Weekly Weather June 19, 2006
I’ve been rereading Anima Mundi by Charles Harvey the past week.
It seemed appropriate with so many things at critical turning points in our world. Harvey said our planets are cosmic time keepers of divine intent or consciousness. Each of us, and every living entity, represents a unique slice of time in the flow of creation. Our purpose is to form, create and manifest the intent and consciousness of the moment we were born as we step into life‘s cosmic river and join with the energy of the heavens. Once we learn astrology, or become conscious in another way, we are charged with living our lives purposefully to manifest the intent of the cosmos at the moment we were born. Or, if we NEVER learn astrology or become conscious, we STILL find ourselves living our chart’s purpose, but the road can be, and often is, a bit bumpier, contains more detours, traffic jams and false turns. We ALWAYS live our slice of the heavens! Astrology simply allows us to apply informed, conscious intent to our lives and choices using fate and free will in our kind of blend.
Now, if we think back to Fall 1982/83, we learned about our chart’s (and life’s) purpose but as a scary, difficult energy we weren’t very sure we wanted to go anywhere near again, much less own as OUR energy, destiny or fate. When we live our charts, without astrology, we experience events that guide our path BUT they occur without cosmic meaning or purpose applied. When we first learn astrology, we note, often with quite a bit of fear and apprehension, how Saturn’s natal placement by sign and house matches our own unique experience. Once we get past that Saturn shock, we come to appreciate how magical astrology is.
If we look at our lives through the special glasses of astrology, we find our life’s events open up and tie back to each other in recognizable patterns. Astrology connects the dots of our lives like lines connect the stars into recognizable people, animals, images and myths in the heavens. It might help you to think of the past year as a VERY BIG DOT in your life!
Since last August, I’ve been continually struck by how many clients, friends and family find themselves at critical crossroads or turning points in their lives. We are giving birth to a new version of ourselves! The hard part is done. Honest. We’ll have the opportunity to settle in and adjust between now and fall when Saturn and Jupiter square each other for the third time. Think of the summer and fall months ahead as a time to make adjustments to your new life ~ get your new life to sleep through the night, deal with being exhausted by the changes your new life brings, figure out your anxieties about it, juggle your responsibilities and adjust your priorities. Think of any new parents you know and the first five months after their bundle of joy arrives! Your life is going to feel a bit like being a new parent until the end of October. Sleep when you can!
By the way, haven’t your dreams been simply amazing lately? All of our Neptune experiences ~ be they sobriety, art, music, creativity, drugs, alcohol, or spiritual practices ~ are particularly profound right now. After the north node moves into Pisces for a 2 plus year journey, your dreams and Neptune will speak more clearly to your soul. Start a dream or Neptune idea journal as Neptune moves into sextile orb of Pluto and the Galactic Center. The dreams coming through your being are exceptionally profound and will soon guide your journey for the next 19 years.
A couple more thoughts about our VERY BIG DOT year. When you first learned about sky pictures, you couldn’t see the pictures or lines connecting the stars. They were there! It took you a while to learn about and then recognize them. Now that you know WHAT the Big Dipper (or purpose) in your chart looks like, when it rises or appears in the future you WILL recognize it. It will be much easier than this year, I promise! Second, patterns form out of seemingly random events, especially if you step back and can see the big picture. Individual blood cells coalesce to travel through our veins bringing oxygen to our cells like mailmen deliver mail to our home or the internet to our email account. We follow a regular routine as our pet asks for food or his walk. Your neighborhood of known streets and short cuts takes on a different, patterned, organized appearance when you look at it using Google maps, study a map or fly over it.
While you may not completely “get” the pattern unfolding in your life, please trust that it IS part of your pattern. Go towards the love part of it, not the fear part. Trust that you knew what you were doing when you chose to incarnate into your life and your chart. You are your own little slice of the heavens right here on earth. Do your Saturn to the best of your ability. It’ll be worth it.
There is so much going on in the sky this week that I am going to take a planet by planet approach again. And, remind myself, and you, to relax, stay conscious and enjoy the process. Our slice of cosmic pie is being served up. It is delicious. Don’t be afraid. Go for your dreams. Follow your heart. And, if you STILL don’t know exactly what your heart wants, move away from what your heart DOESN’T want. The universe will notice you moved and take your hand to lead and guide you towards your path!
