Full Moon August 9, 2006

Full moon August 9 2006

6:54 AM EDT

16:44 Leo Sun and Aquarius Moon

I’ve been waiting excitedly for this full moon to arrive! The New Moon in February of 2005 started the current lunation cycle and the first quarter moon test was November of 2005. Well, we all know how much fun last fall was with that traffic jam in the fixed signs and Mars retrograde! Now, we have ANOTHER traffic jam in the fixed signs, as we are on the home stretch of the Jupiter and Saturn two step dance with each other. Neptune in Aquarius is retrograde in the fixed t-square in the sky. Neptune is intimately involved with the Moon as she approaches him, magnifying both of their energies. Sun has JUST finished his conjunction to Saturn in Leo and stands darkened, yet wiser for his yearlong journey seeking his passion, love and creativity. Our full moon lunation promises to be fascinating, insightful and profound!

The alchemists of old knew that any alchemical transformation began with the word, or Mercury. Knowledge. Getting it. The idea. Then Venus and Mars were activated through their desire and seeking natures. We watch as the Sun and Moon, or King and Queen, join in the bath, merge in sexual union, exchange life forces as they mate, climax, die and decay. After the orgasm, transformation and “little death” of sex, Sun and Moon fall away, to be ultimately reborn as the soul or spirit reenters their beings! Think sperm and egg ~ both have to “die” to be “reborn” or create an embryo ~ or new life. From the sperm and egg’s “endings”, the new life is created. Creation has an ending of “something” before creation takes place, even if it is only the “end” of the fabric used to create a new outfit. So many mythologies and religions include a death, subsequent rebirth and resurrection story. Certainly, we as astrologers see the death and rebirth in every major transit with our clients as we track the cycles in their lives and charts. Therapists watch it as their patients transform. Doctors watch it as their patients heal. Midwives watch it as birth takes place. We humans on earth watch the monthly dance as the Moon grows expands, blossoms, wanes and dies to be reborn yet again in her continuous cycle with Sun. We observe the rebirth seasonally as plants follow the rhythm and cycle of the sun. We see it everywhere around us, all the time, over and over, as the pattern repeats and repeats and repeats, endlessly.

However, a problem can occur and kick up when we find it HAPPENING TO US! We are conscious critters. As the process starts we shout out, “Wait, wait, who wants to die!? Who wants to transform? I am a creature of habits. I did not sign up for this! I like my life just fine thank you very much! Well, maybe not ALL of my life, but why do I have to give up what I have to be reborn into the unknown that I am not too sure if I even want it any way? This sucks. Where is my written guarantee of what will happen and how it turns out? What happens if instead of being reborn, they just turn out the lights? What if there is NOTHING? What happens if I cease to exist?”

As a conscious being, aware of endings and death, a part of us just does not quite buy the whole rebirth business. We get the life part. We see or watch the death part with a bit of trepidation. We are not sure we believe that story about what happens after we die! There are just no guarantees.

If you talk with people who have had near death experiences, they talk about the light in the tunnel, the sense of peace and love which they were so drawn towards. Yet, they had to come back into their body for more time on earth. Of course, they might have lost their minds due to lack of oxygen or some such during their near death experience! We do not believe in rebirth until it happens to us. Moreover, even after one birth process, or two, or even 15 or 50, when we feel it starting up again, we go “Uh oh! I know what THAT feeling means…”

Well, the death and rebirth process happens to us on this lunation and through the rest of August while Saturn opposes Neptune in the sky. Saturn and Neptune form an opposition to each other as they both square Jupiter the rest of August. The Saturn / Neptune midpoint is the weakest part or section of any chart. Transits to Saturn/Neptune often mean the end or death of structures in our lives. Neptune just dissolves them with his watery energy. The Saturnian structures seemingly wash away or weaken and collapse! On this lunation, the Sun and the Moon join with Saturn and Neptune respectively as they aspect the Saturn Neptune midpoint. The King and Queen have to die to be reborn down the road apiece. Your old life is going climax between now, and the end of August. You are reborn at the end of October. It happens now! You have been watching it form and coalesce around you for a while. The inevitable transformation is ahead of you.

Adding to Saturn and Neptune opposing each other, we’ll put the lights into play. Sun just finished with Saturn ~ saying the solar or ego part of you knows the old energy is done. You have obtained enlightenment over the past year. You know the old you, your old life, is finished, completed. Not dead, yet, perhaps, but your old life is shifted, gone, changed. You do not want it any more. The Moon is approaching her union with Neptune. Her merging into the divine. Her union with creation. It is an experience of freedom like swimming naked in an ocean as the moon floats above your head. Boundaries dissolve. Time stops. The moon’s union with Neptune’s oceanic energy of creation takes place shortly after the full moon.

