The New Moon in Pisces: Intuition

Dear friends,

The next New Moon will take place on Saturday morning, March 13, 2021, at 5:21 AM Eastern US time. Just before dawn on that day, the Sun and Moon meet up at 23 degrees Pisces, forming the final New Moon of this Zodiacal year, and helping us get ready for a fresh start on March 21.

The New Moon chart (pictured below) has a four-point stellium in the late degrees of Pisces — the Sun and Moon at 23, Neptune at 20, and Venus at 19 degrees. Pisces is the sign of the Soul. We astrologers often consider the chart as a description of one’s life; it is also a map of our soul’s development in this incarnation. This New Moon in Pisces says, cultivate your soul. It’s an opportunity to find and follow clues about your path. (Did you know that the modern English “clue” comes from “clew,” a ball of yarn — the image is from the myth of Ariadne, whose magic thread helped Theseus through the labyrinth.)

Mars in Gemini in the New Moon chart is approaching a trine to Saturn in Aquarius. When the road before you forks, choose the way that offers you most growth: it’s about beginner-mind and experimentation, planting seeds even if you don’t know whether they will grow. Gemini is the sign of doubles, of course, so there will be more than one route to consider and we’re all feeling pretty indecisive right now. Know that your choices are supported. Just do the next right thing.

The fact that when the New Moon chart is cast for Washington, DC (and this chart rules the whole of the US since our nation’s capital is there) — Mercury at 26 degrees Aquarius lands on the Ascendant, means that people are going to be focused on talking and listening. Take in all the information that’s offered, even if you’re not sure what to do with it yet. Let those stories simmer. Listen to your own intuition, too — intuition being another Piscean keyword.

If you’d like to learn more about this juicy New Moon in Pisces, I invite you to join me for my next webinar, which is scheduled for TONIGHT: Wednesday, March 10 at 7:30 PM Eastern.

After that, I’m gearing up for two more online events this week for the Washington State Astrologers Association: a lecture on the “Pinball” approach to astrology (my own technique for chart interpretation) on Thursday, March 11 at 7:30 PM Pacific time (that’s 10:30 for us East Coast folks), and a day-long workshop on predictive techniques on Saturday, March 13 at 10:00 AM Pacific (1:00 PM for me).

Both of these sessions are open to the public. If you want to, you can register here. Please contact the WSAA folks with any questions.

I also have virtual talks coming up for OPA in AprilNORWAC in May, and GLAC in June. Stay tuned for details!

Big hugs,
