Weekly Weather September 17, 2012


Weekly Weather September 17, 2012









We have a profound, emotional and perhaps a tough week ahead of us. For some folks, it will be a very tough week. However, at the end of it, we’ll be clear, focused and finished with something profound. Your job is to focus on the process that is taking place in your life and your heart. Remember to breath. Give yourself space and time for extra self-care. Solutions, support and help will come from understanding this is a cellular, soul and spiritual process as well as an emotional, intellectual and physical cleansing taking place in your being. It will take place in the lives of the people around you.

YOUR SOUL wants you to let go of something that you believe is profound and essential to your being. That means your EGO can and probably will be dragged kicking and screaming through the process. Resistance is NOT a good idea. Fighting back is NOT a good idea. Let go. Release. Drop back into the arms of people offering to catch and support you. Avoid those who seek to have conflict with you. As far as possible, be at peace with all you encounter. To the best of your ability, be kind to all you have exchanges with. Trust that even if you don’t know quite what it all means, that it IS perfect in the process we call our lives. Messy perhaps but perfect.









It is a week of intense, deep, overwhelming, extreme and weighty realizations. They will be Soul Level realizations. Soul Level realizations drive our karma, our choices and our lives. At certain times in our lives, we come to choice points that ask us to select between possible paths before us in our lives. In hindsight, we realize that it was a Soul Level choice we made at that juncture of our life. Often we don’t KNOW at the time that they were Soul Level choices. It is only when we look back that we figure it out. We see how our life unfolded after the choice was made.

This week, it is Soul Level choice. Relax, as best you can, into the energy of the choice. Listen to your inner wisdom. Be quiet and listen to what the whispers are coming from your soul, rising up from your heart. Don’t choose a fear based path. Trust that when you are presented with a Soul Level choice, if you choose with an open, innocent and willing heart, you will make the right choice for yourself and your soul. Stand in a heart centered place. Choose with your highest intention, purest space. It might be tough to go there but, if you listen to your innermost energy, you will know what to do.












The second Uranus/Pluto square takes place this week. Our powerful pal Pluto stations and turns direct the day before the square sets off. Pluto was at the same degree on February 22, 2011, May 27, 2011, and Dec 21, 2011. Uranus was at this degree on May 9, 2012. The first Uranus/ Pluto square was on June 24 at 8:23 of the Cardinal axis. The current square takes place at 6:57 of Aries/Pluto. Notice what planets are getting set off in your chart to see how the story is playing out in your life. Notice what planets are between 6:57 and 8:23 as those folks are getting hammered ~ any planets in any sign ~ as well as house cusps.

The chart for Uranus/Pluto square has Cancer Rising answering to the dark, deeply feeling Moon in Scorpio near Mars in the fourth house. Saturn is down at the bottom of the chart too, square to the ascendant. We are going to be digging up the dead relatives, particularly the dead grandparents, emotionally and psychically. Our parents were the people they became based on THEIR parents’ behaviors and how they were raised. Our parents raised US based on the decisions they made due to how they were raised. To help put the energy of this week into perspective, go back to look at your GRANDPARENTS or what the stories were about them if you didn’t know them. Understand the source of the energy swirling around you is also actually from way back then. Saturn is in the Gemini decant of Libra ~ look to the siblings, ages 0 to 14, and back when you absorbed what was going on in the family rather than being able to analyze it. Now, as an adult, go back and look at those early stories and the impact they had on your perception of what was possible or available for yourself. The opening square has a very primal, cancer and high need for nurturing energy.

Evolution beckons, invites, and whispers sweetly in your ear.












It is a moment of choice. A turning point. A huge decision. A call to action. A moment of truth. It also is a bit of a “do-over” as Uranus and Pluto have regressed back to this degree after their first Uranus/Pluto square at 8:23 in June. People with Uranus and Pluto in ANY type of aspect in their chart will feel the energy very strongly. Planets in our charts “receiving the energy”, because they are near 6:57 to 8:23, will definitely react. I would use a 2 to 3 degree orb ~ but the closer the bigger the energy experienced. And the tighter the natal aspect, the stronger the kickback, the bigger the recoil, the kick we receive. In each of our charts, look to natal Uranus and Pluto’s placement by sign and house to see WHERE we will be asked to evolve. Look to the Aquarian and Scorpio houses to see WHAT location in our life will be asked to change.