Maybe a less “harsh” version of the lunar full moon energy than all this death, alchemy and transformation business would be to compare the energy to a prolonged session of lovemaking. They call orgasm the “petit morte” or little death so it is a more upbeat analogy. You’ve been making love since last August. Yep, a year. Yep, same session. Yep, same person. Yep, a year. You are going to climax this week, next and next until August 31. The big, finale orgasm is about to happen. That lovely delicious moment that you don‘t want to end but ride forever! Then you think you might die because you are taking off and going who knows where as you ride the waves of the ocean, the whoosh of Jupiter and Neptune, the transcendance. Now, over the past year, there have been all sorts of stimulations, licks, and fiddling around, nibbles, bites, pauses, rest periods, and delicious kisses and irritations or requests for more lubrication as you have moved through the process. The next three weeks is the climax for the past year. The critical moment after which there is no going back. You’ve also hit that point where much more stimulation is going to start getting very, very painful. Tissues this sensitive can only take so much stimulation! Your entire being and body is aching for it to finish already. However, the drive energy is in there too. It is not done but so close, so close, so very close. How do you make “it” finally happen? Do your Saturn! Do your work. Do your karma. It will take you right where you are aching to go….

Okay, maybe that was a bit graphic! I do have a lot of Scorpio in my chart. Push your Saturn energy along. Saturn takes you there. Did you ever stop to think why you cannot move and just collapse exhausted into a deep sleep afterwards? Therefore, those cute little sperm have a chance to swim upstream to find an egg and make a baby. Nature is tricky and darn smart. It would be a lot harder to make babies if you were up and moving around, ready to go out dancing and partying for hours. Turbulent earthquake for those teeny tiny sperm if you were wiggling, moving, walking, taking bath, or a shower. The sperm would get dizzy or maybe be washed out. They would have to defy vertical gravity in the face of an already difficult job of finding that silly egg
if you were up and out of be
d. However, YOU are simply exhausted and cannot move. You are horizontal NOT vertical. You crave sleep. Alternatively, you will want sleep, or cuddles or maybe just have to restrain yourself from leaping up and out until the end of October. You are going to have to do your Saturn until then. The seeds, the sperm and the events of the next three weeks, what happens under this VERY lunation, inevitably change your life or your vision of your life and where you are going.

And what exactly is the structure that is falling apart and changing form? Yep, you got it. Unless you are 19, nothing much is happening in that region of your body for a while. And even the 19 year olds will be wanting to rest! Other parts of the process take over and are in place. The soul is leaving. The apparent decay and end is merely an illusion but it is going to happen. You are not really dead. You will rise again. There is inevitability to the process. A refractory period. The energy has a path. The life force knows what it wants. First, the apparent death, then the apparent transformation and decay. It doesn’t work. It needs to rest. In the meantime, the resurrection will take place at the end of October. The dawn. The trine in Fire between Pluto and Saturn. The rebirth. Do your Saturn until then. As best you can, as tired as you might be. Just do your Saturn. Or maybe dream your Saturn. If you can sleep. You are not going to be able or want to move much but you can still do your Saturn right as you close your eyes. Ten minutes before you roll over to sleep.

Let us turn to Lynda Hill’s interpretations of the Sabian Symbols for more understanding of the powerful lunation today. Leo Sun at 17 is


Commentary: The ‘Volunteer Church Choir’ is pictured here. They come together to make a ‘Social Event of a Rehearsal’. Although their voices will often hit the right pitch, sometimes they won’t. As they are a ‘Volunteer Church Choir’, the issue is not so much in the quality of people being able to hold a tune, but more about the sharing of voices and the enjoyment that such gatherings of people can bring. Criticism of how folks “sing” should be left at the door. Each and every person should be encouraged to contribute what they can, to raise his or her voice in a celebration of spiritual unity and the enjoyment of life.

Oracle: You may feel the need to be with those of like mind, feelings and aspirations. Take the opportunity to share in their expression of spiritual joy and shared faith. Unified voices need to be heard, and can uplift all that hear them. Coming together to contribute to the community without thought of more tangible rewards will bring a sense of belonging and fellowship on many levels. Bringing even the smallest tokens and gifts to the gathering will be appreciated in some way. Helpers may be required to come to the aid of others. There may be a need to test things out to see if they stand up to reality. Whether you receive rewards or are paid for the work you do or not, there may be a need to inject more fun and lightheartedness. Ultimately, if everyone is comfortable and friendly with each other, communication and the quality of work will improve. Even a gesture such as drinks after work can bring people closer together. Overall, everybody should feel happy to be around people of like mind; not pressurized to put in a top-rate performance.

