Weekly Weather September 9, 2013

Weekly Weather September 9, 2013







Perfecting and culminating on Monday September 9, 2013, Mars finishes his square to Saturn, releasing the blocked energy that seems to be swirling around our heads preventing us from moving.  All last week, we were a bit like Wiley Coyote chasing the Road Runner ~ our legs and arms were moving but we weren’t getting any traction. This week we accelerate rapidly and launch into energetic movement. WHOOSH~ all the pent up and held back energy ZOOMs forward.  Four planets change signs this week. There are Four planets in aspect to the Nodes of Destiny offering us fated and life altering choices about our path. Four is a stressful number of change ~ inherent in squares. There are a number of activating aspects that propel us forward.






Last week’s New Moon was captured within the trapped energy of the Mars Saturn square. It can still be harnessed and worked with productively after that Mars/Saturn aspect clears on Monday.  I encourage you to take time Monday or Tuesday when the Moon is in Scorpio to go back and look at the structures or habits you want to shift using the Moon’s energy.








Last week’s New Moon was at 13 Virgo on Thursday, September 5, 2013. It marked the beginning of a new cycle. The New Moon was in your habit house ~ inviting you to change your habits or the structure of your daily routines. Personal planets, Venus and Mercury are in their dignity, operating beautifully, helping us understand what we desire and how to communicate it. The goal of Personal planets is to serve our Solar Development ~ the purpose we were put on earth to do. They help the Sun express itself. Jupiter, the planet of relating to the larger community we are a member of, is in his exaltation, encouraging us, in a very healthy, wealthy and wise way to connect with those who support and love us, to appreciate the many blessings in our life and to express gratitude for them.  The New Moon started a phase family that evolves over the next two and half years. The first quarter Moon is June 5, 2014, the Full Moon on March 5, 2015, and the closing quarter is on December 3, 2015.  Keep track of the larger projects in your life to see how they evolve under the habit, routine and dedicated work energy of the 13 Degree Virgo New Moon.


Lynda Hills’ interpretation the image is:

Commentary: ‘Finely Lettered Names and Mysterious Lines’ are Seen; ‘It Is a Family Tree’. This Symbol gives the impression that the ‘Family Tree’ is beautifully designed and mapped out. The ‘Tree’ has branches with names connecting to more and more names as one goes back through the family history. There is often a sense of nostalgia and grandeur with ‘Family Trees’. Many people are fascinated, and sometimes amazed, by looking back to their forefathers; where they came from, and who their close relations were. Some members of the ‘Family’ will see the relevance and the importance of the history and the ‘Mystery’ of the ‘Family’ lineage; meanwhile others may not even bother to look.

Oracle: There is a need to call upon the deeper and inherent knowledge within. What’s been learnt from past experience, possibly from one’s ancestral roots, will help you allocate your greatest strength. This Symbol implies the need to feel links to a strong ‘Family’ heritage or the desire for the sense of security that it can bring. If there is no strong sense of one’s own biological ‘Family’, this can be found through associations with people of like mind, or with those who share a common purpose in life. How do you see your place in the grand scheme of things? Both physically and spiritually, you carry the blood of all those who went before you. How attached are you to your ‘Family’ and your origins. Where have you come from? How do you feel about your role in your ‘Family’? Do you feel involved, wanted and loved? Proving yourself and your bloodline can lead to a stronger sense of self and belonging and an understanding of how you fit in.

Keywords: Strength in tradition. Belonging to a lineage. The story of where one comes from. Issues of pride of heritage. The importance of parents and family. Branches in databases. Having strong and secure roots. Origins and their relevance to today’s life. Ancestors. Calligraphy. Fine pens.

The Caution: Disassociation or disconnection from family history. Exclusivity or snobbery. Feeling like an alien. Feeling, or being, a stranger in a strange world. Orphans. Being adopted. Not knowing where one came from. Being stuck with people you don’t know. Examining your roots.