The Nodes shift signs on June 22, 2006 at 6:47 am EDT to begin a new 19 year journey! I’ve always wondered why the nodes move backwards through the zodiac. I believe it is to echo how the stories of our lives slowly evolve out of Pisces fog and spiritual yearnings into firm form and being of Aries I AM energy! The nodes shifted the last time on December 2, 1987 at 3:28 am EDT. Cast that chart and apply it to both your natal and our new nodal ingress. Aren’t the correlations to your life’s path simply fascinating?
Mercury is relatively quiet as he is in emotional Cancer and not talking much, just absorbing all sorts of feelings and energies. However, he has a rather stressful aspect to Pluto in Sagittarius where purpose or words about things might come through in a difficult manner. Remember, DUALITY is how Mercury best communicates. So if someone gets self righteous, judgemental or know it all on you (Pluto in Sagittarius) do understand that 90% of it is THEIR issue and 10% is yours. Keep your mouth shut. They are giving birth to themselves too! Don’t take on their issues or anxieties as an additional burden ~ you have enough of your own right now, thank you very much! Mercury forms a fast moving apex of a Finger of God with Pluto and Ceres ~ this is NOT your mother’s or your family’s life. It is YOUR life. Live it.
Our gal Venus in Taurus is quite busy all week. She forms the other side of a stressful Finger of God with Pluto in Sagittarius and Mercury in Cancer. She’s finishing up traveling through the space that Mars spent SO much time stuck in last fall though February. She making aspects of brilliance and receiving cosmic gifts from Juno, Uranus, Saturn, Vesta, and Mars. So applying those basic astrological key words partner in unusual or freeing ways with your karma and work, to find your home in it and move off to create your own special life. Send love, love, love towards every situation you encounter. Venus’ love will figure it out and convert into solid assets and tangible skills the purpose of last fall’s and winter’s journey as she makes a passel of aspects and heads out into flirt, perky, Gemini on Friday.
Sun enters Cancer and officially starts the summer season on Wednesday, June 21 at 8:26 am EDT. Until June 22 at 6:47 am EDT, Sun squares the cosmic Karmic nodes found on the world axis of zero Aries/Libra. Take time during this 22 hour period to commit to your master plan and path! Mars is finally past Saturn in Leo, suggesting the path you select is one you feel a de
ep sense of love, family, ca
ring or nurturing toward. You know, the one you love because it fills your soul so? Yep, that’s the one. Towards the end of the week, Sun aspects Chiron with a brilliance, a sparkling, shining, “ah ha” of why you are here, wounds, scars, boo-boos and all.
Mars squares Jupiter, sesquiquadrates Pluto, joins with Saturn and Venus by parralel and argues with Pallas before receiving a gift of genius from Venus. The imagery feels like Mars, previously tied up, trapped in a chair, as the clock ticks down, manages to break free of his rope bonds, sucker punches Pluto his sleepy guard, turns to free his friends Saturn and Venus, briefly argues strategy with Pallas and figures out a plan with Venus‘s advice. Mars had a tough time of it with his retrograde last fall. However, ONCE Mars figures it out, he’s unstoppable. He figures it out this week!
Jupiter has squares with Mars, Vesta, Saturn and Juno during the week. While he is retrograde until mid-July, he‘s not at the top of his game. However, regardless of what happens during the week ahead, the transformation and learning that takes place in Jupiter’s being IS permanent. It isn‘t going any where. You might not know exactly what you want to DO with what you learned, but you have it, under your belt and in your being. You got it! And they can’t take that away from you! Once the light is shown, consciousness arrives, so you see it. There is no going back to UNconsciousness! That is not how the cosmos works!