Keywords: Making the most of any situation. Feelings of togetherness that enliven. Rehearsing without worrying about what might happen. Doing things for others without thought of reward. Sharing community. Catching up on what others are doing. Busking and street singing. Learning to open up the throat. Charity work. Volunteers. Sharing food and drink. Small gifts for others. Dedication to ideals. Extending one self by mixing in with others.

The Caution: Trivializing the purpose of gatherings. Being afraid or reticent to lift up one’s voice. Standing in the background because of the belief that one is not “good” enough to join in. Criticizing others for not contributing enough.

I love to hear a choir. I love the humanity to see the faces of real people devoting themselves to a piece of music. I like the teamwork. It makes me feel optimistic about the human race when I see them cooperating like that. Paul McCartney

We do not exist for ourselves. Thomas Merton

You give but little when you give of your possessions. It is when you give of yourself that you truly give. Kahlil Gibran

Poor is the church without music. Irish saying If every American donated five hours a week, it would equal the labor of 20 million full-time volunteers. Whoopi Goldberg

The first time I sang in the church choir; two hundred people changed their religion. Fred Allen

Time is important to me because I want to sing long enough to leave a message. I’m used to singing in churches where nobody would dare stop me until the Lord arrives! Mahalia Jackson


Commentary: ‘A Watchdog Standing Guard, Protecting His Master and His Possessions’. The ‘Watchdog’ needs to stay alert to possible intrusion, robbery or someone stepping over their boundaries and into his territory. The ‘Watchdog’ can’t truly relax, there’s the need to be constantly “on guard” in case of trouble. If the ‘Watchdog’ lets down his guard for even a short time, problems may occur when he’s not looking. This can end up being a tiring responsibility, especially if he is only one who is taking the situation seriously.

Oracle: In the situation facing you, you may feel unsafe and sense the need to be alert for signs of trouble. Enlisting the support of trusted and loyal helpers may be necessary, as there are likely to be others who also have a vested interest in everything going smoothly or continuing to be okay. There is probably the need for some form of reassurance, self-assurance or confidence that all is safe in your environment. Relaxation may be an issue: Is a lack of sleep impinging on your life? Alternatively, somebody may be prying, or watching for someone to slip up. However, sometimes we imagine all sorts of intrusions or threats that aren’t there in reality. This can lead to the distrust of others, even those close to you. Any small noise or sudden movement can set off a chain reaction of suspicion and paranoia. However, one needs to be able to feel that it’s possible to let down their ‘Guard’ now and then. There can be sense of ‘Protection’ discovered from being able to discern what’s real and what’s not.

Keywords: Guardianship. Things that stand guard and protect. Being on the alert against invasion or other trouble. Loyalty, possessiveness. Jealousy. The worry of loss. Alarm and security systems. Locks. Watchdogs. Being afraid of intrusion. Survival instincts. Bouncers and musclemen. Security guards. Constantly checking up. Sudden responses.

The Caution: Suspicion and paranoia that rob the joy of ownership. Being unable to let down one’s guard because of the possibility of invasion or attack. Feelings of being exposed. Possible betrayal. Greed. Envy. Lust for power. Having others do “the dirty work”. Stool pigeons. Spying. Stooges. Being the fall guy.

CERBERUS, n. The watch-dog of Hades, whose duty it was to guard the entrance-against whom or what does not clearly appear; everybody, sooner or later, had to go there, and nobody wanted to carry off the entrance. Ambrose Bierce

There is no rule more invariable than that we are paid for our suspicions by finding what we suspect. Thoreau

I loathe people who keep dogs. They are cowards who haven’t got the guts to bite people themselves. August Strindberg

There’s nothi

ng so comfortable as a small bankroll. A big one is always in danger. Wilson Mizner

Gold will be slave or master. Horace

Why grab possessions like thieves, or divide them like socialists when you can ignore them like wise men? Natalie Clifford Barney

Liberals feel unworthy of their possessions. Conservatives feel they deserve everything they’ve stolen. Mort Sahl

Possession is nine points of the law. Proverb

So whether the alchemical transformation or the lovemaking or the death and rebirth mythology and analogies match your feelings on the full moon, know that magic is a foot. The Universe is shifting, turning and creating a new life in your life. Ride the Saturn energy of structure with the Neptune energy of dissolving into the consciousness of your new life.

Copyright © 2006 Anne C. Ortelee