Every time a baby is born, so is a grandmother. Anon

To “be” means to be related. Alfred Korzybski

Call it a clan, call it a network, call it a tribe, call it a family: Whatever you call it, whoever you are, you need one. Jane Howard

Be tolerant of the human race. Your whole family belongs to it-and some of your spouse’s family does too. Anon

If you don’t believe in ghosts, you’ve never been to a family reunion. Ashleigh Brilliant

It is of no consequence of what parents a man is born, so he be a man of merit. Horace

Everyone has something ancestral, even if it is nothing more than a disease. Ed Howe

Everyone has ancestors and it is only a question of going back far enough to find a good one. Howard Kenneth Nixon









The Week’s Planetary Highlights 

The Star of David continues until September 16 when Jupiter pulls away, breaking up the energy. Use the Star wisely and aggressively ~ we won’t get this emotionally creative trine between Saturn, Jupiter and Neptune again! The next trine is 2145 in 132 years!  So harness the energy! We have a VERY unique time standing before us, asking and offering cosmic assistance. Use it to push your life forward toward creating your dreams!

Mercury enters Libra on Sept 9 2013 at 03:07:05 am EDT for 21 days until September 29, 2013.  Words become precise, clear and balanced towards partnering, love and support. Make deals!

Vesta enters Virgo on Sept 10 2013 at 01:06:20 am EDT for 64 days until November 15, 2013 pushing you to organize and clear up your various home and work spaces to support your habits, projects, health and routines.

Venus enters Scorpio on Sept 11 2013 at 02:15:35 am EDT for 27 days until October 7, 2013.  Venus ignites all sorts of passionate energies while in Scorpio… use your passion and power for good!  When she was good she was very, very good and when she was bad, she was better….

Pallas enters Leo on Sept 11 2013 at 09:49:20 am EDT for 58 days until November 9, 2013 inviting creative pattern seeing, wisdom, strategy and playful ideas making their way into form.

Venus, Vesta, Mars and Mercury all aspect the Nodes of Fate offering you fated choices around love, home, work, action, desire, sex, anger, communication, and siblings. Choose toward the desired vision of your best life!

Void Moons in the Week Ahead: When the Moon is Void, it is wise to avoid making important decisions as they tend to be unrealistic, and subject to false starts, errors or unexpected hassles.  Avoid being concerned with things beyond your spiritual center.  It is time for subjective, spiritual and non-materialistic concerns. Kick back, let life flow and center yourself. Connect into your essential oneness with the Universal Forces.

Moon goes void Sextile to Sun on Tuesday Sept 10, 2013 at 05:22:16 am EDT and enters Sagittarius on Wednesday Sept 11, 2013 at 02:36:38 am EDT. Moon is void all day Tuesday

Moon goes void square to the Sun on Thursday Sept 12, 2013 at 01:09:31 pm EDT and enters Capricorn on Friday Sept 13, 2013 at 05:56:48 am EDT.  Moon is void all afternoon and night Thursday.

Moon goes void Trine to Sun on Saturday Sept 14, 2013 at 07:17:48 pm EDT and enters Aquarius on Sunday Sept 15 2013 at 08:06:24 am EDT. Moon is void Saturday night.

For a New Beginning

By John O’Donohue

In out-of-the-way places of the heart,
Where your thoughts never think to wander,
This beginning has been quietly forming,
Waiting until you were ready to emerge.

For a long time it has watched your desire,
Feeling the emptiness growing inside you,
Noticing how you willed yourself on,
Still unable to leave what you had outgrown.

It watched you play with the seduction of safety
And the gray promises that sameness whispered,
Heard the waves of turmoil rise and relent,
Wondered would you always live like this.

Then the delight, when your courage kindled,
And out you stepped onto new ground,
Your eyes young again with energy and dream,
A path of plenitude opening before you.

Though your destination is not yet clear
You can trust the promise of this opening;
Unfurl yourself into the grace of beginning
That is at one with your life’s desire.

Awaken your spirit to adventure;
Hold nothing back, learn to find ease in risk;
Soon you will be home in a new rhythm,
For your soul senses the world that awaits you.