When you shoot a gun, there is a phenomenon called recoil or kickback. It is the backward momentum of the gun when it is discharged. The energy exactly balances the forward momentum of the projectile and the exhaust gases according to Newton’s Third Law. When firing small arms, the momentum transfers into the body of the shooter, via the arm, looking to ground it. Larger or heavier guns like Machine guns or cannons are mounted and able to send the recoil energy into the ground. The energy of the recoil or kick back is a backward moment. The energy moves back into your body seeking to ground itself.

The energy this week will have a kickback, a repercussion, or recoil. Expect it. Plan for it. Note where the backward energy is absorbed into or felt by your body. That is the space that NEEDS TO EVOLVE. That is the space that needs to shift and change. You don’t actually have to change it just this second, this week. You DO need to note it. Over the next few years, you will have time to shift it, adjust it, and move it.

The SOUL Level awareness takes place this week as the recoil or kickback arrives into your being. You ARE moving backwards, but it is ONLY for a short, temporary space of time. No worries. It is a TRANSIT and therefore temporary. However, as noted over the previous weeks, if you have someone who is hanging on by a thread and considering suicide, make sure to reach out to them and reassure them that it is only for a few days, a brief moment in time. This can be a tough week. There will be lots of departures of people who are ill or old. It is a harsh energy for fragile bodies to hold on through.

The situation in the Middle East will be very volatile. Pluto stations often bring earthquakes or volcanoes ~ earth movements as he rules the underworld. Uranus square to Pluto the day after the station amplifies the Pluto station energy, accelerating it, making it stronger. Because Pluto is STOPPED in the sky, the recoil, reverb or kickback will be stronger than it usually is on a Pluto station. Pluto stations often bring wars to a climax, start or end them.

After the rough beginning of the week, Mercury, the messenger, goes through the Uranus/ Pluto placement on Thursday. He’s gathering data, and checking to see how everyone did on the back side of the energy of evolution. Mercury in Libra is quite compassionate kind and care filled as he answers to Venus in Love based Leo. On Saturday, Sun enters Libra to begin a new season on earth. We move from the working energy of Virgo into the partner energy of Libra, answering to Venus in Leo ~ again a softer energy.

My friend Michael has a great suggestion for weeks like this. Your inner child, who will ALWAYS be a little child no matter how old you grow to be, needs your support, love and comfort this week. Michael suggests you physically reach out, holding your hand out to yourself as a little person. Then gather yourself up in your own arms and comfort yourself. Cradle yourself like a baby, comforting, consoling and cooing to your sad or worried little inner child. He literally wraps his arms around himself so he is hugging himself. It is beautiful to watch. And it works.







The other approach is to recognize you are both male and female energies. We each have both an anima and animus that we are trying to integrate into wholeness, connection and unity within our being during the journey of our life. With that in mind, watch the following video and sing it to yourself about yourself, sing your male parts to your female parts or sing your female parts to your male parts. Sing it to yourself in a mirror. You’ve come so far to be right where you are. We each seek to understand our soul. Don’t give up on yourself even as the skies are rough. Give yourself all your love. Still look up. We have to learn how to bend without the world caving in. Know that you are worth it. You’ve come too far and worked too hard to stop now….



Void Moons This Week
7:30 am EDT September 18, Tuesday to 10:46 am EDT
9:11 am EDT September 20 Thursday to 12:34 pm EDT
12:45 pm EDT September 22 Saturday to 3:20 pm EDT



