We have a Full Moon in Capricorn taking place just before sunset, at 6:56 PM Eastern US time, on July 19th, 2016. This Full Moon represents the culmination of a story that was begun in January 2015, when you seeded a new journey in the Capricorn house of your chart; and which continued in October
New Moon in Cancer July 4, 2016
The New Moon in Cancer takes place bright and early July 4, 2016, 7:00 AM on the dot here in the Eastern US. In addition to being a New Moon for all of us – seeding a new cycle in the Cancer house of your chart – it also happens to land on the Solar
Weekly Weather July 3, 2016 ~ Audio Version. Blog talk is acting strange!
Full Steam Ahead with Mars, Saturn, & the Moon
This evening at 7:38 PM Eastern, Mars stops in the sky at 23 degrees Scorpio. After stationing, he pivots and begins to move forward again, retreading the same patch of sky that he’s traveled since he entered his retrograde shadow in February. Everything changes. Projects that stalled ten weeks back (in mid-April, when went retrograde)
The Saturn-Neptune Square
Tonight, Friday, June 17th, 2016, Saturn will square Neptune at 11:28 pm Eastern time. This is the second of three squares between practical, earth-bound Saturn and dreamy, watery Neptune during the current cycle: the first was on November 26th, 2015 and the next and last will be September 10th, 2016. When these two planets talk
The Neptune Station and the Uranus-Eris Conjunction
When my young friend Dylan was about three years old, his mother and I took him to the beach and he built a sand castle. It was a labor of love, meticulously constructed and beautifully decorated. After a while, Dylan began to notice that the tide was rolling in, and that the water was about
New Moon in Gemini on June 4th, 2016
It is another big week in the heavens, as the coming weekend features a REALLY big New Moon in Gemini – given extra oomph by a tight conjunction with Venus, and a glorious Venus Star Point in Gemini perfecting next Monday. The New Moon itself takes place on Saturday evening, June 4th, at 10:59
A Pivotal Moment with Jupiter and Saturn
Bright and early on Thursday morning, May 25th at 8:28 am EDT, we encounter the third in a series of three squares between Jupiter and Saturn that started last August. That makes this the final Closing Square in a Jupiter-Saturn cycle that has been running since May 2000, when the two planets were joined in