Our week ahead accelerates rapidly.  Last week Mars approached a square to Saturn, holding back, blocking, repressing.  Now as the square releases, we shoot forward into the new week with a wild abandon. Mars moves forward, one of four planets, aspecting the Nodes of Fate. Mars squares the Node on Tuesday September 10, asking us to choose.  We are at an important cross road in our lives.  As John O’Donohue says in his poem, “Trust the promise of this opening.  Unfurl yourself into the grace of beginning that is at one with your life’s desire.”

Saturn reaches the degree of the North Node this week. On September 17, Saturn dives Head first into the Node of Destiny and is exact at 8:35 Scorpio.  However, all this week and next we can find ourselves at fated crossroads as Saturn sets off the edge of the Node of Fate. The next time Saturn dives into the Nodes of Fate is April 2025, 12 years from now. Saturn previously dove into the North Node in June 2002, January 1991, July 1979, April 1968, and October 1956.

Saturn connecting with the North Node of Fate acts as a cosmic GPS to adjust your direction regarding your life’s karma, purpose, direction and work. Think back on these times to see how the Universe, Saturn and Nodes of Fate shifted your life direction or corrected your course.  Some dates may be clearer to you than others.  Each moment represented a turning point in your ego development, soul’s calling and the path being taken in your life.

Awaken your spirit to adventure~ Hold nothing back! Learn to find an ease in risk.  Soon you will be home in a new rhythm for your soul senses that the world awaits you!!



Monday Moon day September 9, 2013 Moon is in Scorpio with easy flowing closing aspects of a sextile to Sun in Virgo making today exceptionally productive for intense and deeply personal things.  Mercury enters Libra on Sept 9 2013 at 03:07:05 am EDT for 21 days until September 29, 2013.  Words become precise, clear and balanced towards partnering, love and support. Make deals!  Mars pops and finishes his square with Saturn today bright and early. Saturn and Mars hate each other as they are so antithetical to each other. Today they finish their most recent argument and move on to the next phase of their life.  Once they stop blocking and arguing with each other, we’ll feel a WHOOSH of forward movement. Our energy is unblocked and released. Venus adjusts to limitations and accepts them (for the time being) so she can move on too. Once released, desire has a huge uptick of energy too.  Moon emotionally releases her feelings and jumps forward (perhaps with a bit of irritation or an argument HOWEVER Moon DOES MOVE FORWARD! ) Moon sextiles Pluto offering power dynamics a bit of compromise energy too… open up those triangles that are trying to hold you down or suppress you. Don’t agree to the terms offered. State your OWN terms.  Loud and proud. You are, after all, the one negotiating for your life. What do you want!?  What’s your heart’s desire?

Tuesday Mars day September 10, 2013  Moon goes void Sextile to Sun on Tuesday Sept 10, 2013 at 05:22:16 am EDT Moon is void all day Tuesday in Scorpio.  Even though the Moon is void, it has lovely closing aspects for pushing forward on work you know you want to complete or accomplish. Vesta enters Virgo on Sept 10 2013 at 01:06:20 am EDT for 64 days until November 15, 2013 pushing you to organize and clear up your various home and work spaces to support your habits, projects, health and routines.  Vesta also has an aspect with the Nodes of Fate encouraging you to understand your home and office actually reflect who you are. I had a friend who was deeply depressed.  She rented a room to live in, during a very profound transitional period in her life. The room was complete and utterly chaotic ~ a profound MESS~ it was just like her life was. Our personal environment is deeply descriptive of what is going on inside of us ~ emotionally, psychically, and intellectually. It is a physical manifestation of the energy. Look around your home and office spaces today to see what it says about who you are and what is important to you.  Your environment is a reflection of your inner being. Does it reflect what you want?  Shift and release what you don’t want. Pull in and partner with what you do want. Venus encourages us to see the patterns of what we partner with as how we are actually encouraging or discouraging the universe to bring us what we say we want. Back when I was thinking of starting my computer consulting company, a friend of mine, who had started his own very successful business, was listening to me spin myself around and around. Finally, Ric said to me, “Anne, when you commit to it, REALLY commit to it, the Universe arrives behind you to have your back and totally support you.”  The key is really committing to it… not halfheartedly committing. And if you are not ready to commit, that is okay too.  Not committing is making a decision to NOT commit. Today as Venus links up with Saturn by declination, the two of them are going to turn to you and ask you if you are ready to commit or not. Immediately after that, Mercury will be talking to the South Node (and don’t go saying “ When I lose 10 pounds.  Or “When I this…” or “When I that…” You are either in or out!) Tonight Mars squares the Nodes of Fate asking you to make a firm and clear choice.  Choose your dream. Encourage yourself to commit to the dream of your life… leave the fear part behind in the dust. It is a fated time in your life. It is a fated or fateful choice.