Moon’s day Monday September 17 finds the Moon in Libra with a closing aspect of a conjunction to Saturn. Venus has a wakeup call with Uranus as she breaks through to a new level of understanding and awakening. Mercury has an adjusting aspect to Neptune which might result in a cold. Or perhaps you might have a breakthrough in communication. Mercury at the very beginning of Libra is figuring out what all he wants to communicate in a clear and concise manner. He wants to explain both sides of the story and be heard. Now that the fog of Neptune is gone, Mercury is able to tell the story better. Saturn’s inconjunct to the South Node and semi-sextile to the North Node suggest you might have a ritual of releasing. Something has to go so you can evolve. Some energy has to shift and change form. I particularly like writing things I want to let go of on a piece of paper. It gets the energy, anger, annoyance or whatever out of my body and into a physical form in front of me. Then I read it again, making modifications. Then I set the paper on fire and ask that the energy be released from me into the ethers. Other folks I know find writing and burying the paper or throwing it into a body of water helpful. Earlier this summer, I read a book called pH Madness by Roger Bezanis. He talked about how our body turns food into ash like a fireplace releases energy when it burns wood fuel. The resulting ashes have no life force, no energy, and no way to stay inside of your being. It is quite a helpful process. Venus is parallel to Mars today offering an opportunity to connect and unify your male and female senses. The people in our lives are merely transits trying to get us to understand our own stuff. Think what they are making conscious for you, thank them for it (and you don’t have to do that in person either), and move forward, slowly, towards evolving what you want in your life. Mercury is semi-square to Mars so harsh words can appear this evening ~ either through communications or in person. Mars is at 16:02 Scorpio.


Mars Day, Tuesday September 18 finds the Moon in Libra, and moving into Scorpio mid-morning.  Pluto stations direct and turns to start moving forward at 6:57 Capricorn.  Stations of Pluto always seem to bring up the deep, dark unknown fears and worries.  It is a powerful day to feel the energies pulsing through your being. Be cautious how you push forward as part of the story is yet to be told. Venus is biquintile Pluto offering a gift of brilliance~ when you wake up make sure to record your dreams.  You will receive words of endings today with Mercury square to Hades.  There is a pattern that is increasingly noticeable and irritating that you need to address or which needs to be stopped, changed or adjusted.  The principle of nurturing fights with the principle of desire in a stressful manner. Mercury ‘s contraparallel argument with Hades suggests you need to take words that were secret and open them up to other people, bring them out into the open.  Similar to when a rock is lifted and the bugs, worms and hidden critters scatter, you need to look at the darker spaces, take appropriate action and watch the bugs scatter to hide from the light.  Sun Light is a powerful disinfectant so shining a light on a dark space is what this energy is all about.  If you have the dark space where the light is being shined upon, make sure to look at it, see the bugs run for cover and make sure to notice the changes in your life that have happened since the situation took place.  If the dark space of another person is what you want to shine a light on, check your motives, be aware you might receive a quick punch to the nose, and establish that it isn’t a projection of your OWN shadow stuff on to them.  Essentially, if you get exceptionally angry about something that doesn’t directly involve you but is the other person’s story it probably is your shadow at work causing trouble and being difficult.  The shadow LOVES to blame the other person rather than taking personal responsibility for their actions.  So, for example,  if you accuse someone of not having integrity, look where YOU have not had integrity.  The shadow is always OUR own issue projected onto the other person.  Often the other person goes “HUH? What was THAT about?”  To the best of your ability, own your own stuff.  Take responsibility for it.  Essentially, do your Saturn. Venus has a parallel to Neptune offering a respite and support for the dream later in the dream.  Also, BECAUSE it is PLUTO, make sure to open the triangle UP if there is a dark story at work or running.  Tell other people.  Involve all the appropriate parties and a few extra if need be.  Pluto works his dark magic best when there are SECRETS that are not disclosed or if disclosed, not believed.  Believe the secrets that are disclosed.  Pluto is good at manipulating. To access the transformative side of Pluto, open the dark spaces up to the light and watch the energy transform.  Mars is at 16:43 Scorpio.


