finally, with Saturn angular, you may need to limit your time with other people. Dream on, and don’t listen to naysayers.
In short, it’s a big, beautiful moment in our lives. Make the most of it!