Wednesday Mercury’s day September 11, 2013 Moon enters Sagittarius on Wednesday Sept 11, 2013 at 02:36:38 am EDT and has stressful closing aspects of a square to the Sun offering challenges between emotions and ego over the next two days. Venus enters Scorpio at 02:15:35 am EDT for 27 days until October 7, 2013.  Venus ignites all sorts of passionate energies while in Scorpio… use your passion and power for good!  When she was good she was very, very good and when she was bad, she was better…. Pallas enters Leo at 09:49:20 am EDT for 58 days until November 9, 2013 inviting creative pattern seeing, wisdom, strategy and playful ideas making their way into form.  Today we experience a Whoosh of creative energy with the Sagittarius Moon answering to Jupiter happy in Cancer. Jupiter is flying free and clear, exalted and enjoying the intense Scorpio decant of Cancer. He’s got the passion!  Mars finished his argument with Pluto and the two of them have adjusted their respective attitudes and agree to disagree.  Mercury’s argument with Hades is about HOW to proceed, not whether to proceed. You need to go for it. The question is HOW the dream will unfold and what adjustments you need to make. Or you can take the approach suggested by Louise Hay ~ show up, open the mail, answer the door. Do the work before you. The work before you often includes the work of your life, recognized or not. Shift your energy to include MORE of what you love (Pallas enters Leo today asking you to add the things YOU LOVE to your life that make you feel creative, abundant and joyful!). If you adjust, in teeny tiny steps, a bit, you get there. Today is about teeny tiny steps ~ adjust to make Venus and Jupiter happy.  Adjust. Mercury and Sun are taking a new approach to partnering with detachment.  It doesn’t matter what THEY say about your life and your choices. It is about what YOU say about your life and your choices. Choose towards your dream. If it is in your heart, it is in your chart.

Thursday Jupiter’s day September 12, 2013 Moon goes void square to the Sun on Thursday Sept 12, 2013 at 01:09:31 pm EDT. Moon is void all afternoon and night Thursday. Depressed or sad news  upon awakening that reminds you of your mortality. Expect a creative boost with Sun’s union by declination with Uranus later in the day.  You’ll find a burst of creativity takes place then too.

Friday, Venus’ day September 13, 2013 Moon enters Capricorn on Friday Sept 13, 2013 at 05:56:48 am EDT with a productive, creative trine to Sun as the closing aspect. Moon sets off the Earth Grand Trine and the cardinal cross.  Cappy Moon can be depressive or highly focused. Go for the focused version~ it will be easier. Nose down, pressed against the grindstone, you can get Ooodles of things accomplished today. Dreams include messages of pain or angst. Allow  your unconscious to point out where you need to shift, communicate or make an adjustment in how you connect with others. Moon aspects the dream mid-day, inviting a change. Harsh words or thoughts can derail your good efforts. Snap out of it. Cher shows you how to redirect the focus if you find yourself distracted. Don’t go down that road again! Snap out of it!