Saturn’s having a grand old time all week long. He’s opposing Chiron ~ ouch, ouch, ouch ~ our wounds are what we are here to teach. We can only teach what we‘ve learned ourselves. Saturn has an aspect of brilliance and genius with Venus. He joins with Mars and Venus by parallel conjunction ~ ah hah SO THAT is what it all was for! And, most important of all, he has opening square two perfect to his retrograde pal Jupiter. Now, Jupiter IS retrograde so that new life of yours may look fairly paltry, puny and not all too great right now. Hey, it is a new born life! What do you want? It has POTENTIAL!!! Your new life is going to grow up from the helpless crying baby in front of you to become a toddler, a tyke, a kid, a teenager to become, eventually, a fully functioning adult. And, now that you have the hang of your chart, that process can happen in a fairly rapid format. So pick up that new life of yours and start talking baby talk to it, tickle it, change the wet diaper and dress it up in a cute little snuggle suit. You have the rest of your life to get to know yourself.
Uranus stations on Monday to go retrograde until the new moon on November 20th at 28 Scorpio when he goes direct at 10:48. Consequently, situations, dramas and events from around March 3, 2006 will resurface during the retrograde station. If the situation from March hasn’t released yet, you are probably keeping it around until the late fall. Remember changes take time, particularly big changes like this one. This critter is not leaving until late fall.
Neptune doesn’t have a whole lot to do during the week. He is basically unaspected except by the transiting moon. He’s watching, sending dreams and waiting for his opportunity later in summer to dance with Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. Get a dream journal. Start recording your dreams now as Mars begins to move into orb of him at the end of the week. You are going to start learning all sorts of stuff from those dreams of yours.
Pluto is on the receiving end of aspects this week as Venus, Mars and Mercury argue with him. He (and you) can’t go home again. As Pluto is the apex of a Finger of God from Venus and Mercury, knowledge and desire change FOREVER your relationship to yourself to bring consciousness.
Chiron is opposed by Saturn. Giving birth hurts. A friend of mine was pregnant with her second child. Her husband, who was there at the birth of their first child, said to me he’d had a conversation with their Ob/Gyn. The doctor said that women’s bodies, or perhaps their minds, forget how much pain is involved in childbirth. Around about the 9th month or so, women start to remember “Oh yes, it is going to hurt again.” However, the life on the other side is worth the pain. Nature lets them “forget” so women will go through it again. The Ob/Gyn said the MEN, watching on the sidelines, focus on their woman’s pain and remember it VERY clearly. Women, charged with undergoing the birth process, get to forget. It is a marvel of nature that you will forget the pain of your recent childbirth of you ~ or at least you will put it in perspective down the road a piece. If we didn’t have birth, we wouldn’t have new life. All part of the cycle and circle of life ~ go listen to the song from the Lion King.
Monday, read Venus, Uranus, Mars, Jupiter, and Mercury. Uranus’ station today is profound. Mars square to Jupiter says you get the impetus to move forward toward your new life.
Tuesday hurts in a sad, mad, painful kind of ending way as Saturn squares Chiron and Mars argues with Pluto. Our endings are always our new beginnings. Moon in Aries suggests the words maybe sharper than they need to be. All part of the process. Fights make it easier to separate.
Ceres stations to go retrograde on Wednesday as oodles of aspects take place. You will want to go home again but like a baby out of the womb, you can’t. You just don’t fit there any more. This is our decision day. Read Venus, Uranus, Pluto, Sun, Nodes, Saturn, Mercury and Mars. Old Neptune is sitting to the side, back against a wall, drinking a beer and watching the rest of the planets gather, chat, catch up, make plans, say farewells, hug each other, and go off to their futures. Kind of a cosmic graduation day where you want it to go by in slow motion as you gather all your memories up to save them forever as you get ready for the next chapter in your life to start.
Thursday our karmic nodes shift signs, leaves Aries, enters Pisces and begins a new 19 years journey as Jupiter squares Saturn, part two. This is the day we’ve been working toward since last fall and actually since December of 1987 when our last journey through our karma nodal path began. For me, back in 1987, it was the realization that computers and sales, while fun, remunerative and interesting weren’t QUITE enough for my soul. So over the past 19 years, I’ve traveled various paths and discovered along the way that I was, am, and will be an astrologer in this lifetime. Or at least, that is my path for my foreseeable future. My cosmic work is to help and support people during their transitions. Astrology is a marvelous vehicle I can use to do my work. So what is YOUR path?
