Dear friends, The penultimate New Moon of the decade is scheduled to take place on the morning of Tuesday, November 26th at 10:05 AM Eastern US Time. The Sun and Moon will meet up at 4 degrees, 3 minutes Sagittarius — both answering to Jupiter, the ruler of Sagittarius, who is himself hanging out in the back-end of the very same sign, alongside the Galactic Center. This glittery New Moon / Jupiter / Sadge conflagration comes just once every 12 years. Mutable Fire is at a high point right now: think of it as the Sky King’s last hurrah, before he marches off into sober and practical Capricorn. It’s a moment of expansion, abundance, new beginnings. Talk to your own natal Jupiter, and lean into the visionary quality of Sagittarius. There are no major planets in air signs at the moment of the New Moon — it’s all about fire, water, and earth. Intuition, feelings, and action are highlighted in the chart; but the words may not be ready yet. Anne Lamott likens writing a novel, to driving at night on a dark country road. You can’t see any farther than the headlights. Follow the flicker of desire from step to step. Language is deemphasized right now, despite the fact that Mercury is once again direct (as of Wednesday, November 20th), and is in fact the highest planet in the New Moon chart, when cast for Washington, DC. But the Herald of the Gods is in Scorpio still a little longer, a sign that makes him rather uncomfortable . . . and he’s passing, for the third time, through the same patch of sky that he traveled in the second half of October. He is dragging the river, dredging up clues — but he isn’t ready quite yet to put all the pieces together. He will be ready soon, after he enters Sagittarius on December 9th. Because Mercury is on the World Axis (i.e. 15 degrees of a fixed sign), we can expect another Big News week. And because Saturn and Pluto, two Gods of Retribution and Karma, are placed precisely on the Ascendant of the New Moon chart cast for Washington, DC — we can guess that the Big News will pertain to high crimes and misdemeanors. Mercury is highly aspected in the New Moon chart: sextile to Saturn in Cap, and forming a trine to Neptune in Pisces, who will be making a pivot of his own on Wednesday the 27th. When Neptune stations, our illusions are challenged, floodwaters recede, and the scales fall from our eyes . . . So keep your torch dry and look lively. And if you’d like to learn more about next week’s New Moon, and how to make the most of it, please consider joining me for my monthly New Moon Manifestation Circle webinar. Big hugs, Anne |