Saturday Saturn’s day September 14, 2013 Moon goes void Trine to Sun on Saturday Sept 14, 2013 at 07:17:48 pm EDT. Moon is void Saturday night. Making today a very busy day, we have oodles of aspects. We have to make important decisions. We are offered ideas that will carry us forward to our next place. Plan on flying through the day’s energy with brief moments to catch your breath! Or maybe you can only find time to pant!  It might be easier <wink> to pant as you won’t have time to breathe! Dreams were wild and wooly last night and full of important images as Venus helps you see clear to the important part of the dream  Sun’s argument with Eris indicates envy, jealousy or irritation can help you get clear on what you need to do next. Eris often inspires us to take action BECAUSE we are irritated. Use that irritated energy wisely to focus on what you WANT rather than what you don’t want. Irritation as inspiration. Mars needs to adjust to the pain of his wound and use it to move forward. Upon awakening, take a few moments to record or remember the dreams from last night. Their purpose was to clarify what the consciousness shift needs to be. They were talking to your Sun’s ego needs to help it develop. Numerous aspects from Mercury offer all sorts of communications today.  Just keep track of as many as you can. Mercury also aspects the Nodes of Fate ~ so SOME of those communications are fated or fateful ones.  Unfortunately because there are SO MANY ~ I can’t tell you which to pay attention to.  So notice all of them. Pay attention to who you meet today too. Venus offers important connections, particularly around home and hearth.  You may find you are separating from a place you never thought you would leave. Mercury’s square to Pluto in the afternoon presents a permanent choice about a change that you need to make or a step toward a major evolution in your life. Venus’ square to Juno indicate a shift in a partnership that you thought was firm, fixed and final.  Allow for change to take place. Mars trine to Uranus offers a fiery and unexpected energy that shifts how you see things.  Be inspired. Illuminated. Excited. Shocked. Stimulated. Embrace the changes before you. The end of the day holds surprising communications about things you never knew or didn’t realize. Allow for the ah-ha moments of inspiration. Dance. Sing. It is Yom Kippur, the day of atonement in the Jewish Calendar. Make amends if you need to or want to. Today is a good day to connect on a deeper level with people you love.

Sunday Sun’s day September 15, 2013 Moon enters Aquarius on Sunday Sept 15 2013 at 08:06:24 am EDT and has separating aspects of the Moon opposing Mars offering a releasing energy that allows for a break through or letting go.  There is a sad ending energy today as both Saturn and Ceres aspect Kronos ~ a sense of finality around situations in your life which are speeding towards a resolution or permanent change. Saturn works with Ceres inspiring a creative approach to work, nurturing and what you want to leave as a legacy for your life.  Moon squares both Saturn and Venus, both in Scorpio, marking a season change in your life. Next week, Saturn and Venus both dive into the North Node of Fate marking a permanent shift in the direction of your life. Today, you are perhaps a bit melancholy about that departing energy. Mercury’s argument can lead to hurtful words.  Venus joins with the North Node of Fate inviting you to move toward your heart’s desire. Don’t be afraid to reach for your heart’s dream.


Anne’s Four Radio Shows Recap:  Listen in to the podcasts via ITunes or by the website links.

Anne’s Weekly Weather:  A wild week ahead with 4 planets entering new signs and 4 aspecting the Nodes of Fate.  The Star of David is over our head again.

The Mary Anne Show: Mary and Anne return this week from vacation on September 9, 2013.  Come laugh with us!

Access Astrology: We were off for Labor Day. Back this week!

Scorpios Talking:  Michael and Anne were on ANOTHER roll this week…

Venus Unplugged: Llorraine Neithardt with Venus lessons for all!! For Jungians, dreamers, poets and visionaries this podcast helps with your individuation.


Anne will be teaching at the New York NCGR Education Conference on November 16 & 17, 2013.

Anne will be speaking at the Long Island NCGR Chapter on January 10, 2014

Anne will be teaching a Palmistry Weekend Workshop on January 11 & 12, 2014 in NYC.  Early Bird Rates through October 22, 2013.   Register for the Workshop at  http://www.eventzilla.net/web/event?eventid=2139009504


Anne will be teaching an ISAR Internet Webinar on Relationships on January 19, 2014 ~ Save the date!

Lynda Hill’s work appears with her permission. Check her out at sabiansymbols.com.

Copyright© 2013 A.C. Ortelee