Mercury’s Day Wednesday September 19 Moon in Scorpio continues to ask us to evolve and grow, with nice closing aspects as we bear in on the opening square of Uranus to Pluto.  The Nodes of Fate are aspecting Ademetos, ending a situation in your life that needs to be released for you to move on.  Simultaneously, the second square between Uranus and Pluto takes place today, kicking us backwards, like a gun recoils, into our past. Examine the parental, and even go back to the grandparents roles. Look at the space between 0 and age 14 to see what energy wants to leave your life, change or evolve.  It is about releasing outdated concepts. Let go of stuff that you are holding onto for dear life.  It is time to evolve, change and grow.  Back when I smoked, I had a number of books on “how to quit” smoking. I read the books.  I kept smoking.  One day, I was ready to quit. And I did. It wasn’t about any of the books I had read. It was time to quit smoking.  I gave away the books.  I knew I was done with smoking. Similar energy is at work here. You are READY to make the change, even if you are not aware of it. Remember this is SOUL LEVEL work.  Trust that your soul knows what is best for you.  If the desire for change comes from a place of anger, it is NOT Soul Level change.  If the desire for change comes from a place of fear, it is NOT Soul Level change.  If it comes from a clean, clear place in your heart, a profound knowingness, then proceed with complete confidence that this is what you need to do.  Remember the EGO is going to be dragged kicking and screaming through this process while the SOUL knows it HAS, simply MUST do it.  Get heart centered, breathe and listen to what the change is that needs to be made.  It isn’t about anger, although that sometimes impels us to make changes.  It is about a deep space in our being that knows we need to shift things for our greater good.  Mercury’s opposition and Jupiter’s quintile to Pallas suggest dreams are particularly profound and full of messages. Also pay attention to the messages you receive from your teachers or guides or the people who love you and have your best interest at heart.  And no worries if you are a bit embarrassed about the story, that just means it IS a Pluto story that you are working with. Mars occults the Moon at 4:33 pm, pushing us even deeper into our being and helping us emotionally make the required changes.  Mars is at 17:24 Scorpio.








Jupiter’s Day Thursday September 20 Consciousness returns as the Moon LEAVES Scorpio mid-day and enters Sagittarius. We emerge from the evolutionary story of the past few days ready to see it by the light of transformation.   Sun’s trine to the Nodes of Fate encourages us to know that whatever is happening , it is for our greater evolutionary good.  Sometimes that is difficult to believe but trust that whatever is taking place is 1) in your chart and 2) supports your Soul’s growth if you stand in a heart centered place.  If you are standing in fear or anger or dismay or despair, it is your EGO who is running the show, not your Soul.  Turn over the story to your Soul. Stand in your heart. Sun’s trine to Admetos offers you a Groundedness in know that you are on the right path if it comes from a place of compassionate caring for yourself and the other people involved in the story.  Partner with the part of you that KNOWS what is right. Mercury and Jupiter are arguing ~ in this case RIGHTEOUSNESS is WRONG.  Jupiter is NOT listening to advice or with a clear head. He is operating from the Ego. Mercury is trying to show him something or tell him something or have him realize what he isn’t seeing.  Jupiter isn’t ready to accept it just yet. Mercury can and will give up in frustration that his words are not being heard.  Pluto’s aspect to Lilith is one of protective brilliance. Make sure to invoke higher form Pluto, he will help you.  Open up the triangle, tell the story, get some bright shiny sunshine in on the matter.  Mars has a sesquiquadrate to Pallas so there can be stress even as you are seeing it clearly.  Neptune’s square to Juno offers partnership activity and solidarity particularly around matters that are unclear.  Fall back into the arms of folks who love and adore you.  Avoid those who are not in your corner. Ask for help.  Sun’s semi-sextile to Saturn means there is stuff going on in your or their blind spot.  Again, let it come to light, help it to evolve.   Mercury’s opposition to Uranus and square to Pluto suggests you will understand things a bit more clearly once you start talking about it. Again, secrets can be toxic in this situation.  Mercury moves through the square offering advice, exchanging information and gathering data as he meets up with Uranus and Pluto.  He chats with both, sharing information about their experiences.  Mercury has a gift of brilliance with Neptune and sees the bigger picture.  At this juncture intellectual evolution to help the Soul Level evolution of the past few days takes place.  Venus is sextile to Jupiter so the conclusion is supported and enhanced through experience.  Mars is at 18:05 Scorpio.















