The New Moon in Pisces This Week

The New Moon in Pisces takes place this Wednesday, March 2, 2022 at 12:34 PM Eastern. This is an unusual one! The chart (which you can see below, cast for Washington, DC) is what we call a “bundle” chart — which is to say, all the planets are grouped together within a trine, 120 degrees of the 360-degree sky. In this case, the bundle has Vesta in Capricorn as its lead planet in diurnal motion and Uranus in Taurus as the lead planet in zodiacal motion.

Translation: sudden change (Uranus) of fixed beloved, fertile Earth (Taurus) related to / due to Vesta (home and hearth) in Capricorn (power, control, and rock-earth). While that describes the world situation, you can anticipate a similar experience in your own life in the houses where Taurus 11 and Vesta 26 are placed.

The Moon, Sun, and Jupiter are all joined in Pisces in the Ninth House of foreign places, illustrating the situation of the many refugees currently fleeing Ukraine. Pisces is the sign of homelessness.

In your own life where are you shifting your dreams and your focus to have experiences that help create a new home for you or a new direction in your life? When Jupiter in Pisces meets up with the Sun and Moon, we can expect our boat to set sail. Where will the wind and tides carry you?

Sailors know the power of the sea as well as the lure of adventure and the widened vision that often comes with travel. A dream is a wish your heart makes, as Cinderella sings (a Virgo figure if there ever was one). Listen to the dream. Focus on your dreams.

On the action side, the New Moon in Pisces features a very powerful conjunction of Vesta, Mars, Venus, and Pluto in Capricorn. On a macro scale, that is the fight for land in Ukraine. In your individual life, it’s about launching a new chapter.

Think about where you want to direct your considerable energy! When you look at the world right now, you see the power of collaboration, and the intensity of fighting for what you believe in, as well as the various options displayed before you.

I invite you to check out my New Moon webinar (recording available to purchase here) to learn more about how to harness the energy of this New Moon.

Big hugs,



The Pisces New Moon
Wednesday, March 2, 2022 at 12:34 PM EST
Chart for Washington, DC