Friday is almost as busy as Wednesday. Read Venus, Mercury, Mars, and Nodes. Reread Venus two more times ~ she‘s talking to those nodes as her desire nature blends with an understanding of how last fall worked to get you to today. How much you desire what your soul deeply wants (even, IF, at the same time you are scared to death by it). Encourage Venus to giggle. Tell Venus you love her. Give Venus flowers or kind, loving words.
Saturday read Venus, Saturn, Mars, Sun, Chiron, and Uranus. Juno is very active today so focus on your new partnership with yourself. You’ve been born. Now you have to raise yourself to be as terrific a human as you can become. Go live your chart, partner and manifest your unique slice of the Universe.
Sunday, Jupiter squares Juno. Juno, portrayed as the jealous, avenging wife of Zeus, gets a bad rap in many myths as she takes off after all the women Zeus fools around with. Let’s reframe Juno as being aware of the potential AND problems in partnerships as well as the purpose of jher relationship. Juno seeks to preserve her partnership with Zeus. You might not agree with her methods but she DOES get what SHE wants. You’ve been working toward getting married and partne
ring with your true purpose for existing in this lifetime. Celebrate your new relationship with yourself! Honor Juno‘s good side! She knows what she wants and she makes sure she keeps it. You’ve sweated, struggled, pushed, pulled and now you’ve given birth to you. Hip, hip, HOORAY! You are here, joined with your true self, like Juno was to Zeus. Now, notice that Zeus, for all his philandering around, isn’t, wasn’t, doesn’t leaving Juno either! It is a dance for two ~ Zeus and Juno. Your chart is a dance for two ~ your soul and your being. Might as well enjoy the good parts of your chart even if you don’t always like the bad parts of your relationship to the cosmos.
Mundane: I knew I didn’t like last week’s aspects! Karl Rove was advised he wasn’t going to be charged with perjury for lying to the Grand Jury in the CIA Leak case! He made 5 appearances before two Grand Juries. Karl’s lawyer, Luskin, gave Karl up was a leaker with memory problems to the special prosecutor Fitzgerald. Luskin’s a brilliant Democrat lawyer, who played fair (darn it) to advise his client well and correctly. Quoting from the internet:
During a grand jury appearance in February 2004, Rove testified that he had not spoken with Time magazine correspondent Matthew Cooper about Plame. But he changed his testimony eight months later, saying that his memory had been refreshed by an old e-mail that his lawyer had dug up that referred to his conversation with Cooper. Rove has said the lapse was an innocent oversight.
Rove would later tell the grand jury that he had simply forgotten the conversation with Cooper until his lawyers found e-mail months later that showed that the Rove-Cooper conversation had occurred. For much of the investigation, Fitzgerald seemed skeptical of Rove’s foggy-memory defense. In fact, a few days before he indicted Libby, Fitzgerald appeared ready to charge Rove, the lawyers said.
At that point, Luskin stepped forward and offered last-minute evidence that he seemed confident would clear Rove. Fitzgerald told Luskin that Rove remained under investigation but that he would hold off on charging him because of information Luskin had provided late that month. Eight months later, that came to pass.
Now, we’ll have to wait until fall when the aspects are active again to see if Karl will be indicted for breaking the security law and leaking Plame’s name on orders from Cheney and Bush. Stay tuned. Don’t you hate these astrological cliff hangers? For those of you tracking the metonic lunation cycle on Mr. Rove, note the new moon at 3:58 Cancer on June 25, 2006 is opposite his Sun at 3 Capricorn with the Sabian image being A CAT ARGUING WITH A MOUSE. I wonder who the cat is and who the mouse is.
On a happier note, if Bill Gates can announce he’s going to be stepping down from the every day active management of Microsoft to redirect his life toward making our world a better place, YOU can take a step or two towards your life’s work! I know, I know, he’s the richest guy in the world so he can afford to do it. However, with his chart, it is the equivalent of Darth Vader renouncing the dark side to rejoin forces with the Jedis! Or actually to go off with Natalie Portman as Bill is going off with his wife, Melinda. Change is in the air!
Copyright © 2006 Anne C. Ortelee