Venus’ Day Friday September 21 finds Moon in Sagittarius and making productive and helpful aspects to all the planets in the heavens.  Things start to feel calmer and cleaner now. You see things you had not noticed. Mercury’s contraparallel to Uranus offered illumination and a breakthrough around how you connect or work with others.   You could have had stressful dreams last night, do note what they meant. Look up the symbolism of the creatures or images in them to enhance your knowledge. Remember the point of the week is evolution. Helping you evolve to the next place.   See how your refusal to stay the old way or be the old way you used to be essentially has set you free?  The whole concept of evolution is to become more and more aware of the life choices.  There was a great movie, “The Gods Must Be Crazy” about a Coca Cola bottle falling to earth after being thrown out of a plane flying over a remote section of Africa.  The Bushmen found the bottle.  And then proceeded to invent all sorts of ways to use the Coca Cola bottle from playing with it, playing music by blowing in it, pounding food with it and eventually fighting over who got to use it.  Watching the movie made you aware of ALLLLLLL the things a Coca Cola bottle could do besides hold soda.  Thus is the story of today.  Venus asks Saturn for a bit of guidance and he graciously offers it to her… so ask your elders or your wisers for guidance.  Or listen to you own inner wiser.  You actually DO know what do to even if you don’t much want to do it. Watch for Ego taking over where evolution needs to gently encourage your soul to change. Think back on your family of origin story so you can be clear what all needs to take place.  See how you got where you are today. See where you want to go next.  All is possible if we agree to grow. Sun connects with the Nodes of Fate offering us a choice about  how to proceed.  Admetos links up with the Nodes to end a situation or complete it so you can move on.   Mars is at 18:46 Scorpio.



Saturn’s Day Saturday September 22 finds the Moon in Sagittarius most of the day with kind closing aspects and moving into Capricorn late afternoon with difficult closing apects for events taking place over the next few days.  Mercury is contraparallel Neptune again giving disturbing or difficult dreams.  On awakening write them down or record them so you can figure them out. Again look up the symbolism and delve into the deeper meaning. Neptune and the unconscious have NO words ~ they can only speak to you via symbols, dreams or synchronicity where  you link up and draw conclusions based on events or stories evoked in your life.   Delve into the past and the images  being evoked to get deeper into what the heavens and your Soul are trying to say to you. Sun enters Libra, beginning a new season, ending an old and starting 30 days of cooperation, partnership and collaboration. Mars unites with Uranus causing a bit of an explosion or eruption around you ~ it is a volatile energy we are living with these days.  Adding fuel to the fire so to speak is probably dangerous.  Venus sesquiquadrate Pallas allows you to see the patterns from a heart centered space.  So make sure to look at the good and the bad patterns.  Health matters improve or get a forward nod.  Mars is at 19:27 Scorpio.


Sun’s Day Sunday September 23 finds Moon in solid if depressing Capricorn.  This is a great day for slogging through things. Again Moon ‘s journeys during the night bring disturbing dreams… Moon sets off the Uranus Pluto square in the middle of the night. So if you wake up with a bolt around 3 am you know who was trying to talk to you!  Sun has an adjusting aspect to Neptune that allows him to shift the focus of the dream’s energy to move it towards clarity.  There is a sad energy to the Moon today as dreams you once had are put to rest.  Sun has a trine to Black Moon Lilith ~ understanding why you don’t want to be subservient in a relationship is equally important to understanding where you are willing to be in a service oriented role.   I was walking after lunch with a friend and we passed a driver getting out of a private limo to open the car door for his arriving passenger.  It got us into a whole conversation about the nature of service, servitude, subservience and caretaking ~ hired or offered freely.  As a Virgo, it give me great pleasure to get someone something they need or want while at the same time my Aquarius Rising gets its hackles up if “ordered” or “bossed around” to do something. In her case, as a Pisces, with Aries rising, she didn’t want the car door opened unless she had her arms full and clearly needed help.  Think on what your understanding of the difference and similarities between subservience, service, dependence/ independence, submissive/ dominant, balance/out of balance  ~ Libra seeks balance. Wants balance.  But balance is different for different people. What is YOUR definition of balance, especially as it applies to relationships? Nodes play one more time with Admetos, offering us an opportunity to release and evolve in our understanding of what is IMPORTANT TO US in our personal relationships.  There exists a reason or a season for EVERYTHING under the Sun.  Knowing what and why things are the way they are allows you to move forward confidently toward the next season of your life.  Keep evolving and thinking.  Go out and find your new tribe … or the new people you are adding to your tribe.  Saturn is at the last bits of Libra, linking, connecting and pulling folks in for your upcoming chapter.  Or releasing the folks who will no longer be traveling with you.   Again, both situations are perfect however they roll out.  All evolving as it should.  Mars is at 20:08 Scorpio.

Copyright © 2012 A. C. Ortelee

Copyright © 2012. A.C. Ortelee