Quick Note: Webinar on Sunday

Dear all,

I hope this Friday evening finds you well. This is just a quick note to let you know about my upcoming webinar this Sunday, May 23 at 7:30 PM Eastern US time. [UPDATE: here’s the link to purchase recordings.] We’ll be talking Summer Eclipses . . . when, where, why, and how they’re going to land in your chart and life. I’ll mainly discuss the first of the series, the Full Moon Eclipse of next week; but we’ll also touch on the New Moon Eclipse on June 10.

I’m also gearing up for three presentations with NORWAC, the Northwest Astrological Conference. On Friday, May 28, I’ll be doing a workshop on my signature Pinball Technique, with a lot of hands-on practice and all new material. (This one is technically a pre-conference offering, so you have to register separately.) Later on Friday, during the conference itself, I’ll be giving a keynote on the post-pandemic Renaissance that we can all look forward to, and on Saturday I’m teaching Midpoint Extravaganza! I love NORWAC. The organizer, my friend Laura Nalbandian, always has a stellar array of speakers. Are you a budding or blossoming astrologer? Join us!

Big hugs,
